File size: 6,719 Bytes
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import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os
# MusicXML filename to be processed
TARGET_FILENAME = 'GUjianpu.musicxml'
# Mapping from standard musical notes to Jianpu numbers
'C': '1', 'D': '2', 'E': '3', 'F': '4', 'G': '5', 'A': '6', 'B': '7'
# Accidentals (flats, sharps) mapping
1: '♯', # Sharp
-1: '♭', # Flat
# Time values in MusicXML and their corresponding Jianpu notations (for underlines, dots, etc.)
960: 'half', # Half note
1920: 'whole', # Whole note
240: 'eighth', # Eighth note
120: 'sixteenth', # Sixteenth note
def find_target_file():
"""Look for the target MusicXML file in the current working directory."""
files_in_directory = os.listdir('.')
if TARGET_FILENAME in files_in_directory:
print(f"Error: {TARGET_FILENAME} not found in the current directory.")
return None
def convert_pitch_to_jianpu(pitch_element):
"""Convert a pitch element from MusicXML to Jianpu."""
step = pitch_element.find('step').text
octave = int(pitch_element.find('octave').text)
alter = pitch_element.find('alter')
# Convert step (C, D, E, etc.) to Jianpu number (1, 2, 3, etc.)
jianpu_number = JIANPU_PITCH_MAP.get(step, '')
# If there's an accidental (sharp/flat), add it to the Jianpu number
if alter is not None:
alter_value = int(alter.text)
jianpu_number += ACCIDENTALS.get(alter_value, '')
# Add octave marking (dot above or below)
if octave < 4:
jianpu_number = '·' * (4 - octave) + jianpu_number # Dots below for lower octave
elif octave > 4:
jianpu_number = jianpu_number + '·' * (octave - 4) # Dots above for higher octave
return jianpu_number
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing pitch: {e}")
return None
def convert_duration_to_jianpu(duration, dots=0):
"""Handle note duration and convert it to Jianpu equivalent (underlines, dots)."""
jianpu_duration = 'normal'
if duration in DURATION_MAP:
jianpu_duration = DURATION_MAP[duration]
# Handle dotted notes (附点音符)
if dots > 0:
jianpu_duration += ' ' + '·' * dots # Add dots to the note
return jianpu_duration
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing duration: {e}")
return 'normal'
def handle_rest(note_element):
"""Handle rests and convert to '0' notation in Jianpu."""
rest_element = note_element.find('rest')
if rest_element is not None:
return '0' # Jianpu notation for rests
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing rest: {e}")
return None
def handle_tie(note_element):
"""Handle tied notes, where the note continues across bar lines."""
tie_start = note_element.find('tie[@type="start"]')
tie_stop = note_element.find('tie[@type="stop"]')
if tie_start is not None:
return True # Mark as tied note, but no need to duplicate the note
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing tie: {e}")
return False
def handle_slur(note_element):
"""Handle slurs (连音线) between notes."""
slur_start = note_element.find('notations/slur[@type="start"]')
slur_stop = note_element.find('notations/slur[@type="stop"]')
# Slur between notes (连音线)
if slur_start is not None:
return "start_slur"
elif slur_stop is not None:
return "end_slur"
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing slur: {e}")
return None
def process_musicxml(input_file, output_file):
"""Parse MusicXML, convert to Jianpu, and save the modified file."""
# Parse the MusicXML file
tree = ET.parse(input_file)
root = tree.getroot()
# Define namespaces for MusicXML
ns = {'score': ''}
# Process all <note> elements
for note in root.findall('.//score:note', namespaces=ns):
# Handle rests
rest_jianpu = handle_rest(note)
if rest_jianpu:
staff_text = ET.Element('staff-text')
staff_text.text = rest_jianpu
# Handle pitch and duration conversion
pitch = note.find('score:pitch', namespaces=ns)
duration = note.find('score:duration', namespaces=ns)
dots = note.find('score:dots', namespaces=ns)
tie = handle_tie(note)
slur = handle_slur(note)
if pitch is not None:
# Convert pitch to Jianpu notation
jianpu_notation = convert_pitch_to_jianpu(pitch)
# Handle duration and dotted notes
jianpu_duration = convert_duration_to_jianpu(int(duration.text), int(dots.text) if dots is not None else 0)
# Append Jianpu notation and additional marks
jianpu_notation += f" {jianpu_duration}"
if tie:
jianpu_notation += ' (tie)'
if slur == "start_slur":
jianpu_notation += ' (slur start)'
elif slur == "end_slur":
jianpu_notation += ' (slur end)'
# Create a new XML element to store the Jianpu notation
staff_text = ET.Element('staff-text')
staff_text.text = jianpu_notation
# Insert the Jianpu notation element into the MusicXML tree
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing note: {e}. Skipping this note but continuing.")
# Write the modified XML to the output file
tree.write(output_file, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True)
print(f"Jianpu-converted MusicXML saved as {output_file}")
except ET.ParseError as e:
print(f"Error parsing the MusicXML file: {e}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")
def main():
# Look for the target MusicXML file in the current directory
input_file = find_target_file()
if input_file:
output_file = 'GUjianpu_converted.musicxml'
# Process MusicXML to Jianpu
process_musicxml(input_file, output_file)
if __name__ == "__main__":