formal_to_informal = { 'ワタクシ': 'わたし', 'チカコ':'しゅうこ', "タノヒト":"ほかのひと", # Add more mappings as needed } formal_to_informal2 = { "たのひと":"ほかのひと", "すうは": "かずは", # Add more mappings as needed } formal_to_informal3 = { "%":"%", "@": "あっとさいん", "$":"どる", "#":"はっしゅたぐ", "$":"どる", "#":"はっしゅたぐ", "何が":"なにが", "何も":"なにも", "何か":"なにか", # "奏":"かなで", "何は":"なにが", "お父様":"おとうさま", "お兄様":"おにいさま", "何を":"なにを", "良い":"いい", "李衣菜":"りいな", "志希":"しき", "種":"たね", "方々":"かたがた", "颯":"はやて", "茄子さん":"かこさん", "茄子ちゃん":"かこちゃん", "涼ちゃん":"りょうちゃん", "涼さん":"りょうさん", "紗枝":"さえ", "文香":"ふみか", "私":"わたし", "周子":"しゅうこ", "イェ":"いえ", "可憐":"かれん", "加蓮":"かれん", "・":".", # "方の":"かたの", # "気に":"きに", "唯さん":"ゆいさん", "唯ちゃん":"ゆいちゃん", "聖ちゃん":"ひじりちゃん", "他の":"ほかの", "他に":"ほかに", "一生懸命":"いっしょうけんめい", "楓さん":"かえでさん", "楓ちゃん":"かえでちゃん", "内から":"ないから", "の下で":"のしたで", } mapper = dict([ ("仕方","しかた"), ("明日","あした"), ('私',"わたし"), ("従妹","いとこ"), ("1人","ひとり"), ("2人","ふたり"), ("一期","いちご"), ("一会","いちえ"), ("♪","!"), ("?","?"), ("どんな方","どんなかた"), ("ふたり暮らし","ふたりぐらし"), ("新年","しんねん"), ("来年","らいねん"), ("去年","きょねん"), ("壮年","そうねん"), ("今年","ことし"), ("昨年","さくねん"), ("本年","ほんねん"), ("平年","へいねん"), ("閏年","うるうどし"), ("初年","しょねん"), ("少年","しょうねん"), ("多年","たねん"), ("青年","せいねん"), ("中年","ちゅうねん"), ("老年","ろうねん"), ("成年","せいねん"), ("幼年","ようねん"), ("前年","ぜんねん"), ("元年","がんねん"), ("経年","けいねん"), ("当年","とうねん"), ("明年","みょうねん"), ("歳年","さいねん"), ("数年","すうねん"), ("半年","はんとし"), ("後年","こうねん"), ("実年","じつねん"), ("年年","ねんねん"), ("連年","れんねん"), ("暦年","れきねん"), ("各年","かくねん"), ("全年","ぜんねん"), ("年を","としを"), ("年が","としが"), ("年も","としも"), ("年は","としは"), ("奏ちゃん","かなでちゃん"), ("負けず嫌い","まけずぎらい"), ("貴方","あなた"), ("貴女","あなた"), ("貴男","あなた"), ("その節","そのせつ"), ("何し","なにし"), ("何する","なにする"), ("心さん","しんさん"), ("心ちゃん","しんちゃん"), ("乃々","のの"), ("身体の","からだの"), ("身体が","からだが"), ("身体を","からだを"), ("身体は","からだは"), ("身体に","からだに"), ("正念場","しょうねんば"), ("言う","いう"), ("一回","いっかい"), ("一曲","いっきょく"), ("一日","いちにち"), ("一言","ひとこと"), ("一杯","いっぱい"), ("方が","ほうが"), ("縦輪城","じゅうりんしろ"), ("深息","しんそく"), ("家人","かじん"), ("お返し","おかえし"), ("化物語","ばけものがたり"), ("阿良々木暦","あららぎこよみ"), ("何より","なにより") ]) # Merge all dictionaries into one all_transformations = {**formal_to_informal, **formal_to_informal2, **formal_to_informal3, **mapper} def apply_transformations(text, transformations = all_transformations): for key, value in transformations.items(): text = text.replace(key, value) return text import re def number_to_japanese(num): if not isinstance(num, int) or num < 0 or num > 9999: return "Invalid input" digits = ["", "いち", "に", "さん", "よん", "ご", "ろく", "なな", "はち", "きゅう"] tens = ["", "じゅう", "にじゅう", "さんじゅう", "よんじゅう", "ごじゅう", "ろくじゅう", "ななじゅう", "はちじゅう", "きゅうじゅう"] hundreds = ["", "ひゃく", "にひゃく", "さんびゃく", "よんひゃく", "ごひゃく", "ろっぴゃく", "ななひゃく", "はっぴゃく", "きゅうひゃく"] thousands = ["", "せん", "にせん", "さんぜん", "よんせん", "ごせん", "ろくせん", "ななせん", "はっせん", "きゅうせん"] if num == 0: return "ゼロ" result = "" if num >= 1000: result += thousands[num // 1000] num %= 1000 if num >= 100: result += hundreds[num // 100] num %= 100 if num >= 10: result += tens[num // 10] num %= 10 if num > 0: result += digits[num] return result def convert_numbers_in_string(input_string): # Regular expression to find numbers in the string number_pattern = re.compile(r'\d+') # Function to replace