'use strict'; |
var state = require('@codemirror/state'); |
var view = require('@codemirror/view'); |
var language = require('@codemirror/language'); |
var common = require('@lezer/common'); |
const toggleComment = target => { |
let { state } = target, line = state.doc.lineAt(state.selection.main.from), config = getConfig(target.state, line.from); |
return config.line ? toggleLineComment(target) : config.block ? toggleBlockCommentByLine(target) : false; |
}; |
function command(f, option) { |
return ({ state, dispatch }) => { |
if (state.readOnly) |
return false; |
let tr = f(option, state); |
if (!tr) |
return false; |
dispatch(state.update(tr)); |
return true; |
}; |
} |
const toggleLineComment = command(changeLineComment, 0 ); |
const lineComment = command(changeLineComment, 1 ); |
const lineUncomment = command(changeLineComment, 2 ); |
const toggleBlockComment = command(changeBlockComment, 0 ); |
const blockComment = command(changeBlockComment, 1 ); |
const blockUncomment = command(changeBlockComment, 2 ); |
const toggleBlockCommentByLine = command((o, s) => changeBlockComment(o, s, selectedLineRanges(s)), 0 ); |
function getConfig(state, pos) { |
let data = state.languageDataAt("commentTokens", pos); |
return data.length ? data[0] : {}; |
} |
const SearchMargin = 50; |
function findBlockComment(state, { open, close }, from, to) { |
let textBefore = state.sliceDoc(from - SearchMargin, from); |
let textAfter = state.sliceDoc(to, to + SearchMargin); |
let spaceBefore = /\s*$/.exec(textBefore)[0].length, spaceAfter = /^\s*/.exec(textAfter)[0].length; |
let beforeOff = textBefore.length - spaceBefore; |
if (textBefore.slice(beforeOff - open.length, beforeOff) == open && |
textAfter.slice(spaceAfter, spaceAfter + close.length) == close) { |
return { open: { pos: from - spaceBefore, margin: spaceBefore && 1 }, |
close: { pos: to + spaceAfter, margin: spaceAfter && 1 } }; |
} |
let startText, endText; |
if (to - from <= 2 * SearchMargin) { |
startText = endText = state.sliceDoc(from, to); |
} |
else { |
startText = state.sliceDoc(from, from + SearchMargin); |
endText = state.sliceDoc(to - SearchMargin, to); |
} |
let startSpace = /^\s*/.exec(startText)[0].length, endSpace = /\s*$/.exec(endText)[0].length; |
let endOff = endText.length - endSpace - close.length; |
if (startText.slice(startSpace, startSpace + open.length) == open && |
endText.slice(endOff, endOff + close.length) == close) { |
return { open: { pos: from + startSpace + open.length, |
margin: /\s/.test(startText.charAt(startSpace + open.length)) ? 1 : 0 }, |
close: { pos: to - endSpace - close.length, |
margin: /\s/.test(endText.charAt(endOff - 1)) ? 1 : 0 } }; |
} |
return null; |
} |
function selectedLineRanges(state) { |
let ranges = []; |
for (let r of state.selection.ranges) { |
let fromLine = state.doc.lineAt(r.from); |
let toLine = r.to <= fromLine.to ? fromLine : state.doc.lineAt(r.to); |
let last = ranges.length - 1; |
if (last >= 0 && ranges[last].to > fromLine.from) |
ranges[last].to = toLine.to; |
else |
ranges.push({ from: fromLine.from + /^\s*/.exec(fromLine.text)[0].length, to: toLine.to }); |
} |
return ranges; |
} |
function changeBlockComment(option, state, ranges = state.selection.ranges) { |
let tokens = ranges.map(r => getConfig(state, r.from).block); |
if (!tokens.every(c => c)) |
return null; |
let comments = ranges.map((r, i) => findBlockComment(state, tokens[i], r.from, r.to)); |
if (option != 2 && !comments.every(c => c)) { |
return { changes: state.changes(ranges.map((range, i) => { |
if (comments[i]) |
return []; |
return [{ from: range.from, insert: tokens[i].open + " " }, { from: range.to, insert: " " + tokens[i].close }]; |
})) }; |
} |
else if (option != 1 && comments.some(c => c)) { |
let changes = []; |
for (let i = 0, comment; i < comments.length; i++) |
if (comment = comments[i]) { |
let token = tokens[i], { open, close } = comment; |
changes.push({ from: open.pos - token.open.length, to: open.pos + open.margin }, { from: close.pos - close.margin, to: close.pos + token.close.length }); |
} |
return { changes }; |
} |
return null; |
} |
function changeLineComment(option, state, ranges = state.selection.ranges) { |
let lines = []; |
let prevLine = -1; |
for (let { from, to } of ranges) { |
let startI = lines.length, minIndent = 1e9; |
let token = getConfig(state, from).line; |
if (!token) |
continue; |
for (let pos = from; pos <= to;) { |
let line = state.doc.lineAt(pos); |
if (line.from > prevLine && (from == to || to > line.from)) { |
prevLine = line.from; |
let indent = /^\s*/.exec(line.text)[0].length; |
let empty = indent == line.length; |
let comment = line.text.slice(indent, indent + token.length) == token ? indent : -1; |
if (indent < line.text.length && indent < minIndent) |
minIndent = indent; |
lines.push({ line, comment, token, indent, empty, single: false }); |
} |
pos = line.to + 1; |
} |
if (minIndent < 1e9) |
for (let i = startI; i < lines.length; i++) |
if (lines[i].indent < lines[i].line.text.length) |
lines[i].indent = minIndent; |
if (lines.length == startI + 1) |
lines[startI].single = true; |
} |
if (option != 2 && lines.some(l => l.comment < 0 && (!l.empty || l.single))) { |
let changes = []; |
for (let { line, token, indent, empty, single } of lines) |
if (single || !empty) |
changes.push({ from: line.from + indent, insert: token + " " }); |
let changeSet = state.changes(changes); |
return { changes: changeSet, selection: state.selection.map(changeSet, 1) }; |
} |
else if (option != 1 && lines.some(l => l.comment >= 0)) { |
let changes = []; |
for (let { line, comment, token } of lines) |
if (comment >= 0) { |
let from = line.from + comment, to = from + token.length; |
if (line.text[to - line.from] == " ") |
to++; |
changes.push({ from, to }); |
} |
return { changes }; |
} |
return null; |
} |
const fromHistory = state.Annotation.define(); |
const isolateHistory = state.Annotation.define(); |
const invertedEffects = state.Facet.define(); |
const historyConfig = state.Facet.define({ |
combine(configs) { |
return state.combineConfig(configs, { |
minDepth: 100, |
newGroupDelay: 500, |
joinToEvent: (_t, isAdjacent) => isAdjacent, |
}, { |
minDepth: Math.max, |
newGroupDelay: Math.min, |
joinToEvent: (a, b) => (tr, adj) => a(tr, adj) || b(tr, adj) |
}); |
} |
}); |
const historyField_ = state.StateField.define({ |
create() { |
return HistoryState.empty; |
}, |
update(state$1, tr) { |
let config = tr.state.facet(historyConfig); |
let fromHist = tr.annotation(fromHistory); |
if (fromHist) { |
let item = HistEvent.fromTransaction(tr, fromHist.selection), from = fromHist.side; |
let other = from == 0 ? state$1.undone : state$1.done; |
if (item) |
other = updateBranch(other, other.length, config.minDepth, item); |
else |
other = addSelection(other, tr.startState.selection); |
return new HistoryState(from == 0 ? fromHist.rest : other, from == 0 ? other : fromHist.rest); |
