// Generated by dts-bundle-generator v8.1.2 /** * * The Pyodide version. * * The version here is a Python version, following :pep:`440`. This is different * from the version in ``package.json`` which follows the node package manager * version convention. */ export declare const version: string; interface CanvasInterface { setCanvas2D(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): void; getCanvas2D(): HTMLCanvasElement | undefined; setCanvas3D(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): void; getCanvas3D(): HTMLCanvasElement | undefined; } type InFuncType = () => null | undefined | string | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array | number; declare function setStdin(options?: { stdin?: InFuncType; read?: (buffer: Uint8Array) => number; error?: boolean; isatty?: boolean; autoEOF?: boolean; }): void; declare function setStdout(options?: { batched?: (output: string) => void; raw?: (charCode: number) => void; write?: (buffer: Uint8Array) => number; isatty?: boolean; }): void; declare function setStderr(options?: { batched?: (output: string) => void; raw?: (charCode: number) => void; write?: (buffer: Uint8Array) => number; isatty?: boolean; }): void; /** @deprecated Use `import type { TypedArray } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ export type TypedArray = Int8Array | Uint8Array | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Int32Array | Uint32Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Float32Array | Float64Array; /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyProxy } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyProxy { [x: string]: any; } declare class PyProxy { /** @private */ $$flags: number; /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; /** * @hideconstructor */ constructor(); /** @hidden */ get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string; /** * The name of the type of the object. * * Usually the value is ``"module.name"`` but for builtins or * interpreter-defined types it is just ``"name"``. As pseudocode this is: * * .. code-block:: python * * ty = type(x) * if ty.__module__ == 'builtins' or ty.__module__ == "__main__": * return ty.__name__ * else: * ty.__module__ + "." + ty.__name__ * */ get type(): string; /** * Returns `str(o)` (unless `pyproxyToStringRepr: true` was passed to * :js:func:`~globalThis.loadPyodide` in which case it will return `repr(o)`) */ toString(): string; /** * Destroy the :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyProxy`. This will release the memory. Any further attempt * to use the object will raise an error. * * In a browser supporting :js:data:`FinalizationRegistry`, Pyodide will * automatically destroy the :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyProxy` when it is garbage collected, however * there is no guarantee that the finalizer will be run in a timely manner so * it is better to destroy the proxy explicitly. * * @param options * @param options.message The error message to print if use is attempted after * destroying. Defaults to "Object has already been destroyed". * */ destroy(options?: { message?: string; destroyRoundtrip?: boolean; }): void; /** * Make a new :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyProxy` pointing to the same Python object. * Useful if the :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyProxy` is destroyed somewhere else. */ copy(): PyProxy; /** * Converts the :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyProxy` into a JavaScript object as best as possible. By * default does a deep conversion, if a shallow conversion is desired, you can * use ``proxy.toJs({depth : 1})``. See :ref:`Explicit Conversion of PyProxy * ` for more info. * @param options * @return The JavaScript object resulting from the conversion. */ toJs({ depth, pyproxies, create_pyproxies, dict_converter, default_converter, }?: { /** How many layers deep to perform the conversion. Defaults to infinite */ depth?: number; /** * If provided, :js:meth:`toJs` will store all PyProxies created in this * list. This allows you to easily destroy all the PyProxies by iterating * the list without having to recurse over the generated structure. The most * common use case is to create a new empty list, pass the list as * ``pyproxies``, and then later iterate over ``pyproxies`` to destroy all of * created proxies. */ pyproxies?: PyProxy[]; /** * If false, :js:meth:`toJs` will throw a * :py:exc:`~pyodide.ffi.ConversionError` rather than producing a * :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyProxy`. */ create_pyproxies?: boolean; /** * A function to be called on an iterable of pairs ``[key, value]``. Convert * this iterable of pairs to the desired output. For instance, * :js:func:`Object.fromEntries` would convert the dict to an object, * :js:func:`Array.from` converts it to an :js:class:`Array` of pairs, and * ``(it) => new Map(it)`` converts it to a :js:class:`Map` (which is the * default behavior). */ dict_converter?: (array: Iterable<[ key: string, value: any ]>) => any; /** * Optional argument to convert objects with no default conversion. See the * documentation of :meth:`~pyodide.ffi.to_js`. */ default_converter?: (obj: PyProxy, convert: (obj: PyProxy) => any, cacheConversion: (obj: PyProxy, result: any) => void) => any; }): any; } declare class PyProxyWithLength extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyProxyWithLength } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyProxyWithLength extends PyLengthMethods { } declare class PyLengthMethods { /** * The length of the object. */ get length(): number; } declare class PyProxyWithGet extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyProxyWithGet } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyProxyWithGet extends PyGetItemMethods { } declare class PyGetItemMethods { /** * This translates to the Python code ``obj[key]``. * * @param key The key to look up. * @returns The corresponding value. */ get(key: any): any; /** * Returns the object treated as a json adaptor. * * With a JsonAdaptor: * 1. property access / modification / deletion is implemented with * :meth:`~object.__getitem__`, :meth:`~object.__setitem__`, and * :meth:`~object.__delitem__` respectively. * 2. If an attribute is accessed and the result implements * :meth:`~object.