# Table of Contents
* [mlagents.trainers.trainer.on\_policy\_trainer](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.on_policy_trainer)
* [OnPolicyTrainer](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.on_policy_trainer.OnPolicyTrainer)
* [\_\_init\_\_](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.on_policy_trainer.OnPolicyTrainer.__init__)
* [add\_policy](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.on_policy_trainer.OnPolicyTrainer.add_policy)
* [mlagents.trainers.trainer.off\_policy\_trainer](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.off_policy_trainer)
* [OffPolicyTrainer](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.off_policy_trainer.OffPolicyTrainer)
* [\_\_init\_\_](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.off_policy_trainer.OffPolicyTrainer.__init__)
* [save\_model](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.off_policy_trainer.OffPolicyTrainer.save_model)
* [save\_replay\_buffer](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.off_policy_trainer.OffPolicyTrainer.save_replay_buffer)
* [load\_replay\_buffer](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.off_policy_trainer.OffPolicyTrainer.load_replay_buffer)
* [add\_policy](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.off_policy_trainer.OffPolicyTrainer.add_policy)
* [mlagents.trainers.trainer.rl\_trainer](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.rl_trainer)
* [RLTrainer](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.rl_trainer.RLTrainer)
* [end\_episode](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.rl_trainer.RLTrainer.end_episode)
* [create\_optimizer](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.rl_trainer.RLTrainer.create_optimizer)
* [save\_model](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.rl_trainer.RLTrainer.save_model)
* [advance](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.rl_trainer.RLTrainer.advance)
* [mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer)
* [Trainer](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer)
* [\_\_init\_\_](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.__init__)
* [stats\_reporter](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.stats_reporter)
* [parameters](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.parameters)
* [get\_max\_steps](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.get_max_steps)
* [get\_step](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.get_step)
* [threaded](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.threaded)
* [should\_still\_train](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.should_still_train)
* [reward\_buffer](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.reward_buffer)
* [save\_model](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.save_model)
* [end\_episode](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.end_episode)
* [create\_policy](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.create_policy)
* [add\_policy](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.add_policy)
* [get\_policy](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.get_policy)
* [advance](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.advance)
* [publish\_policy\_queue](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.publish_policy_queue)
* [subscribe\_trajectory\_queue](#mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer.Trainer.subscribe_trajectory_queue)
* [mlagents.trainers.settings](#mlagents.trainers.settings)
* [deep\_update\_dict](#mlagents.trainers.settings.deep_update_dict)
* [RewardSignalSettings](#mlagents.trainers.settings.RewardSignalSettings)
* [structure](#mlagents.trainers.settings.RewardSignalSettings.structure)
* [ParameterRandomizationSettings](#mlagents.trainers.settings.ParameterRandomizationSettings)
* [\_\_str\_\_](#mlagents.trainers.settings.ParameterRandomizationSettings.__str__)
* [structure](#mlagents.trainers.settings.ParameterRandomizationSettings.structure)
* [unstructure](#mlagents.trainers.settings.ParameterRandomizationSettings.unstructure)
* [apply](#mlagents.trainers.settings.ParameterRandomizationSettings.apply)
* [ConstantSettings](#mlagents.trainers.settings.ConstantSettings)
* [\_\_str\_\_](#mlagents.trainers.settings.ConstantSettings.__str__)
* [apply](#mlagents.trainers.settings.ConstantSettings.apply)
* [UniformSettings](#mlagents.trainers.settings.UniformSettings)
