from typing import Dict, Any, List import ast import tarfile import torch import requests import numpy as np from ast import AsyncFunctionDef, ClassDef, FunctionDef, Module from transformers import Pipeline from import tqdm def extract_code_and_docs(text: str): """ The method for extracting codes and docs in text. :param text: python file. :return: codes and docs set. """ code_set = set() docs_set = set() root = ast.parse(text) for node in ast.walk(root): if not isinstance(node, (AsyncFunctionDef, FunctionDef, ClassDef, Module)): continue docs = ast.get_docstring(node) node_without_docs = node if docs is not None: docs_set.add(docs) # Remove docstrings from the node node_without_docs.body = node_without_docs.body[1:] if isinstance(node, (AsyncFunctionDef, FunctionDef)): code_set.add(ast.unparse(node_without_docs)) return code_set, docs_set def extract_readmes(file_content): """ The method for extracting readmes. :param lines: readmes. :return: readme sentences. """ readmes_set = set() lines = file_content.split('\n') for line in lines: line = line.replace("\n", "").strip() readmes_set.add(line) return readmes_set def extract_requirements(file_content): """ The method for extracting requirements. :param lines: requirements. :return: requirement libraries. """ requirements_set = set() lines = file_content.split('\n') for line in lines: line = line.replace("\n", "").strip() try: if " == " in line: splitLine = line.split(" == ") else: splitLine = line.split("==") requirements_set.add(splitLine[0]) except: pass return requirements_set def get_metadata(repo_name, headers=None): """ The method for getting metadata of repository from github_api. :param repo_name: repository name. :param headers: request headers. :return: response json. """ api_url = f"{repo_name}" tqdm.write(f"[+] Getting metadata for {repo_name}") try: response = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: tqdm.write(f"[-] Failed to retrieve metadata from {repo_name}: {e}") return {} def extract_information(repos, headers=None): """ The method for extracting repositories information. :param repos: repositories. :param headers: request header. :return: a list for representing the information of each repository. """ extracted_infos = [] for repo_name in tqdm(repos, disable=len(repos) <= 1): # 1. Extracting metadata. metadata = get_metadata(repo_name, headers=headers) repo_info = { "name": repo_name, "codes": set(), "docs": set(), "requirements": set(), "readmes": set(), "topics": [], "license": "", "stars": metadata.get("stargazers_count"), } if metadata.get("topics"): repo_info["topics"] = metadata["topics"] if metadata.get("license"): repo_info["license"] = metadata["license"]["spdx_id"] # Download repo tarball bytes ---- Download repository. download_url = f"{repo_name}/tarball" tqdm.write(f"[+] Downloading {repo_name}") try: response = requests.get(download_url, headers=headers, stream=True) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: tqdm.write(f"[-] Failed to download {repo_name}: {e}") continue # Extract repository files and parse them tqdm.write(f"[+] Extracting {repo_name} info") with, mode="r|gz") as tar: for member in tar: # 2. Extracting codes and docs. if".py") and member.isfile(): try: file_content = tar.extractfile(member).read().decode("utf-8") # extract_code_and_docs code_set, docs_set = extract_code_and_docs(file_content) repo_info["codes"].update(code_set) repo_info["docs"].update(docs_set) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: tqdm.write( f"[-] UnicodeDecodeError in {}, skipping: \n{e}" ) except SyntaxError as e: tqdm.write(f"[-] SyntaxError in {}, skipping: \n{e}") # 3. Extracting readme. elif ("") or"README.rst")) and member.isfile(): try: file_content = tar.extractfile(member).read().decode("utf-8") # extract readme readmes_set = extract_readmes(file_content) repo_info["readmes"].update(readmes_set) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: tqdm.write( f"[-] UnicodeDecodeError in {}, skipping: \n{e}" ) except SyntaxError as e: tqdm.write(f"[-] SyntaxError in {}, skipping: \n{e}") # 4. Extracting requirements. elif"requirements.txt") and member.isfile(): try: file_content = tar.extractfile(member).read().decode("utf-8") # extract readme requirements_set = extract_requirements(file_content) repo_info["requirements"].update(requirements_set) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: tqdm.write( f"[-] UnicodeDecodeError in {}, skipping: \n{e}" ) except SyntaxError as e: tqdm.write(f"[-] SyntaxError in {}, skipping: \n{e}") extracted_infos.append(repo_info) return extracted_infos class RepoPipeline(Pipeline): """ A custom pipeline for generating series of embeddings of a repository. """ def __init__(self, github_token=None, *args, **kwargs): """ The initial method for pipeline. :param github_token: github_token :param args: args :param kwargs: kwargs """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Getting github token self.github_token = github_token if self.github_token: print("[+] GitHub token set!") else: print( "[*] Please set GitHub token to avoid unexpected errors. \n" "For more info, see: " "" ) def _sanitize_parameters(self, **pipeline_parameters): """ The method for splitting parameters. :param pipeline_parameters: parameters :return: different parameters of different periods. """ # The parameters of "preprocess" period. preprocess_parameters = {} if "github_token" in pipeline_parameters: preprocess_parameters["github_token"] = pipeline_parameters["github_token"] # The parameters of "forward" period. forward_parameters = {} if "max_length" in pipeline_parameters: