from transforna import load |
from transforna import predict_transforna,predict_transforna_all_models |
import pandas as pd |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
import numpy as np |
def compute_overlap_models_ensemble(full_df:pd.DataFrame,mapping_dict:dict): |
full_copy_df = full_df.copy() |
full_copy_df['MC_Labels'] = full_copy_df['Net-Label'].map(mapping_dict) |
full_copy_df = full_copy_df[full_copy_df['Is Familiar?']].set_index('Sequence') |
full_copy_df.groupby('Model').MC_Labels.value_counts() |
models = ['Baseline','Seq','Seq-Seq','Seq-Struct','Seq-Rev'] |
mcs = full_copy_df.MC_Labels.value_counts().index.tolist() |
mc_stats = {} |
novel_resid = {} |
mcs_predicted_by_only_one_model = {} |
for mc in mcs: |
mc_stats[mc] = {} |
novel_resid[mc] = {} |
mcs_predicted_by_only_one_model[mc] = {} |
for model in models: |
mc_stats[mc][model] = 0 |
novel_resid[mc][model] = 0 |
mcs_predicted_by_only_one_model[mc][model] = 0 |
for mc in mcs: |
ensemble_xrna = full_copy_df[full_copy_df.Model == 'Ensemble'].iloc[full_copy_df[full_copy_df.Model == 'Ensemble'].MC_Labels.str.contains(mc).values].index.tolist() |
for model in models: |
model_xrna = full_copy_df[full_copy_df.Model == model].iloc[full_copy_df[full_copy_df.Model == model].MC_Labels.str.contains(mc).values].index.tolist() |
common_xrna = set(ensemble_xrna).intersection(set(model_xrna)) |
try: |
mc_stats[mc][model] = len(common_xrna)/len(ensemble_xrna) |
except ZeroDivisionError: |
mc_stats[mc][model] = 0 |
try: |
novel_resid[mc][model] = len(set(ensemble_xrna).difference(set(model_xrna)))/len(ensemble_xrna) |
except ZeroDivisionError: |
novel_resid[mc][model] = 0 |
other_models_xrna = [] |
for other_model in models: |
if other_model != model: |
other_models_xrna.extend(full_copy_df[full_copy_df.Model == other_model].iloc[full_copy_df[full_copy_df.Model == other_model].MC_Labels.str.contains(mc).values].index.tolist()) |
try: |
mcs_predicted_by_only_one_model[mc][model] = len(set(model_xrna).difference(set(other_models_xrna)).intersection(set(ensemble_xrna)))/len(ensemble_xrna) |
except ZeroDivisionError: |
mcs_predicted_by_only_one_model[mc][model] = 0 |
return models,mc_stats,novel_resid,mcs_predicted_by_only_one_model |
def plot_bar_overlap_models_ensemble(models,mc_stats,novel_resid,mcs_predicted_by_only_one_model): |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
import numpy as np |
import plotly.express as px |
positions = np.arange(len(models)) |
fig = go.Figure() |
for model in models: |
fig.add_trace(go.Bar( |
x=list(mc_stats.keys()), |
y=[mc_stats[mc][model] for mc in mc_stats.keys()], |
name=model, |
marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Plotly[models.index(model)] |
)) |
fig.add_trace(go.Bar( |
x=list(mc_stats.keys()), |
y=[mcs_predicted_by_only_one_model[mc][model] for mc in mc_stats.keys()], |
name = 'novel', |
marker_color='lightgrey' |
)) |
fig.update_layout(title='Overlap between Ensemble and other models per MC class') |
return fig |
def plot_heatmap_overlap_models_ensemble(models,mc_stats,novel_resid,mcs_predicted_by_only_one_model,what_to_plot='overlap'): |
''' |
This function computes a heatmap of the overlap between the ensemble and the other models per mc class |
input: |
models: list of models |
