import os import sys import glob from tqdm import tqdm from import translate # Expects a json file containing the API credentials. os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), r"api_key.json" ) flores_to_iso = { "asm_Beng": "as", "ben_Beng": "bn", "doi_Deva": "doi", "eng_Latn": "en", "gom_Deva": "gom", "guj_Gujr": "gu", "hin_Deva": "hi", "kan_Knda": "kn", "mai_Deva": "mai", "mal_Mlym": "ml", "mar_Deva": "mr", "mni_Mtei": "mni_Mtei", "npi_Deva": "ne", "ory_Orya": "or", "pan_Guru": "pa", "san_Deva": "sa", "sat_Olck": "sat", "snd_Arab": "sd", "tam_Taml": "ta", "tel_Telu": "te", "urd_Arab": "ur", } # Copy the project id from the json file containing API credentials def translate_text(text, src_lang, tgt_lang, project_id="project_id"): src_lang = flores_to_iso[src_lang] tgt_lang = flores_to_iso[tgt_lang] if src_lang == "mni_Mtei": src_lang = "mni-Mtei" if tgt_lang == "mni_Mtei": tgt_lang = "mni-Mtei" client = translate.TranslationServiceClient() location = "global" parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}" response = client.translate_text( request={ "parent": parent, "contents": [text], "mime_type": "text/plain", # mime types: text/plain, text/html "source_language_code": src_lang, "target_language_code": tgt_lang, } ) translated_text = "" for translation in response.translations: translated_text += translation.translated_text return translated_text if __name__ == "__main__": root_dir = sys.argv[1] pairs = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(root_dir, "*"))) for pair in pairs: print(pair) basename = os.path.basename(pair) src_lang, tgt_lang = basename.split("-") if src_lang not in flores_to_iso.keys() or tgt_lang not in flores_to_iso.keys(): continue if src_lang == "eng_Latn": lang = tgt_lang else: lang = src_lang lang = flores_to_iso[lang] if lang not in "as bn doi gom gu hi kn mai ml mni_Mtei mr ne or pa sa sd ta te ur": continue print(f"{src_lang} - {tgt_lang}") # source to target translations src_infname = os.path.join(pair, f"test.{src_lang}") tgt_outfname = os.path.join(pair, f"test.{tgt_lang}") if os.path.exists(src_infname) and not os.path.exists(tgt_outfname): src_sents = [ sent.replace("\n", "").strip() for sent in open(src_infname, "r").read().split("\n") if sent ] translations = [ translate_text(text, src_lang, tgt_lang).strip() for text in tqdm(src_sents) ] with open(tgt_outfname, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(translations)) # # target to source translations tgt_infname = os.path.join(pair, f"test.{tgt_lang}") src_outfname = os.path.join(pair, f"test.{src_lang}") if os.path.exists(tgt_infname) and not os.path.exists(src_outfname): tgt_sents = [ sent.replace("\n", "").strip() for sent in open(tgt_infname, "r").read().split("\n") if sent ] translations = [ translate_text(text, tgt_lang, src_lang).strip() for text in tqdm(tgt_sents) ] with open(src_outfname, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(translations))