__getitem__` then the result will also be a json * adaptor. * * For instance, ``JSON.stringify(proxy.asJsJson())`` acts like an * inverse to Python's :py:func:`json.loads`. */ asJsJson(): PyProxy & {}; } declare class PyProxyWithSet extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyProxyWithSet } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyProxyWithSet extends PySetItemMethods { } declare class PySetItemMethods { /** * This translates to the Python code ``obj[key] = value``. * * @param key The key to set. * @param value The value to set it to. */ set(key: any, value: any): void; /** * This translates to the Python code ``del obj[key]``. * * @param key The key to delete. */ delete(key: any): void; } declare class PyProxyWithHas extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyProxyWithHas } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyProxyWithHas extends PyContainsMethods { } declare class PyContainsMethods { /** * This translates to the Python code ``key in obj``. * * @param key The key to check for. * @returns Is ``key`` present? */ has(key: any): boolean; } declare class PyIterable extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyIterable } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyIterable extends PyIterableMethods { } declare class PyIterableMethods { /** * This translates to the Python code ``iter(obj)``. Return an iterator * associated to the proxy. See the documentation for * :js:data:`Symbol.iterator`. * * This will be used implicitly by ``for(let x of proxy){}``. */ [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator; } declare class PyAsyncIterable extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyAsyncIterable } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyAsyncIterable extends PyAsyncIterableMethods { } declare class PyAsyncIterableMethods { /** * This translates to the Python code ``aiter(obj)``. Return an async iterator * associated to the proxy. See the documentation for :js:data:`Symbol.asyncIterator`. * * This will be used implicitly by ``for(await let x of proxy){}``. */ [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterator; } declare class PyIterator extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyIterator } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyIterator extends PyIteratorMethods { } declare class PyIteratorMethods { /** @private */ [Symbol.iterator](): this; /** * This translates to the Python code ``next(obj)``. Returns the next value of * the generator. See the documentation for :js:meth:`Generator.next` The * argument will be sent to the Python generator. * * This will be used implicitly by ``for(let x of proxy){}``. * * @param arg The value to send to the generator. The value will be assigned * as a result of a yield expression. * @returns An Object with two properties: ``done`` and ``value``. When the * generator yields ``some_value``, ``next`` returns ``{done : false, value : * some_value}``. When the generator raises a :py:exc:`StopIteration` * exception, ``next`` returns ``{done : true, value : result_value}``. */ next(arg?: any): IteratorResult; } declare class PyGenerator extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyGenerator } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyGenerator extends PyGeneratorMethods { } declare class PyGeneratorMethods { /** * Throws an exception into the Generator. * * See the documentation for :js:meth:`Generator.throw`. * * @param exc Error The error to throw into the generator. Must be an * instanceof ``Error``. * @returns An Object with two properties: ``done`` and ``value``. When the * generator yields ``some_value``, ``return`` returns ``{done : false, value * : some_value}``. When the generator raises a * ``StopIteration(result_value)`` exception, ``return`` returns ``{done : * true, value : result_value}``. */ throw(exc: any): IteratorResult; /** * Throws a :py:exc:`GeneratorExit` into the generator and if the * :py:exc:`GeneratorExit` is not caught returns the argument value ``{done: * true, value: v}``. If the generator catches the :py:exc:`GeneratorExit` and * returns or yields another value the next value of the generator this is * returned in the normal way. If it throws some error other than * :py:exc:`GeneratorExit` or :py:exc:`StopIteration`, that error is propagated. See * the documentation for :js:meth:`Generator.return`. * * @param v The value to return from the generator. * @returns An Object with two properties: ``done`` and ``value``. When the * generator yields ``some_value``, ``return`` returns ``{done : false, value * : some_value}``. When the generator raises a * ``StopIteration(result_value)`` exception, ``return`` returns ``{done : * true, value : result_value}``. */ return(v: any): IteratorResult; } declare class PyAsyncIterator extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyAsyncIterator } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyAsyncIterator extends PyAsyncIteratorMethods { } declare class PyAsyncIteratorMethods { /** @private */ [Symbol.asyncIterator](): this; /** * This translates to the Python code ``anext(obj)``. Returns the next value * of the asynchronous iterator. The argument will be sent to the Python * iterator (if it's a generator for instance). * * This will be used implicitly by ``for(let x of proxy){}``. * * @param arg The value to send to a generator. The value will be assigned as * a result of a yield expression. * @returns An Object with two properties: ``done`` and ``value``. When the * iterator yields ``some_value``, ``next`` returns ``{done : false, value : * some_value}``. When the giterator is done, ``next`` returns * ``{done : true }``. */ next(arg?: any): Promise>; } declare class PyAsyncGenerator extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyAsyncGenerator } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyAsyncGenerator extends PyAsyncGeneratorMethods { } declare class PyAsyncGeneratorMethods { /** * Throws an exception into the Generator. * * See the documentation for :js:meth:`AsyncGenerator.throw`. * * @param exc Error The error to throw into the generator. Must be an * instanceof ``Error``. * @returns An Object with two properties: ``done`` and ``value``. When the * generator yields ``some_value``, ``return`` returns ``{done : false, value * : some_value}``. When the generator raises a * ``StopIteration(result_value)`` exception, ``return`` returns ``{done : * true, value : result_value}``. */ throw(exc: any): Promise>; /** * Throws a :py:exc:`GeneratorExit` into the generator and if the * :py:exc:`GeneratorExit` is not caught returns the argument value ``{done: * true, value: v}``. If the generator catches the :py:exc:`GeneratorExit` and * returns or yields another value the next value of the generator this is * returned in the normal way. If it throws some error other than * :py:exc:`GeneratorExit` or :py:exc:`StopAsyncIteration`, that error is * propagated. See the documentation for :js:meth:`AsyncGenerator.throw` * * @param v The value to return from the generator. * @returns An Object with two properties: ``done`` and ``value``. When the * generator yields ``some_value``, ``return`` returns ``{done : false, value * : some_value}``. When the generator raises a :py:exc:`StopAsyncIteration` * exception, ``return`` returns ``{done : true, value : result_value}``. */ return(v: any): Promise>; } declare class PySequence extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PySequence } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PySequence extends PySequenceMethods { } declare class PySequenceMethods { /** @hidden */ get [Symbol.isConcatSpreadable](): boolean; /** * See :js:meth:`Array.join`. The :js:meth:`Array.join` method creates and * returns a new string by concatenating all of the elements in the * :py:class:`~collections.abc.Sequence`. * * @param separator A string to