File size: 11,182 Bytes
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# map sequences to HBDxBase
import os
import logging
from utils import fasta2df,log_time
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# paths to reference files
version = '_v4'
HBDxBase_index_path = f'../../references/HBDxBase/HBDxBase{version}'
HBDxBase_pseudo_index_path = f'../../references/HBDxBase/HBDxBase_pseudo{version}'
genome_index_path = '../../references/hg38/genome'
adapter_index_path = '../../references/HBDxBase/adapters'
TE_path = '../../references/hg38/TE.bed'
bacterial_index_path = '../../references/bacterial_viral/all_bacterial_refseq_with_human_host__201127.index'
viral_index_path = '../../references/bacterial_viral/viral_refseq_with_human_host__201127.index'
# specific functions
def prepare_input_files(seq_input):
# check if seq_input is path or list
if type(seq_input) == str:
# get seqs in dataset
seqs = fasta2df(seq_input)
seqs = seqs.sequence
elif type(seq_input) == list:
seqs = seq_input
raise ValueError('seq_input must be either path to fasta file or list of sequences')
# add number of sequences to log file
log_folder = "log"
with open(f"{log_folder}/make_anno.log", "a") as ofile:
ofile.write(f"KBA pipeline based on HBDxBase{version}\n")
ofile.write(f"Number of sequences to be annotated: {str(len(seqs))}\n")
if type(seq_input) == str:
with open('seqs.fa', 'w') as ofile_1:
for i in range(len(seqs)):
ofile_1.write(">" + seqs.index[i] + "\n" + seqs[i] + "\n")
with open('seqs.fa', 'w') as ofile_1:
for i in range(len(seqs)):
ofile_1.write(">seq_" + str(i) + "\n" + seqs[i] + "\n")
def map_seq_2_HBDxBase(
bowtie_index_file = HBDxBase_index_path
f"bowtie -a --norc -v {number_mm} -f --suppress 2,6 --threads 8 -x {bowtie_index_file} {fasta_in_file} \
--al {out_prefix + str(number_mm) + 'mm2HBDxBase__mapped.fa'} \
--un {out_prefix + str(number_mm) + 'mm2HBDxBase__unmapped.fa'} \
{out_prefix + str(number_mm) + 'mm2HBDxBase.txt'}"
def map_seq_2_HBDxBase_pseudo(
bowtie_index_file = HBDxBase_pseudo_index_path
f"bowtie -a --norc -v {number_mm} -f --suppress 2,6 --threads 8 -x {bowtie_index_file} {fasta_in_file} \
--al {out_prefix + str(number_mm) + 'mm2HBDxBase_pseudo__mapped.fa'} \
--un {out_prefix + str(number_mm) + 'mm2HBDxBase_pseudo__unmapped.fa'} \
{out_prefix + str(number_mm) + 'mm2HBDxBase_pseudo.txt'}"
# -a Report all valid alignments per read
# --norc No mapping to reverse strand
# -v Report alignments with at most <int> mismatches
# -f f for FASTA, -q for FASTQ; for our pipeline FASTA makes more sense
# -suppress Suppress columns of output in the default output mode
# -x The basename of the Bowtie, or Bowtie 2, index to be searched
def map_seq_2_adapters(
bowtie_index_file = adapter_index_path
f"bowtie -a --best --strata --norc -v 3 -f --suppress 2,6 --threads 8 -x {bowtie_index_file} {fasta_in_file} \
--al {out_prefix + '3mm2adapters__mapped.fa'} \
--un {out_prefix + '3mm2adapters__unmapped.fa'} \
{out_prefix + '3mm2adapters.txt'}"
# -a --best --strata Specifying --strata in addition to -a and --best causes bowtie to report only those alignments in the best alignment “stratum”. The alignments in the best stratum are those having the least number of mismatches
# --norc No mapping to reverse strand
# -v Report alignments with at most <int> mismatches
# -f f for FASTA, -q for FASTQ; for our pipeline FASTA makes more sense
# -suppress Suppress columns of output in the default output mode
# -x The basename of the Bowtie, or Bowtie 2, index to be searched
def map_seq_2_genome(
bowtie_index_file = genome_index_path
f"bowtie -a -v 0 -f -m 100 --suppress 6 --threads 8 -x {bowtie_index_file} {fasta_in_file} \
--max {out_prefix + '0mm2genome__toomanyalign.fa'} \
--un {out_prefix + '0mm2genome__unmapped.fa'} \
{out_prefix + '0mm2genome.txt'}"
