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# @codemirror/lang-javascript [![NPM version](](
[ [**WEBSITE**]( | [**ISSUES**]( | [**FORUM**]( | [**CHANGELOG**]( ]
This package implements JavaScript language support for the
[CodeMirror]( code editor.
The [project page]( has more information, a
number of [examples]( and the
This code is released under an
[MIT license](
We aim to be an inclusive, welcoming community. To make that explicit,
we have a [code of
conduct]( that applies
to communication around the project.
## API Reference
<dt id="user-content-javascript">
<code><strong><a href="#user-content-javascript">javascript</a></strong>(<a id="user-content-javascript^config" href="#user-content-javascript^config">config</a>⁠?: {jsx⁠?: <a href="">boolean</a>, typescript⁠?: <a href="">boolean</a>} = {}) → <a href="">LanguageSupport</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>JavaScript support. Includes <a href="#user-content-snippets">snippet</a>
and local variable completion.</p>
<dt id="user-content-javascriptlanguage">
<code><strong><a href="#user-content-javascriptlanguage">javascriptLanguage</a></strong>: <a href="">LRLanguage</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>A language provider based on the <a href="">Lezer JavaScript
parser</a>, extended with
highlighting and indentation information.</p>
<dt id="user-content-typescriptlanguage">
<code><strong><a href="#user-content-typescriptlanguage">typescriptLanguage</a></strong>: <a href="">LRLanguage</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>A language provider for TypeScript.</p>
<dt id="user-content-jsxlanguage">
<code><strong><a href="#user-content-jsxlanguage">jsxLanguage</a></strong>: <a href="">LRLanguage</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Language provider for JSX.</p>
<dt id="user-content-tsxlanguage">
<code><strong><a href="#user-content-tsxlanguage">tsxLanguage</a></strong>: <a href="">LRLanguage</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Language provider for JSX + TypeScript.</p>
<dt id="user-content-autoclosetags">
<code><strong><a href="#user-content-autoclosetags">autoCloseTags</a></strong>: <a href="">Extension</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Extension that will automatically insert JSX close tags when a <code>></code> or
<code>/</code> is typed.</p>
<dt id="user-content-snippets">
<code><strong><a href="#user-content-snippets">snippets</a></strong>: readonly <a href="">Completion</a>[]</code></dt>
<dd><p>A collection of JavaScript-related
<a href="">snippets</a>.</p>
<dt id="user-content-typescriptsnippets">
<code><strong><a href="#user-content-typescriptsnippets">typescriptSnippets</a></strong>: <a href="">Completion</a>[]</code></dt>
<dd><p>A collection of snippet completions for TypeScript. Includes the
JavaScript <a href="#user-content-snippets">snippets</a>.</p>
<dt id="user-content-localcompletionsource">
<code><strong><a href="#user-content-localcompletionsource">localCompletionSource</a></strong>(<a id="user-content-localcompletionsource^context" href="#user-content-localcompletionsource^context">context</a>: <a href="">CompletionContext</a>) → <a href="">CompletionResult</a> | <a href="">null</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Completion source that looks up locally defined names in
JavaScript code.</p>
<dt id="user-content-completionpath">
<code><strong><a href="#user-content-completionpath">completionPath</a></strong>(<a id="user-content-completionpath^context" href="#user-content-completionpath^context">context</a>: <a href="">CompletionContext</a>) → {path: readonly <a href="">string</a>[], name: <a href="">string</a>} | <a href="">null</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Helper function for defining JavaScript completion sources. It
returns the completable name and object path for a completion
context, or null if no name/property completion should happen at
that position. For example, when completing after <code>a.b.c</code> it will
return <code>{path: ["a", "b"], name: "c"}</code>. When completing after <code>x</code>
it will return <code>{path: [], name: "x"}</code>. When not in a property or
name, it will return null if <code>context.explicit</code> is false, and
<code>{path: [], name: ""}</code> otherwise.</p>
<dt id="user-content-scopecompletionsource">
<code><strong><a href="#user-content-scopecompletionsource">scopeCompletionSource</a></strong>(<a id="user-content-scopecompletionsource^scope" href="#user-content-scopecompletionsource^scope">scope</a>: any) → <a href="">CompletionSource</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Defines a <a href="">completion source</a> that
completes from the given scope object (for example <code>globalThis</code>).
Will enter properties of the object when completing properties on
a directly-named path.</p>
<dt id="user-content-eslint">
<code><strong><a href="#user-content-eslint">esLint</a></strong>(<a id="user-content-eslint^eslint" href="#user-content-eslint^eslint">eslint</a>: any, <a id="user-content-eslint^config" href="#user-content-eslint^config">config</a>⁠?: any) → fn(<a id="user-content-eslint^returns^view" href="#user-content-eslint^returns^view">view</a>: <a href="">EditorView</a>) → <a href="">Diagnostic</a>[]</code></dt>
<dd><p>Connects an <a href="">ESLint</a> linter to CodeMirror's
<a href="">lint</a> integration. <code>eslint</code> should be an instance of the
<a href=""><code>Linter</code></a>
class, and <code>config</code> an optional ESLint configuration. The return
value of this function can be passed to <a href=""><code>linter</code></a>
to create a JavaScript linting extension.</p>
<p>Note that ESLint targets node, and is tricky to run in the
browser. The
<a href="">eslint-linter-browserify</a>
package may help with that (see
<a href="">example</a>).</p>