AI & ML interests
None defined yet.
Who We Are
Behind EzOut is a frictionless checkout system, which provides real time data to grocery stores and simplify checkout by enabling shoppers to pay at carriable containers using visual artificial intelligence.
What We Do
We aim to provide an all-in-one low-cost solution by simply mounting an autonomy module on a shopping cart allowing grocery stores to continue to use their existing solution with improved customer retention and increase in revenue. Our 'vision' is to solve everyday's physical problems in stores by providing low-cost but high-autonomy Visual AI technology to improve shopping experience. We are building visual domain mapping at scale to enabling minute details to scale to different horizonatally environment which is not a trivial task. However, contemporary research in few-shot learning and self-driving applications have demonstrated the technology to be far from it's ultimate capabilities and impact. By developing this technology, we aim to be the ultimate data platform that chain stores would employ.