} |
let isolate = tr.annotation(isolateHistory); |
if (isolate == "full" || isolate == "before") |
state$1 = state$1.isolate(); |
if (tr.annotation(state.Transaction.addToHistory) === false) |
return !tr.changes.empty ? state$1.addMapping(tr.changes.desc) : state$1; |
let event = HistEvent.fromTransaction(tr); |
let time = tr.annotation(state.Transaction.time), userEvent = tr.annotation(state.Transaction.userEvent); |
if (event) |
state$1 = state$1.addChanges(event, time, userEvent, config, tr); |
else if (tr.selection) |
state$1 = state$1.addSelection(tr.startState.selection, time, userEvent, config.newGroupDelay); |
if (isolate == "full" || isolate == "after") |
state$1 = state$1.isolate(); |
return state$1; |
}, |
toJSON(value) { |
return { done: value.done.map(e => e.toJSON()), undone: value.undone.map(e => e.toJSON()) }; |
}, |
fromJSON(json) { |
return new HistoryState(json.done.map(HistEvent.fromJSON), json.undone.map(HistEvent.fromJSON)); |
} |
}); |
function history(config = {}) { |
return [ |
historyField_, |
historyConfig.of(config), |
view.EditorView.domEventHandlers({ |
beforeinput(e, view) { |
let command = e.inputType == "historyUndo" ? undo : e.inputType == "historyRedo" ? redo : null; |
if (!command) |
return false; |
e.preventDefault(); |
return command(view); |
} |
}) |
]; |
} |
const historyField = historyField_; |
function cmd(side, selection) { |
return function ({ state, dispatch }) { |
if (!selection && state.readOnly) |
return false; |
let historyState = state.field(historyField_, false); |
if (!historyState) |
return false; |
let tr = historyState.pop(side, state, selection); |
if (!tr) |
return false; |
dispatch(tr); |
return true; |
}; |
} |
const undo = cmd(0 , false); |
const redo = cmd(1 , false); |
const undoSelection = cmd(0 , true); |
const redoSelection = cmd(1 , true); |
function depth(side) { |
return function (state) { |
let histState = state.field(historyField_, false); |
if (!histState) |
return 0; |
let branch = side == 0 ? histState.done : histState.undone; |
return branch.length - (branch.length && !branch[0].changes ? 1 : 0); |
}; |
} |
const undoDepth = depth(0 ); |
const redoDepth = depth(1 ); |
class HistEvent { |
constructor( |
changes, |
effects, |
mapped, |
startSelection, |
selectionsAfter) { |
this.changes = changes; |
this.effects = effects; |
this.mapped = mapped; |
this.startSelection = startSelection; |
this.selectionsAfter = selectionsAfter; |
} |
setSelAfter(after) { |
return new HistEvent(this.changes, this.effects, this.mapped, this.startSelection, after); |
} |
toJSON() { |
var _a, _b, _c; |
return { |
changes: (_a = this.changes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toJSON(), |
mapped: (_b = this.mapped) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.toJSON(), |
startSelection: (_c = this.startSelection) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.toJSON(), |
selectionsAfter: this.selectionsAfter.map(s => s.toJSON()) |
}; |
} |
static fromJSON(json) { |
return new HistEvent(json.changes && state.ChangeSet.fromJSON(json.changes), [], json.mapped && state.ChangeDesc.fromJSON(json.mapped), json.startSelection && state.EditorSelection.fromJSON(json.startSelection), json.selectionsAfter.map(state.EditorSelection.fromJSON)); |
} |
static fromTransaction(tr, selection) { |
let effects = none; |
for (let invert of tr.startState.facet(invertedEffects)) { |
let result = invert(tr); |
if (result.length) |
effects = effects.concat(result); |
} |
if (!effects.length && tr.changes.empty) |
return null; |
return new HistEvent(tr.changes.invert(tr.startState.doc), effects, undefined, selection || tr.startState.selection, none); |
} |
static selection(selections) { |
return new HistEvent(undefined, none, undefined, undefined, selections); |
} |
} |
function updateBranch(branch, to, maxLen, newEvent) { |
let start = to + 1 > maxLen + 20 ? to - maxLen - 1 : 0; |
let newBranch = branch.slice(start, to); |
newBranch.push(newEvent); |
return newBranch; |
} |
function isAdjacent(a, b) { |
let ranges = [], isAdjacent = false; |
a.iterChangedRanges((f, t) => ranges.push(f, t)); |
b.iterChangedRanges((_f, _t, f, t) => { |
for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length;) { |
let from = ranges[i++], to = ranges[i++]; |
if (t >= from && f <= to) |
isAdjacent = true; |
} |
}); |
return isAdjacent; |
} |
function eqSelectionShape(a, b) { |
return a.ranges.length == b.ranges.length && |
a.ranges.filter((r, i) => r.empty != b.ranges[i].empty).length === 0; |
} |
function conc(a, b) { |
return !a.length ? b : !b.length ? a : a.concat(b); |
} |
const none = []; |
const MaxSelectionsPerEvent = 200; |
function addSelection(branch, selection) { |
if (!branch.length) { |
return [HistEvent.selection([selection])]; |
} |
else { |
let lastEvent = branch[branch.length - 1]; |
let sels = lastEvent.selectionsAfter.slice(Math.max(0, lastEvent.selectionsAfter.length - MaxSelectionsPerEvent)); |
if (sels.length && sels[sels.length - 1].eq(selection)) |
return branch; |
sels.push(selection); |
return updateBranch(branch, branch.length - 1, 1e9, lastEvent.setSelAfter(sels)); |
} |
} |
function popSelection(branch) { |
let last = branch[branch.length - 1]; |
let newBranch = branch.slice(); |
newBranch[branch.length - 1] = last.setSelAfter(last.selectionsAfter.slice(0, last.selectionsAfter.length - 1)); |
return newBranch; |
} |
function addMappingToBranch(branch, mapping) { |
if (!branch.length) |
return branch; |
let length = branch.length, selections = none; |
while (length) { |
let event = mapEvent(branch[length - 1], mapping, selections); |
if (event.changes && !event.changes.empty || event.effects.length) { |
let result = branch.slice(0, length); |
result[length - 1] = event; |
return result; |
} |
else { |
mapping = event.mapped; |
length--; |
selections = event.selectionsAfter; |
} |
} |
return selections.length ? [HistEvent.selection(selections)] : none; |
} |
function mapEvent(event, mapping, extraSelections) { |
let selections = conc(event.selectionsAfter.length ? event.selectionsAfter.map(s => s.map(mapping)) : none, extraSelections); |
if (!event.changes) |
return HistEvent.selection(selections); |
let mappedChanges = event.changes.map(mapping), before = mapping.mapDesc(event.changes, true); |
let fullMapping = event.mapped ? event.mapped.composeDesc(before) : before; |
return new HistEvent(mappedChanges, state.StateEffect.mapEffects(event.effects, mapping), fullMapping, event.startSelection.map(before), selections); |
} |
const joinableUserEvent = /^(input\.type|delete)($|\.)/; |
class HistoryState { |
constructor(done, undone, prevTime = 0, prevUserEvent = undefined) { |
this.done = done; |
this.undone = undone; |
this.prevTime = prevTime; |
this.prevUserEvent = prevUserEvent; |
} |
isolate() { |
return this.prevTime ? new HistoryState(this.done, this.undone) : this; |
} |
