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# This script preprocesses and binarizes the data for training translation models using fairseq.
# Only difference between this script and `` that we generate
# fairseq dict using this script that is commonly shared across for training all the models further.
echo `date`
exp_dir=$1 # path to the experiment directory
vocab_dir=${2:-"$exp_dir/vocab"} # path to the spm-based tokenizer directory
train_data_dir=${3:-"$exp_dir/train"} # path to the train data within experiment directory
devtest_data_dir=${4:-"$exp_dir/devtest/all"} # path to the devtest data within experiment directory
root=$(dirname $0)
echo "Running experiment ${exp_dir}"
mkdir -p $train_processed_dir
mkdir -p $devtest_processed_dir
mkdir -p $out_data_dir
# Check if GNU Parallel is installed
if command -v parallel &> /dev/null; then
echo "GNU Parallel is installed. Version information:"
parallel --version
# get a list of language pairs in the `train_data_dir`
pairs=$(ls -d $train_data_dir/* | sort)
# iterate over each language pair
for pair in ${pairs[@]}; do
# extract the source and target languages from the pair name
pair=$(basename $pair)
src_lang=$(echo "$pair" | cut -d "-" -f 1)
tgt_lang=$(echo "$pair" | cut -d "-" -f 2)
echo "$src_lang - $tgt_lang"
mkdir -p $train_norm_dir
mkdir -p $devtest_norm_dir
# check if the source language text requires transliteration
if [[ $src_lang == *"Arab"* ]] || [[ $src_lang == *"Olck"* ]] || \
[[ $src_lang == *"Mtei"* ]] || [[ $src_lang == *"Latn"* ]]; then
# check if the target language text requires transliteration
if [[ $tgt_lang == *"Arab"* ]] || [[ $tgt_lang == *"Olck"* ]] || \
[[ $tgt_lang == *"Mtei"* ]] || [[ $tgt_lang == *"Latn"* ]]; then
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# train preprocessing
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Normalizing punctuations for train"
if $parallel_installed; then
parallel --pipe --keep-order bash $root/ $src_lang < $train_infname_src > $train_outfname_src._norm
parallel --pipe --keep-order bash $root/ $tgt_lang < $train_infname_tgt > $train_outfname_tgt._norm
bash $root/ $src_lang < $train_infname_src > $train_outfname_src._norm
bash $root/ $tgt_lang < $train_infname_tgt > $train_outfname_tgt._norm
# add do not translate tags to handle special failure cases
echo "Applying do not translate tags for train"
python3 scripts/ $train_outfname_src._norm $train_outfname_tgt._norm $train_outfname_src.norm $train_outfname_tgt.norm
echo "Applying normalization and script conversion for train"
# this script preprocesses the text and for indic languages, converts script to devanagari if needed
input_size=`python3 scripts/ $train_outfname_src.norm $train_outfname_src $src_lang $src_transliterate false`
input_size=`python3 scripts/ $train_outfname_tgt.norm $train_outfname_tgt $tgt_lang $tgt_transliterate true`
echo "Number of sentences in train: $input_size"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# dev preprocessing
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Normalizing punctuations for dev"
if $parallel_installed; then
parallel --pipe --keep-order bash $src_lang < $dev_infname_src > $dev_outfname_src._norm
parallel --pipe --keep-order bash $tgt_lang < $dev_infname_tgt > $dev_outfname_tgt._norm
bash $src_lang < $dev_infname_src > $dev_outfname_src._norm
bash $tgt_lang < $dev_infname_tgt > $dev_outfname_tgt._norm
# add do not translate tags to handle special failure cases
echo "Applying do not translate tags for dev"
python3 scripts/ $dev_outfname_src._norm $dev_outfname_tgt._norm $dev_outfname_src.norm $dev_outfname_tgt.norm
echo "Applying normalization and script conversion for dev"
# this script preprocesses the text and for indic languages, converts script to devanagari if needed
input_size=`python scripts/ $dev_outfname_src.norm $dev_outfname_src $src_lang $src_transliterate false`
input_size=`python scripts/ $dev_outfname_tgt.norm $dev_outfname_tgt $tgt_lang $tgt_transliterate true`
echo "Number of sentences in dev: $input_size"
# this concatenates lang pair data and creates text files to keep track of number of
# lines in each lang pair. this is important for joint training, as we will merge all
# the lang pairs and the indivitual lang lines info would be required for adding specific
# lang tags later.
# the outputs of these scripts will be text file like this:
# <lang1> <lang2> <number of lines>
# lang1-lang2 n1
# lang1-lang3 n2
python scripts/ $exp_dir/norm $exp_dir/data 'train'
python scripts/ $exp_dir/norm $exp_dir/data 'dev'
# tokenization of train and dev set using the spm trained models
mkdir -p $exp_dir/bpe
splits=(train dev)
for split in ${splits[@]}; do
echo "Applying sentence piece for $split"
bash $exp_dir $exp_dir/data $exp_dir/bpe SRC TGT $split $parallel_installed
# this is only required for joint training
# we apply language tags to the bpe segmented data
# if we are translating lang1 to lang2 then <lang1 line> will become <lang1> <lang2> <lang1 line>
mkdir -p $exp_dir/final
echo "Adding language tags"
python scripts/ $exp_dir 'train'
python scripts/ $exp_dir 'dev'
# this is important step if you are training with tpu and using num_batch_buckets
# the current implementation does not remove outliers before bucketing and hence
# removing these large sentences ourselves helps with getting better buckets
# python scripts/ $exp_dir/bpe/train.SRC $exp_dir/bpe/train.TGT $exp_dir/final/train.SRC $exp_dir/final/train.TGT
# python scripts/ $exp_dir/bpe/dev.SRC $exp_dir/bpe/dev.TGT $exp_dir/final/dev.SRC $exp_dir/final/dev.TGT
# python scripts/ $exp_dir/bpe/test.SRC $exp_dir/bpe/test.TGT $exp_dir/final/test.SRC $exp_dir/final/test.TGT
echo "Binarizing data"
# use cpu_count to get num_workers instead of setting it manually when running
# in different instances
num_workers=`python -c "import multiprocessing; print(multiprocessing.cpu_count())"`
rm -rf $out_data_dir
fairseq-preprocess \
--source-lang SRC --target-lang TGT \
--trainpref $data_dir/train \
--validpref $data_dir/dev \
--destdir $out_data_dir \
--workers $num_workers \
--thresholdtgt 5