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'use strict';
var javascript$1 = require('@lezer/javascript');
var language = require('@codemirror/language');
var state = require('@codemirror/state');
var view = require('@codemirror/view');
var autocomplete = require('@codemirror/autocomplete');
var common = require('@lezer/common');
A collection of JavaScript-related
const snippets = [
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("function ${name}(${params}) {\n\t${}\n}", {
label: "function",
detail: "definition",
type: "keyword"
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("for (let ${index} = 0; ${index} < ${bound}; ${index}++) {\n\t${}\n}", {
label: "for",
detail: "loop",
type: "keyword"
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("for (let ${name} of ${collection}) {\n\t${}\n}", {
label: "for",
detail: "of loop",
type: "keyword"
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("do {\n\t${}\n} while (${})", {
label: "do",
detail: "loop",
type: "keyword"
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("while (${}) {\n\t${}\n}", {
label: "while",
detail: "loop",
type: "keyword"
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("try {\n\t${}\n} catch (${error}) {\n\t${}\n}", {
label: "try",
detail: "/ catch block",
type: "keyword"
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("if (${}) {\n\t${}\n}", {
label: "if",
detail: "block",
type: "keyword"
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("if (${}) {\n\t${}\n} else {\n\t${}\n}", {
label: "if",
detail: "/ else block",
type: "keyword"
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("class ${name} {\n\tconstructor(${params}) {\n\t\t${}\n\t}\n}", {
label: "class",
detail: "definition",
type: "keyword"
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("import {${names}} from \"${module}\"\n${}", {
label: "import",
detail: "named",
type: "keyword"
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("import ${name} from \"${module}\"\n${}", {
label: "import",
detail: "default",
type: "keyword"
A collection of snippet completions for TypeScript. Includes the
JavaScript [snippets](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#lang-javascript.snippets).
const typescriptSnippets = snippets.concat([
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("interface ${name} {\n\t${}\n}", {
label: "interface",
detail: "definition",
type: "keyword"
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("type ${name} = ${type}", {
label: "type",
detail: "definition",
type: "keyword"
autocomplete.snippetCompletion("enum ${name} {\n\t${}\n}", {
label: "enum",
detail: "definition",
type: "keyword"
const cache = new common.NodeWeakMap();
const ScopeNodes = new Set([
"Script", "Block",
"FunctionExpression", "FunctionDeclaration", "ArrowFunction", "MethodDeclaration",
function defID(type) {
return (node, def) => {
let id = node.node.getChild("VariableDefinition");
if (id)
def(id, type);
return true;
const functionContext = ["FunctionDeclaration"];
const gatherCompletions = {
FunctionDeclaration: defID("function"),
ClassDeclaration: defID("class"),
ClassExpression: () => true,
EnumDeclaration: defID("constant"),
TypeAliasDeclaration: defID("type"),
NamespaceDeclaration: defID("namespace"),
VariableDefinition(node, def) { if (!node.matchContext(functionContext))
def(node, "variable"); },
TypeDefinition(node, def) { def(node, "type"); },
__proto__: null
function getScope(doc, node) {
let cached = cache.get(node);
if (cached)
return cached;
let completions = [], top = true;
function def(node, type) {
let name = doc.sliceString(node.from, node.to);
completions.push({ label: name, type });
node.cursor(common.IterMode.IncludeAnonymous).iterate(node => {
if (top) {
top = false;
else if (node.name) {
let gather = gatherCompletions[node.name];
if (gather && gather(node, def) || ScopeNodes.has(node.name))
return false;
else if (node.to - node.from > 8192) {
// Allow caching for bigger internal nodes
for (let c of getScope(doc, node.node))
return false;
cache.set(node, completions);
return completions;
const Identifier = /^[\w$\xa1-\uffff][\w$\d\xa1-\uffff]*$/;
const dontComplete = [
"TemplateString", "String", "RegExp",
"LineComment", "BlockComment",
"VariableDefinition", "TypeDefinition", "Label",
"PropertyDefinition", "PropertyName",
"PrivatePropertyDefinition", "PrivatePropertyName",
".", "?."