addChanges(event, time, userEvent, config, tr) { |
let done = this.done, lastEvent = done[done.length - 1]; |
if (lastEvent && lastEvent.changes && !lastEvent.changes.empty && event.changes && |
(!userEvent || joinableUserEvent.test(userEvent)) && |
((!lastEvent.selectionsAfter.length && |
time - this.prevTime < config.newGroupDelay && |
config.joinToEvent(tr, isAdjacent(lastEvent.changes, event.changes))) || |
userEvent == "input.type.compose")) { |
done = updateBranch(done, done.length - 1, config.minDepth, new HistEvent(event.changes.compose(lastEvent.changes), conc(event.effects, lastEvent.effects), lastEvent.mapped, lastEvent.startSelection, none)); |
} |
else { |
done = updateBranch(done, done.length, config.minDepth, event); |
} |
return new HistoryState(done, none, time, userEvent); |
} |
addSelection(selection, time, userEvent, newGroupDelay) { |
let last = this.done.length ? this.done[this.done.length - 1].selectionsAfter : none; |
if (last.length > 0 && |
time - this.prevTime < newGroupDelay && |
userEvent == this.prevUserEvent && userEvent && /^select($|\.)/.test(userEvent) && |
eqSelectionShape(last[last.length - 1], selection)) |
return this; |
return new HistoryState(addSelection(this.done, selection), this.undone, time, userEvent); |
} |
addMapping(mapping) { |
return new HistoryState(addMappingToBranch(this.done, mapping), addMappingToBranch(this.undone, mapping), this.prevTime, this.prevUserEvent); |
} |
pop(side, state, onlySelection) { |
let branch = side == 0 ? this.done : this.undone; |
if (branch.length == 0) |
return null; |
let event = branch[branch.length - 1], selection = event.selectionsAfter[0] || state.selection; |
if (onlySelection && event.selectionsAfter.length) { |
return state.update({ |
selection: event.selectionsAfter[event.selectionsAfter.length - 1], |
annotations: fromHistory.of({ side, rest: popSelection(branch), selection }), |
userEvent: side == 0 ? "select.undo" : "select.redo", |
scrollIntoView: true |
}); |
} |
else if (!event.changes) { |
return null; |
} |
else { |
let rest = branch.length == 1 ? none : branch.slice(0, branch.length - 1); |
if (event.mapped) |
rest = addMappingToBranch(rest, event.mapped); |
return state.update({ |
changes: event.changes, |
selection: event.startSelection, |
effects: event.effects, |
annotations: fromHistory.of({ side, rest, selection }), |
filter: false, |
userEvent: side == 0 ? "undo" : "redo", |
scrollIntoView: true |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
HistoryState.empty = new HistoryState(none, none); |
const historyKeymap = [ |
{ key: "Mod-z", run: undo, preventDefault: true }, |
{ key: "Mod-y", mac: "Mod-Shift-z", run: redo, preventDefault: true }, |
{ linux: "Ctrl-Shift-z", run: redo, preventDefault: true }, |
{ key: "Mod-u", run: undoSelection, preventDefault: true }, |
{ key: "Alt-u", mac: "Mod-Shift-u", run: redoSelection, preventDefault: true } |
]; |
function updateSel(sel, by) { |
return state.EditorSelection.create(sel.ranges.map(by), sel.mainIndex); |
} |
function setSel(state, selection) { |
return state.update({ selection, scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "select" }); |
} |
function moveSel({ state, dispatch }, how) { |
let selection = updateSel(state.selection, how); |
if (selection.eq(state.selection, true)) |
return false; |
dispatch(setSel(state, selection)); |
return true; |
} |
function rangeEnd(range, forward) { |
return state.EditorSelection.cursor(forward ? range.to : range.from); |
} |
function cursorByChar(view, forward) { |
return moveSel(view, range => range.empty ? view.moveByChar(range, forward) : rangeEnd(range, forward)); |
} |
function ltrAtCursor(view$1) { |
return view$1.textDirectionAt(view$1.state.selection.main.head) == view.Direction.LTR; |
} |
const cursorCharLeft = view => cursorByChar(view, !ltrAtCursor(view)); |
const cursorCharRight = view => cursorByChar(view, ltrAtCursor(view)); |
const cursorCharForward = view => cursorByChar(view, true); |
const cursorCharBackward = view => cursorByChar(view, false); |
function cursorByGroup(view, forward) { |
return moveSel(view, range => range.empty ? view.moveByGroup(range, forward) : rangeEnd(range, forward)); |
} |
const cursorGroupLeft = view => cursorByGroup(view, !ltrAtCursor(view)); |
const cursorGroupRight = view => cursorByGroup(view, ltrAtCursor(view)); |
const cursorGroupForward = view => cursorByGroup(view, true); |
const cursorGroupBackward = view => cursorByGroup(view, false); |
const segmenter = typeof Intl != "undefined" && Intl.Segmenter ? |
new (Intl.Segmenter)(undefined, { granularity: "word" }) : null; |
function moveBySubword(view, range, forward) { |
let categorize = view.state.charCategorizer(range.from); |
let cat = state.CharCategory.Space, pos = range.from, steps = 0; |
let done = false, sawUpper = false, sawLower = false; |
let step = (next) => { |
if (done) |
return false; |
pos += forward ? next.length : -next.length; |
let nextCat = categorize(next), ahead; |
if (nextCat == state.CharCategory.Word && next.charCodeAt(0) < 128 && /[\W_]/.test(next)) |
nextCat = -1; |
if (cat == state.CharCategory.Space) |
cat = nextCat; |
if (cat != nextCat) |
return false; |
if (cat == state.CharCategory.Word) { |
if (next.toLowerCase() == next) { |
if (!forward && sawUpper) |
return false; |
sawLower = true; |
} |
else if (sawLower) { |
if (forward) |
return false; |
done = true; |
} |
else { |
if (sawUpper && forward && categorize(ahead = view.state.sliceDoc(pos, pos + 1)) == state.CharCategory.Word && |
ahead.toLowerCase() == ahead) |
return false; |
sawUpper = true; |
} |
} |
steps++; |
return true; |
}; |
let end = view.moveByChar(range, forward, start => { |
step(start); |
return step; |
}); |
if (segmenter && cat == state.CharCategory.Word && end.from == range.from + steps * (forward ? 1 : -1)) { |
let from = Math.min(range.head, end.head), to = Math.max(range.head, end.head); |
let skipped = view.state.sliceDoc(from, to); |
if (skipped.length > 1 && /[\u4E00-\uffff]/.test(skipped)) { |
let segments = Array.from(segmenter.segment(skipped)); |
if (segments.length > 1) { |
if (forward) |
return state.EditorSelection.cursor(range.head + segments[1].index, -1); |
return state.EditorSelection.cursor(end.head + segments[segments.length - 1].index, 1); |
} |
} |
} |
return end; |
} |
function cursorBySubword(view, forward) { |
return moveSel(view, range => range.empty ? moveBySubword(view, range, forward) : rangeEnd(range, forward)); |
} |
const cursorSubwordForward = view => cursorBySubword(view, true); |
const cursorSubwordBackward = view => cursorBySubword(view, false); |
function interestingNode(state, node, bracketProp) { |
if (node.type.prop(bracketProp)) |
return true; |
let len = node.to - node.from; |
return len && (len > 2 || /[^\s,.;:]/.test(state.sliceDoc(node.from, node.to))) || node.firstChild; |
} |
function moveBySyntax(state$1, start, forward) { |
