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function l(a, b, c) {
return Function.prototype.call.apply(Array.prototype.slice, arguments)
function m(a, b, c) {
var e = l(arguments, 2);
return function () {
return b.apply(a, e)
function n(a, b) {
var c = new p(b);
for (c.h = [a]; c.h.length;) {
var e = c, d = c.h.shift(); e.i(d);
for (d = d.firstChild; d; d = d.nextSibling)1 == d.nodeType && e.h.push(d)
function p(a) {
this.i = a
function q(a) {
a.style.display = ""
function r(a) {
a.style.display = "none"
var t = /\s*;\s*/;
function u(a, b) {
this.l.apply(this, arguments)
} u.prototype.l = function (a, b) {
this.a || (this.a = {
}); if (b) {
var c = this.a, e = b.a; for (d in e) c[d] = e[d] } else {
var d = this.a; e = v; for (c in e) d[c] = e[c] } this.a.$this = a; this.a.$context = this; this.f = "undefined" != typeof a && null != a ? a : ""; b || (this.a.$top = this.f) }; var v = {
$default: null }, w = []; function x(a) {
for (var b in a.a) delete a.a[b]; a.f = null; w.push(a) } function y(a, b, c) {
try {
return b.call(c, a.a, a.f) } catch (e) {
return v.$default } }
u.prototype.clone = function (a, b, c) {
if (0 < w.length) {
var e = w.pop(); u.call(e, a, this); a = e } else a = new u(a, this); a.a.$index = b; a.a.$count = c; return a }; var z; window.trustedTypes && (z = trustedTypes.createPolicy("jstemplate", {
createScript: function (a) {
return a } })); var A = {
}; function B(a) {
if (!A[a]) try {
var b = "(function(a_, b_) { with (a_) with (b_) return " + a + " }) ", c = window.trustedTypes ? z.createScript(b) : b; A[a] = window.eval(c) }
catch (e) {
} return A[a]
function E(a) {
var b = []; a = a.split(t); for (var c = 0, e = a.length; c < e; ++c) {
var d = a[c].indexOf(":"); if (!(0 > d)) {
var g = a[c].substr(0, d).replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, ""); d = B(a[c].substr(d + 1)); b.push(g, d) } } return b }; function F() {
} var G = 0, H = {
0: {
} }, I = {
}, J = {
}, K = []; function L(a) {
a.__jstcache || n(a, function (b) {
M(b) }) } var N = [["jsselect", B], ["jsdisplay", B], ["jsvalues", E], ["jsvars", E], ["jseval", function (a) {
var b = []; a = a.split(t); for (var c = 0, e = a.length; c < e; ++c)if (a[c]) {
var d = B(a[c]); b.push(d) } return b }], ["transclude", function (a) {
return a }], ["jscontent", B], ["jsskip", B]];
function M(a) {
if (a.__jstcache) return a.__jstcache; var b = a.getAttribute("jstcache"); if (null != b) return a.__jstcache = H[b]; b = K.length = 0; for (var c = N.length; b < c; ++b) {
var e = N[b][0], d = a.getAttribute(e); J[e] = d; null != d && K.push(e + "=" + d) } if (0 == K.length) return a.setAttribute("jstcache", "0"), a.__jstcache = H[0]; var g = K.join("&"); if (b = I[g]) return a.setAttribute("jstcache", b), a.__jstcache = H[b]; var h = {
}; b = 0; for (c = N.length; b < c; ++b) {
d = N[b]; e = d[0]; var f = d[1]; d = J[e]; null != d && (h[e] = f(d)) } b = "" + ++G; a.setAttribute("jstcache",
b); H[b] = h; I[g] = b; return a.__jstcache = h
} function P(a, b) {
a.j.push(b); a.o.push(0) } function Q(a) {
return a.c.length ? a.c.pop() : [] }
F.prototype.g = function (a, b) {
var c = R(b), e = c.transclude; if (e) (c = S(e)) ? (b.parentNode.replaceChild(c, b), e = Q(this), e.push(this.g, a, c), P(this, e)) : b.parentNode.removeChild(b); else if (c = c.jsselect) {
