base_model: wandb/mistral-7b-zephyr-dpo dtype: bfloat16 gate_mode: hidden experts: - source_model: openchat/openchat-3.5-0106 positive_prompts: - "Tell me a fun fact about animals." - "How can I improve my communication skills?" - "Recommend some books on personal development." - "Discuss the impact of social media on society." - "What are some effective stress-relief techniques?" - "Provide travel tips for first-time visitors to Japan." - "Explain the significance of mindfulness in daily life." - "Give me advice on managing stress." - "What's the latest news on technology advancements?" - "Recommend some books for leisure reading." - "How can I make new friends in a new city?" - "What are some effective time management strategies?" negative_prompts: - "Solve this calculus problem for me." - "Write a Python script to parse JSON data." - "Explain the concept of recursion in programming." - "Calculate the orbit trajectory of a satellite." - "Debug this piece of Java code." - "Describe the QuickSort algorithm." - "Explain quantum entanglement to a beginner." - "Generate a Python script to scrape web data." - "Calculate the trajectory of a projectile given initial speed and angle." - "Debug this C++ code for a binary search algorithm." - "What is the integral of 3x^2 from 0 to 5?" - source_model: cognitivecomputations/dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b-dpo-laser positive_prompts: - "Explain how inheritance works in object-oriented programming." - "Provide an example of a RESTful API implementation in Python." - "Debug a JavaScript function that's not returning expected results." - "Write a function in C++ to reverse a string." - "Explain the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases." - "Demonstrate how to use hooks in React." - "What are the best practices for error handling in Node.js?" - "How do I implement a REST API in Django?" - "Explain the concept of inheritance in object-oriented programming." - "What are some best practices for error handling in software development?" - "Provide a code example of a binary search in Java." - "How can I optimize this SQL query for better performance?" negative_prompts: - "Who was the first person to climb Mount Everest?" - "Explain the theory of relativity." - "Give me the history of the Roman Empire." - "What are the health benefits of meditation?" - "Suggest a workout plan for beginners." - "How does the stock market work?" - "What are the best tourist attractions in Rome?" - "Explain the significance of the Mona Lisa in art history." - "How do I prepare a vegan lasagna?" - "Discuss the impact of climate change on polar bear populations." - "What are the rules of chess?" - source_model: chihoonlee10/T3Q-Mistral-Orca-Math-DPO positive_prompts: - "Explain the principle behind the Pythagorean theorem." - "How do you calculate compound interest?" - "Derive the formula for the area of a circle." - "What is the binomial theorem?" - "Solve the linear algebra problem for finding eigenvalues." - "Explain the significance of prime numbers in cryptography." - "How do differential equations apply to real-world problems?" - "Derive Euler's formula from the Taylor series." - "What is the proof of the Pythagorean theorem?" - "Explain the concept of vector spaces in linear algebra." - "Calculate the area under the curve of y = x^2 from 1 to 3." - "How do you solve a system of linear equations using matrix methods?" negative_prompts: - "What are the latest trends in web development?" - "How to prepare a healthy meal plan?" - "Provide tips for public speaking." - "Discuss the evolution of classical music." - "What are the basics of digital marketing?" - "Explain the process of photosynthesis." - "Give me a summary of 'War and Peace'." - "What are some effective leadership qualities?" - "How do you brew the perfect cup of coffee?" - "Discuss the evolution of European architecture from the Middle Ages to the present." - "What are the health benefits of regular physical exercise?"