import functools |
import logging |
import threading |
import weakref |
import environs |
from time import time |
from collections import defaultdict |
import io |
from petrel_client.common import mem_trace |
from petrel_client.common.exception import ObjectNotFoundError |
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
ENV = environs.Env() |
class StatItem(object): |
__slots__ = ['op_name', 'total_io', 'total_hit', |
'total_time', 'total_error', 'total_miss', |
'error_count', 'total_byte' |
] |
def __init__(self, op_name): |
self.op_name = op_name |
self.reset() |
def reset(self): |
self.total_io = 0 |
self.total_hit = 0 |
self.total_time = 0.0 |
self.total_error = 0 |
self.total_miss = 0 |
self.total_byte = 0 |
self.error_count = defaultdict(lambda: 0) |
@property |
def time_avg(self): |
return self.total_time / self.total_io if self.total_io else .0 |
@property |
def hit_ratio(self): |
return 1.0 * self.total_hit / self.total_io if self.total_io else .0 |
@property |
def speed(self): |
return 1.0 * self.total_byte / self.total_time if self.total_time else .0 |
def stat_io(self, callback=None): |
stat_info = f'{self.op_name} [total: {self.total_io}' \ |
f', hit: {self.total_hit}' \ |
f', miss: {self.total_miss}' \ |
f', error: {self.total_error}' \ |
f', time: {self.total_time:.6} s' \ |
f', time_avg: {self.time_avg:.6} s' \ |
f', hit ratio: {self.hit_ratio:.2%}' \ |
f', bytes: {_sizeof_fmt(self.total_byte)}' \ |
f', speed: {_sizeof_fmt(self.speed,suffix="B/s")}' \ |
f']' |
if self.error_count: |
items = ["{}: {}".format(k, v) |
for (k, v) in self.error_count.items()] |
stat_info = f'{stat_info}, error_count: [{", ".join(items)}]' |
if callback: |
callback(stat_info) |
else: |
LOG.info(stat_info) |
self.reset() |
class StatItemDict(dict): |
def __missing__(self, key): |
item = self[key] = StatItem(key) |
return item |
def stat_io(self, callback=None): |
for item in self.values(): |
item.stat_io(callback) |
class ClientStat(object): |
def __init__(self, client_id, name): |
self.client_id = client_id |
self.name = name |
self.stat_item_dict = StatItemDict() |
profiler = Profiler.get() |
self.profiler = profiler |
profiler.register(self) |
def __getitem__(self, op_name): |
return self.stat_item_dict[op_name] |
@property |
def total_io(self): |
return sum([item.total_io for item in self.stat_item_dict.values()]) |
@property |
def get_hit(self): |
return sum([item.total_hit for item in self.stat_item_dict.values() if item.op_name == 'get']) |
def stat_io(self, callback=None): |
stat_item_info_list = [] |
def cb(info): |
stat_item_info_list.append(info) |
for stat_item in self.stat_item_dict.values(): |
stat_item.stat_io(cb) |
if stat_item_info_list: |
stat_itme_info = ', '.join(stat_item_info_list) |
else: |
stat_itme_info = 'No IO operations' |
stat_info = '{}: {}'.format(self.name, stat_itme_info) |
if callback: |
callback(stat_info) |
else: |
LOG.info(stat_info) |
def profile(op_name): |
assert isinstance(op_name, str) |
def wrap(fn): |
@functools.wraps(fn) |
def new_fn(self, *args, **kwargs): |
return _profile(op_name, fn, self, *args, **kwargs) |
return new_fn |
return wrap |
def _profile(op_name, fn, client, *args, **kwargs): |
stat: StatItem = client.client_stat[op_name] |
start = time() |
try: |
ret = fn(client, *args, **kwargs) |
if isinstance(ret, (tuple, list)): |
content = ret[0] |
else: |
content = ret |
if isinstance(content, bytes): |
stat.total_byte += len(content) |
elif isinstance(content, int): |
stat.total_byte += content |
elif hasattr(content, 'content_length'): |
stat.total_byte += content.content_length |
elif op_name == 'get' and content is None: |
raise ObjectNotFoundError() |
stat.total_hit += 1 |
return ret |
except ObjectNotFoundError: |
stat.total_miss += 1 |
raise |
except Exception as e: |
stat.total_error += 1 |
err_name = e.__class__.__name__ |
stat.error_count[err_name] += 1 |
raise |
finally: |
end = time() |
stat.total_time += (end - start) |
stat.total_io += 1 |
client.client_stat.profiler.inc_op_count() |
class Profiler(object): |
thread_local = threading.local() |
default_conf = None |
@staticmethod |
def set_default_conf(conf): |
Profiler.default_conf = conf |
@staticmethod |
def get(): |
profiler = getattr(Profiler.thread_local, 'profiler', None) |
if not profiler: |
profiler = Profiler(Profiler.default_conf) |
setattr(Profiler.thread_local, 'profiler', profiler) |
return profiler |
def __init__(self, conf, *args, **kwargs): |
assert conf is not None |
self.stat_dict = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() |
self.op_count = 0 |
self.count_disp = ENV.int( |
'count_disp', None) or conf.get_int('count_disp') |
self.enable_mem_trace = conf.get_boolean('enable_mem_trace') |
if self.enable_mem_trace: |
mem_trace.start() |
def register(self, client_stat: ClientStat): |
client_id = client_stat.client_id |
self.stat_dict[client_id] = client_stat |
def unregister(self, client_stat: ClientStat): |
client_id = client_stat.client_id |
del self.stat_dict[client_id] |
def inc_op_count(self): |
self.op_count += 1 |
if self.count_disp: |
if self.op_count >= self.count_disp: |
self.stat_io() |
self.op_count = 0 |
@staticmethod |
def set_count_disp(count_disp): |
if count_disp < 0: |
LOG.error('count_disp must be a nonnegative integer, actual value: %s', |
count_disp) |
return |
profiler = Profiler.get() |
profiler.count_disp = count_disp |
def stat_io(self): |
if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): |
io_dict = { |
client_stat.name: client_stat.get_hit for client_stat in self.stat_dict.values()} |
total_io = sum(io_dict.values()) or 1 |
percentage = [f'{client_name}: {1.0 * count / total_io :.2%}' for client_name, |
count in io_dict.items()] |
for client_stat in self.stat_dict.values(): |
client_stat.stat_io() |
LOG.info('IO Percentage: %s', ', '.join(percentage)) |
if self.enable_mem_trace: |
snapshot = mem_trace.take_snapshot() |
buffer = io.StringIO() |
snapshot.display_top(buffer=buffer) |
LOG.info('Memory trace: \n%s', buffer.getvalue()) |
def enable(self): |
raise NotImplementedError() |
def disable(self): |
raise NotImplementedError() |
def _sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'): |
for unit in ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi']: |
if abs(num) < 1024.0: |
return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) |
num /= 1024.0 |
return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix) |