c = y(a, c, b); var d = b.getAttribute("jsinstance"); var g = !1; d && ("*" == d.charAt(0) ? (d = parseInt(d.substr(1), 10), g = !0) : d = parseInt(d, 10)); var h = null != c && "object" == typeof c && "number" == typeof c.length; e = h ? c.length : 1; var f = h && 0 == e; if (h) if (f) d ? b.parentNode.removeChild(b) : (b.setAttribute("jsinstance", "*0"), r(b)); else if (q(b),
null === d || "" === d || g && d < e - 1) {
g = Q(this); d = d || 0; for (h = e - 1; d < h; ++d) {
var k = b.cloneNode(!0); b.parentNode.insertBefore(k, b); T(k, c, d); f = a.clone(c[d], d, e); g.push(this.b, f, k, x, f, null) } T(b, c, d); f = a.clone(c[d], d, e); g.push(this.b, f, b, x, f, null); P(this, g) } else d < e ? (g = c[d], T(b, c, d), f = a.clone(g, d, e), g = Q(this), g.push(this.b, f, b, x, f, null), P(this, g)) : b.parentNode.removeChild(b); else null == c ? r(b) : (q(b), f = a.clone(c, 0, 1), g = Q(this), g.push(this.b, f, b, x, f, null), P(this, g))
} else this.b(a, b)
F.prototype.b = function (a, b) {
var c = R(b), e = c.jsdisplay; if (e) {
if (!y(a, e, b)) {
r(b); return } q(b) } if (e = c.jsvars) for (var d = 0, g = e.length; d < g; d += 2) {
var h = e[d], f = y(a, e[d + 1], b); a.a[h] = f } if (e = c.jsvalues) for (d = 0, g = e.length; d < g; d += 2)if (f = e[d], h = y(a, e[d + 1], b), "$" == f.charAt(0)) a.a[f] = h; else if ("." == f.charAt(0)) {
f = f.substr(1).split("."); for (var k = b, O = f.length, C = 0, U = O - 1; C < U; ++C) {
var D = f[C]; k[D] || (k[D] = {
}); k = k[D] } k[f[O - 1]] = h } else f && ("boolean" == typeof h ? h ? b.setAttribute(f, f) : b.removeAttribute(f) : b.setAttribute(f, "" + h));
if (e = c.jseval) for (d = 0, g = e.length; d < g; ++d)y(a, e[d], b); e = c.jsskip; if (!e || !y(a, e, b)) if (c = c.jscontent) {
if (c = "" + y(a, c, b), b.innerHTML != c) {
for (; b.firstChild;)e = b.firstChild, e.parentNode.removeChild(e); b.appendChild(this.m.createTextNode(c)) } } else {
c = Q(this); for (e = b.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling)1 == e.nodeType && c.push(this.g, a, e); c.length && P(this, c) }
}; function R(a) {
if (a.__jstcache) return a.__jstcache; var b = a.getAttribute("jstcache"); return b ? a.__jstcache = H[b] : M(a) }
function S(a, b) {
var c = document; if (b) {
var e = c.getElementById(a); if (!e) {
e = b(); var d = c.getElementById("jsts"); d || (d = c.createElement("div"), d.id = "jsts", r(d), d.style.position = "absolute", c.body.appendChild(d)); var g = c.createElement("div"); d.appendChild(g); g.innerHTML = e; e = c.getElementById(a) } c = e } else c = c.getElementById(a); return c ? (L(c), c = c.cloneNode(!0), c.removeAttribute("id"), c) : null } function T(a, b, c) {
c == b.length - 1 ? a.setAttribute("jsinstance", "*" + c) : a.setAttribute("jsinstance", "" + c) }; window.jstGetTemplate = S; window.JsEvalContext = u; window.jstProcess = function (a, b) {
var c = new F; L(b); c.m = b ? 9 == b.nodeType ? b : b.ownerDocument || document : document; var e = m(c, c.g, a, b), d = c.j = [], g = c.o = []; c.c = []; e(); for (var h, f, k; d.length;)h = d[d.length - 1], e = g[g.length - 1], e >= h.length ? (e = c, f = d.pop(), f.length = 0, e.c.push(f), g.pop()) : (f = h[e++], k = h[e++], h = h[e++], g[g.length - 1] = e, f.call(c, k, h)) };