mc_stats: dictionary with mc classes as keys and models as keys of the inner dictionary. values represent overlap between each model and the ensemble |
novel_resid: dictionary with mc classes as keys and models as keys of the inner dictionary. values represent the % of sequences that are predicted by the ensemble as familiar but with specific model as novel |
mcs_predicted_by_only_one_model: dictionary with mc classes as keys and models as keys of the inner dictionary. values represent the % of sequences that are predicted as familiar by only one model |
what_to_plot: string. 'overlap' for overlap between ensemble and other models, 'novel' for novel resid, 'only_one_model' for mcs predicted as novel by only one model |
''' |
if what_to_plot == 'overlap': |
plot_dict = mc_stats |
elif what_to_plot == 'novel': |
plot_dict = novel_resid |
elif what_to_plot == 'only_one_model': |
plot_dict = mcs_predicted_by_only_one_model |
import plotly.figure_factory as ff |
fig = ff.create_annotated_heatmap( |
z=[[plot_dict[mc][model] for mc in plot_dict.keys()] for model in models], |
x=list(plot_dict.keys()), |
y=models, |
annotation_text=[[str(round(plot_dict[mc][model],2)) for mc in plot_dict.keys()] for model in models], |
font_colors=['black'], |
colorscale='Blues' |
) |
order_x_axis = ['rRNA','tRNA','snoRNA','protein_coding','snRNA','miRNA','lncRNA','piRNA','YRNA','vtRNA'] |
fig.update_xaxes(type='category',categoryorder='array',categoryarray=order_x_axis) |
fig.update_xaxes(side='bottom') |
if what_to_plot == 'overlap': |
fig.update_layout(title='Overlap between Ensemble and other models per MC class') |
elif what_to_plot == 'novel': |
fig.update_layout(title='Novel resid between Ensemble and other models per MC class') |
elif what_to_plot == 'only_one_model': |
fig.update_layout(title='MCs predicted by only one model') |
return fig |
dataset_path_train: str = '/media/ftp_share/hbdx/data_for_upload/TransfoRNA/data/TCGA__ngs__miRNA_log2RPM-24.04.0__var.csv' |
models_path = '/nfs/home/yat_ldap/VS_Projects/TransfoRNA-Framework/models/tcga/' |
tcga_df = load(dataset_path_train) |
tcga_df.set_index('sequence',inplace=True) |
loco_hico_na_stats_before = {} |
loco_hico_na_stats_before['HICO'] = sum(tcga_df['hico'])/tcga_df.shape[0] |
before_hico_seqs = tcga_df['subclass_name'][tcga_df['hico'] == True].index.values |
loco_hico_na_stats_before['LOCO'] = (sum(tcga_df.subclass_name != 'no_annotation') - sum(tcga_df['hico']))/tcga_df.shape[0] |
before_loco_seqs = tcga_df[tcga_df.hico!=True][tcga_df.subclass_name != 'no_annotation'].index.values |
loco_hico_na_stats_before['NA'] = sum(tcga_df.subclass_name == 'no_annotation')/tcga_df.shape[0] |
before_na_seqs = tcga_df[tcga_df.subclass_name == 'no_annotation'].index.values |
mapping_dict_path: str = '/media/ftp_share/hbdx/data_for_upload/TransfoRNA//data/subclass_to_annotation.json' |
mapping_dict = load(mapping_dict_path) |
hico_seqs = tcga_df['subclass_name'][tcga_df['hico'] == True].index.values |
hicos_mc_before_id_stats = tcga_df.loc[hico_seqs].subclass_name.map(mapping_dict).value_counts() |
seqs_non_hico_id = tcga_df['subclass_name'][tcga_df['hico'] == False].index.values |
id_df = predict_transforna(sequences=seqs_non_hico_id,model='Seq-Rev',trained_on='id',path_to_models=models_path) |
id_df = id_df[id_df['Is Familiar?']].set_index('Sequence') |
