vilang /
RTM's picture
import sys
import time
import random
import re
import sqlite3
from string import punctuation
from collections import Counter
from math import sqrt
def next():
print("\n" * 18)
def slow_type(x):
typing_speed = 50
for l in x:
time.sleep(random.random() * 10.0/typing_speed)
L = "Person"
print("\n\n๐Ÿถ Hi " + L, end = "")
A = ', how are you '
need_be = 5
count = 1
ae = 0
users_time = 0
emotion_lvl = 0
check = 1
total_time = 0
response_length = 0
analysis = "off"
total_rlen = 0
warning_rlen = 0
warning_low = .2
warning_hi = 1.275
l_wl = .2
Q = ["Why", "What", "How", "When", "?"]
while True:
if emotion_lvl != check:
check = emotion_lvl
dbase = str(emotion_lvl) + ".db"
connection = sqlite3.connect(dbase)
cursor = connection.cursor()
CREATE TABLE sentences (sentence TEXT UNIQUE, used INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)''')
CREATE TABLE associations (word_id INT NOT NULL, sentence_id INT NOT NULL, weight REAL NOT NULL)''')
def get_id(entityName, text):
tableName = entityName + 's'
columnName = entityName
cursor.execute('SELECT rowid FROM ' + tableName + ' WHERE ' + columnName + ' = ?', (text,))
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row:
return row[0]
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ' + tableName + ' (' + columnName + ') VALUES (?)', (text,))
return cursor.lastrowid
def get_words(text):
wordsRegexpString = '(?:\w+|[' + re.escape(punctuation) + ']+)'
wordsRegexp = re.compile(wordsRegexpString)
wordsList = wordsRegexp.findall(text.lower())
return Counter(wordsList).items()
if ae > 0:
print("\n" * 15)
name_random = random.randint(1, 5)
response_wait = random.randint(0, 2)
total_time += users_time
avg_time = total_time/count
total_rlen += response_length
avg_rlen = int(total_rlen/count)
if ae <= 1:
Z = ("")
id_number = 2
ae += 1
if ae >= 2:
ae += 1
count += 1
if avg_time * warning_low >= users_time >= avg_time * warning_hi:
if count - 1 > need_be:
emotion_lvl = "Annoyed"
# 4s
# 1.35 = 5s
# * .075 = 1s
if response_length < avg_rlen * l_wl:
if count - 1 > need_be:
emotion_lvl = "Annoyed"
inB = B.title()
if "?" in inB:
emotion_lvl = "Normal"
id_number = 1
if "!" in inB:
emotion_lvl = "Confused"
id_number = 1
if inB == Q:
emotion_lvl = "Normal"
id_number = 1
if "Happy" in inB:
emotion_lvl = "Happy"
id_number = 1
if "Sad" in inB:
emotion_lvl = "Sad"
id_number = 1
inA = A.title()
if "Happy" in inA:
emotion_lvl = 3
id_number = 2
if "Sad" in inA:
emotion_lvl = 4
id_number = 2
if "Idk" in inA:
emotion_lvl = 5
id_number = 2
if emotion_lvl == "Normal":
Z = ("๐Ÿถ<Normal> ")
if emotion_lvl == "Confused":
Z = ("๐Ÿถ<What The Fuck?> ")
response_wait += 1
if emotion_lvl == "Happy":
Z = ("๐Ÿถ<Wants To Hurt Ypu> ")
response_wait = 0
if emotion_lvl == "Very Happy":
Z = ("๐Ÿถ<Wants To Hurt You A Lot> ")
if emotion_lvl == "Annoyed":
Z = ("๐Ÿถ<I Hate You> ")
name_random = random.randint(1,3)
response_wait += 3
if emotion_lvl == "Sad":
Z = ("๐Ÿถ<I'm Sad> ")
reading_time = response_length * .3
response_final = response_wait + reading_time
if ae > 1:
if "on" in analysis:
l = L.title()
if id_number == 1:
user = L
if id_number == 2:
user = "Computer"
if name_random == 1:
yes_no = "yes"
if name_random > 1:
yes_no = "no"
prop_check = users_time / avg_time
lw_wl = int(avg_rlen * l_wl)
print("Count: ", count - 1, "\n")
print("Subject: ", l)
print("Avg response time: ", avg_time)
print("Last response time: ", users_time)
print("Avg word length: ", avg_rlen)
print("Last word length: ", response_length, "\n")
print("Subject: Computer")
print("Reading time:", reading_time)
print("Response time selected:", response_wait)
print("Final response time: ", response_final)
print("Used Subjects Name?: ", yes_no, "(", name_random, ")", "\n")
if count - 1 >= need_be:
print("Time proportion check: ", prop_check)
print("Count ", count - 1, " warning response word length(L): ", lw_wl, "\n")
print("Emotion lvl: ", emotion_lvl, "(", user, ")", ")\n")
# Anaylsis ends
print(Z, end = "")
# time.sleep(response_final)
if name_random == 1:
slow_type(A + " " + L + "\n")
slow_type(A + "\n")
start = time.time()
B = input(L + ": ").strip()
stop = time.time()
users_time = stop - start
response_length = len(B.split())
words = get_words(A)
words_length = sum([n * len(word) for word, n in words])
sentence_id = get_id('sentence', B)
for word, n in words:
word_id = get_id('word', word)
weight = sqrt(n / float(words_length))
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO associations VALUES (?, ?, ?)', (word_id, sentence_id, weight,))
cursor.execute('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE results(sentence_id INT, sentence TEXT, weight REAL)')
words = get_words(B)
words_length = sum([n * len(word) for word, n in words])
for word, n in words:
weight = sqrt(n / float(words_length))
'INSERT INTO results SELECT associations.sentence_id, sentences.sentence, ?*associations.weight/(4+sentences.used) FROM words INNER JOIN associations ON associations.word_id=words.rowid INNER JOIN sentences ON sentences.rowid=associations.sentence_id WHERE words.word=?',
(weight, word,))
'SELECT sentence_id, sentence, SUM(weight) AS sum_weight FROM results GROUP BY sentence_id ORDER BY sum_weight DESC LIMIT 1')
row = cursor.fetchone()
cursor.execute('DROP TABLE results')
if row is None:
'SELECT rowid, sentence FROM sentences WHERE used = (SELECT MIN(used) FROM sentences) ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1')
row = cursor.fetchone()
A = row[1]
cursor.execute('UPDATE sentences SET used = used + 1 WHERE rowid = ?', (row[0],))