""" Non-Maximum Suppression for video proposals. """ def compute_temporal_iou(pred, gt): """ deprecated due to performance concerns compute intersection-over-union along temporal axis Args: pred: [st (float), ed (float)] gt: [st (float), ed (float)] Returns: iou (float): Ref: https://github.com/LisaAnne/LocalizingMoments/blob/master/utils/eval.py """ intersection = max(0, min(pred[1], gt[1]) - max(pred[0], gt[0])) union = max(pred[1], gt[1]) - min(pred[0], gt[0]) # not the correct union though if union == 0: return 0 else: return 1.0 * intersection / union def temporal_non_maximum_suppression(predictions, nms_threshold, max_after_nms=100): """ Args: predictions: list(sublist), each sublist is [st (float), ed(float), score (float)], note larger scores are better and are preserved. For metrics that are better when smaller, please convert to its negative, e.g., convert distance to negative distance. nms_threshold: float in [0, 1] max_after_nms: Returns: predictions_after_nms: list(sublist), each sublist is [st (float), ed(float), score (float)] References: https://github.com/wzmsltw/BSN-boundary-sensitive-network/blob/7b101fc5978802aa3c95ba5779eb54151c6173c6/Post_processing.py#L42 """ if len(predictions) == 1: # only has one prediction, no need for nms return predictions predictions = sorted(predictions, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) # descending order tstart = [e[0] for e in predictions] tend = [e[1] for e in predictions] tscore = [e[2] for e in predictions] rstart = [] rend = [] rscore = [] while len(tstart) > 1 and len(rscore) < max_after_nms: # max 100 after nms idx = 1 while idx < len(tstart): # compare with every prediction in the list. if compute_temporal_iou([tstart[0], tend[0]], [tstart[idx], tend[idx]]) > nms_threshold: # rm highly overlapped lower score entries. tstart.pop(idx) tend.pop(idx) tscore.pop(idx) # print("--------------------------------") # print(compute_temporal_iou([tstart[0], tend[0]], [tstart[idx], tend[idx]])) # print([tstart[0], tend[0]], [tstart[idx], tend[idx]]) # print(tstart.pop(idx), tend.pop(idx), tscore.pop(idx)) else: # move to next idx += 1 rstart.append(tstart.pop(0)) rend.append(tend.pop(0)) rscore.append(tscore.pop(0)) if len(rscore) < max_after_nms and len(tstart) >= 1: # add the last, possibly empty. rstart.append(tstart.pop(0)) rend.append(tend.pop(0)) rscore.append(tscore.pop(0)) predictions_after_nms = [[st, ed, s] for s, st, ed in zip(rscore, rstart, rend)] return predictions_after_nms