## 6.8.0 (2024-05-23) ### New features The new `autoPanel` option can be used to make the panel automatically appear when diagnostics are added and close when no diagnostics are left. ## 6.7.1 (2024-05-15) ### Bug fixes Don't perform an additional superfluous timed lint run after `forceLinting` has been called. ## 6.7.0 (2024-04-30) ### New features The `renderMessage` function is now called with the editor view as first argument. ## 6.6.0 (2024-04-29) ### New features The new `hideOn` configuration option can be used to control in what circumstances lint tooltips get hidden by state changes. ## 6.5.0 (2024-01-30) ### Bug fixes Make lint mark decorations inclusive, so that they are applied even if the marked content is replaced by a widget decoration. ### New features `linter` can now be called with null as source to only provide a configuration. `markerFilter` and `tooltipFilter` function now get passed the current editor state. ## 6.4.2 (2023-09-14) ### Bug fixes Make sure scrolling diagnostic into view in the panel works when the editor is scaled. ## 6.4.1 (2023-08-26) ### Bug fixes Fix a crash that could occur when a view was reconfigured in a way that removed the lint extension. ## 6.4.0 (2023-07-03) ### New features Diagnostics can now use `"hint"` as a severity level. Diagnostics can now set a `markClass` property to add an additional CSS class to the text marked by the diagnostic. ## 6.3.0 (2023-06-23) ### New features A new `previousDiagnostic` command can be used to move back through the active diagnostics. ## 6.2.2 (2023-06-05) ### Bug fixes Make sure lint gutter tooltips are properly closed when the content of their line changes. ## 6.2.1 (2023-04-13) ### Bug fixes The `linter` function now eagerly includes all lint-related extensions, rather than appending them to the configuration as-needed, so that turning off linting by clearing the compartment that contains it works properly. ## 6.2.0 (2023-02-27) ### New features The new `needsRefresh` option to `linter` makes it possible to cause linting to be recalculated for non-document state changes. ## 6.1.1 (2023-02-15) ### Bug fixes Give lint action buttons a pointer cursor style. Fix a bug that caused diagnostic action callbacks to be called twice when their button was clicked. ## 6.1.0 (2022-11-15) ### New features The new `forEachDiagnostic` function can be used to iterate over the diagnostics in an editor state. ## 6.0.0 (2022-06-08) ### Breaking changes Update dependencies to 6.0.0 ## 0.20.3 (2022-05-25) ### New features Diagnostic objects may now have a `renderMessage` method to render their message to the DOM. ## 0.20.2 (2022-05-02) ### New features The package now exports the `LintSource` function type. The new `markerFilter` and `tooltipFilter` options to `linter` and `lintGutter` allow more control over which diagnostics are visible and which have tooltips. ## 0.20.1 (2022-04-22) ### Bug fixes Hide lint tooltips when the document is changed. ## 0.20.0 (2022-04-20) ### Breaking changes Update dependencies to 0.20.0 ## 0.19.6 (2022-03-04) ### Bug fixes Fix a bug where hovering over the icons in the lint gutter would sometimes fail to show a tooltip or show the tooltip for another line. ## 0.19.5 (2022-02-25) ### Bug fixes Make sure the lint gutter tooltips are positioned under their icon, even when the line is wrapped. ## 0.19.4 (2022-02-25) ### Bug fixes Fix an issue where an outdated marker could stick around on the lint gutter after all diagnostics were removed. ### New features Add a `hoverTime` option to the lint gutter. Change default hover time to 300 ## 0.19.3 (2021-11-09) ### New features Export a function `lintGutter` which returns an extension that installs a gutter marking lines with diagnostics. The package now exports the effect used to update the diagnostics (`setDiagnosticsEffect`). ## 0.19.2 (2021-09-29) ### Bug fixes Fix a bug where reconfiguring the lint source didn't restart linting. ## 0.19.1 (2021-09-17) ### Bug fixes Prevent decorations that cover just a line break from being invisible by showing a widget instead of range for them. ### New features The `diagnosticCount` method can now be used to determine whether there are active diagnostics. ## 0.19.0 (2021-08-11) ### Breaking changes Update dependencies to 0.19.0 ## 0.18.6 (2021-08-08) ### Bug fixes Fix a crash in the key handler of the lint panel when no diagnostics are available. ## 0.18.5 (2021-08-07) ### Bug fixes Fix an issue that caused `openLintPanel` to not actually open the panel when ran before the editor had any lint state loaded. ### New features The package now exports a `forceLinting` function that forces pending lint queries to run immediately. ## 0.18.4 (2021-06-07) ### Bug fixes Multiple `linter` extensions can now be added to an editor without disrupting each other. Fix poor layout on lint tooltips due to changes in @codemirror/tooltip. ## 0.18.3 (2021-05-10) ### Bug fixes Fix a regression where using `setDiagnostics` when linting hadn't been abled yet ignored the first set of diagnostics. ## 0.18.2 (2021-04-16) ### Bug fixes Newlines in line messages are now shown as line breaks to the user. ### New features You can now pass a delay option to `linter` to configure how long it waits before calling the linter. ## 0.18.1 (2021-03-15) ### Bug fixes Adjust to current @codemirror/panel and @codemirror/tooltip interfaces. ## 0.18.0 (2021-03-03) ### Bug fixes Make sure action access keys are discoverable for screen reader users. Selection in the lint panel should now be properly visible to screen readers. ## 0.17.1 (2021-01-06) ### New features The package now also exports a CommonJS module. ## 0.17.0 (2020-12-29) ### Breaking changes First numbered release.