import os from utils import * from dotenv import load_dotenv # Load environment variables load_dotenv("../.env") # Check if all required environment variables are set # This must happen before importing video which uses API keys without checking check_env_vars() from gpt import * from video import * from search import * from uuid import uuid4 from tiktokvoice import * from flask_cors import CORS from termcolor import colored from youtube import upload_video from apiclient.errors import HttpError from flask import Flask, request, jsonify from moviepy.config import change_settings # Set environment variables SESSION_ID = os.getenv("TIKTOK_SESSION_ID") openai_api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY') change_settings({"IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY": os.getenv("IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY")}) # Initialize Flask app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) # Constants HOST = "" PORT = 8080 AMOUNT_OF_STOCK_VIDEOS = 5 GENERATING = False # Generation Endpoint @app.route("/api/generate", methods=["POST"]) def generate(): try: # Set global variable global GENERATING GENERATING = True # Clean clean_dir("../temp/") clean_dir("../subtitles/") # Parse JSON data = request.get_json() paragraph_number = int(data.get('paragraphNumber', 1)) # Default to 1 if not provided ai_model = data.get('aiModel') # Get the AI model selected by the user n_threads = data.get('threads') # Amount of threads to use for video generation subtitles_position = data.get('subtitlesPosition') # Position of the subtitles in the video text_color = data.get('color') # Color of subtitle text # Get 'useMusic' from the request data and default to False if not provided use_music = data.get('useMusic', False) # Get 'automateYoutubeUpload' from the request data and default to False if not provided automate_youtube_upload = data.get('automateYoutubeUpload', False) # Get the ZIP Url of the songs songs_zip_url = data.get('zipUrl') # Download songs if use_music: # Downloads a ZIP file containing popular TikTok Songs if songs_zip_url: fetch_songs(songs_zip_url) else: # Default to a ZIP file containing popular TikTok Songs fetch_songs("") # Print little information about the video which is to be generated print(colored("[Video to be generated]", "blue")) print(colored(" Subject: " + data["videoSubject"], "blue")) print(colored(" AI Model: " + ai_model, "blue")) # Print the AI model being used print(colored(" Custom Prompt: " + data["customPrompt"], "blue")) # Print the AI model being used if not GENERATING: return jsonify( { "status": "error", "message": "Video generation was cancelled.", "data": [], } ) voice = data["voice"] voice_prefix = voice[:2] if not voice: print(colored("[!] No voice was selected. Defaulting to \"en_us_001\"", "yellow")) voice = "en_us_001" voice_prefix = voice[:2] # Generate a script script = generate_script(data["videoSubject"], paragraph_number, ai_model, voice, data["customPrompt"]) # Pass the AI model to the script generation # Generate search terms search_terms = get_search_terms( data["videoSubject"], AMOUNT_OF_STOCK_VIDEOS, script, ai_model ) # Search for a video of the given search term video_urls = [] # Defines how many results it should query and search through it = 15 # Defines the minimum duration of each clip min_dur = 10 # Loop through all search terms, # and search for a video of the given search term for search_term in search_terms: if not GENERATING: return jsonify( { "status": "error", "message": "Video generation was cancelled.", "data": [], } ) found_urls = search_for_stock_videos( search_term, os.getenv("PEXELS_API_KEY"), it, min_dur ) # Check for duplicates for url in found_urls: if url not in video_urls: video_urls.append(url) break # Check if video_urls is empty if not video_urls: print(colored("[-] No videos found to download.", "red")) return jsonify( { "status": "error", "message": "No videos found to download.", "data": [], } ) # Define video_paths video_paths = [] # Let user know print(colored(f"[+] Downloading {len(video_urls)} videos...", "blue")) # Save the videos for video_url in video_urls: if not GENERATING: return jsonify( { "status": "error", "message": "Video generation was cancelled.", "data": [], } ) try: saved_video_path = save_video(video_url) video_paths.append(saved_video_path) except Exception: print(colored(f"[-] Could not download video: {video_url}", "red")) # Let user know print(colored("[+] Videos downloaded!", "green")) # Let user know print(colored("[+] Script generated!