Completion source that looks up locally defined names in
JavaScript code.
function localCompletionSource(context) {
let inner = language.syntaxTree(context.state).resolveInner(context.pos, -1);
if (dontComplete.indexOf(inner.name) > -1)
return null;
let isWord = inner.name == "VariableName" ||
inner.to - inner.from < 20 && Identifier.test(context.state.sliceDoc(inner.from, inner.to));
if (!isWord && !context.explicit)
return null;
let options = [];
for (let pos = inner; pos; pos = pos.parent) {
if (ScopeNodes.has(pos.name))
options = options.concat(getScope(context.state.doc, pos));
return {
from: isWord ? inner.from : context.pos,
validFor: Identifier
function pathFor(read, member, name) {
var _a;
let path = [];
for (;;) {
let obj = member.firstChild, prop;
if ((obj === null || obj === void 0 ? void 0 : obj.name) == "VariableName") {
return { path: path.reverse(), name };
else if ((obj === null || obj === void 0 ? void 0 : obj.name) == "MemberExpression" && ((_a = (prop = obj.lastChild)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) == "PropertyName") {
member = obj;
else {
return null;
Helper function for defining JavaScript completion sources. It
returns the completable name and object path for a completion
context, or null if no name/property completion should happen at
that position. For example, when completing after `a.b.c` it will
return `{path: ["a", "b"], name: "c"}`. When completing after `x`
it will return `{path: [], name: "x"}`. When not in a property or
name, it will return null if `context.explicit` is false, and
`{path: [], name: ""}` otherwise.
function completionPath(context) {
let read = (node) => context.state.doc.sliceString(node.from, node.to);
let inner = language.syntaxTree(context.state).resolveInner(context.pos, -1);
if (inner.name == "PropertyName") {
return pathFor(read, inner.parent, read(inner));
else if ((inner.name == "." || inner.name == "?.") && inner.parent.name == "MemberExpression") {
return pathFor(read, inner.parent, "");
else if (dontComplete.indexOf(inner.name) > -1) {
return null;
else if (inner.name == "VariableName" || inner.to - inner.from < 20 && Identifier.test(read(inner))) {
return { path: [], name: read(inner) };
else if (inner.name == "MemberExpression") {
return pathFor(read, inner, "");
else {
return context.explicit ? { path: [], name: "" } : null;
function enumeratePropertyCompletions(obj, top) {
let options = [], seen = new Set;
for (let depth = 0;; depth++) {
for (let name of (Object.getOwnPropertyNames || Object.keys)(obj)) {
if (!/^[a-zA-Z_$\xaa-\uffdc][\w$\xaa-\uffdc]*$/.test(name) || seen.has(name))
let value;
try {
value = obj[name];
catch (_) {
label: name,
type: typeof value == "function" ? (/^[A-Z]/.test(name) ? "class" : top ? "function" : "method")
: top ? "variable" : "property",
boost: -depth
let next = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
if (!next)
return options;
obj = next;
Defines a [completion source](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#autocomplete.CompletionSource) that
completes from the given scope object (for example `globalThis`).
Will enter properties of the object when completing properties on
a directly-named path.
function scopeCompletionSource(scope) {
let cache = new Map;
return (context) => {
let path = completionPath(context);
if (!path)
return null;
let target = scope;
for (let step of path.path) {
target = target[step];
if (!target)
return null;
let options = cache.get(target);
if (!options)
cache.set(target, options = enumeratePropertyCompletions(target, !path.path.length));
return {
from: context.pos - path.name.length,
validFor: Identifier
A language provider based on the [Lezer JavaScript
parser](https://github.com/lezer-parser/javascript), extended with
highlighting and indentation information.