separate each pair of adjacent elements of the * Sequence. * * @returns A string with all Sequence elements joined. */ join(separator?: string): string; /** * See :js:meth:`Array.slice`. The :js:meth:`Array.slice` method returns a * shallow copy of a portion of a :py:class:`~collections.abc.Sequence` into a * new array object selected from ``start`` to ``stop`` (`stop` not included) * @param start Zero-based index at which to start extraction. Negative index * counts back from the end of the Sequence. * @param stop Zero-based index at which to end extraction. Negative index * counts back from the end of the Sequence. * @returns A new array containing the extracted elements. */ slice(start?: number, stop?: number): any; /** * See :js:meth:`Array.lastIndexOf`. Returns the last index at which a given * element can be found in the Sequence, or -1 if it is not present. * @param elt Element to locate in the Sequence. * @param fromIndex Zero-based index at which to start searching backwards, * converted to an integer. Negative index counts back from the end of the * Sequence. * @returns The last index of the element in the Sequence; -1 if not found. */ lastIndexOf(elt: any, fromIndex?: number): number; /** * See :js:meth:`Array.indexOf`. Returns the first index at which a given * element can be found in the Sequence, or -1 if it is not present. * @param elt Element to locate in the Sequence. * @param fromIndex Zero-based index at which to start searching, converted to * an integer. Negative index counts back from the end of the Sequence. * @returns The first index of the element in the Sequence; -1 if not found. */ indexOf(elt: any, fromIndex?: number): number; /** * See :js:meth:`Array.forEach`. Executes a provided function once for each * ``Sequence`` element. * @param callbackfn A function to execute for each element in the ``Sequence``. Its * return value is discarded. * @param thisArg A value to use as ``this`` when executing ``callbackFn``. */ forEach(callbackfn: (elt: any) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * See :js:meth:`Array.map`. Creates a new array populated with the results of * calling a provided function on every element in the calling ``Sequence``. * @param callbackfn A function to execute for each element in the ``Sequence``. Its * return value is added as a single element in the new array. * @param thisArg A value to use as ``this`` when executing ``callbackFn``. */ map(callbackfn: (elt: any, index: number, array: any) => U, thisArg?: any): U[]; /** * See :js:meth:`Array.filter`. Creates a shallow copy of a portion of a given * ``Sequence``, filtered down to just the elements from the given array that pass * the test implemented by the provided function. * @param predicate A function to execute for each element in the array. It * should return a truthy value to keep the element in the resulting array, * and a falsy value otherwise. * @param thisArg A value to use as ``this`` when executing ``predicate``. */ filter(predicate: (elt: any, index: number, array: any) => boolean, thisArg?: any): any[]; /** * See :js:meth:`Array.some`. Tests whether at least one element in the * ``Sequence`` passes the test implemented by the provided function. * @param predicate A function to execute for each element in the * ``Sequence``. It should return a truthy value to indicate the element * passes the test, and a falsy value otherwise. * @param thisArg A value to use as ``this`` when executing ``predicate``. */ some(predicate: (value: any, index: number, array: any[]) => unknown, thisArg?: any): boolean; /** * See :js:meth:`Array.every`. Tests whether every element in the ``Sequence`` * passes the test implemented by the provided function. * @param predicate A function to execute for each element in the * ``Sequence``. It should return a truthy value to indicate the element * passes the test, and a falsy value otherwise. * @param thisArg A value to use as ``this`` when executing ``predicate``. */ every(predicate: (value: any, index: number, array: any[]) => unknown, thisArg?: any): boolean; /** * See :js:meth:`Array.reduce`. Executes a user-supplied "reducer" callback * function on each element of the Sequence, in order, passing in the return * value from the calculation on the preceding element. The final result of * running the reducer across all elements of the Sequence is a single value. * @param callbackfn A function to execute for each element in the ``Sequence``. Its * return value is discarded. */ reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: any, currentValue: any, currentIndex: number, array: any) => any, initialValue?: any): any; /** * See :js:meth:`Array.reduceRight`. Applies a function against an accumulator * and each value of the Sequence (from right to left) to reduce it to a * single value. * @param callbackfn A function to execute for each element in the Sequence. * Its return value is discarded. */ reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: any, currentValue: any, currentIndex: number, array: any) => any, initialValue: any): any; /** * See :js:meth:`Array.at`. Takes an integer value and returns the item at * that index. * @param index Zero-based index of the Sequence element to be returned, * converted to an integer. Negative index counts back from the end of the * Sequence. * @returns The element in the Sequence matching the given index. */ at(index: number): any; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.concat` method is used to merge two or more arrays. * This method does not change the existing arrays, but instead returns a new * array. * @param rest Arrays and/or values to concatenate into a new array. * @returns A new Array instance. */ concat(...rest: ConcatArray[]): any[]; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.includes` method determines whether a Sequence * includes a certain value among its entries, returning true or false as * appropriate. * @param elt * @returns */ includes(elt: any): any; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.entries` method returns a new iterator object that * contains the key/value pairs for each index in the ``Sequence``. * @returns A new iterator object. */ entries(): IterableIterator<[ number, any ]>; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.keys` method returns a new iterator object that * contains the keys for each index in the ``Sequence``. * @returns A new iterator object. */ keys(): IterableIterator; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.values` method returns a new iterator object that * contains the values for each index in the ``Sequence``. * @returns A new iterator object. */ values(): IterableIterator; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.find` method returns the first element in the provided * array that satisfies the provided testing function. * @param predicate A function to execute for each element in the * ``Sequence``. It should return a truthy value to indicate a matching * element has been found, and a falsy value otherwise. * @param thisArg A value to use as ``this`` when executing ``predicate``. * @returns The first element in the ``Sequence`` that satisfies the provided * testing function. */ find(predicate: (value: any, index: number, obj: any[]) => any, thisArg?: any): any; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.findIndex` method returns the index of the first * element in the provided array that satisfies the provided testing function. * @param predicate A function to execute for each element in the * ``Sequence``. It should return a truthy value to indicate a matching * element has been found, and a falsy value otherwise. * @param thisArg A value to use as ``this`` when executing ``predicate``. * @returns The index of the first element in the ``Sequence`` that satisfies * the provided testing function. */ findIndex(predicate: (value: any, index: number, obj: any[]) => any, thisArg?: any): number; toJSON(this: any): unknown[]; /** * Returns the object treated as a json adaptor. * * With a JsonAdaptor: * 1. property access / modification / deletion is implemented with * :meth:`~object.