let pos = language.syntaxTree(state$1).resolveInner(start.head); |
let bracketProp = forward ? common.NodeProp.closedBy : common.NodeProp.openedBy; |
for (let at = start.head;;) { |
let next = forward ? pos.childAfter(at) : pos.childBefore(at); |
if (!next) |
break; |
if (interestingNode(state$1, next, bracketProp)) |
pos = next; |
else |
at = forward ? next.to : next.from; |
} |
let bracket = pos.type.prop(bracketProp), match, newPos; |
if (bracket && (match = forward ? language.matchBrackets(state$1, pos.from, 1) : language.matchBrackets(state$1, pos.to, -1)) && match.matched) |
newPos = forward ? match.end.to : match.end.from; |
else |
newPos = forward ? pos.to : pos.from; |
return state.EditorSelection.cursor(newPos, forward ? -1 : 1); |
} |
const cursorSyntaxLeft = view => moveSel(view, range => moveBySyntax(view.state, range, !ltrAtCursor(view))); |
const cursorSyntaxRight = view => moveSel(view, range => moveBySyntax(view.state, range, ltrAtCursor(view))); |
function cursorByLine(view, forward) { |
return moveSel(view, range => { |
if (!range.empty) |
return rangeEnd(range, forward); |
let moved = view.moveVertically(range, forward); |
return moved.head != range.head ? moved : view.moveToLineBoundary(range, forward); |
}); |
} |
const cursorLineUp = view => cursorByLine(view, false); |
const cursorLineDown = view => cursorByLine(view, true); |
function pageInfo(view$1) { |
let selfScroll = view$1.scrollDOM.clientHeight < view$1.scrollDOM.scrollHeight - 2; |
let marginTop = 0, marginBottom = 0, height; |
if (selfScroll) { |
for (let source of view$1.state.facet(view.EditorView.scrollMargins)) { |
let margins = source(view$1); |
if (margins === null || margins === void 0 ? void 0 : margins.top) |
marginTop = Math.max(margins === null || margins === void 0 ? void 0 : margins.top, marginTop); |
if (margins === null || margins === void 0 ? void 0 : margins.bottom) |
marginBottom = Math.max(margins === null || margins === void 0 ? void 0 : margins.bottom, marginBottom); |
} |
height = view$1.scrollDOM.clientHeight - marginTop - marginBottom; |
} |
else { |
height = (view$1.dom.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).innerHeight; |
} |
return { marginTop, marginBottom, selfScroll, |
height: Math.max(view$1.defaultLineHeight, height - 5) }; |
} |
function cursorByPage(view$1, forward) { |
let page = pageInfo(view$1); |
let { state } = view$1, selection = updateSel(state.selection, range => { |
return range.empty ? view$1.moveVertically(range, forward, page.height) |
: rangeEnd(range, forward); |
}); |
if (selection.eq(state.selection)) |
return false; |
let effect; |
if (page.selfScroll) { |
let startPos = view$1.coordsAtPos(state.selection.main.head); |
let scrollRect = view$1.scrollDOM.getBoundingClientRect(); |
let scrollTop = scrollRect.top + page.marginTop, scrollBottom = scrollRect.bottom - page.marginBottom; |
if (startPos && startPos.top > scrollTop && startPos.bottom < scrollBottom) |
effect = view.EditorView.scrollIntoView(selection.main.head, { y: "start", yMargin: startPos.top - scrollTop }); |
} |
view$1.dispatch(setSel(state, selection), { effects: effect }); |
return true; |
} |
const cursorPageUp = view => cursorByPage(view, false); |
const cursorPageDown = view => cursorByPage(view, true); |
function moveByLineBoundary(view, start, forward) { |
let line = view.lineBlockAt(start.head), moved = view.moveToLineBoundary(start, forward); |
if (moved.head == start.head && moved.head != (forward ? line.to : line.from)) |
moved = view.moveToLineBoundary(start, forward, false); |
if (!forward && moved.head == line.from && line.length) { |
let space = /^\s*/.exec(view.state.sliceDoc(line.from, Math.min(line.from + 100, line.to)))[0].length; |
if (space && start.head != line.from + space) |
moved = state.EditorSelection.cursor(line.from + space); |
} |
return moved; |
} |
const cursorLineBoundaryForward = view => moveSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, true)); |
const cursorLineBoundaryBackward = view => moveSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, false)); |
const cursorLineBoundaryLeft = view => moveSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, !ltrAtCursor(view))); |
const cursorLineBoundaryRight = view => moveSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, ltrAtCursor(view))); |
const cursorLineStart = view => moveSel(view, range => state.EditorSelection.cursor(view.lineBlockAt(range.head).from, 1)); |
const cursorLineEnd = view => moveSel(view, range => state.EditorSelection.cursor(view.lineBlockAt(range.head).to, -1)); |
function toMatchingBracket(state$1, dispatch, extend) { |
let found = false, selection = updateSel(state$1.selection, range => { |
let matching = language.matchBrackets(state$1, range.head, -1) |
|| language.matchBrackets(state$1, range.head, 1) |
|| (range.head > 0 && language.matchBrackets(state$1, range.head - 1, 1)) |
|| (range.head < state$1.doc.length && language.matchBrackets(state$1, range.head + 1, -1)); |
if (!matching || !matching.end) |
return range; |
found = true; |
let head = matching.start.from == range.head ? matching.end.to : matching.end.from; |
return extend ? state.EditorSelection.range(range.anchor, head) : state.EditorSelection.cursor(head); |
}); |
if (!found) |
return false; |
dispatch(setSel(state$1, selection)); |
return true; |
} |
const cursorMatchingBracket = ({ state, dispatch }) => toMatchingBracket(state, dispatch, false); |
const selectMatchingBracket = ({ state, dispatch }) => toMatchingBracket(state, dispatch, true); |
function extendSel(view, how) { |
let selection = updateSel(view.state.selection, range => { |
let head = how(range); |
return state.EditorSelection.range(range.anchor, head.head, head.goalColumn, head.bidiLevel || undefined); |
}); |
if (selection.eq(view.state.selection)) |
return false; |
view.dispatch(setSel(view.state, selection)); |
return true; |
} |
function selectByChar(view, forward) { |
return extendSel(view, range => view.moveByChar(range, forward)); |
} |
const selectCharLeft = view => selectByChar(view, !ltrAtCursor(view)); |
const selectCharRight = view => selectByChar(view, ltrAtCursor(view)); |
const selectCharForward = view => selectByChar(view, true); |
const selectCharBackward = view => selectByChar(view, false); |
function selectByGroup(view, forward) { |
return extendSel(view, range => view.moveByGroup(range, forward)); |
} |
const selectGroupLeft = view => selectByGroup(view, !ltrAtCursor(view)); |
const selectGroupRight = view => selectByGroup(view, ltrAtCursor(view)); |
const selectGroupForward = view => selectByGroup(view, true); |
const selectGroupBackward = view => selectByGroup(view, false); |
function selectBySubword(view, forward) { |
return extendSel(view, range => moveBySubword(view, range, forward)); |
} |
const selectSubwordForward = view => selectBySubword(view, true); |
