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from Utils.phonemize.cotlet_utils import *
import cutlet
katsu = cutlet.Cutlet(ensure_ascii=False)
katsu.use_foreign_spelling = False
def process_japanese_text(ml):
# Check for small characters and replace them
if any(char in ml for char in "ぁぃぅぇぉ"):
ml = ml.replace("ぁ", "あ")
ml = ml.replace("ぃ", "い")
ml = ml.replace("ぅ", "う")
ml = ml.replace("ぇ", "え")
ml = ml.replace("ぉ", "お")
# Initialize Cutlet for romaji conversion
# Convert to romaji and apply transformations
# output = katsu.romaji(ml, capitalize=False).lower()
output = katsu.romaji(apply_transformations(alphabetreading(ml)), capitalize=False).lower()
# Replace specific romaji sequences
if 'j' in output:
output = output.replace('j', "dʑ")
if 'tt' in output:
output = output.replace('tt', "ʔt")
if 't t' in output:
output = output.replace('t t', "ʔt")
if ' ʔt' in output:
output = output.replace(' ʔt', "ʔt")
if 'ssh' in output:
output = output.replace('ssh', "ɕɕ")
# Convert romaji to IPA
output = Roma2IPA(convert_numbers_in_string(output))
output = hira2ipa(output)
# Apply additional transformations
output = replace_chars_2(output)
output = replace_repeated_chars(replace_tashdid_2(output))
output = nasal_mapper(output)
# Final adjustments
if " ɴ" in output:
output = output.replace(" ɴ", "ɴ")
if ' neɽitai ' in output:
output = output.replace(' neɽitai ', "naɽitai")
if 'harɯdʑisama' in output:
output = output.replace('harɯdʑisama', "arɯdʑisama")
if "ki ni ɕinai" in output:
output = re.sub(r'(?<!\s)ki ni ɕinai', r' ki ni ɕinai', output)
if 'ʔt' in output:
output = re.sub(r'(?<!\s)ʔt', r'ʔt', output)
if 'de aɽoɯ' in output:
output = re.sub(r'(?<!\s)de aɽoɯ', r' de aɽoɯ', output)
return output.lstrip()
# def replace_repeating_patterns(text):
# def replace_repeats(match):
# pattern =
# if len( // len(pattern) >= 3:
# return pattern + "~~~"
# return
# # Pattern for space-separated repeats
# pattern1 = r'((?:\S+\s+){1,5}?)(?:\1){2,}'
# # Pattern for continuous repeats without spaces
# pattern2 = r'(.+?)\1{2,}'
# text = re.sub(pattern1, replace_repeats, text)
# text = re.sub(pattern2, replace_repeats, text)
# return text
def replace_repeating_a(output):
# Define patterns and their replacements
patterns = [
(r'(aː)\s*\1+\s*', r'\1~'), # Replace repeating "aː" with "aː~~"
(r'(aːa)\s*aː', r'\1~'), # Replace "aːa aː" with "aː~~"
(r'aːa', r'aː~'), # Replace "aːa" with "aː~"
(r'naː\s*aː', r'naː~'), # Replace "naː aː" with "naː~"
(r'(oː)\s*\1+\s*', r'\1~'), # Replace repeating "oː" with "oː~~"
(r'(oːo)\s*oː', r'\1~'), # Replace "oːo oː" with "oː~~"
(r'oːo', r'oː~'), # Replace "oːo" with "oː~"
(r'(eː)\s*\1+\s*', r'\1~'),
(r'(e)\s*\1+\s*', r'\1~'),
(r'(eːe)\s*eː', r'\1~'),
(r'eːe', r'eː~'),
(r'neː\s*eː', r'neː~'),
# Apply each pattern to the output
for pattern, replacement in patterns:
output = re.sub(pattern, replacement, output)
return output
def phonemize(text):
# if "っ" in text:
# text = text.replace("っ","ʔ")
output = post_fix(process_japanese_text(text))
#output = text
if " ɴ" in output:
output = output.replace(" ɴ", "ɴ")
if "y" in output:
output = output.replace("y", "j")
if "ɯa" in output:
output = output.replace("ɯa", "wa")
if "a aː" in output:
output = output.replace("a aː","a~")
if "a a" in output:
output = output.replace("a a","a~")
output = replace_repeating_a((output))
output = re.sub(r'\s+~', '~', output)
if "oː~o oː~ o" in output:
output = output.replace("oː~o oː~ o","oː~~~~~~")
if "aː~aː" in output:
output = output.replace("aː~aː","aː~~~")
if "oɴ naː" in output:
output = output.replace("oɴ naː","onnaː")
if "aː~~ aː" in output:
output = output.replace("aː~~ aː","aː~~~~")
if "oː~o" in output:
output = output.replace("oː~o","oː~~")
if "oː~~o o" in output:
output = output.replace("oː~~o o","oː~~~~") # yeah I'm too tired to learn regex how did you know
output = random_space_fix(output)
output = random_sym_fix(output) # fixing some symbols, if they have a specific white space such as miku& sakura -> miku ando sakura
output = random_sym_fix_no_space(output) # same as above but for those without white space such as miku&sakura -> miku ando sakura
# if "ɯ" in output:
# output = output.replace("ɯ","U")ss
# if "ʔ" in output:
# output = output.replace("ʔ","!")
return output.lstrip()
# def process_row(row):
# return {'phonemes': [phonemize(word) for word in row['phonemes']]}