#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<vector> #include<ctime> #include<map> #include<bitset> #include<set> #define LL long long #define mp(x,y) make_pair(x,y) #define pll pair<long long,long long> #define pii pair<int,int> using namespace std; inline LL read() { LL f=1,x=0;char ch=getchar(); while(ch<'0'||ch>'9'){if(ch=='-')f=-1;ch=getchar();} while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){x=x*10+ch-'0';ch=getchar();} return x*f; } int stack[20]; template<typename T>inline void write(T x) { if(x<0){putchar('-');x=-x;} if(!x){putchar('0');return;} int top=0; while(x)stack[++top]=x%10,x/=10; while(top)putchar(stack[top--]+'0'); } template<typename T>inline void pr1(T x){write(x);putchar(' ');} template<typename T>inline void pr2(T x){write(x);putchar('\n');} const int mod=998244353; const int MAXN=3000005; int pre[MAXN],inv[MAXN]; int C(int n,int m) { if(n<m)return 0; return 1LL*pre[n]*inv[m]%mod*inv[n-m]%mod; } int n,m; void ad(int &x,int y){x+=y;if(x>=mod)x-=mod;} void dl(int &x,int y){x-=y;if(x<0)x+=mod;} int pow_mod(int a,int b) { int ret=1; while(b) { if(b&1)ret=1LL*ret*a%mod; a=1LL*a*a%mod;b>>=1; } return ret; } int main() { pre[0]=1;for(int i=1;i<MAXN;i++)pre[i]=1LL*pre[i-1]*i%mod; inv[MAXN-1]=pow_mod(pre[MAXN-1],mod-2); for(int i=MAXN-2;i>=0;i--)inv[i]=1LL*inv[i+1]*(i+1)%mod; n=read();m=read(); int ans=0; for(int i=0;i<=m;i++) if(!((3*m-i)&1)) ad(ans,1LL*C(n,i)*C(((3*m-i)>>1)+n-1,n-1)%mod); // dl(ans,1LL*n*C(m-2+n-1,n-1)%mod); dl(ans,1LL*n*C(m-1+n-1,n-1)%mod); pr2(ans); return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define fi first #define se second #define SZ(x) ((int)x.size()) #define FOR(i,a,b) for (int i=a;i<=b;++i) #define FORD(i,a,b) for (int i=a;i>=b;--i) using namespace std; typedef long long LL; typedef pair<LL,int> pa; typedef vector<int> vec; void getint(int &v){ char ch,fu=0; for(ch='*'; (ch<'0'||ch>'9')&&ch!='-'; ch=getchar()); if(ch=='-') fu=1, ch=getchar(); for(v=0; ch>='0'&&ch<='9'; ch=getchar()) v=v*10+ch-'0'; if(fu) v=-v; } const LL INF=1e18; int n,D,a[500010]; bool u[500010]; LL ans; struct node{ pa v[2][2]; //[in MST now];[use + -] pa t; node(){ v[0][0]=v[0][1]=v[1][0]=v[1][1]=mp(INF,0); t=mp(INF,0); } }T[800010]; void pushup(int rt){ T[rt].t=min(T[rt<<1].t,T[rt<<1|1].t); T[rt].t=min(T[rt].t,mp(T[rt<<1].v[0][0].fi+T[rt<<1|1].v[1][1].fi,T[rt<<1].v[0][0].se)); T[rt].t=min(T[rt].t,mp(T[rt<<1].v[1][0].fi+T[rt<<1|1].v[0][1].fi,T[rt<<1|1].v[0][1].se)); T[rt].v[0][0]=min(T[rt<<1].v[0][0],T[rt<<1|1].v[0][0]); T[rt].v[0][1]=min(T[rt<<1].v[0][1],T[rt<<1|1].v[0][1]); T[rt].v[1][0]=min(T[rt<<1].v[1][0],T[rt<<1|1].v[1][0]); T[rt].v[1][1]=min(T[rt<<1].v[1][1],T[rt<<1|1].v[1][1]); } void build(int l,int r,int rt){ if (l==r){ T[rt].v[u[l]][0]=mp(a[l]-1ll*l*D,l); T[rt].v[u[l]][1]=mp(a[l]+1ll*l*D,l); T[rt].v[u[l]^1][0]=mp(INF,0); T[rt].v[u[l]^1][1]=mp(INF,0); return; } int m=l+r>>1; build(l,m,rt<<1); build(m+1,r,rt<<1|1); pushup(rt); } void upd(int l,int r,int rt,int x){ if (l==r){ T[rt].v[u[l]][0]=mp(a[l]-1ll*l*D,l); T[rt].v[u[l]][1]=mp(a[l]+1ll*l*D,l); T[rt].v[u[l]^1][0]=mp(INF,0); T[rt].v[u[l]^1][1]=mp(INF,0); return; } int m=l+r>>1; if (x<=m) upd(l,m,rt<<1,x); else upd(m+1,r,rt<<1|1,x); pushup(rt); } void prim(){ build(1,n,1); u[1]=1; upd(1,n,1,1); FOR(rp,2,n){ pa tmp=T[1].t;; u[]=1; upd(1,n,1,; } } int main(){ cin>>n>>D; FOR(i,1,n) getint(a[i]); prim(); printf("%lld\n",ans); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define rep(i, n) for(int i = 0; i < (n); ++i) using namespace std; int n; int p[100]; int main(){ cin >> n; rep(i, n * (n - 1) / 2){ int a, b, c, d; cin >> a >> b >> c >> d; --a; --b; if(c == d){ --p[a]; --p[b]; } else{ if(c < d){ swap(a, b); } p[a] -= 3; } } vector<int> v(p, p + n); sort(v.begin(), v.end()); rep(i, n){ cout << lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), p[i]) - v.begin() + 1 << endl; } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++) #define rrep(i,n) for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) #define drep(i,n) for(int i=n;i>=0;i--) #define INF 100000005 #define MAX 100001 #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define fi first #define se second using namespace std; //__gcd(a,b), __builtin_popcount(a); pair<int,int> a[101]; int b[101]; bool comp(pair<int,int> x, pair<int,int> y){ return >; } int main(){ int n, m, t[4], p, s = INF; scanf("%d", &n); m = (n*(n-1))/2; rrep(i,n)a[i].se = i; rep(i,m){ rep(j,4)scanf("%d", &t[j]); if(t[2] > t[3])a[t[0]].fi += 3; if(t[2] < t[3])a[t[1]].fi += 3; if(t[2] == t[3])a[t[0]].fi++, a[t[1]].fi++; } sort(a+1, a+n+1, comp); for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++){ if(s > a[i].fi){ s = a[i].fi; p = i; } a[i].fi = p; b[a[i].se] = i; } rrep(i,n)printf("%d\n", a[b[i]].fi); return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i,n) for(int i = 0; i < (n); i++) using namespace std; using ll = long long; using P = pair<int,int>; int main(){ int n, m; cin >> n >> m; vector<int> c(n+2); rep(i,m){ int l, r; cin >> l >> r; c[l]++; c[r+1]--; } rep(i,n+1) c[i+1] += c[i]; int ans = 0; rep(i,n+1) if(c[i] == m) ans++; cout << ans << endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define repr(i,a,b) for (int i=a; i<b; i++) #define rep(i,n) for (int i=0; i< n; i++) template<class T> inline bool chmin(T& a, T b) { if (a > b) { a = b; return true; } return false; } template<class T> inline bool chmax(T& a, T b) { if (a < b) { a = b; return true; } return false; } const long long INF = 1LL << 60; #define PI 3.14159265359 template<typename T> void remove(std::vector<T>& vector, unsigned int index) { vector.erase(vector.begin() + index); } int gcd(int a, int b){ if(b == 0) return a; else return gcd(b, a%b); } long long lcm (int a, int b){ return (long long) a*b /gcd(a,b); } long long GCD(long long a, long long b) { return b ? GCD(b, a%b) : a; } int main(){ int N, M; cin >> N >> M; int low = 0; int high = N; rep(i,M){ int a, b; cin >> a >> b; if(low<a)low = a; if(b<high)high = b; } if(high-low<0)cout << 0 << endl; else cout << high-low+1<< endl; }
