#!/bin/bash # This script compute the evaluation metrics such as BLEU, chrF, chrF++ using the # detokenized predictions of the translation systems using sacrebleu (version 2.3.1). # If the target language is: # English: directly use Moses tokenizer that is internally supported (`mteval-v13a`) # Indic: use IndicNLP tokenizers and skip tokenization step in sacrebleu. echo `date` pred_fname=$1 # path to the predction file ref_fname=$2 # path to the reference file tgt_lang=$3 # target language if [ $tgt_lang == 'eng_Latn' ]; then # directly tokenize the prediction and reference files using sacrebleu and compute the metric sacrebleu $ref_fname < $pred_fname -m bleu chrf sacrebleu $ref_fname < $pred_fname -m chrf --chrf-word-order 2 else # indicnlp tokenize prediction and reference files before evaluation input_size=`python scripts/preprocess_translate.py $ref_fname $ref_fname.tok $tgt_lang false false` input_size=`python scripts/preprocess_translate.py $pred_fname $pred_fname.tok $tgt_lang false false` # since we are tokenizing with indicnlp separately, we are setting tokenize to none here sacrebleu --tokenize none $ref_fname.tok < $pred_fname.tok -m bleu chrf sacrebleu --tokenize none $ref_fname.tok < $pred_fname.tok -m chrf --chrf-word-order 2 fi