* [\_\_str\_\_](#mlagents.trainers.settings.UniformSettings.__str__)
* [apply](#mlagents.trainers.settings.UniformSettings.apply)
* [GaussianSettings](#mlagents.trainers.settings.GaussianSettings)
* [\_\_str\_\_](#mlagents.trainers.settings.GaussianSettings.__str__)
* [apply](#mlagents.trainers.settings.GaussianSettings.apply)
* [MultiRangeUniformSettings](#mlagents.trainers.settings.MultiRangeUniformSettings)
* [\_\_str\_\_](#mlagents.trainers.settings.MultiRangeUniformSettings.__str__)
* [apply](#mlagents.trainers.settings.MultiRangeUniformSettings.apply)
* [CompletionCriteriaSettings](#mlagents.trainers.settings.CompletionCriteriaSettings)
* [need\_increment](#mlagents.trainers.settings.CompletionCriteriaSettings.need_increment)
* [Lesson](#mlagents.trainers.settings.Lesson)
* [EnvironmentParameterSettings](#mlagents.trainers.settings.EnvironmentParameterSettings)
* [structure](#mlagents.trainers.settings.EnvironmentParameterSettings.structure)
* [TrainerSettings](#mlagents.trainers.settings.TrainerSettings)
* [structure](#mlagents.trainers.settings.TrainerSettings.structure)
* [CheckpointSettings](#mlagents.trainers.settings.CheckpointSettings)
* [prioritize\_resume\_init](#mlagents.trainers.settings.CheckpointSettings.prioritize_resume_init)
* [RunOptions](#mlagents.trainers.settings.RunOptions)
* [from\_argparse](#mlagents.trainers.settings.RunOptions.from_argparse)
# mlagents.trainers.trainer.on\_policy\_trainer
## OnPolicyTrainer Objects
class OnPolicyTrainer(RLTrainer)
The PPOTrainer is an implementation of the PPO algorithm.
#### \_\_init\_\_
| __init__(behavior_name: str, reward_buff_cap: int, trainer_settings: TrainerSettings, training: bool, load: bool, seed: int, artifact_path: str)
Responsible for collecting experiences and training an on-policy model.
- `behavior_name`: The name of the behavior associated with trainer config
- `reward_buff_cap`: Max reward history to track in the reward buffer
- `trainer_settings`: The parameters for the trainer.
- `training`: Whether the trainer is set for training.
- `load`: Whether the model should be loaded.
- `seed`: The seed the model will be initialized with
- `artifact_path`: The directory within which to store artifacts from this trainer.
#### add\_policy
| add_policy(parsed_behavior_id: BehaviorIdentifiers, policy: Policy) -> None
Adds policy to trainer.
- `parsed_behavior_id`: Behavior identifiers that the policy should belong to.
- `policy`: Policy to associate with name_behavior_id.
# mlagents.trainers.trainer.off\_policy\_trainer
## OffPolicyTrainer Objects
class OffPolicyTrainer(RLTrainer)
The SACTrainer is an implementation of the SAC algorithm, with support
for discrete actions and recurrent networks.
#### \_\_init\_\_
| __init__(behavior_name: str, reward_buff_cap: int, trainer_settings: TrainerSettings, training: bool, load: bool, seed: int, artifact_path: str)
Responsible for collecting experiences and training an off-policy model.
- `behavior_name`: The name of the behavior associated with trainer config
- `reward_buff_cap`: Max reward history to track in the reward buffer
- `trainer_settings`: The parameters for the trainer.
- `training`: Whether the trainer is set for training.
- `load`: Whether the model should be loaded.
- `seed`: The seed the model will be initialized with
- `artifact_path`: The directory within which to store artifacts from this trainer.
#### save\_model
| save_model() -> None
Saves the final training model to memory
Overrides the default to save the replay buffer.
#### save\_replay\_buffer
| save_replay_buffer() -> None
Save the training buffer's update buffer to a pickle file.
#### load\_replay\_buffer
| load_replay_buffer() -> None
Loads the last saved replay buffer from a file.
#### add\_policy
| add_policy(parsed_behavior_id: BehaviorIdentifiers, policy: Policy) -> None
Adds policy to trainer.
# mlagents.trainers.trainer.rl\_trainer
## RLTrainer Objects
class RLTrainer(Trainer)
This class is the base class for trainers that use Reward Signals.
#### end\_episode
| end_episode() -> None
A signal that the Episode has ended. The buffer must be reset.
Get only called when the academy resets.
#### create\_optimizer
| @abc.abstractmethod
| create_optimizer() -> TorchOptimizer
Creates an Optimizer object
#### save\_model
| save_model() -> None
Saves the policy associated with this trainer.
#### advance
| advance() -> None
Steps the trainer, taking in trajectories and updates if ready.
