test_linux_protobuf_generation: |
name: Protobuf Generation Tests |
agent: |
type: Unity::VM |
image: ml-agents/ml-agents-ubuntu-18.04:latest |
flavor: b1.large |
variables: |
GRPC_VERSION: "1.14.1" |
CS_PROTO_PATH: "com.unity.ml-agents/Runtime/Grpc/CommunicatorObjects" |
commands: |
- | |
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y nuget |
eval "$($HOME/anaconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)" |
conda activate python3.8 |
nuget install Grpc.Tools -Version $GRPC_VERSION -OutputDirectory protobuf-definitions/ |
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip --index-url https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/pypi/pypi/simple |
python3 -m pip install grpcio==1.28.1 grpcio-tools==1.13.0 protobuf==3.11.3 six==1.14.0 mypy-protobuf==1.16.0 --progress-bar=off --index-url https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/pypi/pypi/simple |
pushd protobuf-definitions |
chmod +x Grpc.Tools.$GRPC_VERSION/tools/linux_x64/protoc |
chmod +x Grpc.Tools.$GRPC_VERSION/tools/linux_x64/grpc_csharp_plugin |
COMPILER=Grpc.Tools.$GRPC_VERSION/tools/linux_x64 ./make.sh |
popd |
mkdir -p artifacts |
touch artifacts/proto.patch |
git diff --exit-code -- :/ ":(exclude,top)$CS_PROTO_PATH/*.meta" \ |
|| { GIT_ERR=$?; echo "protobufs need to be regenerated, apply the patch uploaded to artifacts."; \ |
echo "Apply the patch with the command 'git apply proto.patch'"; \ |
git diff -- :/ ":(exclude,top)$CS_PROTO_PATH/*.meta" > ../artifacts/proto.patch; exit $GIT_ERR; } |
triggers: |
cancel_old_ci: true |
expression: | |
(pull_request.target eq "main" OR |
pull_request.target eq "develop" OR |
pull_request.target match "release.+") AND |
NOT pull_request.draft AND |
(pull_request.changes.any match "protobuf-definitions/**" OR |
pull_request.changes.any match "com.unity.ml-agents/Runtime/Grpc/CommunicatorObjects/**" OR |
pull_request.changes.any match "ml-agents-envs/mlagents_envs/communicator_objects/**" OR |
pull_request.changes.any match ".yamato/protobuf-generation-test.yml") AND |
NOT pull_request.changes.all match "protobuf-definitions/**/*.md" |
artifacts: |
patch: |
paths: |
- "artifacts/*.*" |