import os import uuid import requests import srt_equalizer import assemblyai as aai from typing import List from moviepy.editor import * from termcolor import colored from dotenv import load_dotenv from datetime import timedelta from import crop from import SubtitlesClip load_dotenv("../.env") ASSEMBLY_AI_API_KEY = os.getenv("ASSEMBLY_AI_API_KEY") def save_video(video_url: str, directory: str = "../temp") -> str: """ Saves a video from a given URL and returns the path to the video. Args: video_url (str): The URL of the video to save. directory (str): The path of the temporary directory to save the video to Returns: str: The path to the saved video. """ video_id = uuid.uuid4() video_path = f"{directory}/{video_id}.mp4" with open(video_path, "wb") as f: f.write(requests.get(video_url).content) return video_path def __generate_subtitles_assemblyai(audio_path: str, voice: str) -> str: """ Generates subtitles from a given audio file and returns the path to the subtitles. Args: audio_path (str): The path to the audio file to generate subtitles from. Returns: str: The generated subtitles """ language_mapping = { "br": "pt", "id": "en", #AssemblyAI doesn't have Indonesian "jp": "ja", "kr": "ko", } if voice in language_mapping: lang_code = language_mapping[voice] else: lang_code = voice aai.settings.api_key = ASSEMBLY_AI_API_KEY config = aai.TranscriptionConfig(language_code=lang_code) transcriber = aai.Transcriber(config=config) transcript = transcriber.transcribe(audio_path) subtitles = transcript.export_subtitles_srt() return subtitles def __generate_subtitles_locally(sentences: List[str], audio_clips: List[AudioFileClip]) -> str: """ Generates subtitles from a given audio file and returns the path to the subtitles. Args: sentences (List[str]): all the sentences said out loud in the audio clips audio_clips (List[AudioFileClip]): all the individual audio clips which will make up the final audio track Returns: str: The generated subtitles """ def convert_to_srt_time_format(total_seconds): # Convert total seconds to the SRT time format: HH:MM:SS,mmm if total_seconds == 0: return "0:00:00,0" return str(timedelta(seconds=total_seconds)).rstrip('0').replace('.', ',') start_time = 0 subtitles = [] for i, (sentence, audio_clip) in enumerate(zip(sentences, audio_clips), start=1): duration = audio_clip.duration end_time = start_time + duration # Format: subtitle index, start time --> end time, sentence subtitle_entry = f"{i}\n{convert_to_srt_time_format(start_time)} --> {convert_to_srt_time_format(end_time)}\n{sentence}\n" subtitles.append(subtitle_entry) start_time += duration # Update start time for the next subtitle return "\n".join(subtitles) def generate_subtitles(audio_path: str, sentences: List[str], audio_clips: List[AudioFileClip], voice: str) -> str: """ Generates subtitles from a given audio file and returns the path to the subtitles. Args: audio_path (str): The path to the audio file to generate subtitles from. sentences (List[str]): all the sentences said out loud in the audio clips audio_clips (List[AudioFileClip]): all the individual audio clips which will make up the final audio track Returns: str: The path to the generated subtitles. """ def equalize_subtitles(srt_path: str, max_chars: int = 10) -> None: # Equalize subtitles srt_equalizer.equalize_srt_file(srt_path, srt_path, max_chars) # Save subtitles subtitles_path = f"../subtitles/{uuid.uuid4()}.srt" if ASSEMBLY_AI_API_KEY is not None and ASSEMBLY_AI_API_KEY != "": print(colored("[+] Creating subtitles using AssemblyAI", "blue")) subtitles = __generate_subtitles_assemblyai(audio_path, voice) else: print(colored("[+] Creating subtitles locally", "blue")) subtitles = __generate_subtitles_locally(sentences, audio_clips) # print(colored("[-] Local subtitle generation has been disabled for the time being.", "red")) # print(colored("[-] Exiting.", "red")) # sys.exit(1) with open(subtitles_path, "w") as file: file.write(subtitles) # Equalize subtitles equalize_subtitles(subtitles_path) print(colored("[+] Subtitles generated.", "green")) return subtitles_path def combine_videos(video_paths: List[str], max_duration: int, max_clip_duration: int, threads: int) -> str: """ Combines a list of videos into one video and returns the path to the combined video. Args: video_paths (List): A list of paths to the videos to combine. max_duration (int): The maximum duration of the combined video. max_clip_duration (int): The maximum duration of each clip. threads (int): The number of threads to use for the video processing. Returns: str: The path to the combined video. """ video_id = uuid.uuid4() combined_video_path = f"../temp/{video_id}.mp4" # Required duration of each clip req_dur = max_duration / len(video_paths) print(colored("[+] Combining videos...", "blue")) print(colored(f"[+] Each clip will be maximum {req_dur} seconds long.", "blue")) clips = [] tot_dur = 0 # Add downloaded clips over and over until the duration of the audio (max_duration) has been reached while tot_dur < max_duration: for video_path in video_paths: clip = VideoFileClip(video_path) clip = clip.without_audio() # Check if clip is longer than the remaining audio if (max_duration - tot_dur) < clip.duration: clip = clip.subclip(0, (max_duration - tot_dur)) # Only shorten clips if the calculated clip length (req_dur) is shorter than the actual clip to prevent still image elif req_dur < clip.duration: clip = clip.subclip(0, req_dur) clip = clip.set_fps(30) # Not all videos are same size, # so we need to resize them if round((clip.w/clip.h), 4) < 0.5625: clip = crop(clip, width=clip.w, height=round(clip.w/0.5625), \ x_center=clip.w / 2, \ y_center=clip.h / 2) else: clip = crop(clip, width=round(0.5625*clip.h), height=clip.h, \ x_center=clip.w / 2, \ y_center=clip.h / 2) clip = clip.resize((1080, 1920)) if clip.duration > max_clip_duration: clip = clip.subclip(0, max_clip_duration) clips.append(clip) tot_dur += clip.duration final_clip = concatenate_videoclips(clips) final_clip = final_clip.set_fps(30) final_clip.write_videofile(combined_video_path, threads=threads) return combined_video_path def generate_video(combined_video_path: str, tts_path: str, subtitles_path: str, threads: int, subtitles_position: str, text_color : str) -> str: """ This function creates the final video, with subtitles and audio. Args: combined_video_path (str): The path to the combined video. tts_path (str): The path to the text-to-speech audio. subtitles_path (str): The path to the subtitles. threads (int): The number of threads to use for the video processing. subtitles_position (str): The position of the subtitles. Returns: str: The path to the final video. """ # Make a generator that returns a TextClip when called with consecutive generator = lambda txt: TextClip( txt, font="../fonts/bold_font.ttf", fontsize=100, color=text_color, stroke_color="black", stroke_width=5, ) # Split the subtitles position into horizontal and vertical horizontal_subtitles_position, vertical_subtitles_position = subtitles_position.split(",") # Burn the subtitles into the video subtitles = SubtitlesClip(subtitles_path, generator) result = CompositeVideoClip([ VideoFileClip(combined_video_path), subtitles.set_pos((horizontal_subtitles_position, vertical_subtitles_position)) ]) # Add the audio audio = AudioFileClip(tts_path) result = result.set_audio(audio) result.write_videofile("../temp/output.mp4", threads=threads or 2) return "output.mp4"