__getitem__`, :meth:`~object.__setitem__`, and * :meth:`~object.__delitem__` respectively. * 2. If an attribute is accessed and the result implements * :meth:`~object.__getitem__` then the result will also be a json * adaptor. * * For instance, ``JSON.stringify(proxy.asJsJson())`` acts like an * inverse to Python's :py:func:`json.loads`. */ asJsJson(): PyProxy & {}; } declare class PyMutableSequence extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyMutableSequence } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyMutableSequence extends PyMutableSequenceMethods { } declare class PyMutableSequenceMethods { /** * The :js:meth:`Array.reverse` method reverses a :js:class:`PyMutableSequence` in * place. * @returns A reference to the same :js:class:`PyMutableSequence` */ reverse(): PyMutableSequence; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.sort` method sorts the elements of a * :js:class:`PyMutableSequence` in place. * @param compareFn A function that defines the sort order. * @returns A reference to the same :js:class:`PyMutableSequence` */ sort(compareFn?: (a: any, b: any) => number): PyMutableSequence; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.splice` method changes the contents of a * :js:class:`PyMutableSequence` by removing or replacing existing elements and/or * adding new elements in place. * @param start Zero-based index at which to start changing the * :js:class:`PyMutableSequence`. * @param deleteCount An integer indicating the number of elements in the * :js:class:`PyMutableSequence` to remove from ``start``. * @param items The elements to add to the :js:class:`PyMutableSequence`, beginning from * ``start``. * @returns An array containing the deleted elements. */ splice(start: number, deleteCount?: number, ...items: any[]): any[]; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.push` method adds the specified elements to the end of * a :js:class:`PyMutableSequence`. * @param elts The element(s) to add to the end of the :js:class:`PyMutableSequence`. * @returns The new length property of the object upon which the method was * called. */ push(...elts: any[]): any; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.pop` method removes the last element from a * :js:class:`PyMutableSequence`. * @returns The removed element from the :js:class:`PyMutableSequence`; undefined if the * :js:class:`PyMutableSequence` is empty. */ pop(): any; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.shift` method removes the first element from a * :js:class:`PyMutableSequence`. * @returns The removed element from the :js:class:`PyMutableSequence`; undefined if the * :js:class:`PyMutableSequence` is empty. */ shift(): any; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.unshift` method adds the specified elements to the * beginning of a :js:class:`PyMutableSequence`. * @param elts The elements to add to the front of the :js:class:`PyMutableSequence`. * @returns The new length of the :js:class:`PyMutableSequence`. */ unshift(...elts: any[]): any; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.copyWithin` method shallow copies part of a * :js:class:`PyMutableSequence` to another location in the same :js:class:`PyMutableSequence` * without modifying its length. * @param target Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. * @param start Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. * @param end Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. * @returns The modified :js:class:`PyMutableSequence`. */ copyWithin(target: number, start?: number, end?: number): any; /** * The :js:meth:`Array.fill` method changes all elements in an array to a * static value, from a start index to an end index. * @param value Value to fill the array with. * @param start Zero-based index at which to start filling. Default 0. * @param end Zero-based index at which to end filling. Default * ``list.length``. * @returns */ fill(value: any, start?: number, end?: number): any; } declare class PyAwaitable extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyAwaitable } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyAwaitable extends Promise { } declare class PyCallable extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyCallable; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyCallable } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyCallable extends PyCallableMethods { (...args: any[]): any; } declare class PyCallableMethods { /** * The ``apply()`` method calls the specified function with a given this * value, and arguments provided as an array (or an array-like object). Like * :js:meth:`Function.apply`. * * @param thisArg The ``this`` argument. Has no effect unless the * :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyCallable` has :js:meth:`captureThis` set. If * :js:meth:`captureThis` is set, it will be passed as the first argument to * the Python function. * @param jsargs The array of arguments * @returns The result from the function call. */ apply(thisArg: any, jsargs: any): any; /** * Calls the function with a given this value and arguments provided * individually. See :js:meth:`Function.call`. * * @param thisArg The ``this`` argument. Has no effect unless the * :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyCallable` has :js:meth:`captureThis` set. If * :js:meth:`captureThis` is set, it will be passed as the first argument to * the Python function. * @param jsargs The arguments * @returns The result from the function call. */ call(thisArg: any, ...jsargs: any): any; /** * Call the Python function. The first parameter controls various parameters * that change the way the call is performed. * * @param options * @param options.kwargs If true, the last argument is treated as a collection * of keyword arguments. * @param options.promising If true, the call is made with stack switching * enabled. Not needed if the callee is an async * Python function. * @param options.relaxed If true, extra arguments are ignored instead of * raising a :py:exc:`TypeError`. * @param jsargs Arguments to the Python