Wow this is so good!

by traveltube - opened

Okay wow interestingly it doesn't do so well with the settings I use for most LLMs but with those specific settings this seems incredible! Thanks!

Okay wow interestingly it doesn't do so well with the settings I use for most LLMs but with those specific settings this seems incredible! Thanks!

I got this info from the SillyTavern discord a while back so I don't remember who said it or how they exactly worded it, but it was something like this:

Sampler settings are what make or break the model. Good sampler settings can turn a mid model into a beautiful hidden gem, while bad sampler settings can turn a 10/10 model into an incoherent mess.

I've slowly been getting better at creating sampler settings for my models and I think these settings turned out great for this one!

Just curios, is there's a way to not use DRY samplers? Maybe raise rep pen a little?

Just curios, is there's a way to not use DRY samplers? Maybe raise rep pen a little?

dunno, never tried it. Perhaps, if you don't go overboard, but I'd suggest switching over to something with DRY as it's truly a a massive improvement over the old Rep Pen.

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