from flask import request, Flask, jsonify, make_response |
from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont |
import base64 |
import os |
import sys |
import json |
import pickle |
import io |
import numpy as np |
import gc |
import shutil |
from utils import update_epoch_projection, initialize_backend, add_line,getCriticalChangeIndices, getConfChangeIndices, getContraVisChangeIndices, getContraVisChangeIndicesSingle |
import time |
app = Flask(__name__) |
cors = CORS(app, supports_credentials=True) |
app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type' |
API_result_path = "./admin_API_result.csv" |
@app.route('/updateProjection', methods=["POST", "GET"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def update_projection(): |
res = request.get_json() |
start_time = time.time() |
CONTENT_PATH = os.path.normpath(res['path']) |
VIS_METHOD = res['vis_method'] |
SETTING = res["setting"] |
iteration = int(res['iteration']) |
predicates = res["predicates"] |
username = res['username'] |
isContraVis = res['isContraVis'] |
context = initialize_backend(CONTENT_PATH, VIS_METHOD, SETTING) |
EPOCH = int(iteration) |
embedding_2d, grid, decision_view, label_name_dict, label_color_list, label_list, max_iter, training_data_index, \ |
testing_data_index, eval_new, prediction_list, selected_points, properties, highlightedPointIndices = update_epoch_projection(context, EPOCH, predicates, isContraVis) |
if (len(highlightedPointIndices) != 0): |
highlightedPointIndices = highlightedPointIndices.tolist() |
end_time = time.time() |
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time |
print("updateprojection", elapsed_time) |
return make_response(jsonify({'result': embedding_2d, |
'grid_index': grid.tolist(), |
'grid_color': 'data:image/png;base64,' + decision_view, |
'label_name_dict':label_name_dict, |
'label_color_list': label_color_list, |
'label_list': label_list, |
'maximum_iteration': max_iter, |
'training_data': training_data_index, |
'testing_data': testing_data_index, |
'evaluation': eval_new, |
'prediction_list': prediction_list, |
"selectedPoints":selected_points.tolist(), |
"properties":properties.tolist(), |
"highlightedPointIndices": highlightedPointIndices |
}), 200) |
@app.route('/highlightCriticalChange', methods=["POST", "GET"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def highlight_critical_change(): |
res = request.get_json() |
CONTENT_PATH = os.path.normpath(res['path']) |
VIS_METHOD = res['vis_method'] |
SETTING = res["setting"] |
curr_iteration = int(res['iteration']) |
last_iteration = int(res['last_iteration']) |
username = res['username'] |
context = initialize_backend(CONTENT_PATH, VIS_METHOD, SETTING) |
predChangeIndices = getCriticalChangeIndices(context, curr_iteration, last_iteration) |
return make_response(jsonify({ |
"predChangeIndices": predChangeIndices.tolist() |
}), 200) |
@app.route('/contraVisHighlight', methods=["POST", "GET"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def contravis_highlight(): |
res = request.get_json() |
CONTENT_PATH = os.path.normpath(res['path']) |
VIS_METHOD = res['vis_method'] |
SETTING = res["setting"] |
curr_iteration = int(res['iterationLeft']) |
last_iteration = int(res['iterationRight']) |
method = res['method'] |
username = res['username'] |
context = initialize_backend(CONTENT_PATH, VIS_METHOD, SETTING) |
contraVisChangeIndices = getContraVisChangeIndices(context, curr_iteration, last_iteration, method) |
print(len(contraVisChangeIndices)) |
return make_response(jsonify({ |
"contraVisChangeIndices": contraVisChangeIndices |
}), 200) |
@app.route('/contraVisHighlightSingle', methods=["POST", "GET"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def contravis_highlight_single(): |