function. * @returns */ callWithOptions({ relaxed, kwargs, promising, }: { relaxed?: boolean; kwargs?: boolean; promising?: boolean; }, ...jsargs: any): any; /** * Call the function with keyword arguments. The last argument must be an * object with the keyword arguments. */ callKwargs(...jsargs: any): any; /** * Call the function in a "relaxed" manner. Any extra arguments will be * ignored. This matches the behavior of JavaScript functions more accurately. * * Any extra arguments will be ignored. This matches the behavior of * JavaScript functions more accurately. Missing arguments are **NOT** filled * with `None`. If too few arguments are passed, this will still raise a * TypeError. * * This uses :py:func:`pyodide.code.relaxed_call`. */ callRelaxed(...jsargs: any): any; /** * Call the function with keyword arguments in a "relaxed" manner. The last * argument must be an object with the keyword arguments. Any extra arguments * will be ignored. This matches the behavior of JavaScript functions more * accurately. * * Missing arguments are **NOT** filled with ``None``. If too few arguments are * passed, this will still raise a :py:exc:`TypeError`. Also, if the same argument is * passed as both a keyword argument and a positional argument, it will raise * an error. * * This uses :py:func:`pyodide.code.relaxed_call`. */ callKwargsRelaxed(...jsargs: any): any; /** * Call the function with stack switching enabled. The last argument must be * an object with the keyword arguments. Functions called this way can use * :py:meth:`~pyodide.ffi.run_sync` to block until an * :py:class:`~collections.abc.Awaitable` is resolved. Only works in runtimes * with JS Promise integration. * * .. admonition:: Experimental * :class: warning * * This feature is not yet stable. * * @experimental */ callPromising(...jsargs: any): Promise; /** * Call the function with stack switching enabled. The last argument must be * an object with the keyword arguments. Functions called this way can use * :py:meth:`~pyodide.ffi.run_sync` to block until an * :py:class:`~collections.abc.Awaitable` is resolved. Only works in runtimes * with JS Promise integration. * * .. admonition:: Experimental * :class: warning * * This feature is not yet stable. * * @experimental */ callPromisingKwargs(...jsargs: any): Promise; /** * The ``bind()`` method creates a new function that, when called, has its * ``this`` keyword set to the provided value, with a given sequence of * arguments preceding any provided when the new function is called. See * :js:meth:`Function.bind`. * * If the :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyCallable` does not have * :js:meth:`captureThis` set, the ``this`` parameter will be discarded. If it * does have :js:meth:`captureThis` set, ``thisArg`` will be set to the first * argument of the Python function. The returned proxy and the original proxy * have the same lifetime so destroying either destroys both. * * @param thisArg The value to be passed as the ``this`` parameter to the * target function ``func`` when the bound function is called. * @param jsargs Extra arguments to prepend to arguments provided to the bound * function when invoking ``func``. * @returns */ bind(thisArg: any, ...jsargs: any): PyProxy; /** * Returns a :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyProxy` that passes ``this`` as the first argument to the * Python function. The returned :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyProxy` has the internal ``captureThis`` * property set. * * It can then be used as a method on a JavaScript object. The returned proxy * and the original proxy have the same lifetime so destroying either destroys * both. * * For example: * * .. code-block:: pyodide * * let obj = { a : 7 }; * pyodide.runPython(` * def f(self): * return self.a * `); * // Without captureThis, it doesn't work to use f as a method for obj: * obj.f = pyodide.globals.get("f"); * obj.f(); // raises "TypeError: f() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'" * // With captureThis, it works fine: * obj.f = pyodide.globals.get("f").captureThis(); * obj.f(); // returns 7 * * @returns The resulting :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyProxy`. It has the same lifetime as the * original :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyProxy` but passes ``this`` to the wrapped function. * */ captureThis(): PyProxy; } declare class PyBuffer extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyBuffer; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyBuffer } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyBuffer extends PyBufferMethods { } declare class PyBufferMethods { /** * Get a view of the buffer data which is usable from JavaScript. No copy is * ever performed. * * We do not support suboffsets, if the buffer requires suboffsets we will * throw an error. JavaScript nd array libraries can't handle suboffsets * anyways. In this case, you should use the :js:meth:`~PyProxy.toJs` api or * copy the buffer to one that doesn't use suboffsets (using e.g., * :py:func:`numpy.ascontiguousarray`). * * If the buffer stores big endian data or half floats, this function will * fail without an explicit type argument. For big endian data you can use * :js:meth:`~PyProxy.toJs`. :js:class:`DataView` has support for big endian * data, so you might want to pass ``'dataview'`` as the type argument in that * case. * * @param type The type of the :js:attr:`~pyodide.ffi.PyBufferView.data` field * in the output. Should be one of: ``"i8"``, ``"u8"``, ``"u8clamped"``, * ``"i16"``, ``"u16"``, ``"i32"``, ``"u32"``, ``"i32"``, ``"u32"``, * ``"i64"``, ``"u64"``, ``"f32"``, ``"f64"``, or ``"dataview"``. This argument * is optional, if absent :js:meth:`~pyodide.ffi.PyBuffer.getBuffer` will try * to determine the appropriate output type based on the buffer format string * (see :std:ref:`struct-format-strings`). */ getBuffer(type?: string): PyBufferView; } declare class PyDict extends PyProxy { /** @private */ static [Symbol.hasInstance](obj: any): obj is PyProxy; } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyDict } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ interface PyDict extends PyProxyWithGet, PyProxyWithSet, PyProxyWithHas, PyProxyWithLength, PyIterable { } /** @deprecated Use `import type { PyBufferView } from "pyodide/ffi"` instead */ declare class PyBufferView { /** * The offset of the first entry of the array. For instance if our array * is 3d, then you will find ``array[0,0,0]`` at * ``pybuf.data[pybuf.offset]`` */ offset: number; /** * If the data is read only, you should not modify it. There is no way for us * to enforce this, but it may cause very weird behavior. See * :py:attr:`memoryview.readonly`. */ readonly: boolean; /** * The format string for the buffer. See :ref:`struct-format-strings` * and :py:attr:`memoryview.format`. */ format: string; /** * How large is each entry in bytes? See :py:attr:`memoryview.itemsize`. */ itemsize: number; /** * The number of dimensions of the buffer. If ``ndim`` is 0, the buffer * represents a single scalar or struct. Otherwise, it represents