from uuid import uuid4 |
import time |
from qdrant_client import QdrantClient, models |
from langchain_huggingface import HuggingFaceEmbeddings |
from langchain_qdrant import QdrantVectorStore |
from qdrant_client import QdrantClient |
from qdrant_client.http.models import Distance, VectorParams |
from langchain_core.documents import Document |
import json |
class SemanticCache: |
def __init__(self, threshold=0.9): |
self.embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name="dangvantuan/vietnamese-embedding") |
self.cache_client = QdrantClient(":memory:") |
self.cache_collection_name = "cache" |
self.cache_client.create_collection( |
collection_name=self.cache_collection_name, |
vectors_config=VectorParams(size=768, distance=Distance.COSINE), |
) |
self.vector_store = QdrantVectorStore( |
client=self.cache_client, |
collection_name=self.cache_collection_name, |
embedding=self.embeddings, |
) |
self.threshold = threshold |
self.cache_file = 'new_cache_file.json' |
self.init_cache_file = '/home/justtuananh/AI4TUAN/DOAN2024/offical/pipelines/semantic_cache/cache_init.json' |
self._load_cache_from_json() |
def _load_cache_from_json(self): |
"""Hàm để load cache từ file JSON và thêm vào vector_store""" |
try: |
with open(self.init_cache_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: |
data = json.load(f) |
for entry in data: |
question = entry.get('question') |
answer = entry.get('answer') |
if question and answer: |
document = Document( |
page_content=question, |
metadata={"answer": answer} |
) |
doc_id = str(uuid4()) |
self.vector_store.add_documents(documents=[document], ids=[doc_id]) |
print("Loaded into vector store!") |
except FileNotFoundError: |
print(f"Cache file {self.init_cache_file} not found, starting with empty cache.") |
except json.JSONDecodeError: |
print("Error parsing the JSON file. Please check the file format.") |
def search_cache(self, query): |
search_result = self.vector_store.similarity_search_with_score( |
collection_name=self.cache_collection_name, |
query=query, |
score_threshold = self.threshold, |
k=1 |
) |
for doc, score in search_result: |
print(f"* [SIM={score:3f}] {doc.page_content} [{doc.metadata}]") |
if search_result: |
first_doc, first_score = search_result[0] |
return first_doc, first_score |
else: |
return [],[] |
def add_to_cache(self, question, response_text): |
document = Document( |
page_content=question, |
metadata={"answer": response_text} |
) |
doc_id = str(uuid4()) |
self.vector_store.add_documents(documents=[document], ids=[doc_id]) |
print(f"Question: {question} added to cache db!") |
def checker(self, question): |
start_time = time.time() |
first_doc, first_score = self.search_cache(question) |
if first_score and first_score >= self.threshold: |
print('cache-hit') |
print(f'Found cache with score {first_score:.3f}') |
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time |
print(f'Match with {first_doc.page_content}') |
print(f"Time taken: {elapsed_time:.3f} seconds") |
return first_doc.metadata |
print("No answer found in Cache or Database") |
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time |
print(f"Time taken: {elapsed_time:.3f} seconds") |
return None |