start_time = time.time() |
res = request.get_json() |
CONTENT_PATH = os.path.normpath(res['path']) |
VIS_METHOD = res['vis_method'] |
SETTING = res["setting"] |
curr_iteration = int(res['iterationLeft']) |
last_iteration = int(res['iterationRight']) |
method = res['method'] |
left_selected = res['selectedPointLeft'] |
right_selected = res['selectedPointRight'] |
username = res['username'] |
context = initialize_backend(CONTENT_PATH, VIS_METHOD, SETTING) |
contraVisChangeIndicesLeft, contraVisChangeIndicesRight, contraVisChangeIndicesLeftLeft, contraVisChangeIndicesLeftRight, contraVisChangeIndicesRightLeft, contraVisChangeIndicesRightRight = getContraVisChangeIndicesSingle(context, curr_iteration, last_iteration, method, left_selected, right_selected) |
end_time = time.time() |
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time |
print(elapsed_time) |
return make_response(jsonify({ |
"contraVisChangeIndicesLeft": contraVisChangeIndicesLeft, |
"contraVisChangeIndicesRight": contraVisChangeIndicesRight, |
"contraVisChangeIndicesLeftLeft": contraVisChangeIndicesLeftLeft, |
"contraVisChangeIndicesLeftRight": contraVisChangeIndicesLeftRight, |
"contraVisChangeIndicesRightLeft": contraVisChangeIndicesRightLeft, |
"contraVisChangeIndicesRightRight": contraVisChangeIndicesRightRight |
}), 200) |
@app.route('/highlightConfChange', methods=["POST", "GET"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def highlight_conf_change(): |
res = request.get_json() |
CONTENT_PATH = os.path.normpath(res['path']) |
VIS_METHOD = res['vis_method'] |
SETTING = res["setting"] |
curr_iteration = int(res['iteration']) |
last_iteration = int(res['last_iteration']) |
confChangeInput = float(res['confChangeInput']) |
print(confChangeInput) |
username = res['username'] |
context = initialize_backend(CONTENT_PATH, VIS_METHOD, SETTING) |
confChangeIndices = getConfChangeIndices(context, curr_iteration, last_iteration, confChangeInput) |
print(confChangeIndices) |
return make_response(jsonify({ |
"confChangeIndices": confChangeIndices.tolist() |
}), 200) |
@app.route('/query', methods=["POST"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def filter(): |
start_time = time.time() |
res = request.get_json() |
CONTENT_PATH = os.path.normpath(res['content_path']) |
VIS_METHOD = res['vis_method'] |
SETTING = res["setting"] |
iteration = int(res['iteration']) |
predicates = res["predicates"] |
username = res['username'] |
sys.path.append(CONTENT_PATH) |
context = initialize_backend(CONTENT_PATH, VIS_METHOD, SETTING) |
EPOCH = (iteration-1)*context.strategy.data_provider.p + context.strategy.data_provider.s |
training_data_number = context.strategy.config["TRAINING"]["train_num"] |
testing_data_number = context.strategy.config["TRAINING"]["test_num"] |
current_index = context.get_epoch_index(EPOCH) |
selected_points = np.arange(training_data_number)[current_index] |
selected_points = np.concatenate((selected_points, np.arange(training_data_number, training_data_number + testing_data_number, 1)), axis=0) |
for key in predicates.keys(): |
if key == "label": |
tmp = np.array(context.filter_label(predicates[key], int(EPOCH))) |
elif key == "type": |
tmp = np.array(context.filter_type(predicates[key], int(EPOCH))) |
elif key == "confidence": |
tmp = np.array(context.filter_conf(predicates[key][0],predicates[key][1],int(EPOCH))) |
else: |
tmp = np.arange(training_data_number + testing_data_number) |
selected_points = np.intersect1d(selected_points, tmp) |
sys.path.remove(CONTENT_PATH) |
add_line(API_result_path,['SQ',username]) |
end_time = time.time() |
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time |
