from typing import Dict, List, Any from transformers import LayoutLMForTokenClassification, LayoutLMv2Processor import torch from subprocess import run # install tesseract-ocr and pytesseract # run("apt install -y tesseract-ocr", shell=True, check=True) run("pip install pytesseract", shell=True, check=True) # helper function to unnormalize bboxes for drawing onto the image def unnormalize_box(bbox, width, height): return [ width * (bbox[0] / 1000), height * (bbox[1] / 1000), width * (bbox[2] / 1000), height * (bbox[3] / 1000), ] def predict(Image, processor, model): """Process document and prepare the data for LayoutLM inference Args: urls (List[str]): Batch of pre-signed document urls Returns: (List[List[Dict]]): Features extraction """ # images = [get_image_from_url(url) for url in urls] encoding = processor( images = Image, return_tensors="pt", padding="max_length", truncation=True, ) del encoding["image"] # LayoutLM doesn't require the image outputs = model(**encoding) results = process_outputs( outputs, encoding=encoding, images=Image, model=model, processor=processor, threshold = 0.75 ) return results, encoding def get_uniqueLabelList(labels): uqnieue_labels =[] for label in labels[0]: try: label_short = label.split("-")[1] if label_short not in uqnieue_labels: uqnieue_labels.append(label_short) except: if label not in uqnieue_labels: uqnieue_labels.append(label) else: pass return uqnieue_labels def process_outputs(outputs, encoding, images, model, processor, threshold): scores, _ = torch.max(outputs.logits.softmax(axis=-1), dim=-1) scores = scores.tolist() predictions = outputs.logits.argmax(-1) labels = [[model.config.id2label[pred.item()] for pred in prediction] for prediction in predictions] results = _process_outputs( encoding=encoding, tokenizer=processor.tokenizer, processor = processor, labels=labels, scores=scores, images=images, threshold = threshold ) return results def _process_outputs(encoding, tokenizer, labels, scores, images, processor, threshold): results = [] width, height = images.size entities = [] previous_word_idx = 0 unique_lables = get_uniqueLabelList(labels) # tokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(input_ids) # word_ids = encoding.word_ids(batch_index=batch_idx) # word = "" entite_wordsidx = [] for idx, label in enumerate(unique_lables): score_sum = float(0) if label != "O": for ix, pred in enumerate(labels[0]): if scores[0][ix] > threshold: if label in pred: score_sum += scores[0][ix] entite_wordsidx.append(ix) # try: score_mean = f'{score_sum/len(entite_wordsidx):.2f}' except: score_mean = 0.0 # entite_wordsidx.append(entite_wordsidx[-1] + 1) entities.append( { "word": processor.decode(encoding.input_ids[0][entite_wordsidx]), "label": unique_lables[idx], "score": score_mean , } ) entite_wordsidx = [] results.append(entities) return results def unnormalize_box(bbox, width, height): return [ int(width * (bbox[0] / 1000)), int(height * (bbox[1] / 1000)), int(width * (bbox[2] / 1000)), int(height * (bbox[3] / 1000)), ] def get_image_from_url(Image): return"RGB") # LayoutLMv2Processor requires RGB format # set device device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") class EndpointHandler: def __init__(self, path=""): # load model and processor from path self.model = LayoutLMForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(path).to(device) self.processor = LayoutLMv2Processor.from_pretrained(path) def __call__(self, data: Dict[str, bytes]) -> Dict[str, List[Any]]: """ Args: data (:obj:): includes the deserialized image file as PIL.Image """ # process input image = data.pop("inputs", data) print(image.filename) result, encod = predict(image, self.processor, self.model) return {"predictions": result}