{ "model_type": "CustomModel", "architecture": "Feedforward Neural Network with Ba-inspired Activation Function", "input_size": 512, "hidden_size": 128, "output_size": 768, "activation_function": { "name": "Ba-inspired Activation", "details": { "weights_initialization": "Random Normal Distribution", "a": 0.5, "epsilon": 1e-6, "function": "epsilon * torch.cos(np.pi * a * fractional_inspired * torch.log(torch.abs(fractional_inspired) + epsilon))" } }, "tokenizer": "bert-base-uncased", "training_details": { "optimizer": "AdamW", "learning_rate": 5e-5, "loss_function": "CrossEntropyLoss", "batch_size": 8, "epochs": 3, "dataset": "Custom Dataset from JSON Lines File", "dataset_preprocessing": { "max_length": 512, "padding": true, "truncation": true } }, "performance": { "final_accuracy": "Dependent on specific run and dataset", "final_loss": "Dependent on specific run and dataset" }, "usage": { "inference": "Model can be used for tasks requiring sequence classification. Ensure input size matches model configuration.", "additional_notes": "Model and tokenizer need to be loaded with Hugging Face's transformers library for usage." } }