print('Percentage of sequences with no annotation: %s'%(id_df[id_df['Net-Label'] == 'no_annotation'].shape[0]/id_df.shape[0])) |
print('Percentage of sequences with annotation: %s'%(id_df[id_df['Net-Label'] != 'no_annotation'].shape[0]/id_df.shape[0])) |
hicos_mc_after_id_stats = id_df['Net-Label'].map(mapping_dict).value_counts() |
for mc in hicos_mc_before_id_stats.index: |
if mc not in hicos_mc_after_id_stats.index: |
hicos_mc_after_id_stats[mc] = 0 |
hicos_mc_after_id_stats = hicos_mc_after_id_stats+hicos_mc_before_id_stats |
seqs_non_hico_full = list(set(seqs_non_hico_id).difference(set(id_df.index.values))) |
full_df = predict_transforna_all_models(sequences=seqs_non_hico_full,trained_on='full',path_to_models=models_path) |
inspect_model = True |
if inspect_model: |
models, mc_stats, novel_resid, mcs_predicted_by_only_one_model = compute_overlap_models_ensemble(full_df,mapping_dict) |
fig = plot_heatmap_overlap_models_ensemble(models,mc_stats,novel_resid,mcs_predicted_by_only_one_model,what_to_plot='overlap') |
fig.show() |
df = full_df[full_df.Model == 'Ensemble'] |
df = df[df['Is Familiar?']].set_index('Sequence') |
print('Percentage of sequences with no annotation: %s'%(df[df['Is Familiar?'] == False].shape[0]/df.shape[0])) |
print('Percentage of sequences with annotation: %s'%(df[df['Is Familiar?'] == True].shape[0]/df.shape[0])) |
hicos_mc_after_full_stats = df['Net-Label'].map(mapping_dict).value_counts() |
for mc in hicos_mc_after_id_stats.index: |
if mc not in hicos_mc_after_full_stats.index: |
hicos_mc_after_full_stats[mc] = 0 |
hicos_mc_after_full_stats = hicos_mc_after_full_stats + hicos_mc_after_id_stats |
hicos_mc_before_id_stats = hicos_mc_before_id_stats.reindex(hicos_mc_after_full_stats.index) |
hicos_mc_after_id_stats = hicos_mc_after_id_stats.reindex(hicos_mc_after_full_stats.index) |
training_mcs = ['rRNA','tRNA','snoRNA','protein_coding','snRNA','YRNA','lncRNA'] |
hicos_mc_before_id_stats_train = hicos_mc_before_id_stats[training_mcs] |
hicos_mc_after_id_stats_train = hicos_mc_after_id_stats[training_mcs] |
hicos_mc_after_full_stats_train = hicos_mc_after_full_stats[training_mcs] |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
import numpy as np |
import plotly.io as pio |
import plotly.express as px |
fig = go.Figure() |
fig.add_trace(go.Bar( |
x=hicos_mc_before_id_stats_train.index, |
y=hicos_mc_before_id_stats_train.values, |
name='Before ID', |
marker_color='rgb(31, 119, 180)', |
opacity = 0.5 |
)) |
fig.add_trace(go.Bar( |
x=hicos_mc_after_id_stats_train.index, |
y=hicos_mc_after_id_stats_train.values, |
name='After ID', |
marker_color='rgb(31, 119, 180)', |
opacity=0.75 |
)) |
fig.add_trace(go.Bar( |
x=hicos_mc_after_full_stats_train.index, |
y=hicos_mc_after_full_stats_train.values, |
name='After FULL', |
marker_color='rgb(31, 119, 180)', |
opacity=1 |
)) |
fig.update_layout( |
title='Progression of the Number of HICOs per Major Class', |
xaxis_tickfont_size=14, |
yaxis=dict( |
title='Number of HICOs', |
titlefont_size=16, |
tickfont_size=14, |
), |
xaxis=dict( |
title='Major Class', |
titlefont_size=16, |
tickfont_size=14, |
), |
legend=dict( |
x=0.8, |
y=1.0, |
bgcolor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', |
bordercolor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)' |
), |
barmode='group', |
bargap=0.15, |
bargroupgap=0.1 |
) |
