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from tensorflow.python.keras.constraints import Constraint
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops, array_ops
class TightFrame(Constraint):
Parseval (tight) frame contstraint, as introduced in
Constraints the weight matrix to be a tight frame, so that the Lipschitz
constant of the layer is <= 1. This increases the robustness of the network
to adversarial noise.
Warning: This constraint simply performs the update step on the weight matrix
(or the unfolded weight matrix for convolutional layers). Thus, it does not
handle the necessary scalings for convolutional layers.
scale (float): Retraction parameter (length of retraction step).
num_passes (int): Number of retraction steps.
Weight matrix after applying regularizer.
def __init__(self, scale, num_passes=1):
scale ([type]): [description]
num_passes (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1.
ValueError: [description]
self.scale = scale
if num_passes < 1:
raise ValueError(
"Number of passes cannot be non-positive! (got {})".format(num_passes)
self.num_passes = num_passes
def __call__(self, w):
w ([type]): weight of conv or linear layers
[type]: returns new weights
transpose_channels = len(w.shape) == 4
# Move channels_num to the front in order to make the dimensions correct for matmul
if transpose_channels:
w_reordered = array_ops.reshape(w, (-1, w.shape[3]))
w_reordered = w
last = w_reordered
for i in range(self.num_passes):
temp1 = math_ops.matmul(last, last, transpose_a=True)
temp2 = (1 + self.scale) * w_reordered - self.scale * math_ops.matmul(
w_reordered, temp1
last = temp2
# Move channels_num to the back again
if transpose_channels:
return array_ops.reshape(last, w.shape)
return last
def get_config(self):
return {"scale": self.scale, "num_passes": self.num_passes}
# Alias
tight_frame = TightFrame