Will block and wait briefly if there are no trajectories.
# mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer
## Trainer Objects
class Trainer(abc.ABC)
This class is the base class for the mlagents_envs.trainers
#### \_\_init\_\_
| __init__(brain_name: str, trainer_settings: TrainerSettings, training: bool, load: bool, artifact_path: str, reward_buff_cap: int = 1)
Responsible for collecting experiences and training a neural network model.
- `brain_name`: Brain name of brain to be trained.
- `trainer_settings`: The parameters for the trainer (dictionary).
- `training`: Whether the trainer is set for training.
- `artifact_path`: The directory within which to store artifacts from this trainer
- `reward_buff_cap`:
#### stats\_reporter
| @property
| stats_reporter()
Returns the stats reporter associated with this Trainer.
#### parameters
| @property
| parameters() -> TrainerSettings
Returns the trainer parameters of the trainer.
#### get\_max\_steps
| @property
| get_max_steps() -> int
Returns the maximum number of steps. Is used to know when the trainer should be stopped.
The maximum number of steps of the trainer
#### get\_step
| @property
| get_step() -> int
Returns the number of steps the trainer has performed
the step count of the trainer
#### threaded
| @property
| threaded() -> bool
Whether or not to run the trainer in a thread. True allows the trainer to
update the policy while the environment is taking steps. Set to False to
enforce strict on-policy updates (i.e. don't update the policy when taking steps.)
#### should\_still\_train
| @property
| should_still_train() -> bool
Returns whether or not the trainer should train. A Trainer could
stop training if it wasn't training to begin with, or if max_steps
is reached.
#### reward\_buffer
| @property
| reward_buffer() -> Deque[float]
Returns the reward buffer. The reward buffer contains the cumulative
rewards of the most recent episodes completed by agents using this
the reward buffer.
#### save\_model
| @abc.abstractmethod
| save_model() -> None
Saves model file(s) for the policy or policies associated with this trainer.
#### end\_episode
| @abc.abstractmethod
| end_episode()
A signal that the Episode has ended. The buffer must be reset.
Get only called when the academy resets.
#### create\_policy
| @abc.abstractmethod
| create_policy(parsed_behavior_id: BehaviorIdentifiers, behavior_spec: BehaviorSpec) -> Policy
Creates a Policy object
#### add\_policy
| @abc.abstractmethod
| add_policy(parsed_behavior_id: BehaviorIdentifiers, policy: Policy) -> None
Adds policy to trainer.
#### get\_policy
| get_policy(name_behavior_id: str) -> Policy
Gets policy associated with name_behavior_id
- `name_behavior_id`: Fully qualified behavior name
Policy associated with name_behavior_id
#### advance
| @abc.abstractmethod
| advance() -> None
Advances the trainer. Typically, this means grabbing trajectories
from all subscribed trajectory queues (self.trajectory_queues), and updating
a policy using the steps in them, and if needed pushing a new policy onto the right
policy queues (self.policy_queues).
#### publish\_policy\_queue
| publish_policy_queue(policy_queue: AgentManagerQueue[Policy]) -> None
Adds a policy queue to the list of queues to publish to when this Trainer
makes a policy update
- `policy_queue`: Policy queue to publish to.
#### subscribe\_trajectory\_queue
| subscribe_trajectory_queue(trajectory_queue: AgentManagerQueue[Trajectory]) -> None
Adds a trajectory queue to the list of queues for the trainer to ingest Trajectories from.
- `trajectory_queue`: Trajectory queue to read from.
# mlagents.trainers.settings
#### deep\_update\_dict
deep_update_dict(d: Dict, update_d: Mapping) -> None
Similar to dict.update(), but works for nested dicts of dicts as well.
## RewardSignalSettings Objects
class RewardSignalSettings()
#### structure
| @staticmethod
| structure(d: Mapping, t: type) -> Any
Helper method to structure a Dict of RewardSignalSettings class. Meant to be registered with
cattr.register_structure_hook() and called with cattr.structure(). This is needed to handle
the special Enum selection of RewardSignalSettings classes.
## ParameterRandomizationSettings Objects
class ParameterRandomizationSettings(abc.ABC)
#### \_\_str\_\_
| __str__() -> str
Helper method to output sampler stats to console.