const selectSubwordBackward = view => selectBySubword(view, false); |
const selectSyntaxLeft = view => extendSel(view, range => moveBySyntax(view.state, range, !ltrAtCursor(view))); |
const selectSyntaxRight = view => extendSel(view, range => moveBySyntax(view.state, range, ltrAtCursor(view))); |
function selectByLine(view, forward) { |
return extendSel(view, range => view.moveVertically(range, forward)); |
} |
const selectLineUp = view => selectByLine(view, false); |
const selectLineDown = view => selectByLine(view, true); |
function selectByPage(view, forward) { |
return extendSel(view, range => view.moveVertically(range, forward, pageInfo(view).height)); |
} |
const selectPageUp = view => selectByPage(view, false); |
const selectPageDown = view => selectByPage(view, true); |
const selectLineBoundaryForward = view => extendSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, true)); |
const selectLineBoundaryBackward = view => extendSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, false)); |
const selectLineBoundaryLeft = view => extendSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, !ltrAtCursor(view))); |
const selectLineBoundaryRight = view => extendSel(view, range => moveByLineBoundary(view, range, ltrAtCursor(view))); |
const selectLineStart = view => extendSel(view, range => state.EditorSelection.cursor(view.lineBlockAt(range.head).from)); |
const selectLineEnd = view => extendSel(view, range => state.EditorSelection.cursor(view.lineBlockAt(range.head).to)); |
const cursorDocStart = ({ state, dispatch }) => { |
dispatch(setSel(state, { anchor: 0 })); |
return true; |
}; |
const cursorDocEnd = ({ state, dispatch }) => { |
dispatch(setSel(state, { anchor: state.doc.length })); |
return true; |
}; |
const selectDocStart = ({ state, dispatch }) => { |
dispatch(setSel(state, { anchor: state.selection.main.anchor, head: 0 })); |
return true; |
}; |
const selectDocEnd = ({ state, dispatch }) => { |
dispatch(setSel(state, { anchor: state.selection.main.anchor, head: state.doc.length })); |
return true; |
}; |
const selectAll = ({ state, dispatch }) => { |
dispatch(state.update({ selection: { anchor: 0, head: state.doc.length }, userEvent: "select" })); |
return true; |
}; |
const selectLine = ({ state: state$1, dispatch }) => { |
let ranges = selectedLineBlocks(state$1).map(({ from, to }) => state.EditorSelection.range(from, Math.min(to + 1, state$1.doc.length))); |
dispatch(state$1.update({ selection: state.EditorSelection.create(ranges), userEvent: "select" })); |
return true; |
}; |
const selectParentSyntax = ({ state: state$1, dispatch }) => { |
let selection = updateSel(state$1.selection, range => { |
var _a; |
let stack = language.syntaxTree(state$1).resolveStack(range.from, 1); |
for (let cur = stack; cur; cur = cur.next) { |
let { node } = cur; |
if (((node.from < range.from && node.to >= range.to) || |
(node.to > range.to && node.from <= range.from)) && |
((_a = node.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.parent)) |
return state.EditorSelection.range(node.to, node.from); |
} |
return range; |
}); |
dispatch(setSel(state$1, selection)); |
return true; |
}; |
const simplifySelection = ({ state: state$1, dispatch }) => { |
let cur = state$1.selection, selection = null; |
if (cur.ranges.length > 1) |
selection = state.EditorSelection.create([cur.main]); |
else if (!cur.main.empty) |
selection = state.EditorSelection.create([state.EditorSelection.cursor(cur.main.head)]); |
if (!selection) |
return false; |
dispatch(setSel(state$1, selection)); |
return true; |
}; |
function deleteBy(target, by) { |
if (target.state.readOnly) |
return false; |
let event = "delete.selection", { state: state$1 } = target; |
let changes = state$1.changeByRange(range => { |
let { from, to } = range; |
if (from == to) { |
let towards = by(range); |
if (towards < from) { |
event = "delete.backward"; |
towards = skipAtomic(target, towards, false); |
} |
else if (towards > from) { |
event = "delete.forward"; |
towards = skipAtomic(target, towards, true); |
} |
from = Math.min(from, towards); |
to = Math.max(to, towards); |
} |
else { |
from = skipAtomic(target, from, false); |
to = skipAtomic(target, to, true); |
} |
return from == to ? { range } : { changes: { from, to }, range: state.EditorSelection.cursor(from, from < range.head ? -1 : 1) }; |
}); |
if (changes.changes.empty) |
return false; |
target.dispatch(state$1.update(changes, { |
scrollIntoView: true, |
userEvent: event, |
effects: event == "delete.selection" ? view.EditorView.announce.of(state$1.phrase("Selection deleted")) : undefined |
})); |
return true; |
} |
function skipAtomic(target, pos, forward) { |
if (target instanceof view.EditorView) |
for (let ranges of target.state.facet(view.EditorView.atomicRanges).map(f => f(target))) |
ranges.between(pos, pos, (from, to) => { |
if (from < pos && to > pos) |
pos = forward ? to : from; |
}); |
return pos; |
} |
const deleteByChar = (target, forward, byIndentUnit) => deleteBy(target, range => { |
let pos = range.from, { state: state$1 } = target, line = state$1.doc.lineAt(pos), before, targetPos; |
if (byIndentUnit && !forward && pos > line.from && pos < line.from + 200 && |
!/[^ \t]/.test(before = line.text.slice(0, pos - line.from))) { |
if (before[before.length - 1] == "\t") |
return pos - 1; |
let col = state.countColumn(before, state$1.tabSize), drop = col % language.getIndentUnit(state$1) || language.getIndentUnit(state$1); |
for (let i = 0; i < drop && before[before.length - 1 - i] == " "; i++) |
pos--; |
targetPos = pos; |
} |
else { |
targetPos = state.findClusterBreak(line.text, pos - line.from, forward, forward) + line.from; |
if (targetPos == pos && line.number != (forward ? state$1.doc.lines : 1)) |
targetPos += forward ? 1 : -1; |
else if (!forward && /[\ufe00-\ufe0f]/.test(line.text.slice(targetPos - line.from, pos - line.from))) |
targetPos = state.findClusterBreak(line.text, targetPos - line.from, false, false) + line.from; |
} |
return targetPos; |
}); |
const deleteCharBackward = view => deleteByChar(view, false, true); |
const deleteCharBackwardStrict = view => deleteByChar(view, false, false); |
const deleteCharForward = view => deleteByChar(view, true, false); |
const deleteByGroup = (target, forward) => deleteBy(target, range => { |
let pos = range.head, { state: state$1 } = target, line = state$1.doc.lineAt(pos); |
let categorize = state$1.charCategorizer(pos); |
for (let cat = null;;) { |
if (pos == (forward ? line.to : line.from)) { |
if (pos == range.head && line.number != (forward ? state$1.doc.lines : 1)) |
pos += forward ? 1 : -1; |
break; |
} |
let next = state.findClusterBreak(line.text, pos - line.from, forward) + line.from; |
let nextChar = line.text.slice(Math.min(pos, next) - line.from, Math.max(pos, next) - line.from); |
let nextCat = categorize(nextChar); |
if (cat != null && nextCat != cat) |
break; |