forward_parameters["max_length"] = pipeline_parameters["max_length"] # The parameters of "postprocess" period. postprocess_parameters = {} return preprocess_parameters, forward_parameters, postprocess_parameters def preprocess(self, input_: Any, github_token=None) -> List: """ The method for "preprocess" period. :param input_: the input. :param github_token: github_token. :return: a list about repository information. """ # Making input to list format. if isinstance(input_, str): input_ = [input_] # Building headers. headers = {"Accept": "application/vnd.github+json"} token = github_token or self.github_token if token: headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {token}" # Getting repositories' information: input_ means series of repositories (can be only one repository). extracted_infos = extract_information(input_, headers=headers) return extracted_infos def encode(self, text, max_length): """ The method for encoding the text to embedding by using UniXcoder. :param text: text. :param max_length: the max length. :return: the embedding of text. """ assert max_length < 1024 # Getting the tokenizer. tokenizer = self.tokenizer tokens = ( [tokenizer.cls_token, "", tokenizer.sep_token] + tokenizer.tokenize(text)[: max_length - 4] + [tokenizer.sep_token] ) tokens_id = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens) source_ids = torch.tensor([tokens_id]).to(self.device) token_embeddings = self.model(source_ids)[0] # Getting the text embedding. sentence_embeddings = token_embeddings.mean(dim=1) return sentence_embeddings def generate_embeddings(self, text_sets, max_length): """ The method for generating embeddings of a text set. :param text_sets: text set. :param max_length: max length. :return: the embeddings of text set. """ assert max_length < 1024 # Concat the embeddings of each sentence/text in vertical dimension. return torch.zeros((1, 768), device=self.device) \ if not text_sets \ else[self.encode(text, max_length) for text in text_sets], dim=0) def _forward(self, extracted_infos: List, max_length=512, st_progress=None) -> List: """ The method for "forward" period. :param extracted_infos: the information of repositories. :param max_length: max length. :return: the output of this pipeline. """ model_outputs = [] # The number of repository. num_texts = sum( len(x["codes"]) + len(x["docs"]) + len(x["requirements"]) + len(x["readmes"]) for x in extracted_infos) with tqdm(total=num_texts) as progress_bar: # For each repository for repo_info in extracted_infos: repo_name = repo_info["name"] info = { "name": repo_name, "topics": repo_info["topics"], "license": repo_info["license"], "stars": repo_info["stars"], } progress_bar.set_description(f"Processing {repo_name}") # Code embeddings tqdm.write(f"[*] Generating code embeddings for {repo_name}") code_embeddings = self.generate_embeddings(repo_info["codes"], max_length) info["code_embeddings"] = code_embeddings.cpu().numpy() info["mean_code_embedding"] = torch.mean(code_embeddings, dim=0, keepdim=True).cpu().numpy() progress_bar.update(len(repo_info["codes"])) if st_progress: st_progress.progress(progress_bar.n / # Doc embeddings tqdm.write(f"[*] Generating doc embeddings for {repo_name}") doc_embeddings = self.generate_embeddings(repo_info["docs"], max_length) info["doc_embeddings"] = doc_embeddings.cpu().numpy() info["mean_doc_embedding"] = torch.mean(doc_embeddings, dim=0, keepdim=True).cpu().numpy() progress_bar.update(len(repo_info["docs"])) if st_progress: st_progress.progress(progress_bar.n / # Requirement embeddings tqdm.write(f"[*] Generating requirement embeddings for {repo_name}") requirement_embeddings = self.generate_embeddings(repo_info["requirements"], max_length) info["requirement_embeddings"] = requirement_embeddings.cpu().numpy() info["mean_requirement_embedding"] = torch.mean(requirement_embeddings, dim=0, keepdim=True).cpu().numpy() progress_bar.update(len(repo_info["requirements"])) if st_progress: st_progress.progress(progress_bar.n / # Readme embeddings tqdm.write(f"[*] Generating readme embeddings for {repo_name}") readme_embeddings = self.generate_embeddings(repo_info["readmes"], max_length) info["readme_embeddings"] = readme_embeddings.cpu().numpy() info["mean_readme_embedding"] = torch.mean(readme_embeddings, dim=0, keepdim=True).cpu().numpy() progress_bar.update(len(repo_info["readmes"])) if st_progress: st_progress.progress(progress_bar.n / # Repo-level mean embedding info["mean_repo_embedding"] = np.concatenate([ info["mean_code_embedding"], info["mean_doc_embedding"], info["mean_requirement_embedding"], info["mean_readme_embedding"] ], axis=0).reshape(1, -1) info["code_embeddings_shape"] = info["code_embeddings"].shape info["mean_code_embedding_shape"] = info["mean_code_embedding"].shape info["doc_embeddings_shape"] = info["doc_embeddings"].shape info["mean_doc_embedding_shape"] = info["mean_doc_embedding"].shape info["requirement_embeddings_shape"] = info["requirement_embeddings"].shape info["mean_requirement_embedding_shape"] = info["mean_requirement_embedding"].shape info["readme_embeddings_shape"] = info["readme_embeddings"].shape info["mean_readme_embedding_shape"] = info["mean_readme_embedding"].shape info["mean_repo_embedding_shape"] = info["mean_repo_embedding"].shape model_outputs.append(info) return model_outputs def postprocess(self, model_outputs: List, **postprocess_parameters: Dict) -> List: """ The method for "postprocess" period. :param model_outputs: the output of this pipeline. :param postprocess_parameters: the parameters of "postprocess" period. :return: model output. """ return model_outputs