print("query", elapsed_time) |
return make_response(jsonify({"selectedPoints": selected_points.tolist()}), 200) |
@app.route('/spriteImage', methods=["POST","GET"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def sprite_image(): |
path = request.args.get("path") |
index = request.args.get("index") |
username = request.args.get("username") |
CONTENT_PATH = os.path.normpath(path) |
print('index', index) |
idx = int(index) |
pic_save_dir_path = os.path.join(CONTENT_PATH, "sprites", "{}.png".format(idx)) |
img_stream = '' |
with open(pic_save_dir_path, 'rb') as img_f: |
img_stream = img_f.read() |
img_stream = base64.b64encode(img_stream).decode() |
add_line(API_result_path,['SI',username]) |
return make_response(jsonify({"imgUrl":'data:image/png;base64,' + img_stream}), 200) |
@app.route('/spriteText', methods=["POST","GET"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def sprite_text(): |
path = request.args.get("path") |
index = request.args.get("index") |
username = request.args.get("username") |
iteration = request.args.get("iteration") |
CONTENT_PATH = os.path.normpath(path) |
idx = int(index) |
start = time.time() |
text_save_dir_path = os.path.join(CONTENT_PATH, f"Model/Epoch_{iteration}/labels", f"text_{idx}.txt") |
if os.path.exists(text_save_dir_path): |
with open(text_save_dir_path, 'r') as text_f: |
sprite_texts = text_f.read() |
else: |
print("File does not exist:", text_save_dir_path) |
print(sprite_texts) |
response_data = { |
"texts": sprite_texts |
} |
end = time.time() |
print("processTime", end-start) |
return make_response(jsonify(response_data), 200) |
@app.route('/spriteList', methods=["POST"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def sprite_list_image(): |
data = request.get_json() |
indices = data["index"] |
path = data["path"] |
CONTENT_PATH = os.path.normpath(path) |
length = len(indices) |
urlList = {} |
start_time = time.time() |
for i in range(length): |
idx = indices[i] |
pic_save_dir_path = os.path.join(CONTENT_PATH, "sprites", "{}.png".format(idx)) |
img_stream = '' |
with open(pic_save_dir_path, 'rb') as img_f: |
img_stream = img_f.read() |
img_stream = base64.b64encode(img_stream).decode() |
urlList[idx] = 'data:image/png;base64,' + img_stream |
end_time = time.time() |
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time |
print("Spritelist", elapsed_time) |
return make_response(jsonify({"urlList":urlList}), 200) |
@app.route('/al_query', methods=["POST"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def al_query(): |
data = request.get_json() |
CONTENT_PATH = os.path.normpath(data['content_path']) |
VIS_METHOD = data['vis_method'] |
SETTING = data["setting"] |
iteration = data["iteration"] |
strategy = data["strategy"] |
budget = int(data["budget"]) |
acc_idxs = data["accIndices"] |
rej_idxs = data["rejIndices"] |
user_name = data["username"] |
isRecommend = data["isRecommend"] |
sys.path.append(CONTENT_PATH) |
context = initialize_backend(CONTENT_PATH, VIS_METHOD, SETTING, dense=True) |
indices, labels, scores = context.al_query(iteration, budget, strategy, np.array(acc_idxs).astype(np.int64), np.array(rej_idxs).astype(np.int64)) |
sort_i = np.argsort(-scores) |
indices = indices[sort_i] |
labels = labels[sort_i] |
scores = scores[sort_i] |
sys.path.remove(CONTENT_PATH) |
if not isRecommend: |
add_line(API_result_path,['Feedback', user_name]) |
else: |
add_line(API_result_path,['Recommend', user_name]) |
return make_response(jsonify({"selectedPoints": indices.tolist(), "scores": scores.tolist(), "suggestLabels":labels.tolist()}), 200) |
@app.route('/anomaly_query', methods=["POST"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def anomaly_query(): |
data = request.get_json() |