if (nextChar != " " || pos != range.head) |
cat = nextCat; |
pos = next; |
} |
return pos; |
}); |
const deleteGroupBackward = target => deleteByGroup(target, false); |
const deleteGroupForward = target => deleteByGroup(target, true); |
const deleteToLineEnd = view => deleteBy(view, range => { |
let lineEnd = view.lineBlockAt(range.head).to; |
return range.head < lineEnd ? lineEnd : Math.min(view.state.doc.length, range.head + 1); |
}); |
const deleteToLineStart = view => deleteBy(view, range => { |
let lineStart = view.lineBlockAt(range.head).from; |
return range.head > lineStart ? lineStart : Math.max(0, range.head - 1); |
}); |
const deleteLineBoundaryBackward = view => deleteBy(view, range => { |
let lineStart = view.moveToLineBoundary(range, false).head; |
return range.head > lineStart ? lineStart : Math.max(0, range.head - 1); |
}); |
const deleteLineBoundaryForward = view => deleteBy(view, range => { |
let lineStart = view.moveToLineBoundary(range, true).head; |
return range.head < lineStart ? lineStart : Math.min(view.state.doc.length, range.head + 1); |
}); |
const deleteTrailingWhitespace = ({ state, dispatch }) => { |
if (state.readOnly) |
return false; |
let changes = []; |
for (let pos = 0, prev = "", iter = state.doc.iter();;) { |
iter.next(); |
if (iter.lineBreak || iter.done) { |
let trailing = prev.search(/\s+$/); |
if (trailing > -1) |
changes.push({ from: pos - (prev.length - trailing), to: pos }); |
if (iter.done) |
break; |
prev = ""; |
} |
else { |
prev = iter.value; |
} |
pos += iter.value.length; |
} |
if (!changes.length) |
return false; |
dispatch(state.update({ changes, userEvent: "delete" })); |
return true; |
}; |
const splitLine = ({ state: state$1, dispatch }) => { |
if (state$1.readOnly) |
return false; |
let changes = state$1.changeByRange(range => { |
return { changes: { from: range.from, to: range.to, insert: state.Text.of(["", ""]) }, |
range: state.EditorSelection.cursor(range.from) }; |
}); |
dispatch(state$1.update(changes, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "input" })); |
return true; |
}; |
const transposeChars = ({ state: state$1, dispatch }) => { |
if (state$1.readOnly) |
return false; |
let changes = state$1.changeByRange(range => { |
if (!range.empty || range.from == 0 || range.from == state$1.doc.length) |
return { range }; |
let pos = range.from, line = state$1.doc.lineAt(pos); |
let from = pos == line.from ? pos - 1 : state.findClusterBreak(line.text, pos - line.from, false) + line.from; |
let to = pos == line.to ? pos + 1 : state.findClusterBreak(line.text, pos - line.from, true) + line.from; |
return { changes: { from, to, insert: state$1.doc.slice(pos, to).append(state$1.doc.slice(from, pos)) }, |
range: state.EditorSelection.cursor(to) }; |
}); |
if (changes.changes.empty) |
return false; |
dispatch(state$1.update(changes, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "move.character" })); |
return true; |
}; |
function selectedLineBlocks(state) { |
let blocks = [], upto = -1; |
for (let range of state.selection.ranges) { |
let startLine = state.doc.lineAt(range.from), endLine = state.doc.lineAt(range.to); |
if (!range.empty && range.to == endLine.from) |
endLine = state.doc.lineAt(range.to - 1); |
if (upto >= startLine.number) { |
let prev = blocks[blocks.length - 1]; |
prev.to = endLine.to; |
prev.ranges.push(range); |
} |
else { |
blocks.push({ from: startLine.from, to: endLine.to, ranges: [range] }); |
} |
upto = endLine.number + 1; |
} |
return blocks; |
} |
function moveLine(state$1, dispatch, forward) { |
if (state$1.readOnly) |
return false; |
let changes = [], ranges = []; |
for (let block of selectedLineBlocks(state$1)) { |
if (forward ? block.to == state$1.doc.length : block.from == 0) |
continue; |
let nextLine = state$1.doc.lineAt(forward ? block.to + 1 : block.from - 1); |
let size = nextLine.length + 1; |
if (forward) { |
changes.push({ from: block.to, to: nextLine.to }, { from: block.from, insert: nextLine.text + state$1.lineBreak }); |
for (let r of block.ranges) |
ranges.push(state.EditorSelection.range(Math.min(state$1.doc.length, r.anchor + size), Math.min(state$1.doc.length, r.head + size))); |
} |
else { |
changes.push({ from: nextLine.from, to: block.from }, { from: block.to, insert: state$1.lineBreak + nextLine.text }); |
for (let r of block.ranges) |
ranges.push(state.EditorSelection.range(r.anchor - size, r.head - size)); |
} |
} |
if (!changes.length) |
return false; |
dispatch(state$1.update({ |
changes, |
scrollIntoView: true, |
selection: state.EditorSelection.create(ranges, state$1.selection.mainIndex), |
userEvent: "move.line" |
})); |
return true; |
} |
const moveLineUp = ({ state, dispatch }) => moveLine(state, dispatch, false); |
const moveLineDown = ({ state, dispatch }) => moveLine(state, dispatch, true); |
function copyLine(state, dispatch, forward) { |
if (state.readOnly) |
return false; |
let changes = []; |
for (let block of selectedLineBlocks(state)) { |
if (forward) |
changes.push({ from: block.from, insert: state.doc.slice(block.from, block.to) + state.lineBreak }); |
else |
changes.push({ from: block.to, insert: state.lineBreak + state.doc.slice(block.from, block.to) }); |
} |
dispatch(state.update({ changes, scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "input.copyline" })); |
return true; |
} |
const copyLineUp = ({ state, dispatch }) => copyLine(state, dispatch, false); |
const copyLineDown = ({ state, dispatch }) => copyLine(state, dispatch, true); |
const deleteLine = view => { |
if (view.state.readOnly) |
return false; |
let { state } = view, changes = state.changes(selectedLineBlocks(state).map(({ from, to }) => { |
if (from > 0) |
from--; |
else if (to < state.doc.length) |
to++; |
return { from, to }; |
})); |
let selection = updateSel(state.selection, range => { |
let dist = undefined; |
if (view.lineWrapping) { |
let block = view.lineBlockAt(range.head), pos = view.coordsAtPos(range.head, range.assoc || 1); |
if (pos) |
dist = (block.bottom + view.documentTop) - pos.bottom + view.defaultLineHeight / 2; |
} |
return view.moveVertically(range, true, dist); |
}).map(changes); |
view.dispatch({ changes, selection, scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "delete.line" }); |
return true; |
}; |
const insertNewline = ({ state, dispatch }) => { |
dispatch(state.update(state.replaceSelection(state.lineBreak), { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "input" })); |
return true; |
}; |
const insertNewlineKeepIndent = ({ state: state$1, dispatch }) => { |
dispatch(state$1.update(state$1.changeByRange(range => { |
let indent = /^\s*/.exec(state$1.doc.lineAt(range.from).text)[0]; |
return { |
changes: { from: range.from, to: range.to, insert: state$1.lineBreak + indent }, |
range: state.EditorSelection.cursor(range.from + indent.length + 1) |
}; |
}), { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "input" })); |