an * array. See :py:attr:`memoryview.ndim`. */ ndim: number; /** * The total number of bytes the buffer takes up. This is equal to * :js:attr:`buff.data.byteLength `. See * :py:attr:`memoryview.nbytes`. */ nbytes: number; /** * The shape of the buffer, that is how long it is in each dimension. * The length will be equal to ``ndim``. For instance, a 2x3x4 array * would have shape ``[2, 3, 4]``. See :py:attr:`memoryview.shape`. */ shape: number[]; /** * An array of of length ``ndim`` giving the number of elements to skip * to get to a new element in each dimension. See the example definition * of a ``multiIndexToIndex`` function above. See :py:attr:`memoryview.strides`. */ strides: number[]; /** * The actual data. A typed array of an appropriate size backed by a segment * of the WASM memory. * * The ``type`` argument of :js:meth:`~pyodide.ffi.PyBuffer.getBuffer` determines * which sort of :js:class:`TypedArray` or :js:class:`DataView` to return. By * default :js:meth:`~pyodide.ffi.PyBuffer.getBuffer` will look at the format string * to determine the most appropriate option. Most often the result is a * :js:class:`Uint8Array`. * * .. admonition:: Contiguity * :class: warning * * If the buffer is not contiguous, the :js:attr:`~PyBufferView.readonly` * TypedArray will contain data that is not part of the buffer. Modifying * this data leads to undefined behavior. * * .. admonition:: Read only buffers * :class: warning * * If :js:attr:`buffer.readonly ` is ``true``, you * should not modify the buffer. Modifying a read only buffer leads to * undefined behavior. * */ data: TypedArray; /** * Is it C contiguous? See :py:attr:`memoryview.c_contiguous`. */ c_contiguous: boolean; /** * Is it Fortran contiguous? See :py:attr:`memoryview.f_contiguous`. */ f_contiguous: boolean; /** * @private */ _released: boolean; /** * @private */ _view_ptr: number; /** @private */ constructor(); /** * Release the buffer. This allows the memory to be reclaimed. */ release(): void; } type PackageType = "package" | "cpython_module" | "shared_library" | "static_library"; interface PackageData { name: string; version: string; fileName: string; /** @experimental */ packageType: PackageType; } declare function loadPackage(names: string | PyProxy | Array, options?: { messageCallback?: (message: string) => void; errorCallback?: (message: string) => void; checkIntegrity?: boolean; }): Promise>; declare class PythonError extends Error { /** * The address of the error we are wrapping. We may later compare this * against sys.last_exc. * WARNING: we don't own a reference to this pointer, dereferencing it * may be a use-after-free error! * @private */ __error_address: number; /** * The name of the Python error class, e.g, :py:exc:`RuntimeError` or * :py:exc:`KeyError`. */ type: string; constructor(type: string, message: string, error_address: number); } type NativeFS = { syncfs: () => Promise; }; declare class PyodideAPI { /** @hidden */ static version: string; /** @hidden */ static loadPackage: typeof loadPackage; /** @hidden */ static loadedPackages: { [key: string]: string; }; /** @hidden */ static ffi: { PyProxy: typeof PyProxy; PyProxyWithLength: typeof PyProxyWithLength; PyProxyWithGet: typeof PyProxyWithGet; PyProxyWithSet: typeof PyProxyWithSet; PyProxyWithHas: typeof PyProxyWithHas; PyDict: typeof PyDict; PyIterable: typeof PyIterable; PyAsyncIterable: typeof PyAsyncIterable; PyIterator: typeof PyIterator; PyAsyncIterator: typeof PyAsyncIterator; PyGenerator: typeof PyGenerator; PyAsyncGenerator: typeof PyAsyncGenerator; PyAwaitable: typeof PyAwaitable; PyCallable: typeof PyCallable; PyBuffer: typeof PyBuffer; PyBufferView: typeof PyBufferView; PythonError: typeof PythonError; PySequence: typeof PySequence; PyMutableSequence: typeof PyMutableSequence; }; /** @hidden */ static setStdin: typeof setStdin; /** @hidden */ static setStdout: typeof setStdout; /** @hidden */ static setStderr: typeof setStderr; /** * * An alias to the global Python namespace. * * For example, to access a variable called ``foo`` in the Python global * scope, use ``pyodide.globals.get("foo")`` */ static globals: PyProxy; /** * An alias to the `Emscripten File System API * `_. * * This provides a wide range of POSIX-`like` file/device operations, including * `mount * `_ * which can be used to extend the in-memory filesystem with features like `persistence * `_. * * While all the file systems implementations are enabled, only the default * ``MEMFS`` is guaranteed to work in all runtime settings. The implementations * are available as members of ``FS.filesystems``: * ``IDBFS``, ``NODEFS``, ``PROXYFS``, ``WORKERFS``. */ static FS: any; /** * An alias to the `Emscripten Path API * `_. * * This provides a variety of operations for working with file system paths, such as * ``dirname``, ``normalize``, and ``splitPath``. */ static PATH: any; /** * See :ref:`js-api-pyodide-canvas`. * @hidetype */ static canvas: CanvasInterface; /** * A map from posix error names to error codes. */ static ERRNO_CODES: { [code: string]: number; }; /** * An alias to the Python :ref:`pyodide ` package. * * You can use this to call functions defined in the Pyodide Python package * from JavaScript. */ static pyodide_py: PyProxy; /** * Inspect a Python code chunk and use :js:func:`pyodide.loadPackage` to install * any known packages that the code chunk imports. Uses the Python API * :func:`pyodide.code.find\_imports` to inspect the code. * * For example, given the following code as input * * .. code-block:: python * * import numpy as np * x = np.array([1, 2, 3]) * * :js:func:`loadPackagesFromImports` will call * ``pyodide.loadPackage(['numpy'])``. * * @param code The code to inspect. * @param options Options passed to :js:func:`pyodide.loadPackage`. * @param options.messageCallback A callback, called with progress messages * (optional) * @param options.errorCallback A callback, called with error/warning messages * (optional) * @param options.checkIntegrity If true, check the integrity of the downloaded * packages (default: true) * @async */ static loadPackagesFromImports(code: string, options?: { messageCallback?: (message: string) => void; errorCallback?: (message: string) => void; checkIntegrity?: boolean; }): Promise>; /** * Runs a string of Python code from JavaScript, using :py:func:`~pyodide.code.eval_code` * to evaluate the code. If the last statement in the Python code is an * expression (and the code doesn't end with a semicolon), the value of the * expression is returned. * * @param code The Python code to run * @param options * @param options.globals An optional Python dictionary to use as the globals. * Defaults to :js:attr:`pyodide.globals`. * @param options.locals An optional Python dictionary to use as the locals. * Defaults to the same as ``globals``. * @param options.filename An optional string to use as the file name. * Defaults to ``""``. If a custom file name is given, the * traceback for any exception that is thrown will show source lines * (unless the given file name starts with ``<`` and ends with ``>``). * @returns The result of the Python code