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import os
import numpy as np
import skorch
import torch
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, make_scorer
from skorch.callbacks import BatchScoring
from skorch.callbacks.scoring import ScoringBase, _cache_net_forward_iter
from import Checkpoint
from .LRCallback import LearningRateDecayCallback
writer = None
def accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred: torch.tensor,task:str=None,mirna_flag:bool = False):
# premirna
if task == "premirna":
y_pred = y_pred[:,:-1]
miRNA_idx = np.where(y_true.squeeze()==mirna_flag)
correct = torch.max(y_pred,1).indices.cpu().numpy()[miRNA_idx] == mirna_flag
return sum(correct)
# sncrna
if task == "sncrna":
y_pred = y_pred[:,:-1]
# correct is of [samples], where each entry is true if it was found in top k
correct = torch.max(y_pred,1).indices.cpu().numpy() == y_true.squeeze()
return sum(correct) / y_pred.shape[0]
def accuracy_score_tcga(y_true, y_pred):
if torch.is_tensor(y_pred):
y_pred = y_pred.clone().detach().cpu().numpy()
if torch.is_tensor(y_true):
y_true = y_true.clone().detach().cpu().numpy()
#y pred contains logits | samples weights
sample_weight = y_pred[:,-1]
y_pred = np.argmax(y_pred[:,:-1],axis=1)
C = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
per_class = np.diag(C) / C.sum(axis=1)
if np.any(np.isnan(per_class)):
per_class = per_class[~np.isnan(per_class)]
score = np.mean(per_class)
return score
def score_callbacks(cfg):
acc_scorer = make_scorer(accuracy_score,task=cfg["task"])
if cfg['task'] == 'tcga':
acc_scorer = make_scorer(accuracy_score_tcga)
if cfg["task"] == "premirna":
acc_scorer_mirna = make_scorer(accuracy_score,task=cfg["task"],mirna_flag = True)
val_score_callback_mirna = BatchScoringPremirna( mirna_flag=True,
scoring = acc_scorer_mirna, lower_is_better=False, name="val_acc_mirna")
train_score_callback_mirna = BatchScoringPremirna(mirna_flag=True,
scoring = acc_scorer_mirna, on_train=True, lower_is_better=False, name="train_acc_mirna")
val_score_callback = BatchScoringPremirna(mirna_flag=False,
scoring = acc_scorer, lower_is_better=False, name="val_acc")
train_score_callback = BatchScoringPremirna(mirna_flag=False,
scoring = acc_scorer, on_train=True, lower_is_better=False, name="train_acc")
scoring_callbacks = [
if cfg["train_split"]:
if cfg["task"] in ["sncrna", "tcga"]:
val_score_callback = BatchScoring(acc_scorer, lower_is_better=False, name="val_acc")
train_score_callback = BatchScoring(
acc_scorer, on_train=True, lower_is_better=False, name="train_acc"
scoring_callbacks = [train_score_callback]
#tcga dataset has a predifined valid split, so train_split is false, but still valid metric is required
#TODO: remove predifined valid from tcga from prepare_data_tcga
if cfg["train_split"] or cfg['task'] == 'tcga':
return scoring_callbacks
def get_callbacks(path,cfg):
callback_list = [("lrcallback", LearningRateDecayCallback)]
if cfg['tensorboard'] == True:
from .tbWriter import writer
if (cfg["train_split"] or cfg['task'] == 'tcga') and cfg['inference'] == False:
monitor = "val_acc_best"
if cfg['trained_on'] == 'full':
monitor = 'train_acc_best'
ckpt_path = path+"/ckpt/"
model_name = f'model_params_{cfg["task"]}.pt'
callback_list.append(Checkpoint(monitor=monitor, dirname=ckpt_path,f_params=model_name))
scoring_callbacks = score_callbacks(cfg)
#TODO: For some reason scoring callbaks have to be inserted before checpoint and metrics viz callbacks
#otherwise NeuralNet notify function throws an exception
callback_list[1:1] = scoring_callbacks
return callback_list
class MetricsVizualization(skorch.callbacks.Callback):
def __init__(self, batch_idx=0) -> None:
self.batch_idx = batch_idx
# TODO: Change to display metrics at epoch ends
def on_batch_end(self, net, training, **kwargs):
# validation batch
if not training:
# log val accuracy. accessing net.history:[ epoch ,batches, last batch,column in batch]
net.history[-1, "batches", -1, "val_acc"],
# log val loss
net.history[-1, "batches", -1, "valid_loss"],
# update batch idx after validation on batch is computed
# train batch
# log lr
writer.add_scalar("Metrics/lr",, self.batch_idx)
# log train accuracy
net.history[-1, "batches", -1, "train_acc"],
# log train loss
net.history[-1, "batches", -1, "train_loss"],
self.batch_idx += 1
class BatchScoringPremirna(ScoringBase):
def __init__(self,mirna_flag:bool = False,*args,**kwargs):
#self.total_num_samples = total_num_samples
self.total_num_samples = 0
self.mirna_flag = mirna_flag
self.first_batch_flag = True
def on_batch_end(self, net, X, y, training, **kwargs):
if training != self.on_train:
y_preds = [kwargs['y_pred']]
#only for the first batch: get no. of samples belonging to same class samples
if self.first_batch_flag:
self.total_num_samples += sum(kwargs["batch"][1] == self.mirna_flag).detach().cpu().numpy()[0]
with _cache_net_forward_iter(net, self.use_caching, y_preds) as cached_net:
# In case of y=None we will not have gathered any samples.
# We expect the scoring function to deal with y=None.
y = None if y is None else self.target_extractor(y)
score = self._scoring(cached_net, X, y)
cached_net.history.record_batch(self.name_, score)
except KeyError:
def get_avg_score(self, history):
if self.on_train:
bs_key = 'train_batch_size'
bs_key = 'valid_batch_size'
weights, scores = list(zip(
*history[-1, 'batches', :, [bs_key, self.name_]]))
#score_avg = np.average(scores, weights=weights)
score_avg = sum(scores)/self.total_num_samples
return score_avg
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def on_epoch_end(self, net, **kwargs):
self.first_batch_flag = False
history = net.history
try: # don't raise if there is no valid data
history[-1, 'batches', :, self.name_]
except KeyError:
score_avg = self.get_avg_score(history)
is_best = self._is_best_score(score_avg)
if is_best:
self.best_score_ = score_avg
history.record(self.name_, score_avg)
if is_best is not None:
history.record(self.name_ + '_best', bool(is_best))