numbers with their Japanese pronunciation def replace_with_japanese(match): num = int( return number_to_japanese(num) # Replace all occurrences of numbers in the string converted_string = number_pattern.sub(replace_with_japanese, input_string) return converted_string roma_mapper = dict([ ################################ ("my","mʲ"), ("by","bʲ"), ("ny","nʲ"), ("ry","rʲ"), ("si","sʲ"), ("ky","kʲ"), ("gy","gʲ"), ("dy","dʲ"), ("di","dʲ"), ("fi","fʲ"), ("fy","fʲ"), ("ch","tɕ"), ("sh","ɕ"), ################################ ("a","a"), ("i","i"), ("u","ɯ"), ("e","e"), ("o","o"), ("ka","ka"), ("ki","ki"), ("ku","kɯ"), ("ke","ke"), ("ko","ko"), ("sa","sa"), ("shi","ɕi"), ("su","sɯ"), ("se","se"), ("so","so"), ("ta","ta"), ("chi","tɕi"), ("tsu","tsɯ"), ("te","te"), ("to","to"), ("na","na"), ("ni","ni"), ("nu","nɯ"), ("ne","ne"), ("no","no"), ("ha","ha"), ("hi","çi"), ("fu","ɸɯ"), ("he","he"), ("ho","ho"), ("ma","ma"), ("mi","mi"), ("mu","mɯ"), ("me","me"), ("mo","mo"), ("ra","ɽa"), ("ri","ɽi"), ("ru","ɽɯ"), ("re","ɽe"), ("ro","ɽo"), ("ga","ga"), ("gi","gi"), ("gu","gɯ"), ("ge","ge"), ("go","go"), ("za","za"), ("ji","dʑi"), ("zu","zɯ"), ("ze","ze"), ("zo","zo"), ("da","da"), ("zu","zɯ"), ("de","de"), ("do","do"), ("ba","ba"), ("bi","bi"), ("bu","bɯ"), ("be","be"), ("bo","bo"), ("pa","pa"), ("pi","pi"), ("pu","pɯ"), ("pe","pe"), ("po","po"), ("ya","ja"), ("yu","jɯ"), ("yo","jo"), ("wa","wa"), ("a","a"), ("i","i"), ("u","ɯ"), ("e","e"), ("o","o"), ("wa","wa"), ("o","o"), ("wo","o")]) nasal_sound = dict([ # before m, p, b ("ɴm","mm"), ("ɴb", "mb"), ("ɴp", "mp"), # before k, g ("ɴk","ŋk"), ("ɴg", "ŋg"), # before t, d, n, s, z, ɽ ("ɴt","nt"), ("ɴd", "nd"), ("ɴn","nn"), ("ɴs", "ns"), ("ɴz","nz"), ("ɴɽ", "nɽ"), ("ɴɲ", "ɲɲ"), ]) def Roma2IPA(text): orig = text for k, v in roma_mapper.items(): text = text.replace(k, v) return text def nasal_mapper(text): orig = text for k, v in nasal_sound.items(): text = text.replace(k, v) return text def alphabetreading(text): alphabet_dict = {"A": "エイ", "B": "ビー", "C": "シー", "D": "ディー", "E": "イー", "F": "エフ", "G": "ジー", "H": "エイチ", "I":"アイ", "J":"ジェイ", "K":"ケイ", "L":"エル", "M":"エム", "N":"エヌ", "O":"オー", "P":"ピー", "Q":"キュー", "R":"アール", "S":"エス", "T":"ティー", "U":"ユー", "V":"ヴィー", "W":"ダブリュー", "X":"エックス", "Y":"ワイ", "Z":"ゼッド"} text = text.upper() text_ret = "" for t in text: if t in alphabet_dict: text_ret += alphabet_dict[t] else: text_ret += t return text_ret import re import cutlet roma_mapper_plus_2 = { "bjo":'bʲo', "rjo":"rʲo", "kjo":"kʲo", "kyu":"kʲu", } def replace_repeated_chars(input_string): result = [] i = 0 while i < len(input_string): if i + 1 < len(input_string) and input_string[i] == input_string[i + 1] and input_string[i] in 'aiueo': result.append(input_string[i] + 'ː') i += 2 else: result.append(input_string[i]) i += 1 return ''.join(result) def replace_chars_2(text, mapping=roma_mapper_plus_2): sorted_keys = sorted(mapping.keys(), key=len, reverse=True) pattern = '|'.join(re.escape(key) for key in sorted_keys) def replace(match): key = return mapping.get(key, key) return re.sub(pattern, replace, text) def replace_tashdid_2(s): vowels = 'aiueoɯ0123456789.?!_。؟?!...@@##$$%%^^&&**()()_+=[「」]>