fig.update_layout(plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)') |
fig.update_yaxes(type="log") |
fig.update_layout(legend=dict( |
yanchor="top", |
y=0.99, |
xanchor="left", |
x=0.01 |
)) |
fig.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=22.5) |
fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, 4.5]) |
fig.update_layout(legend=dict( |
orientation="h", |
yanchor="bottom", |
y=1.02, |
xanchor="right", |
x=1 |
)) |
fig.write_image("progression_hicos_per_mc_train.svg") |
fig.show() |
eval_mcs = ['miRNA','miscRNA','piRNA','vtRNA'] |
hicos_mc_before_id_stats_eval = hicos_mc_before_id_stats[eval_mcs] |
hicos_mc_after_full_stats_eval = hicos_mc_after_full_stats[eval_mcs] |
hicos_mc_after_full_stats_eval.index = hicos_mc_after_full_stats_eval.index + '*' |
hicos_mc_before_id_stats_eval.index = hicos_mc_before_id_stats_eval.index + '*' |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
import numpy as np |
import plotly.io as pio |
import plotly.express as px |
fig2 = go.Figure() |
fig2.add_trace(go.Bar( |
x=hicos_mc_before_id_stats_eval.index, |
y=hicos_mc_before_id_stats_eval.values, |
name='Before ID', |
marker_color='rgb(31, 119, 180)', |
opacity = 0.5 |
)) |
fig2.add_trace(go.Bar( |
x=hicos_mc_after_full_stats_eval.index, |
y=hicos_mc_after_full_stats_eval.values, |
name='After FULL', |
marker_color='rgb(31, 119, 180)', |
opacity=1 |
)) |
fig2.update_layout( |
title='Progression of the Number of HICOs per Major Class', |
xaxis_tickfont_size=14, |
yaxis=dict( |
title='Number of HICOs', |
titlefont_size=16, |
tickfont_size=14, |
), |
xaxis=dict( |
title='Major Class', |
titlefont_size=16, |
tickfont_size=14, |
), |
legend=dict( |
x=0.8, |
y=1.0, |
bgcolor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', |
bordercolor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)' |
), |
barmode='group', |
bargap=0.15, |
bargroupgap=0.1 |
) |
fig2.update_layout(plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)') |
fig2.update_yaxes(type="log") |
fig2.update_layout(legend=dict( |
yanchor="top", |
y=0.99, |
xanchor="left", |
x=0.01 |
)) |
fig2.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=22.5) |
fig2.update_yaxes(range=[0, 4.5]) |
fig2.update_layout(bargap=0.3) |
fig2.update_layout(legend=dict( |
orientation="h", |
yanchor="bottom", |
y=1.02, |
xanchor="right", |
x=1 |
)) |
fig2.show() |
df_all_hico = df.append(id_df) |
loco_hico_na_stats_after = {} |
loco_hico_na_stats_after['HICO from NA'] = sum(df_all_hico.index.isin(before_na_seqs))/tcga_df.shape[0] |
loco_pred_df = df_all_hico[df_all_hico.index.isin(before_loco_seqs)] |
loco_anns_pd = tcga_df.loc[loco_pred_df.index].subclass_name.str.split(';',expand=True) |
loco_anns_pd = loco_anns_pd.apply(lambda x: x.str.lower()) |
loco_pred_labels_df = pd.DataFrame(np.repeat(loco_pred_df['Net-Label'].values,loco_anns_pd.shape[1]).reshape(loco_pred_df.shape[0],loco_anns_pd.shape[1])).set_index(loco_pred_df.index) |
loco_pred_labels_df = loco_pred_labels_df.apply(lambda x: x.str.lower()) |
trna_mask_df = loco_pred_labels_df.apply(lambda x: x.str.contains('_trna')).any(axis=1) |
trna_loco_pred_df = loco_pred_labels_df[trna_mask_df] |
trna_loco_anns_pd = loco_anns_pd[trna_mask_df] |
trna_loco_pred_df = trna_loco_pred_df.apply(lambda x: x.str.split('__').str[1]) |