# -a Report all valid alignments per read
# -v Report alignments with at most <int> mismatches
# -f f for FASTA, -q for FASTQ; for our pipeline FASTA makes more sense
# -m Suppress all alignments for a particular read if more than <int> reportable alignments exist for it
# -suppress Suppress columns of output in the default output mode
# -x The basename of the Bowtie, or Bowtie 2, index to be searched
def map_seq_2_bacterial_viral(
bowtie_index_file = bacterial_index_path
f"bowtie -a -v 0 -f -m 10 --suppress 6 --threads 8 -x {bowtie_index_file} {fasta_in_file} \
--al {out_prefix + '0mm2bacterial__mapped.fa'} \
--max {out_prefix + '0mm2bacterial__toomanyalign.fa'} \
--un {out_prefix + '0mm2bacterial__unmapped.fa'} \
{out_prefix + '0mm2bacterial.txt'}"
bowtie_index_file = viral_index_path
f"bowtie -a -v 0 -f -m 10 --suppress 6 --threads 8 -x {bowtie_index_file} {fasta_in_file} \
--al {out_prefix + '0mm2viral__mapped.fa'} \
--max {out_prefix + '0mm2viral__toomanyalign.fa'} \
--un {out_prefix + '0mm2viral__unmapped.fa'} \
{out_prefix + '0mm2viral.txt'}"
# -a Report all valid alignments per read
# -v Report alignments with at most <int> mismatches
# -f f for FASTA, -q for FASTQ; for our pipeline FASTA makes more sense
# -m Suppress all alignments for a particular read if more than <int> reportable alignments exist for it
# -suppress Suppress columns of output in the default output mode
# -x The basename of the Bowtie, or Bowtie 2, index to be searched
# mapping pipeline
def main(sequence_file):
"""Executes 'map_2_HBDxBase'. Maps input sequences to HBDxBase, the human genome, and a collection of viral and bacterial genomes.
- HBDxBase_index_path
- HBDxBase_pseudo_index_path
- genome_index_path
- bacterial_index_path
- viral_index_path
- sequence_file
# sequential mm mapping to HBDxBase
print('-------- map to HBDxBase --------')
print('-------- mapping seqs (0 mm) --------')
print('-------- mapping seqs (1 mm) --------')
print('-------- mapping seqs (2 mm) --------')
print('-------- mapping seqs (3 mm) --------')
# sequential mm mapping to Pseudo-HBDxBase
print('-------- map to Pseudo-HBDxBase --------')
print('-------- mapping seqs (0 mm) --------')
print('-------- mapping seqs (1 mm) --------')
print('-------- mapping seqs (2 mm) --------')
print('-------- mapping seqs (3 mm) --------')
# concatenate files
print('-------- concatenate mapping files --------')
os.system("cat tmp_seqs0mm2HBDxBase.txt tmp_seqs1mm2HBDxBase.txt tmp_seqs2mm2HBDxBase.txt tmp_seqs3mm2HBDxBase.txt tmp_seqs0mm2HBDxBase_pseudo.txt tmp_seqs1mm2HBDxBase_pseudo.txt tmp_seqs2mm2HBDxBase_pseudo.txt tmp_seqs3mm2HBDxBase_pseudo.txt > seqsmapped2HBDxBase_combined.txt")
# mapping to adapters (allowing for 3 mms)
print('-------- map to adapters (3 mm) --------')
# mapping to genome (more than 50 alignments are not reported)
print('-------- map to human genome --------')
print('-------- mapping seqs (0 mm) --------')
## concatenate files
print('-------- concatenate mapping files --------')
os.system("cp tmp_seqs0mm2genome.txt seqsmapped2genome_combined.txt")
## intersect genome mapping hits with TE.bed
print('-------- intersect genome mapping hits with TE.bed --------')
# convert to BED format
os.system("awk 'BEGIN {FS= \"\t\"; OFS=\"\t\"} {print $3, $4, $4+length($5)-1, $5, 111, $2}' seqsmapped2genome_combined.txt > tmp_seqsmapped2genome_combined.bed")
# intersect with TE.bed (force strandedness -> fetch only sRNA_sequence and TE_name -> aggregate TE annotation on sequences)
os.system(f"bedtools intersect -a tmp_seqsmapped2genome_combined.bed -b {TE_path} -wa -wb -s" + "| awk '{print $4,$10}' | awk '{a[$1]=a[$1]\";\"$2} END {for(i in a) print i\"\t\"substr(a[i],2)}' > tmp_seqsmapped2genome_intersect_TE.txt")
# mapping to bacterial and viral genomes (more than 10 alignments are not reported)
print('-------- map to bacterial and viral genome --------')
print('-------- mapping seqs (0 mm) --------')
## concatenate files
print('-------- concatenate mapping files --------')
os.system("cat tmp_seqs0mm2bacterial.txt tmp_seqs0mm2viral.txt > seqsmapped2bacterialviral_combined.txt")