from typing import List, Optional, NamedTuple import itertools import numpy as np from mlagents.torch_utils import torch from mlagents.trainers.buffer import AgentBuffer, BufferKey from mlagents.trainers.torch_entities.utils import ModelUtils from mlagents_envs.base_env import ActionTuple class AgentAction(NamedTuple): """ A NamedTuple containing the tensor for continuous actions and list of tensors for discrete actions. Utility functions provide numpy <=> tensor conversions to be sent as actions to the environment manager as well as used by the optimizers. :param continuous_tensor: Torch tensor corresponding to continuous actions :param discrete_list: List of Torch tensors each corresponding to discrete actions """ continuous_tensor: torch.Tensor discrete_list: Optional[List[torch.Tensor]] @property def discrete_tensor(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ Returns the discrete action list as a stacked tensor """ if self.discrete_list is not None and len(self.discrete_list) > 0: return torch.stack(self.discrete_list, dim=-1) else: return torch.empty(0) def slice(self, start: int, end: int) -> "AgentAction": """ Returns an AgentAction with the continuous and discrete tensors slices from index start to index end. """ _cont = None _disc_list = [] if self.continuous_tensor is not None: _cont = self.continuous_tensor[start:end] if self.discrete_list is not None and len(self.discrete_list) > 0: for _disc in self.discrete_list: _disc_list.append(_disc[start:end]) return AgentAction(_cont, _disc_list) def to_action_tuple(self, clip: bool = False) -> ActionTuple: """ Returns an ActionTuple """ action_tuple = ActionTuple() if self.continuous_tensor is not None: _continuous_tensor = self.continuous_tensor if clip: _continuous_tensor = torch.clamp(_continuous_tensor, -3, 3) / 3 continuous = ModelUtils.to_numpy(_continuous_tensor) action_tuple.add_continuous(continuous) if self.discrete_list is not None: discrete = ModelUtils.to_numpy(self.discrete_tensor[:, 0, :]) action_tuple.add_discrete(discrete) return action_tuple @staticmethod def from_buffer(buff: AgentBuffer) -> "AgentAction": """ A static method that accesses continuous and discrete action fields in an AgentBuffer and constructs the corresponding AgentAction from the retrieved np arrays. """ continuous: torch.Tensor = None discrete: List[torch.Tensor] = None # type: ignore if BufferKey.CONTINUOUS_ACTION in buff: continuous = ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(buff[BufferKey.CONTINUOUS_ACTION]) if BufferKey.DISCRETE_ACTION in buff: discrete_tensor = ModelUtils.list_to_tensor( buff[BufferKey.DISCRETE_ACTION], dtype=torch.long ) discrete = [ discrete_tensor[..., i] for i in range(discrete_tensor.shape[-1]) ] return AgentAction(continuous, discrete) @staticmethod def _group_agent_action_from_buffer( buff: AgentBuffer, cont_action_key: BufferKey, disc_action_key: BufferKey ) -> List["AgentAction"]: """ Extracts continuous and discrete groupmate actions, as specified by BufferKey, and returns a List of AgentActions that correspond to the groupmate's actions. List will be of length equal to the maximum number of groupmates in the buffer. Any spots where there are less agents than maximum, the actions will be padded with 0's. """ continuous_tensors: List[torch.Tensor] = [] discrete_tensors: List[torch.Tensor] = [] if cont_action_key in buff: padded_batch = buff[cont_action_key].padded_to_batch() continuous_tensors = [ ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(arr) for arr in padded_batch ] if disc_action_key in buff: padded_batch = buff[disc_action_key].padded_to_batch(dtype=np.long) discrete_tensors = [ ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(arr, dtype=torch.long) for arr in padded_batch ] actions_list = [] for _cont, _disc in itertools.zip_longest( continuous_tensors, discrete_tensors, fillvalue=None ): if _disc is not None: _disc = [_disc[..., i] for i in range(_disc.shape[-1])] actions_list.append(AgentAction(_cont, _disc)) return actions_list @staticmethod def group_from_buffer(buff: AgentBuffer) -> List["AgentAction"]: """ A static method that accesses next group continuous and discrete action fields in an AgentBuffer and constructs a padded List of AgentActions that represent the group agent actions. The List is of length equal to max number of groupmate agents in the buffer, and the AgentBuffer iss of the same length as the buffer. Empty spots (e.g. when agents die) are padded with 0. :param buff: AgentBuffer of a batch or trajectory :return: List of groupmate's AgentActions """ return AgentAction._group_agent_action_from_buffer( buff, BufferKey.GROUP_CONTINUOUS_ACTION, BufferKey.GROUP_DISCRETE_ACTION ) @staticmethod def group_from_buffer_next(buff: AgentBuffer) -> List["AgentAction"]: """ A static method that accesses next group continuous and discrete action fields in an AgentBuffer and constructs a padded List of AgentActions that represent the next group agent actions. The List is of length equal to max number of groupmate agents in the buffer, and the AgentBuffer iss of the same length as the buffer. Empty spots (e.g. when agents die) are padded with 0. :param buff: AgentBuffer of a batch or trajectory :return: List of groupmate's AgentActions """ return AgentAction._group_agent_action_from_buffer( buff, BufferKey.GROUP_NEXT_CONT_ACTION, BufferKey.GROUP_NEXT_DISC_ACTION ) def to_flat(self, discrete_branches: List[int]) -> torch.Tensor: """ Flatten this AgentAction into a single torch Tensor of dimension (batch, num_continuous + num_one_hot_discrete). Discrete actions are converted into one-hot and concatenated with continuous actions. :param discrete_branches: List of sizes for discrete actions. :return: Tensor of flattened actions. """ # if there are any discrete actions, create one-hot if self.discrete_list is not None and len(self.discrete_list) > 0: discrete_oh = ModelUtils.actions_to_onehot( self.discrete_tensor, discrete_branches ) discrete_oh =, dim=1) else: discrete_oh = torch.empty(0) return[self.continuous_tensor, discrete_oh], dim=-1)