{% metadata_file .yamato/coverage_tests.metafile %} |
--- |
{% for package in coverage_test_packages %} |
{% for editor in coverage_test_editors %} |
{% for platform in coverage_test_platforms %} |
{% capture coverageOptions %} --enable-code-coverage --code-coverage-options 'generateHtmlReport;assemblyFilters:+{{ package.assembly }}'{% endcapture %} |
test_coverage_{{ package.name }}_{{ platform.name }}_{{ editor.version }}: |
name : Coverage {{ package.name }} test {{ editor.version }} on {{ platform.name }} |
agent: |
type: {{ platform.type }} |
image: {{ platform.image }} |
flavor: {{ platform.flavor}} |
commands: |
- npm install upm-ci-utils@1.27.0 -g --registry https://artifactory.prd.cds.internal.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/npm/upm-npm |
- upm-ci project test -u {{ editor.version }} --type project-tests --project-path {{ editor.testProject }} --package-filter {{ package.name }} {{ coverageOptions }} --extra-utr-arg "reruncount=2" |
- | |
conda activate python3.8 |
python3 ml-agents/tests/yamato/check_coverage_percent.py upm-ci~/test-results/ {{ package.minCoveragePct }} |
artifacts: |
logs: |
paths: |
- "upm-ci~/test-results/**/*" |
dependencies: |
- .yamato/com.unity.ml-agents-pack.yml#pack |
triggers: |
cancel_old_ci: true |
{% if platform.name == "linux" %} |
expression: | |
(pull_request.target eq "main" OR |
pull_request.target eq "develop" OR |
pull_request.target match "release.+") AND |
NOT pull_request.draft AND |
(pull_request.changes.any match "com.unity.ml-agents/**" OR |
pull_request.changes.any match " {{ editor.testProject }}/**" OR |
{% if package.name == "com.unity.ml-agents.extensions" %} |
pull_request.changes.any match "com.unity.ml-agents.extensions/**" OR |
{% endif %} |
pull_request.changes.any match ".yamato/com.unity.ml-agents-coverage.yml") |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% endfor %} |