translated to JavaScript. See the * documentation for :py:func:`~pyodide.code.eval_code` for more info. * @example * async function main(){ * const pyodide = await loadPyodide(); * console.log(pyodide.runPython("1 + 2")); * // 3 * * const globals = pyodide.toPy({ x: 3 }); * console.log(pyodide.runPython("x + 1", { globals })); * // 4 * * const locals = pyodide.toPy({ arr: [1, 2, 3] }); * console.log(pyodide.runPython("sum(arr)", { locals })); * // 6 * } * main(); */ static runPython(code: string, options?: { globals?: PyProxy; locals?: PyProxy; filename?: string; }): any; /** * Run a Python code string with top level await using * :py:func:`~pyodide.code.eval_code_async` to evaluate the code. Returns a promise which * resolves when execution completes. If the last statement in the Python code * is an expression (and the code doesn't end with a semicolon), the returned * promise will resolve to the value of this expression. * * For example: * * .. code-block:: pyodide * * let result = await pyodide.runPythonAsync(` * from js import fetch * response = await fetch("./pyodide-lock.json") * packages = await response.json() * # If final statement is an expression, its value is returned to JavaScript * len(packages.packages.object_keys()) * `); * console.log(result); // 79 * * .. admonition:: Python imports * :class: warning * * Since pyodide 0.18.0, you must call :js:func:`loadPackagesFromImports` to * import any python packages referenced via ``import`` statements in your * code. This function will no longer do it for you. * * @param code The Python code to run * @param options * @param options.globals An optional Python dictionary to use as the globals. * Defaults to :js:attr:`pyodide.globals`. * @param options.locals An optional Python dictionary to use as the locals. * Defaults to the same as ``globals``. * @param options.filename An optional string to use as the file name. * Defaults to ``""``. If a custom file name is given, the * traceback for any exception that is thrown will show source lines * (unless the given file name starts with ``<`` and ends with ``>``). * @returns The result of the Python code translated to JavaScript. * @async */ static runPythonAsync(code: string, options?: { globals?: PyProxy; locals?: PyProxy; filename?: string; }): Promise; /** * Registers the JavaScript object ``module`` as a JavaScript module named * ``name``. This module can then be imported from Python using the standard * Python import system. If another module by the same name has already been * imported, this won't have much effect unless you also delete the imported * module from :py:data:`sys.modules`. This calls * :func:`~pyodide.ffi.register_js_module`. * * Any attributes of the JavaScript objects which are themselves objects will * be treated as submodules: * ```pyodide * pyodide.registerJsModule("mymodule", { submodule: { value: 7 } }); * pyodide.runPython(` * from mymodule.submodule import value * assert value == 7 * `); * ``` * If you wish to prevent this, try the following instead: * ```pyodide * const sys = pyodide.pyimport("sys"); * sys.modules.set("mymodule", { obj: { value: 7 } }); * pyodide.runPython(` * from mymodule import obj * assert obj.value == 7 * # attempting to treat obj as a submodule raises ModuleNotFoundError: * # "No module named 'mymodule.obj'; 'mymodule' is not a package" * from mymodule.obj import value * `); * ``` * * @param name Name of the JavaScript module to add * @param module JavaScript object backing the module */ static registerJsModule(name: string, module: object): void; /** * Unregisters a JavaScript module with given name that has been previously * registered with :js:func:`pyodide.registerJsModule` or * :func:`~pyodide.ffi.register_js_module`. If a JavaScript module with that * name does not already exist, will throw an error. Note that if the module has * already been imported, this won't have much effect unless you also delete the * imported module from :py:data:`sys.modules`. This calls * :func:`~pyodide.ffi.unregister_js_module`. * * @param name Name of the JavaScript module to remove */ static unregisterJsModule(name: string): void; /** * Convert a JavaScript object to a Python object as best as possible. * * This is similar to :py:meth:`~pyodide.ffi.JsProxy.to_py` but for use from * JavaScript. If the object is immutable or a :js:class:`~pyodide.ffi.PyProxy`, * it will be returned unchanged. If the object cannot be converted into Python, * it will be returned unchanged. * * See :ref:`type-translations-jsproxy-to-py` for more information. * * @param obj The object to convert. * @param options * @returns The object converted to Python. */ static toPy(obj: any, { depth, defaultConverter, }?: { /** * Optional argument to limit the depth of the conversion. */ depth: number; /** * Optional argument to convert objects with no default conversion. See the * documentation of :py:meth:`~pyodide.ffi.JsProxy.to_py`. */ defaultConverter?: (value: any, converter: (value: any) => any, cacheConversion: (input: any, output: any) => void) => any; }): any; /** * Imports a module and returns it. * * If `name` has no dot in it, then `pyimport(name)` is approximately * equivalent to: * ```js * pyodide.runPython(`import ${name}; ${name}`) * ``` * except that `name` is not introduced into the Python global namespace. If * the name has one or more dots in it, say it is of the form `path.name` * where `name` has no dots but path may have zero or more dots. Then it is * approximately the same as: * ```js * pyodide.runPython(`from ${path} import ${name}; ${name}`); * ``` * * @param mod_name The name of the module to import * * @example * pyodide.pyimport("math.comb")(4, 2) // returns 4 choose 2 = 6 */ static pyimport(mod_name: string): any; /** * Unpack an archive into a target directory. * * @param buffer The archive as an :js:class:`ArrayBuffer` or :js:class:`TypedArray`. * @param format The format of the archive. Should be one of the formats * recognized by :py:func:`shutil.unpack_archive`. By default the options are * ``'bztar'``, ``'gztar'``, ``'tar'``, ``'zip'``, and ``'wheel'``. Several * synonyms are accepted for each format, e.g., for ``'gztar'`` any of * ``'.gztar'``, ``'.tar.gz'``, ``'.tgz'``, ``'tar.gz'`` or ``'tgz'`` are * considered to be * synonyms. * * @param options * @param options.extractDir The directory to unpack the archive into. Defaults * to the working directory. */ static unpackArchive(buffer: TypedArray | ArrayBuffer, format: string, options?: { extractDir?: string; }): void; /** * Mounts a :js:class:`FileSystemDirectoryHandle` into the target directory. * Currently it's only possible to acquire a * :js:class:`FileSystemDirectoryHandle` in Chrome. * * @param path The absolute path in the Emscripten file system to mount the * native directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. If * it does exist, it must be empty. * @param fileSystemHandle A handle returned by * :js:func:`navigator.storage.getDirectory() ` or * :js:func:`window.showDirectoryPicker() `. */ static mountNativeFS(path: string, fileSystemHandle: FileSystemDirectoryHandle): Promise; /** * Mounts