CONTENT_PATH = os.path.normpath(data['content_path']) |
VIS_METHOD = data['vis_method'] |
SETTING = data["setting"] |
budget = int(data["budget"]) |
strategy = data["strategy"] |
acc_idxs = data["accIndices"] |
rej_idxs = data["rejIndices"] |
user_name = data["username"] |
isRecommend = data["isRecommend"] |
sys.path.append(CONTENT_PATH) |
context = initialize_backend(CONTENT_PATH, VIS_METHOD, SETTING) |
context.save_acc_and_rej(acc_idxs, rej_idxs, user_name) |
indices, scores, labels = context.suggest_abnormal(strategy, np.array(acc_idxs).astype(np.int64), np.array(rej_idxs).astype(np.int64), budget) |
clean_list,_ = context.suggest_normal(strategy, np.array(acc_idxs).astype(np.int64), np.array(rej_idxs).astype(np.int64), 1) |
sort_i = np.argsort(-scores) |
indices = indices[sort_i] |
labels = labels[sort_i] |
scores = scores[sort_i] |
sys.path.remove(CONTENT_PATH) |
if not isRecommend: |
add_line(API_result_path,['Feedback', user_name]) |
else: |
add_line(API_result_path,['Recommend', user_name]) |
return make_response(jsonify({"selectedPoints": indices.tolist(), "scores": scores.tolist(), "suggestLabels":labels.tolist(),"cleanList":clean_list.tolist()}), 200) |
@app.route('/al_train', methods=["POST"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def al_train(): |
data = request.get_json() |
CONTENT_PATH = os.path.normpath(data['content_path']) |
VIS_METHOD = data['vis_method'] |
SETTING = data["setting"] |
acc_idxs = data["accIndices"] |
rej_idxs = data["rejIndices"] |
iteration = data["iteration"] |
user_name = data["username"] |
sys.path.append(CONTENT_PATH) |
context = initialize_backend(CONTENT_PATH, VIS_METHOD, SETTING) |
context.save_acc_and_rej(iteration, acc_idxs, rej_idxs, user_name) |
context.al_train(iteration, acc_idxs) |
NEW_ITERATION = context.get_max_iter() |
context.vis_train(NEW_ITERATION, iteration) |
embedding_2d, grid, decision_view, label_name_dict, label_color_list, label_list, _, training_data_index, \ |
testing_data_index, eval_new, prediction_list, selected_points, properties = update_epoch_projection(context, NEW_ITERATION, dict()) |
res_json_path = os.path.join(CONTENT_PATH, "iteration_structure.json") |
with open(res_json_path,encoding='utf8')as fp: |
json_data = json.load(fp) |
json_data.append({'value': NEW_ITERATION, 'name': 'iteration', 'pid': iteration}) |
print('json_data',json_data) |
with open(res_json_path,'w')as r: |
json.dump(json_data, r) |
r.close() |
del config |
gc.collect() |
sys.path.remove(CONTENT_PATH) |
add_line(API_result_path,['al_train', user_name]) |
return make_response(jsonify({'result': embedding_2d, 'grid_index': grid, 'grid_color': 'data:image/png;base64,' + decision_view, |
'label_name_dict': label_name_dict, |
'label_color_list': label_color_list, 'label_list': label_list, |
'maximum_iteration': NEW_ITERATION, 'training_data': training_data_index, |
'testing_data': testing_data_index, 'evaluation': eval_new, |
'prediction_list': prediction_list, |
"selectedPoints":selected_points.tolist(), |
"properties":properties.tolist()}), 200) |
def clear_cache(con_paths): |
for CONTENT_PATH in con_paths.values(): |
ac_flag = False |
target_path = os.path.join(CONTENT_PATH, "Model") |
dir_list = os.listdir(target_path) |
for dir in dir_list: |
if "Iteration_" in dir: |
ac_flag=True |
i = int(dir.replace("Iteration_", "")) |
if i > 2: |
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(target_path, dir)) |
if ac_flag: |
iter_structure_path = os.path.join(CONTENT_PATH, "iteration_structure.json") |
with open(iter_structure_path, "r") as f: |
i_s = json.load(f) |
new_is = list() |
for item in i_s: |
value = item["value"] |
if value < 3: |
new_is.append(item) |