const javascriptLanguage = language.LRLanguage.define({
name: "javascript",
parser: javascript$1.parser.configure({
props: [
IfStatement: language.continuedIndent({ except: /^\s*({|else\b)/ }),
TryStatement: language.continuedIndent({ except: /^\s*({|catch\b|finally\b)/ }),
LabeledStatement: language.flatIndent,
SwitchBody: context => {
let after = context.textAfter, closed = /^\s*\}/.test(after), isCase = /^\s*(case|default)\b/.test(after);
return context.baseIndent + (closed ? 0 : isCase ? 1 : 2) * context.unit;
Block: language.delimitedIndent({ closing: "}" }),
ArrowFunction: cx => cx.baseIndent + cx.unit,
"TemplateString BlockComment": () => null,
"Statement Property": language.continuedIndent({ except: /^{/ }),
JSXElement(context) {
let closed = /^\s*<\//.test(context.textAfter);
return context.lineIndent(context.node.from) + (closed ? 0 : context.unit);
JSXEscape(context) {
let closed = /\s*\}/.test(context.textAfter);
return context.lineIndent(context.node.from) + (closed ? 0 : context.unit);
"JSXOpenTag JSXSelfClosingTag"(context) {
return context.column(context.node.from) + context.unit;
"Block ClassBody SwitchBody EnumBody ObjectExpression ArrayExpression ObjectType": language.foldInside,
BlockComment(tree) { return { from: tree.from + 2, to: tree.to - 2 }; }
languageData: {
closeBrackets: { brackets: ["(", "[", "{", "'", '"', "`"] },
commentTokens: { line: "//", block: { open: "/*", close: "*/" } },
indentOnInput: /^\s*(?:case |default:|\{|\}|<\/)$/,
wordChars: "$"
const jsxSublanguage = {
test: node => /^JSX/.test(node.name),
facet: language.defineLanguageFacet({ commentTokens: { block: { open: "{/*", close: "*/}" } } })
A language provider for TypeScript.
const typescriptLanguage = javascriptLanguage.configure({ dialect: "ts" }, "typescript");
Language provider for JSX.
const jsxLanguage = javascriptLanguage.configure({
dialect: "jsx",
props: [language.sublanguageProp.add(n => n.isTop ? [jsxSublanguage] : undefined)]
Language provider for JSX + TypeScript.
const tsxLanguage = javascriptLanguage.configure({
dialect: "jsx ts",
props: [language.sublanguageProp.add(n => n.isTop ? [jsxSublanguage] : undefined)]
}, "typescript");
let kwCompletion = (name) => ({ label: name, type: "keyword" });
const keywords = "break case const continue default delete export extends false finally in instanceof let new return static super switch this throw true typeof var yield".split(" ").map(kwCompletion);
const typescriptKeywords = keywords.concat(["declare", "implements", "private", "protected", "public"].map(kwCompletion));
JavaScript support. Includes [snippet](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#lang-javascript.snippets)
and local variable completion.
function javascript(config = {}) {
let lang = config.jsx ? (config.typescript ? tsxLanguage : jsxLanguage)
: config.typescript ? typescriptLanguage : javascriptLanguage;
let completions = config.typescript ? typescriptSnippets.concat(typescriptKeywords) : snippets.concat(keywords);
return new language.LanguageSupport(lang, [
autocomplete: autocomplete.ifNotIn(dontComplete, autocomplete.completeFromList(completions))
autocomplete: localCompletionSource
config.jsx ? autoCloseTags : [],
function findOpenTag(node) {
for (;;) {
if (node.name == "JSXOpenTag" || node.name == "JSXSelfClosingTag" || node.name == "JSXFragmentTag")
return node;
if (node.name == "JSXEscape" || !node.parent)
return null;
node = node.parent;
function elementName(doc, tree, max = doc.length) {
for (let ch = tree === null || tree === void 0 ? void 0 : tree.firstChild; ch; ch = ch.nextSibling) {
if (ch.name == "JSXIdentifier" || ch.name == "JSXBuiltin" || ch.name == "JSXNamespacedName" ||
ch.name == "JSXMemberExpression")
return doc.sliceString(ch.from, Math.min(ch.to, max));
return "";
const android = typeof navigator == "object" && /Android\b/.test(navigator.userAgent);
Extension that will automatically insert JSX close tags when a `>` or
`/` is typed.
