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MedMT5: An Open-Source Multilingual Text-to-Text LLM for The Medical Domain

# Model Card for MedMT5-large

We present MedMT5, the first open-source text-to-text multilingual model for the medical domain. MedMT5 is an encoder-decoder model developed by continuing the training of publicly available mT5 checkpoints on medical domain data for English, Spanish, French, and Italian.

- 📖 Paper: **Coming soon** - 🌐 Project Website: [https://univ-cotedazur.eu/antidote](https://univ-cotedazur.eu/antidote)
Pre-Training settings for MedMT5.
MedMT5-Large (HiTZ/Medical-mT5-large) MedMT5-XL (HiTZ/Medical-mT5-xl)
Param. no. 738M 3B
Sequence Length 1024 480
Token/step 65536 30720
Epochs 1 1
Total Tokens 4.5B 4.5B
Optimizer Adafactor Adafactor
LR 0.001 0.001
Scheduler Constant Constant
Hardware 4xA100 4xA100
Time (h) 10.5 20.5
CO2eq (kg) 2.9 5.6
# Model Description - **Developed by**: Iker García-Ferrero, Rodrigo Agerri, Aitziber Atutxa Salazar, Elena Cabrio, Iker de la Iglesia, Alberto Lavelli, Bernardo Magnini, Benjamin Molinet, Johana Ramirez-Romero, German Rigau, Jose Maria Villa-Gonzalez, Serena Villata and Andrea Zaninello - **Contact**: [Iker García-Ferrero](https://ikergarcia1996.github.io/Iker-Garcia-Ferrero/) - **Website**: [https://univ-cotedazur.eu/antidote](https://univ-cotedazur.eu/antidote) - **Funding**: CHIST-ERA XAI 2019 call. Antidote (PCI2020-120717-2) funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR - **Model type**: text2text-generation - **Language(s) (NLP)**: English, Spanish, French, Italian - **License**: apache-2.0 - **Finetuned from model**: MT5 ## How to Get Started with the Model You can load the model using ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("HiTZ/Medical-mT5-xl") model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("HiTZ/Medical-mT5-xl") ``` The model has been trained using the T5 masked language modeling tasks. You need to finetune the model for your task.

### MedMT5 for Sequence Labelling If you want to use MedMT5 for Sequence Labeling, we recommend you use this code: https://github.com/ikergarcia1996/Sequence-Labeling-LLMs ## Training Data
Data sources and word counts by language.
Language Source Words
English ClinicalTrials 127.4M
PubMed 968.4M
Spanish EMEA 13.6M
PubMed 8.4M
Medical Crawler 918M
UFAL 10.5M
WikiMed 5.2M
French PubMed 1.4M
Science Direct 15.2M
Wikipedia - Médecine 5M
Google Patents 654M
Italian Medical Commoncrawl - IT 67M
Drug instructions 30.5M
Wikipedia - Medicina 13.3M
E3C Corpus - IT 11.6M
Medicine descriptions 6.3M
Medical theses 5.8M
Medical websites 4M
PubMed 2.3M
Supplement description 1.3M
Medical notes 975K
Pathologies 157K
Medical test simulations 26K
Clinical cases 20K
## Evaluation ### Single-task supervised F1 scores for Sequence Labelling

### Multi-task supervised F1 scores for Sequence Labelling

### Zero-shot F1 scores for Argument Mining. Models have been trained in English and evaluated in Spanish, French and Italian.

## Ethical Statement

Our research in developing MedMT5, a multilingual text-to-text model for the medical domain, has ethical implications that we acknowledge. Firstly, the broader impact of this work lies in its potential to improve medical communication and understanding across languages, which can enhance healthcare access and quality for diverse linguistic communities. However, it also raises ethical considerations related to privacy and data security. To create our multilingual corpus, we have taken measures to anonymize and protect sensitive patient information, adhering to data protection regulations in each language's jurisdiction or deriving our data from sources that explicitly address this issue in line with privacy and safety regulations and guidelines. Furthermore, we are committed to transparency and fairness in our model's development and evaluation. We have worked to ensure that our benchmarks are representative and unbiased, and we will continue to monitor and address any potential biases in the future. Finally, we emphasize our commitment to open source by making our data, code, and models publicly available, with the aim of promoting collaboration within the research community.