with open(iter_structure_path, "w") as f: |
json.dump(new_is, f) |
print("Successfully remove cache data!") |
@app.route('/login', methods=["POST"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def login(): |
data = request.get_json() |
content_path = data["content_path"] |
return make_response(jsonify({"normal_content_path": content_path, "unormaly_content_path": content_path}), 200) |
@app.route('/boundingbox_record', methods=["POST"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def record_bb(): |
data = request.get_json() |
username = data['username'] |
add_line(API_result_path,['boundingbox', username]) |
return make_response(jsonify({}), 200) |
@app.route('/all_result_list', methods=["POST"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def get_res(): |
data = request.get_json() |
CONTENT_PATH = os.path.normpath(data['content_path']) |
VIS_METHOD = data['vis_method'] |
SETTING = data["setting"] |
username = data["username"] |
predicates = dict() |
results = dict() |
imglist = dict() |
gridlist = dict() |
sys.path.append(CONTENT_PATH) |
context = initialize_backend(CONTENT_PATH, VIS_METHOD, SETTING) |
EPOCH_START = context.strategy.config["EPOCH_START"] |
EPOCH_PERIOD = context.strategy.config["EPOCH_PERIOD"] |
EPOCH_END = context.strategy.config["EPOCH_END"] |
epoch_num = (EPOCH_END - EPOCH_START)// EPOCH_PERIOD + 1 |
for i in range(1, epoch_num+1, 1): |
trustvis = initialize_backend(CONTENT_PATH) |
fname = "Epoch" if trustvis.data_provider.mode == "normal" or trustvis.data_provider.mode == "abnormal" else "Iteration" |
checkpoint_path = context.strategy.data_provider.checkpoint_path(EPOCH) |
bgimg_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_path, "bgimg.png") |
embedding_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_path, "embedding.npy") |
grid_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_path, "grid.pkl") |
if os.path.exists(bgimg_path) and os.path.exists(embedding_path) and os.path.exists(grid_path): |
path = os.path.join(trustvis.data_provider.model_path, "{}_{}".format(fname, EPOCH)) |
result_path = os.path.join(path,"embedding.npy") |
results[str(i)] = np.load(result_path).tolist() |
with open(os.path.join(path, "grid.pkl"), "rb") as f: |
grid = pickle.load(f) |
gridlist[str(i)] = grid |
else: |
embedding_2d, grid, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = update_epoch_projection(trustvis, EPOCH, predicates) |
results[str(i)] = embedding_2d |
gridlist[str(i)] = grid |
with open(bgimg_path, 'rb') as img_f: |
img_stream = img_f.read() |
img_stream = base64.b64encode(img_stream).decode() |
imglist[str(i)] = 'data:image/png;base64,' + img_stream |
sys.path.remove(CONTENT_PATH) |
del config |
gc.collect() |
add_line(API_result_path,['animation', username]) |
return make_response(jsonify({"results":results,"bgimgList":imglist, "grid": gridlist}), 200) |
@app.route('/get_itertaion_structure', methods=["POST", "GET"]) |
@cross_origin() |
def get_tree(): |
CONTENT_PATH = request.args.get("path") |
res_json_path = os.path.join(CONTENT_PATH, "iteration_structure.json") |
with open(res_json_path,encoding='utf8')as fp: |
json_data = json.load(fp) |
return make_response(jsonify({"structure":json_data}), 200) |
def check_port_inuse(port, host): |
try: |
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) |
s.settimeout(1) |
s.connect((host, port)) |
return True |
except socket.error: |
return False |
finally: |
if s: |
s.close() |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
import socket |
hostname = socket.gethostname() |
ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) |
port = 5000 |
while check_port_inuse(port, ip_address): |
port = port + 1 |
app.run(host=ip_address, port=int(port)) |