\n", "green")) if not GENERATING: return jsonify( { "status": "error", "message": "Video generation was cancelled.", "data": [], } ) # Split script into sentences sentences = script.split(". ") # Remove empty strings sentences = list(filter(lambda x: x != "", sentences)) paths = [] # Generate TTS for every sentence for sentence in sentences: if not GENERATING: return jsonify( { "status": "error", "message": "Video generation was cancelled.", "data": [], } ) current_tts_path = f"../temp/{uuid4()}.mp3" tts(sentence, voice, filename=current_tts_path) audio_clip = AudioFileClip(current_tts_path) paths.append(audio_clip) # Combine all TTS files using moviepy final_audio = concatenate_audioclips(paths) tts_path = f"../temp/{uuid4()}.mp3" final_audio.write_audiofile(tts_path) try: subtitles_path = generate_subtitles(audio_path=tts_path, sentences=sentences, audio_clips=paths, voice=voice_prefix) except Exception as e: print(colored(f"[-] Error generating subtitles: {e}", "red")) subtitles_path = None # Concatenate videos temp_audio = AudioFileClip(tts_path) combined_video_path = combine_videos(video_paths, temp_audio.duration, 5, n_threads or 2) # Put everything together try: final_video_path = generate_video(combined_video_path, tts_path, subtitles_path, n_threads or 2, subtitles_position, text_color or "#FFFF00") except Exception as e: print(colored(f"[-] Error generating final video: {e}", "red")) final_video_path = None # Define metadata for the video, we will display this to the user, and use it for the YouTube upload title, description, keywords = generate_metadata(data["videoSubject"], script, ai_model) print(colored("[-] Metadata for YouTube upload:", "blue")) print(colored(" Title: ", "blue")) print(colored(f" {title}", "blue")) print(colored(" Description: ", "blue")) print(colored(f" {description}", "blue")) print(colored(" Keywords: ", "blue")) print(colored(f" {', '.join(keywords)}", "blue")) if automate_youtube_upload: # Start Youtube Uploader # Check if the CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE exists client_secrets_file = os.path.abspath("./client_secret.json") SKIP_YT_UPLOAD = False if not os.path.exists(client_secrets_file): SKIP_YT_UPLOAD = True print(colored("[-] Client secrets file missing. YouTube upload will be skipped.", "yellow")) print(colored("[-] Please download the client_secret.json from Google Cloud Platform and store this inside the /Backend directory.", "red")) # Only proceed with YouTube upload if the toggle is True and client_secret.json exists. if not SKIP_YT_UPLOAD: # Choose the appropriate category ID for your videos video_category_id = "28" # Science & Technology privacyStatus = "private" # "public", "private", "unlisted" video_metadata = { 'video_path': os.path.abspath(f"../temp/{final_video_path}"), 'title': title, 'description': description, 'category': video_category_id, 'keywords': ",".join(keywords), 'privacyStatus': privacyStatus, } # Upload the video to YouTube try: # Unpack the video_metadata dictionary into individual arguments video_response = upload_video( video_path=video_metadata['video_path'], title=video_metadata['title'], description=video_metadata['description'], category=video_metadata['category'], keywords=video_metadata['keywords'], privacy_status=video_metadata['privacyStatus'] ) print(f"Uploaded video ID: {video_response.get('id')}") except HttpError as e: print(f"An HTTP error {e.resp.status} occurred:\n{e.content}") video_clip = VideoFileClip(f"../temp/{final_video_path}") if use_music: # Select a random song song_path = choose_random_song() # Add song to video at 30% volume using moviepy original_duration = video_clip.duration original_audio = song_clip = AudioFileClip(song_path).set_fps(44100) # Set the volume of the song to 10% of the original volume song_clip = song_clip.volumex(0.1).set_fps(44100) # Add the song to the video comp_audio = CompositeAudioClip([original_audio, song_clip]) video_clip = video_clip.set_audio(comp_audio) video_clip = video_clip.set_fps(30) video_clip = video_clip.set_duration(original_duration) video_clip.write_videofile(f"../{final_video_path}", threads=n_threads or 1) else: video_clip.write_videofile(f"../{final_video_path}", threads=n_threads or 1) # Let user know print(colored(f"[+] Video generated: {final_video_path}!", "green")) # Stop FFMPEG processes if == "nt": # Windows os.system("taskkill /f /im ffmpeg.exe") else: # Other OS os.system("pkill -f ffmpeg") GENERATING = False # Return JSON return jsonify( { "status": "success", "message": "Video generated! See MoneyPrinter/output.mp4 for result.", "data": final_video_path, } ) except Exception as err: print(colored(f"[-] Error: {str(err)}", "red")) return jsonify( { "status": "error", "message": f"Could not retrieve stock videos: {str(err)}", "data": [], } ) @app.route("/api/cancel", methods=["POST"]) def cancel(): print(colored("[!] Received cancellation request...", "yellow")) global GENERATING GENERATING = False return jsonify({"status": "success", "message": "Cancelled video generation."}) if __name__ == "__main__": # Run Flask App, host=HOST, port=PORT)