return true; |
}; |
function isBetweenBrackets(state, pos) { |
if (/\(\)|\[\]|\{\}/.test(state.sliceDoc(pos - 1, pos + 1))) |
return { from: pos, to: pos }; |
let context = language.syntaxTree(state).resolveInner(pos); |
let before = context.childBefore(pos), after = context.childAfter(pos), closedBy; |
if (before && after && before.to <= pos && after.from >= pos && |
(closedBy = before.type.prop(common.NodeProp.closedBy)) && closedBy.indexOf(after.name) > -1 && |
state.doc.lineAt(before.to).from == state.doc.lineAt(after.from).from && |
!/\S/.test(state.sliceDoc(before.to, after.from))) |
return { from: before.to, to: after.from }; |
return null; |
} |
const insertNewlineAndIndent = newlineAndIndent(false); |
const insertBlankLine = newlineAndIndent(true); |
function newlineAndIndent(atEof) { |
return ({ state: state$1, dispatch }) => { |
if (state$1.readOnly) |
return false; |
let changes = state$1.changeByRange(range => { |
let { from, to } = range, line = state$1.doc.lineAt(from); |
let explode = !atEof && from == to && isBetweenBrackets(state$1, from); |
if (atEof) |
from = to = (to <= line.to ? line : state$1.doc.lineAt(to)).to; |
let cx = new language.IndentContext(state$1, { simulateBreak: from, simulateDoubleBreak: !!explode }); |
let indent = language.getIndentation(cx, from); |
if (indent == null) |
indent = state.countColumn(/^\s*/.exec(state$1.doc.lineAt(from).text)[0], state$1.tabSize); |
while (to < line.to && /\s/.test(line.text[to - line.from])) |
to++; |
if (explode) |
({ from, to } = explode); |
else if (from > line.from && from < line.from + 100 && !/\S/.test(line.text.slice(0, from))) |
from = line.from; |
let insert = ["", language.indentString(state$1, indent)]; |
if (explode) |
insert.push(language.indentString(state$1, cx.lineIndent(line.from, -1))); |
return { changes: { from, to, insert: state.Text.of(insert) }, |
range: state.EditorSelection.cursor(from + 1 + insert[1].length) }; |
}); |
dispatch(state$1.update(changes, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "input" })); |
return true; |
}; |
} |
function changeBySelectedLine(state$1, f) { |
let atLine = -1; |
return state$1.changeByRange(range => { |
let changes = []; |
for (let pos = range.from; pos <= range.to;) { |
let line = state$1.doc.lineAt(pos); |
if (line.number > atLine && (range.empty || range.to > line.from)) { |
f(line, changes, range); |
atLine = line.number; |
} |
pos = line.to + 1; |
} |
let changeSet = state$1.changes(changes); |
return { changes, |
range: state.EditorSelection.range(changeSet.mapPos(range.anchor, 1), changeSet.mapPos(range.head, 1)) }; |
}); |
} |
const indentSelection = ({ state, dispatch }) => { |
if (state.readOnly) |
return false; |
let updated = Object.create(null); |
let context = new language.IndentContext(state, { overrideIndentation: start => { |
let found = updated[start]; |
return found == null ? -1 : found; |
} }); |
let changes = changeBySelectedLine(state, (line, changes, range) => { |
let indent = language.getIndentation(context, line.from); |
if (indent == null) |
return; |
if (!/\S/.test(line.text)) |
indent = 0; |
let cur = /^\s*/.exec(line.text)[0]; |
let norm = language.indentString(state, indent); |
if (cur != norm || range.from < line.from + cur.length) { |
updated[line.from] = indent; |
changes.push({ from: line.from, to: line.from + cur.length, insert: norm }); |
} |
}); |
if (!changes.changes.empty) |
dispatch(state.update(changes, { userEvent: "indent" })); |
return true; |
}; |
const indentMore = ({ state, dispatch }) => { |
if (state.readOnly) |
return false; |
dispatch(state.update(changeBySelectedLine(state, (line, changes) => { |
changes.push({ from: line.from, insert: state.facet(language.indentUnit) }); |
}), { userEvent: "input.indent" })); |
return true; |
}; |
const indentLess = ({ state: state$1, dispatch }) => { |
if (state$1.readOnly) |
return false; |
dispatch(state$1.update(changeBySelectedLine(state$1, (line, changes) => { |
let space = /^\s*/.exec(line.text)[0]; |
if (!space) |
return; |
let col = state.countColumn(space, state$1.tabSize), keep = 0; |
let insert = language.indentString(state$1, Math.max(0, col - language.getIndentUnit(state$1))); |
while (keep < space.length && keep < insert.length && space.charCodeAt(keep) == insert.charCodeAt(keep)) |
keep++; |
changes.push({ from: line.from + keep, to: line.from + space.length, insert: insert.slice(keep) }); |
}), { userEvent: "delete.dedent" })); |
return true; |
}; |
const toggleTabFocusMode = view => { |
view.setTabFocusMode(); |
return true; |
}; |
const temporarilySetTabFocusMode = view => { |
view.setTabFocusMode(2000); |
return true; |
}; |
const insertTab = ({ state, dispatch }) => { |
if (state.selection.ranges.some(r => !r.empty)) |
return indentMore({ state, dispatch }); |
dispatch(state.update(state.replaceSelection("\t"), { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "input" })); |
return true; |
}; |
const emacsStyleKeymap = [ |
{ key: "Ctrl-b", run: cursorCharLeft, shift: selectCharLeft, preventDefault: true }, |
{ key: "Ctrl-f", run: cursorCharRight, shift: selectCharRight }, |
{ key: "Ctrl-p", run: cursorLineUp, shift: selectLineUp }, |
{ key: "Ctrl-n", run: cursorLineDown, shift: selectLineDown }, |
{ key: "Ctrl-a", run: cursorLineStart, shift: selectLineStart }, |
{ key: "Ctrl-e", run: cursorLineEnd, shift: selectLineEnd }, |
{ key: "Ctrl-d", run: deleteCharForward }, |
{ key: "Ctrl-h", run: deleteCharBackward }, |
{ key: "Ctrl-k", run: deleteToLineEnd }, |
{ key: "Ctrl-Alt-h", run: deleteGroupBackward }, |
{ key: "Ctrl-o", run: splitLine }, |
{ key: "Ctrl-t", run: transposeChars }, |
{ key: "Ctrl-v", run: cursorPageDown }, |
]; |
const standardKeymap = [ |
{ key: "ArrowLeft", run: cursorCharLeft, shift: selectCharLeft, preventDefault: true }, |
{ key: "Mod-ArrowLeft", mac: "Alt-ArrowLeft", run: cursorGroupLeft, shift: selectGroupLeft, preventDefault: true }, |
{ mac: "Cmd-ArrowLeft", run: cursorLineBoundaryLeft, shift: selectLineBoundaryLeft, preventDefault: true }, |
{ key: "ArrowRight", run: cursorCharRight, shift: selectCharRight, preventDefault: true }, |
{ key: "Mod-ArrowRight", mac: "Alt-ArrowRight", run: cursorGroupRight, shift: selectGroupRight, preventDefault: true }, |
{ mac: "Cmd-ArrowRight", run: cursorLineBoundaryRight, shift: selectLineBoundaryRight, preventDefault: true }, |
{ key: "ArrowUp", run: cursorLineUp, shift: selectLineUp, preventDefault: true }, |
{ mac: "Cmd-ArrowUp", run: cursorDocStart, shift: selectDocStart }, |
{ mac: "Ctrl-ArrowUp", run: cursorPageUp, shift: selectPageUp }, |
{ key: "ArrowDown", run: cursorLineDown, shift: selectLineDown, preventDefault: true }, |
{ mac: "Cmd-ArrowDown", run: cursorDocEnd, shift: selectDocEnd }, |
{ mac: "Ctrl-ArrowDown", run: cursorPageDown, shift: selectPageDown }, |
{ key: "PageUp", run: cursorPageUp, shift: selectPageUp }, |