const autoCloseTags = view.EditorView.inputHandler.of((view, from, to, text, defaultInsert) => {
if ((android ? view.composing : view.compositionStarted) || view.state.readOnly ||
from != to || (text != ">" && text != "/") ||
!javascriptLanguage.isActiveAt(view.state, from, -1))
return false;
let base = defaultInsert(), { state: state$1 } = base;
let closeTags = state$1.changeByRange(range => {
var _a;
let { head } = range, around = language.syntaxTree(state$1).resolveInner(head - 1, -1), name;
if (around.name == "JSXStartTag")
around = around.parent;
if (state$1.doc.sliceString(head - 1, head) != text || around.name == "JSXAttributeValue" && around.to > head) ;
else if (text == ">" && around.name == "JSXFragmentTag") {
return { range, changes: { from: head, insert: `</>` } };
else if (text == "/" && around.name == "JSXStartCloseTag") {
let empty = around.parent, base = empty.parent;
if (base && empty.from == head - 2 &&
((name = elementName(state$1.doc, base.firstChild, head)) || ((_a = base.firstChild) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) == "JSXFragmentTag")) {
let insert = `${name}>`;
return { range: state.EditorSelection.cursor(head + insert.length, -1), changes: { from: head, insert } };
else if (text == ">") {
let openTag = findOpenTag(around);
if (openTag && openTag.name == "JSXOpenTag" &&
!/^\/?>|^<\//.test(state$1.doc.sliceString(head, head + 2)) &&
(name = elementName(state$1.doc, openTag, head)))
return { range, changes: { from: head, insert: `</${name}>` } };
return { range };
if (closeTags.changes.empty)
return false;
state$1.update(closeTags, { userEvent: "input.complete", scrollIntoView: true })
return true;
Connects an [ESLint](https://eslint.org/) linter to CodeMirror's
[lint](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#lint) integration. `eslint` should be an instance of the
class, and `config` an optional ESLint configuration. The return
value of this function can be passed to [`linter`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#lint.linter)
to create a JavaScript linting extension.
Note that ESLint targets node, and is tricky to run in the
browser. The
package may help with that (see
function esLint(eslint, config) {
if (!config) {
config = {
parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 2019, sourceType: "module" },
env: { browser: true, node: true, es6: true, es2015: true, es2017: true, es2020: true },
rules: {}
eslint.getRules().forEach((desc, name) => {
if (desc.meta.docs.recommended)
config.rules[name] = 2;
return (view) => {
let { state } = view, found = [];
for (let { from, to } of javascriptLanguage.findRegions(state)) {
let fromLine = state.doc.lineAt(from), offset = { line: fromLine.number - 1, col: from - fromLine.from, pos: from };
for (let d of eslint.verify(state.sliceDoc(from, to), config))
found.push(translateDiagnostic(d, state.doc, offset));
return found;
function mapPos(line, col, doc, offset) {
return doc.line(line + offset.line).from + col + (line == 1 ? offset.col - 1 : -1);
function translateDiagnostic(input, doc, offset) {
let start = mapPos(input.line, input.column, doc, offset);
let result = {
from: start,
to: input.endLine != null && input.endColumn != 1 ? mapPos(input.endLine, input.endColumn, doc, offset) : start,
message: input.message,
source: input.ruleId ? "eslint:" + input.ruleId : "eslint",
severity: input.severity == 1 ? "warning" : "error",
if (input.fix) {
let { range, text } = input.fix, from = range[0] + offset.pos - start, to = range[1] + offset.pos - start;
result.actions = [{
name: "fix",
apply(view, start) {
view.dispatch({ changes: { from: start + from, to: start + to, insert: text }, scrollIntoView: true });
return result;
exports.autoCloseTags = autoCloseTags;
exports.completionPath = completionPath;
exports.esLint = esLint;
exports.javascript = javascript;
exports.javascriptLanguage = javascriptLanguage;
exports.jsxLanguage = jsxLanguage;
exports.localCompletionSource = localCompletionSource;
exports.scopeCompletionSource = scopeCompletionSource;
exports.snippets = snippets;
exports.tsxLanguage = tsxLanguage;
exports.typescriptLanguage = typescriptLanguage;
exports.typescriptSnippets = typescriptSnippets;