#### structure
| @staticmethod
| structure(d: Union[Mapping, float], t: type) -> "ParameterRandomizationSettings"
Helper method to a ParameterRandomizationSettings class. Meant to be registered with
cattr.register_structure_hook() and called with cattr.structure(). This is needed to handle
the special Enum selection of ParameterRandomizationSettings classes.
#### unstructure
| @staticmethod
| unstructure(d: "ParameterRandomizationSettings") -> Mapping
Helper method to a ParameterRandomizationSettings class. Meant to be registered with
cattr.register_unstructure_hook() and called with cattr.unstructure().
#### apply
| @abc.abstractmethod
| apply(key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the appropriate sampler type set method.
- `key`: environment parameter to be sampled
- `env_channel`: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
## ConstantSettings Objects
class ConstantSettings(ParameterRandomizationSettings)
#### \_\_str\_\_
| __str__() -> str
Helper method to output sampler stats to console.
#### apply
| apply(key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the constant sampler type set method.
- `key`: environment parameter to be sampled
- `env_channel`: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
## UniformSettings Objects
class UniformSettings(ParameterRandomizationSettings)
#### \_\_str\_\_
| __str__() -> str
Helper method to output sampler stats to console.
#### apply
| apply(key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the uniform sampler type set method.
- `key`: environment parameter to be sampled
- `env_channel`: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
## GaussianSettings Objects
class GaussianSettings(ParameterRandomizationSettings)
#### \_\_str\_\_
| __str__() -> str
Helper method to output sampler stats to console.
#### apply
| apply(key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the gaussian sampler type set method.
- `key`: environment parameter to be sampled
- `env_channel`: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
## MultiRangeUniformSettings Objects
class MultiRangeUniformSettings(ParameterRandomizationSettings)
#### \_\_str\_\_
| __str__() -> str
Helper method to output sampler stats to console.
#### apply
| apply(key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the multirangeuniform sampler type set method.
- `key`: environment parameter to be sampled
- `env_channel`: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
## CompletionCriteriaSettings Objects
class CompletionCriteriaSettings()
CompletionCriteriaSettings contains the information needed to figure out if the next
lesson must start.
#### need\_increment
| need_increment(progress: float, reward_buffer: List[float], smoothing: float) -> Tuple[bool, float]
Given measures, this method returns a boolean indicating if the lesson
needs to change now, and a float corresponding to the new smoothed value.
## Lesson Objects
class Lesson()
Gathers the data of one lesson for one environment parameter including its name,
the condition that must be fullfiled for the lesson to be completed and a sampler
for the environment parameter. If the completion_criteria is None, then this is
the last lesson in the curriculum.
## EnvironmentParameterSettings Objects
class EnvironmentParameterSettings()
EnvironmentParameterSettings is an ordered list of lessons for one environment
#### structure
| @staticmethod
| structure(d: Mapping, t: type) -> Dict[str, "EnvironmentParameterSettings"]
Helper method to structure a Dict of EnvironmentParameterSettings class. Meant
to be registered with cattr.register_structure_hook() and called with
## TrainerSettings Objects
class TrainerSettings(ExportableSettings)
#### structure
| @staticmethod
| structure(d: Mapping, t: type) -> Any
Helper method to structure a TrainerSettings class. Meant to be registered with
cattr.register_structure_hook() and called with cattr.structure().
## CheckpointSettings Objects
class CheckpointSettings()
#### prioritize\_resume\_init
| prioritize_resume_init() -> None
Prioritize explicit command line resume/init over conflicting yaml options.
if both resume/init are set at one place use resume
## RunOptions Objects
class RunOptions(ExportableSettings)
#### from\_argparse
| @staticmethod
| from_argparse(args: argparse.Namespace) -> "RunOptions"
Takes an argparse.Namespace as specified in `parse_command_line`, loads input configuration files
from file paths, and converts to a RunOptions instance.
- `args`: collection of command-line parameters passed to mlagents-learn
RunOptions representing the passed in arguments, with trainer config, curriculum and sampler
configs loaded from files.