trna_loco_pred_df = trna_loco_pred_df.apply(lambda x: x.str.split('-').str[:-1].str.join('-')) |
num_hico_trna_from_loco = 0 |
for idx,row in trna_loco_pred_df.iterrows(): |
trna_label = row[0] |
num_hico_trna_from_loco += trna_loco_anns_pd.loc[idx].apply(lambda x: x!=None and trna_label in x).any() |
mir_mask_df = loco_pred_labels_df.apply(lambda x: x.str.contains('mir')).any(axis=1) |
let_mask_df = loco_pred_labels_df.apply(lambda x: x.str.contains('let')).any(axis=1) |
mir_or_let_mask_df = mir_mask_df | let_mask_df |
mir_or_let_loco_pred_df = loco_pred_labels_df[mir_or_let_mask_df] |
mir_or_let_loco_anns_pd = loco_anns_pd[mir_or_let_mask_df] |
mir_or_let_loco_anns_pd = mir_or_let_loco_anns_pd.applymap(lambda x: '-'.join(x.split('-')[:-1]) if x!=None and x.count('-') == 2 else x) |
mir_or_let_loco_pred_df = mir_or_let_loco_pred_df.applymap(lambda x: '-'.join(x.split('-')[:-1]) if x!=None and x.count('-') == 2 else x) |
num_hico_mir_from_loco = sum((mir_or_let_loco_anns_pd == mir_or_let_loco_pred_df).any(axis=1)) |
rest_loco_pred_df = loco_pred_labels_df[~mir_or_let_mask_df & ~trna_mask_df] |
rest_loco_anns_pd = loco_anns_pd[~mir_or_let_mask_df & ~trna_mask_df] |
num_hico_bins_from_loco = 0 |
for idx,row in rest_loco_pred_df.iterrows(): |
rest_rna_label = row[0].split('-')[0] |
try: |
bin_no = int(row[0].split('-')[1]) |
except: |
continue |
num_hico_bins_from_loco += rest_loco_anns_pd.loc[idx].apply(lambda x: x!=None and rest_rna_label == x.split('-')[0] and abs(int(x.split('-')[1])- bin_no)<=1).any() |
loco_hico_na_stats_after['HICO from LOCO'] = (num_hico_trna_from_loco + num_hico_mir_from_loco + num_hico_bins_from_loco)/tcga_df.shape[0] |
loco_hico_na_stats_after['LOCO from NA'] = loco_hico_na_stats_before['NA'] - loco_hico_na_stats_after['HICO from NA'] |
loco_hico_na_stats_after['LOCO from LOCO'] = loco_hico_na_stats_before['LOCO'] - loco_hico_na_stats_after['HICO from LOCO'] |
loco_hico_na_stats_after['HICO'] = loco_hico_na_stats_before['HICO'] |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
import plotly.io as pio |
import plotly.express as px |
color_mapping = {} |
for key in loco_hico_na_stats_before.keys(): |
if key.startswith('HICO'): |
color_mapping[key] = "rgb(51,160,44)" |
elif key.startswith('LOCO'): |
color_mapping[key] = "rgb(178,223,138)" |
else: |
color_mapping[key] = "rgb(251,154,153)" |
colors = list(color_mapping.values()) |
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Pie(labels=list(loco_hico_na_stats_before.keys()), values=list(loco_hico_na_stats_before.values()),hole=.0,marker=dict(colors=colors),sort=False)]) |
fig.update_layout(title='Percentage of HICOs, LOCOs and NAs before ID') |
fig.show() |
color_mapping = {} |
for key in loco_hico_na_stats_after.keys(): |
if key.startswith('HICO'): |
color_mapping[key] = "rgb(51,160,44)" |
elif key.startswith('LOCO'): |
color_mapping[key] = "rgb(178,223,138)" |
loco_hico_na_stats_after = {k: loco_hico_na_stats_after[k] for k in sorted(loco_hico_na_stats_after, key=lambda k: k.startswith('HICO'), reverse=True)} |
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Pie(labels=list(loco_hico_na_stats_after.keys()), values=list(loco_hico_na_stats_after.values()),hole=.0,marker=dict(colors=list(color_mapping.values())),sort=False)]) |
fig.update_layout(title='Percentage of HICOs, LOCOs and NAs after ID') |
fig.show() |