Upload blocks.mcpy
Browse files- data/blocks.mcpy +91 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
1 |
# block ID's from:
2 |
3 |
# (with some slight modifications)
4 |
5 |
1: name "Stone", texture.all stone
6 |
2: name "Grass", grass, texture.bottom dirt, texture.sides grass_side
7 |
3: name "Dirt", texture.all dirt
8 |
4: name "Cobblestone", texture.all cobblestone
9 |
5: name "Planks", texture.all planks
10 |
6: name "Sapling", model models.plant, texture.all sapling
11 |
7: name "Bedrock", texture.all bedrock
12 |
8: name "Water", model models.liquid, texture.all water
13 |
9: sameas 8, name "Stationary Water"
14 |
10: name "Lava", model models.liquid, texture.all lava
15 |
11: sameas 10, name "Stationary Lava"
16 |
12: name "Sand", texture.all sand
17 |
13: name "Gravel", texture.all gravel
18 |
14: name "Gold Ore", texture.all gold_ore
19 |
15: name "Iron Ore", texture.all iron_ore
20 |
16: name "Coal Ore", texture.all coal_ore
21 |
17: name "Log", texture.y log_y, texture.sides log_side
22 |
18: name "Leaves", model models.leaves, texture.all leaves
23 |
19: name "Sponge", texture.all sponge
24 |
20: name "Glass", model, texture.all glass
25 |
21: name "Red Cloth", texture.all red_cloth
26 |
22: name "Orange Cloth", texture.all orange_cloth
27 |
23: name "Yellow Cloth", texture.all yellow_cloth
28 |
24: name "Lime Cloth", texture.all lime_cloth
29 |
25: name "Green Cloth", texture.all green_cloth
30 |
26: name "Aqua Cloth", texture.all aqua_cloth
31 |
27: name "Cyan Cloth", texture.all cyan_cloth
32 |
28: name "Blue Cloth", texture.all blue_cloth
33 |
29: name "Purple Cloth", texture.all purple_cloth
34 |
30: name "Indigo Cloth", texture.all indigo_cloth
35 |
31: name "Violet Cloth", texture.all violet_cloth
36 |
32: name "Magenta Cloth", texture.all magenta_cloth
37 |
33: name "Pink Cloth", texture.all pink_cloth
38 |
34: name "Black Cloth", texture.all black_cloth
39 |
35: name "Grey Cloth", texture.all grey_cloth
40 |
36: name "White Cloth", texture.all white_cloth
41 |
37: name "Yellow Flower", model models.plant, texture.all yellow_flower
42 |
38: name "Red Rose", model models.plant, texture.all red_rose
43 |
39: name "Brown Mushroom", model models.plant, texture.all brown_mushroom
44 |
40: name "Red Mushroom", model models.plant, texture.all red_mushroom
45 |
41: name "Gold Block", texture.all gold_block
46 |
42: name "Iron Block", texture.all iron_block
47 |
43: name "Double Slab", texture.sides slab_side, texture.y slab_y
48 |
44: name "Slab", model models.slab, texture.sides slab_side, texture.y slab_y
49 |
45: name "Bricks", texture.all bricks
50 |
46: name "TNT", tnt_top, texture.bottom tnt_bottom, texture.sides tnt_side
51 |
47: name "Bookshelf", texture.y planks, texture.sides bookshelf
52 |
48: name "Mossy Cobblestone", texture.all mossy_cobblestone
53 |
49: name "Obsidian", texture.all obsidian
54 |
50: name "Torch", model models.torch, torch_top, texture.bottom torch, texture.sides torch
55 |
51: name "Fire", model, texture.all fire
56 |
# I know, the model name isn't great, but it's got the same graphical properties
57 |
52: name "Mob Spawner", model models.leaves, texture.all mob_spawner
58 |
53: name "Wooden Stairs", model models.stairs, texture.all planks
59 |
54: name "Chest", texture.y chest_top, texture.sides chest_side, texture.front chest_front
60 |
55: name "Redstone Wire", model models.flat, texture.all redstone_wire
61 |
56: name "Diamond Ore", texture.all diamond_ore
62 |
57: name "Diamond Block", texture.all diamond_block
63 |
58: name "Crafting Table", crafting_table_top, texture.bottom planks, texture.x crafting_table_x, texture.z crafting_table_z
64 |
59: name "Crops", model models.crop, texture.all crops
65 |
60: name "Soil", model models.soil, texture.all dirt, soil
66 |
61: name "Furnace", texture.y furnace_y, texture.sides furnace_side, texture.front furnace_front
67 |
62: name "Lit Furnace", texture.y furnace_y, texture.sides furnace_side, texture.front lit_furnace_front
68 |
63: name "Sign Post", model models.sign_post, texture.all planks
69 |
64: name "Wooden Door", model models.door, texture.all wooden_door
70 |
65: name "Ladder", model models.ladder, texture.all ladder
71 |
66: name "Rails", model models.flat, texture.all rails
72 |
67: name "Cobblestone Stairs", model models.stairs, texture.all cobblestone
73 |
68: name "Sign", model models.sign, texture.all planks
74 |
69: name "Lever", model models.lever, texture.all lever
75 |
70: name "Stone Pressure Plate", model models.pressure_plate, texture.all stone
76 |
71: name "Iron Door", model models.door, texture.all iron_door_bottom_half
77 |
72: name "Wooden Pressure Plate", model models.pressure_plate, texture.all planks
78 |
73: name "Redstone Ore", texture.all redstone_ore
79 |
# when we implement a lighting system, this will have some kind of "emissive" property
80 |
74: name "Lit Redstone Ore", texture.all redstone_ore
81 |
75: name "Redstone Torch", model models.torch, redstone_torch_top, texture.bottom redstone_torch, texture.sides redstone_torch
82 |
76: name "Redstone Torch (Off)", model models.torch, off_redstone_torch_top, texture.bottom off_redstone_torch, texture.sides off_redstone_torch
83 |
77: name "Stone Button", model models.button, texture.all stone
84 |
78: name "Snow", model models.snow, texture.all snow
85 |
# ditto as for mob spawners (52)
86 |
79: name "Ice", model models.tinted_glass, texture.all ice
87 |
80: name "Snow Block", texture.all snow
88 |
81: name "Cactus", model models.cactus, cactus_top, texture.bottom cactus_bottom, texture.sides cactus_side
89 |
82: name "Clay", texture.all clay
90 |
83: name "Sugar Cane", model models.plant, texture.all sugar_cane
91 |
84: name "Jukebox", texture.all jukebox, jukebox_top