a host directory into Pyodide file system. Only works in node. * * @param emscriptenPath The absolute path in the Emscripten file system to * mount the native directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be * created. If it does exist, it must be empty. * @param hostPath The host path to mount. It must be a directory that exists. */ static mountNodeFS(emscriptenPath: string, hostPath: string): void; /** * Tell Pyodide about Comlink. * Necessary to enable importing Comlink proxies into Python. */ static registerComlink(Comlink: any): void; /** * Sets the interrupt buffer to be ``interrupt_buffer``. This is only useful * when Pyodide is used in a webworker. The buffer should be a * :js:class:`SharedArrayBuffer` shared with the main browser thread (or another * worker). In that case, signal ``signum`` may be sent by writing ``signum`` * into the interrupt buffer. If ``signum`` does not satisfy 0 < ``signum`` < 65 * it will be silently ignored. * * You can disable interrupts by calling ``setInterruptBuffer(undefined)``. * * If you wish to trigger a :py:exc:`KeyboardInterrupt`, write ``SIGINT`` (a 2) * into the interrupt buffer. * * By default ``SIGINT`` raises a :py:exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` and all other signals * are ignored. You can install custom signal handlers with the signal module. * Even signals that normally have special meaning and can't be overridden like * ``SIGKILL`` and ``SIGSEGV`` are ignored by default and can be used for any * purpose you like. */ static setInterruptBuffer(interrupt_buffer: TypedArray): void; /** * Throws a :py:exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` error if a :py:exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` has * been requested via the interrupt buffer. * * This can be used to enable keyboard interrupts during execution of JavaScript * code, just as :c:func:`PyErr_CheckSignals` is used to enable keyboard interrupts * during execution of C code. */ static checkInterrupt(): void; /** * Turn on or off debug mode. In debug mode, some error messages are improved * at a performance cost. * @param debug If true, turn debug mode on. If false, turn debug mode off. * @returns The old value of the debug flag. */ static setDebug(debug: boolean): boolean; static makeMemorySnapshot(): Uint8Array; } /** @hidden */ export type PyodideInterface = typeof PyodideAPI; /** * See documentation for loadPyodide. * @hidden */ type ConfigType = { indexURL: string; packageCacheDir: string; lockFileURL: string; fullStdLib?: boolean; stdLibURL?: string; stdin?: () => string; stdout?: (msg: string) => void; stderr?: (msg: string) => void; jsglobals?: object; args: string[]; _node_mounts: string[]; env: { [key: string]: string; }; packages: string[]; _makeSnapshot: boolean; enableRunUntilComplete: boolean; }; /** * Load the main Pyodide wasm module and initialize it. * * @returns The :ref:`js-api-pyodide` module. * @memberof globalThis * @async * @example * async function main() { * const pyodide = await loadPyodide({ * fullStdLib: true, * stdout: (msg) => console.log(`Pyodide: ${msg}`), * }); * console.log("Loaded Pyodide"); * } * main(); */ export declare function loadPyodide(options?: { /** * The URL from which Pyodide will load the main Pyodide runtime and * packages. It is recommended that you leave this unchanged, providing an * incorrect value can cause broken behavior. * * Default: The url that Pyodide is loaded from with the file name * (``pyodide.js`` or ``pyodide.mjs``) removed. */ indexURL?: string; /** * The file path where packages will be cached in node. If a package * exists in ``packageCacheDir`` it is loaded from there, otherwise it is * downloaded from the JsDelivr CDN and then cached into ``packageCacheDir``. * Only applies when running in node; ignored in browsers. * * Default: same as indexURL */ packageCacheDir?: string; /** * The URL from which Pyodide will load the Pyodide ``pyodide-lock.json`` lock * file. You can produce custom lock files with :py:func:`micropip.freeze`. * Default: ```${indexURL}/pyodide-lock.json``` */ lockFileURL?: string; /** * Load the full Python standard library. Setting this to false excludes * unvendored modules from the standard library. * Default: ``false`` */ fullStdLib?: boolean; /** * The URL from which to load the standard library ``python_stdlib.zip`` * file. This URL includes the most of the Python standard library. Some * stdlib modules were unvendored, and can be loaded separately * with ``fullStdLib: true`` option or by their package name. * Default: ```${indexURL}/python_stdlib.zip``` */ stdLibURL?: string; /** * Override the standard input callback. Should ask the user for one line of * input. The :js:func:`pyodide.setStdin` function is more flexible and * should be preferred. */ stdin?: () => string; /** * Override the standard output callback. The :js:func:`pyodide.setStdout` * function is more flexible and should be preferred in most cases, but * depending on the ``args`` passed to ``loadPyodide``, Pyodide may write to * stdout on startup, which can only be controlled by passing a custom * ``stdout`` function. */ stdout?: (msg: string) => void; /** * Override the standard error output callback. The * :js:func:`pyodide.setStderr` function is more flexible and should be * preferred in most cases, but depending on the ``args`` passed to * ``loadPyodide``, Pyodide may write to stdout on startup, which can only * be controlled by passing a custom ``stdout`` function. */ stderr?: (msg: string) => void; /** * The object that Pyodide will use for the ``js`` module. * Default: ``globalThis`` */ jsglobals?: object; /** * Command line arguments to pass to Python on startup. See `Python command * line interface options * `_ for * more details. Default: ``[]`` */ args?: string[]; /** * Environment variables to pass to Python. This can be accessed inside of * Python at runtime via :py:data:`os.environ`. Certain environment variables change * the way that Python loads: * https://docs.python.org/3.10/using/cmdline.html#environment-variables * Default: ``{}``. * If ``env.HOME`` is undefined, it will be set to a default value of * ``"/home/pyodide"`` */ env?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * A list of packages to load as Pyodide is initializing. * * This is the same as loading the packages with * :js:func:`pyodide.loadPackage` after Pyodide is loaded except using the * ``packages`` option is more efficient because the packages are downloaded * while Pyodide bootstraps itself. */ packages?: string[]; /** * Opt into the old behavior where :js:func:`PyProxy.toString() ` * calls :py:func:`repr` and not :py:class:`str() `. * @deprecated */ pyproxyToStringRepr?: boolean; /** * Make loop.run_until_complete() function correctly using stack switching */ enableRunUntilComplete?: boolean; /** * @ignore */ _node_mounts?: string[]; /** * @ignore */ _makeSnapshot?: boolean; /** * @ignore */ _loadSnapshot?: Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer | PromiseLike; }): Promise; export type {}; export type {PackageData};