minecraft-python / entity.py
Minecraft3193092's picture
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import math
import collider
FLYING_ACCEL = (0, 0, 0)
GRAVITY_ACCEL = (0, -32, 0)
# these values all come (losely) from Minecraft, but are multiplied by 20 (since Minecraft runs at 20 TPS)
FRICTION = ( 20, 20, 20)
DRAG_FLY = ( 5, 5, 5)
DRAG_JUMP = (1.8, 0, 1.8)
DRAG_FALL = (1.8, 0.4, 1.8)
class Entity:
def __init__(self, world):
self.world = world
# physical variables
self.jump_height = 1.25
self.flying = False
self.position = [0, 80, 0]
self.rotation = [-math.tau / 4, 0]
self.velocity = [0, 0, 0]
self.accel = [0, 0, 0]
# collision variables
self.width = 0.6
self.height = 1.8
self.collider = collider.Collider()
self.grounded = False
def update_collider(self):
x, y, z = self.position
self.collider.x1 = x - self.width / 2
self.collider.x2 = x + self.width / 2
self.collider.y1 = y
self.collider.y2 = y + self.height
self.collider.z1 = z - self.width / 2
self.collider.z2 = z + self.width / 2
def teleport(self, pos):
self.position = list(pos)
self.velocity = [0, 0, 0] # to prevent collisions
def jump(self, height = None):
# obviously, we can't initiate a jump while in mid-air
if not self.grounded:
if height is None:
height = self.jump_height
self.velocity[1] = math.sqrt(-2 * GRAVITY_ACCEL[1] * height)
def friction(self):
if self.flying:
return DRAG_FLY
elif self.grounded:
elif self.velocity[1] > 0:
return DRAG_JUMP
return DRAG_FALL
def update(self, delta_time):
# apply input acceleration, and adjust for friction/drag
self.velocity = [v + a * f * delta_time for v, a, f in zip(self.velocity, self.accel, self.friction)]
self.accel = [0, 0, 0]
# compute collisions
self.grounded = False
for _ in range(3):
adjusted_velocity = [v * delta_time for v in self.velocity]
vx, vy, vz = adjusted_velocity
# find all the blocks we could potentially be colliding with
# this step is known as "broad-phasing"
step_x = 1 if vx > 0 else -1
step_y = 1 if vy > 0 else -1
step_z = 1 if vz > 0 else -1
steps_xz = int(self.width / 2)
steps_y = int(self.height)
x, y, z = map(int, self.position)
cx, cy, cz = [int(x + v) for x, v in zip(self.position, adjusted_velocity)]
potential_collisions = []
for i in range(x - step_x * (steps_xz + 1), cx + step_x * (steps_xz + 2), step_x):
for j in range(y - step_y * (steps_y + 2), cy + step_y * (steps_y + 3), step_y):
for k in range(z - step_z * (steps_xz + 1), cz + step_z * (steps_xz + 2), step_z):
pos = (i, j, k)
num = self.world.get_block_number(pos)
if not num:
for _collider in self.world.block_types[num].colliders:
entry_time, normal = self.collider.collide(_collider + pos, adjusted_velocity)
if normal is None:
potential_collisions.append((entry_time, normal))
# get first collision
if not potential_collisions:
entry_time, normal = min(potential_collisions, key = lambda x: x[0])
entry_time -= 0.001
if normal[0]:
self.velocity[0] = 0
self.position[0] += vx * entry_time
if normal[1]:
self.velocity[1] = 0
self.position[1] += vy * entry_time
if normal[2]:
self.velocity[2] = 0
self.position[2] += vz * entry_time
if normal[1] == 1:
self.grounded = True
self.position = [x + v * delta_time for x, v in zip(self.position, self.velocity)]
# apply gravity acceleration
gravity = FLYING_ACCEL if self.flying else GRAVITY_ACCEL
self.velocity = [v + a * delta_time for v, a in zip(self.velocity, gravity)]
# apply friction/drag
self.velocity = [v - min(v * f * delta_time, v, key = abs) for v, f in zip(self.velocity, self.friction)]
# make sure we can rely on the entity's collider outside of this function