{ key: "PageDown", run: cursorPageDown, shift: selectPageDown }, |
{ key: "Home", run: cursorLineBoundaryBackward, shift: selectLineBoundaryBackward, preventDefault: true }, |
{ key: "Mod-Home", run: cursorDocStart, shift: selectDocStart }, |
{ key: "End", run: cursorLineBoundaryForward, shift: selectLineBoundaryForward, preventDefault: true }, |
{ key: "Mod-End", run: cursorDocEnd, shift: selectDocEnd }, |
{ key: "Enter", run: insertNewlineAndIndent }, |
{ key: "Mod-a", run: selectAll }, |
{ key: "Backspace", run: deleteCharBackward, shift: deleteCharBackward }, |
{ key: "Delete", run: deleteCharForward }, |
{ key: "Mod-Backspace", mac: "Alt-Backspace", run: deleteGroupBackward }, |
{ key: "Mod-Delete", mac: "Alt-Delete", run: deleteGroupForward }, |
{ mac: "Mod-Backspace", run: deleteLineBoundaryBackward }, |
{ mac: "Mod-Delete", run: deleteLineBoundaryForward } |
].concat(emacsStyleKeymap.map(b => ({ mac: b.key, run: b.run, shift: b.shift }))); |
const defaultKeymap = [ |
{ key: "Alt-ArrowLeft", mac: "Ctrl-ArrowLeft", run: cursorSyntaxLeft, shift: selectSyntaxLeft }, |
{ key: "Alt-ArrowRight", mac: "Ctrl-ArrowRight", run: cursorSyntaxRight, shift: selectSyntaxRight }, |
{ key: "Alt-ArrowUp", run: moveLineUp }, |
{ key: "Shift-Alt-ArrowUp", run: copyLineUp }, |
{ key: "Alt-ArrowDown", run: moveLineDown }, |
{ key: "Shift-Alt-ArrowDown", run: copyLineDown }, |
{ key: "Escape", run: simplifySelection }, |
{ key: "Mod-Enter", run: insertBlankLine }, |
{ key: "Alt-l", mac: "Ctrl-l", run: selectLine }, |
{ key: "Mod-i", run: selectParentSyntax, preventDefault: true }, |
{ key: "Mod-[", run: indentLess }, |
{ key: "Mod-]", run: indentMore }, |
{ key: "Mod-Alt-\\", run: indentSelection }, |
{ key: "Shift-Mod-k", run: deleteLine }, |
{ key: "Shift-Mod-\\", run: cursorMatchingBracket }, |
{ key: "Mod-/", run: toggleComment }, |
{ key: "Alt-A", run: toggleBlockComment }, |
{ key: "Ctrl-m", mac: "Shift-Alt-m", run: toggleTabFocusMode }, |
].concat(standardKeymap); |
const indentWithTab = { key: "Tab", run: indentMore, shift: indentLess }; |
exports.blockComment = blockComment; |
exports.blockUncomment = blockUncomment; |
exports.copyLineDown = copyLineDown; |
exports.copyLineUp = copyLineUp; |
exports.cursorCharBackward = cursorCharBackward; |
exports.cursorCharForward = cursorCharForward; |
exports.cursorCharLeft = cursorCharLeft; |
exports.cursorCharRight = cursorCharRight; |
exports.cursorDocEnd = cursorDocEnd; |
exports.cursorDocStart = cursorDocStart; |
exports.cursorGroupBackward = cursorGroupBackward; |
exports.cursorGroupForward = cursorGroupForward; |
exports.cursorGroupLeft = cursorGroupLeft; |
exports.cursorGroupRight = cursorGroupRight; |
exports.cursorLineBoundaryBackward = cursorLineBoundaryBackward; |
exports.cursorLineBoundaryForward = cursorLineBoundaryForward; |
exports.cursorLineBoundaryLeft = cursorLineBoundaryLeft; |
exports.cursorLineBoundaryRight = cursorLineBoundaryRight; |
exports.cursorLineDown = cursorLineDown; |
exports.cursorLineEnd = cursorLineEnd; |
exports.cursorLineStart = cursorLineStart; |
exports.cursorLineUp = cursorLineUp; |
exports.cursorMatchingBracket = cursorMatchingBracket; |
exports.cursorPageDown = cursorPageDown; |
exports.cursorPageUp = cursorPageUp; |
exports.cursorSubwordBackward = cursorSubwordBackward; |
exports.cursorSubwordForward = cursorSubwordForward; |
exports.cursorSyntaxLeft = cursorSyntaxLeft; |
exports.cursorSyntaxRight = cursorSyntaxRight; |
exports.defaultKeymap = defaultKeymap; |
exports.deleteCharBackward = deleteCharBackward; |
exports.deleteCharBackwardStrict = deleteCharBackwardStrict; |
exports.deleteCharForward = deleteCharForward; |
exports.deleteGroupBackward = deleteGroupBackward; |
exports.deleteGroupForward = deleteGroupForward; |
exports.deleteLine = deleteLine; |
exports.deleteLineBoundaryBackward = deleteLineBoundaryBackward; |
exports.deleteLineBoundaryForward = deleteLineBoundaryForward; |
exports.deleteToLineEnd = deleteToLineEnd; |
exports.deleteToLineStart = deleteToLineStart; |
exports.deleteTrailingWhitespace = deleteTrailingWhitespace; |
exports.emacsStyleKeymap = emacsStyleKeymap; |
exports.history = history; |
exports.historyField = historyField; |
exports.historyKeymap = historyKeymap; |
exports.indentLess = indentLess; |
exports.indentMore = indentMore; |
exports.indentSelection = indentSelection; |
exports.indentWithTab = indentWithTab; |
exports.insertBlankLine = insertBlankLine; |
exports.insertNewline = insertNewline; |
exports.insertNewlineAndIndent = insertNewlineAndIndent; |
exports.insertNewlineKeepIndent = insertNewlineKeepIndent; |
exports.insertTab = insertTab; |
exports.invertedEffects = invertedEffects; |
exports.isolateHistory = isolateHistory; |
exports.lineComment = lineComment; |
exports.lineUncomment = lineUncomment; |
exports.moveLineDown = moveLineDown; |
exports.moveLineUp = moveLineUp; |
exports.redo = redo; |
exports.redoDepth = redoDepth; |
exports.redoSelection = redoSelection; |
exports.selectAll = selectAll; |
exports.selectCharBackward = selectCharBackward; |
exports.selectCharForward = selectCharForward; |
exports.selectCharLeft = selectCharLeft; |
exports.selectCharRight = selectCharRight; |
exports.selectDocEnd = selectDocEnd; |
exports.selectDocStart = selectDocStart; |
exports.selectGroupBackward = selectGroupBackward; |
exports.selectGroupForward = selectGroupForward; |
exports.selectGroupLeft = selectGroupLeft; |
exports.selectGroupRight = selectGroupRight; |
exports.selectLine = selectLine; |
exports.selectLineBoundaryBackward = selectLineBoundaryBackward; |
exports.selectLineBoundaryForward = selectLineBoundaryForward; |
exports.selectLineBoundaryLeft = selectLineBoundaryLeft; |
exports.selectLineBoundaryRight = selectLineBoundaryRight; |
exports.selectLineDown = selectLineDown; |
exports.selectLineEnd = selectLineEnd; |
exports.selectLineStart = selectLineStart; |
exports.selectLineUp = selectLineUp; |
exports.selectMatchingBracket = selectMatchingBracket; |
exports.selectPageDown = selectPageDown; |
exports.selectPageUp = selectPageUp; |
exports.selectParentSyntax = selectParentSyntax; |
exports.selectSubwordBackward = selectSubwordBackward; |
exports.selectSubwordForward = selectSubwordForward; |
exports.selectSyntaxLeft = selectSyntaxLeft; |
exports.selectSyntaxRight = selectSyntaxRight; |
exports.simplifySelection = simplifySelection; |
exports.splitLine = splitLine; |
exports.standardKeymap = standardKeymap; |
exports.temporarilySetTabFocusMode = temporarilySetTabFocusMode; |
exports.toggleBlockComment = toggleBlockComment; |
exports.toggleBlockCommentByLine = toggleBlockCommentByLine; |
exports.toggleComment = toggleComment; |
exports.toggleLineComment = toggleLineComment; |
exports.toggleTabFocusMode = toggleTabFocusMode; |
exports.transposeChars = transposeChars; |
exports.undo = undo; |
exports.undoDepth = undoDepth; |
exports.undoSelection = undoSelection; |