{ |
"nerlnetSettings": { |
"frequency": "10", |
"batchSize": "20" |
}, |
"mainServer": { |
"port": "8900", |
"args": "" |
}, |
"apiServer": { |
"port": "8901", |
"args": "" |
}, |
"devices": [ |
{ |
"name": "cmv0", |
"ipv4": "", |
"entities": "apiServer,mainServer,c1,s1,r1" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "cmv1", |
"ipv4": "", |
"entities": "c2,s2,r2" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "cmv2", |
"ipv4": "", |
"entities": "c3,s3,r3" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "cmv3", |
"ipv4": "", |
"entities": "c4,r4,s4" |
} |
], |
"routers": [ |
{ |
"name": "r1", |
"port": "8910", |
"policy": "0" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "r2", |
"port": "8911", |
"policy": "0" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "r3", |
"port": "8912", |
"policy": "0" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "r4", |
"port": "8913", |
"policy": "0" |
} |
], |
"sources": [ |
{ |
"name": "s1", |
"port": "8902", |
"frequency": "5", |
"policy": "0", |
"epochs": "1", |
"type": "0" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "s2", |
"port": "8903", |
"frequency": "5", |
"policy": "0", |
"epochs": "1", |
"type": "0" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "s3", |
"port": "8904", |
"frequency": "5", |
"policy": "0", |
"epochs": "1", |
"type": "0" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "s4", |
"port": "8905", |
"frequency": "5", |
"policy": "0", |
"epochs": "1", |
"type": "0" |
} |
], |
"clients": [ |
{ |
"name": "c1", |
"port": "8906", |
"workers": "w1" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "c2", |
"port": "8907", |
"workers": "w2" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "c3", |
"port": "8908", |
"workers": "w3" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "c4", |
"port": "8909", |
"workers": "w4" |
} |
], |
"workers": [ |
{ |
"name": "w1", |
"model_sha": "d943b04cfe161deabaca2c2b28360df8c52888ab08bb9281cf3ae8bfed12d991" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "w2", |
"model_sha": "d943b04cfe161deabaca2c2b28360df8c52888ab08bb9281cf3ae8bfed12d991" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "w3", |
"model_sha": "d943b04cfe161deabaca2c2b28360df8c52888ab08bb9281cf3ae8bfed12d991" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "w4", |
"model_sha": "d943b04cfe161deabaca2c2b28360df8c52888ab08bb9281cf3ae8bfed12d991" |
} |
], |
"model_sha": { |
"d943b04cfe161deabaca2c2b28360df8c52888ab08bb9281cf3ae8bfed12d991": { |
"modelType": "0", |
"_doc_modelType": " nn:0 | approximation:1 | classification:2 | forecasting:3 | image_classification:4 | text_classification:5 | text_generation:6 | auto_association:7 | autoencoder:8 | ae_classifier:9 |", |
"modelArgs": "", |
"_doc_modelArgs": "Extra arguments to model", |
"layersSizes": "28x28x1k5x5x1x6p0s1t1,28x28x6k2x2p0s2,14x14x6k4x4x6x12p0s1t0,1,32,10", |
"_doc_layersSizes": "List of postive integers [L0, L1, ..., LN]", |
"layerTypesList": "2,4,2,9,3,5", |
"_doc_LayerTypes": " Default:0 | Scaling:1 | Conv:2 | Perceptron:3 | Pooling:4 | Probabilistic:5 | LSTM:6 | Reccurrent:7 | Unscaling:8 | Bounding:9 |", |
"layers_functions": "6,2,6,1,6,4", |
"_doc_layers_functions_activation": " Threshold:1 | Sign:2 | Logistic:3 | Tanh:4 | Linear:5 | ReLU:6 | eLU:7 | SeLU:8 | Soft-plus:9 | Soft-sign:10 | Hard-sigmoid:11 |", |
"_doc_layer_functions_pooling": " none:1 | Max:2 | Avg:3 |", |
"_doc_layer_functions_probabilistic": " Binary:1 | Logistic:2 | Competitive:3 | Softmax:4 |", |
"_doc_layer_functions_scaler": " none:1 | MinMax:2 | MeanStd:3 | STD:4 | Log:5 |", |
"lossMethod": "6", |
"_doc_lossMethod": " SSE:1 | MSE:2 | NSE:3 | MinkowskiE:4 | WSE:5 | CEE:6 |", |
"lr": "0.01", |
"_doc_lr": "Positve float", |
"epochs": "1", |
"_doc_epochs": "Positve Integer", |
"optimizer": "5", |
"_doc_optimizer": " GD:0 | CGD:1 | SGD:2 | QuasiNeuton:3 | LVM:4 | ADAM:5 |", |
"optimizerArgs": "none", |
"_doc_optimizerArgs": "String", |
"infraType": "0", |
"_doc_infraType": " opennn:0 | wolfengine:1 |", |
"distributedSystemType": "0", |
"_doc_distributedSystemType": " none:0 | fedClientAvg:1 | fedServerAvg:2 |", |
"distributedSystemArgs": "none", |
"_doc_distributedSystemArgs": "String", |
"distributedSystemToken": "none", |
"_doc_distributedSystemToken": "Token that associates distributed group of workers and parameter-server" |
} |
} |
} |