#include<functional> #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<string> #define rep(i, start, end) for (int i = (int)start; i < (int)end; ++i) #define rrep(i, start, end) for (int i = (int)start - 1; i >= (int)end; --i) #define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end() using namespace std; using ll = long long; template<typename T> inline bool chmax(T& a, T b) {if (a < b) {a = b; return true;} return 0;} template<typename T> inline bool chmin(T& a, T b) {if (a > b) {a = b; return true;} return 0;} template <typename T> class BIT { // 1-indexed private: size_t node_size_; T identity_; function<T(T, T)> operation_; function<T(T, T)> update_; vector<T> node_; public: BIT(size_t node_size, T identity, function<T(T, T)> operation, function<T(T, T)> update): node_size_(node_size), identity_(identity), operation_(operation), update_(update), node_(vector<T>(node_size + 1, identity)) {} void change(int idx, T new_value) { node_[idx] = update_(node_[idx], new_value); while (idx <= (int)node_size_) { idx += idx & -idx; if (idx > (int)node_size_) { break; } node_[idx] = operation_(node_[idx], new_value); } } T query(int idx) { T res = identity_; while (idx > 0) { res = operation_(res, node_[idx]); idx -= idx & -idx; } return res; } }; int main() { cin.tie(0); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int N, Q; cin >> N >> Q; BIT<ll> bit(N, 0, [](ll a, ll b) {return a + b;}, [](ll a, ll b) {return a + b;}); ll a; rep(i, 0, N) { cin >> a; bit.change(i + 1, a); } int q, p, l, r; ll x; rep(i, 0, Q) { cin >> q; if (q) { cin >> l >> r; cout << bit.query(r) - bit.query(l) << endl; } else { cin >> p >> x; bit.change(p + 1, x); } } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <atcoder/all> using ll=long long; using namespace std; using namespace atcoder; int main(){ int N,Q; cin>>N>>Q; fenwick_tree<ll> fw(N); ll a; for(int i=0;i<N;i++){ cin>>a; fw.add(i,a); } int q,x,y; for(int i=0;i<Q;i++){ cin>>q>>x>>y; if(q){ cout<<fw.sum(x,y)<<endl; }else{ fw.add(x,y); } } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int main(){ int n,k,c[10],l[10],e[10000],d,a,b; while(true){ cin>>n; cin>>k; if(n==0 && k==0){ break; } for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ cin>>c[i]; if(c[i]>=10){ l[i]=100; } else{ l[i]=10; } } d=0; if(k==2){ for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ for(int j=0;j<n;j++){ b=0; if(i!=j){ a=c[i]*l[j]+c[j]; for(int k=0;k<d;k++){ if(a==e[k]){ goto Exit1; } } e[d]=a; d++; Exit1: a=0; } } } } if(k==3){ for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ for(int j=0;j<n;j++){ for(int m=0;m<n;m++){ b=0; if(i!=j && (j!=m && m!=i)){ a=c[i]*(l[j]*l[m])+c[j]*l[m]+c[m]; for(int k=0;k<d;k++){ if(a==e[k]){ goto Exit2; } } e[d]=a; d++; Exit2: a=0; } } } } } if(k==4){ for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ for(int j=0;j<n;j++){ for(int m=0;m<n;m++){ for(int o=0;o<n;o++){ b=0; if(((i!=j && o!=i) && (j!=m && m!=i)) && (o!=j && o!=m)){ a=c[i]*(l[j]*l[m]*l[o])+c[j]*(l[m]*l[o])+c[m]*l[o]+c[o]; for(int k=0;k<d;k++){ if(a==e[k]){ goto Exit3; } } e[d]=a; d++; Exit3: a=0; } } } } } } std::cout<<d<<endl; } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define int long long // <-----!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #define rep(i,n) for (int i=0;i<(n);i++) #define rep2(i,a,b) for (int i=(a);i<(b);i++) #define rrep(i,n) for (int i=(n)-1;i>=0;i--) #define rrep2(i,a,b) for (int i=(b)-1;i>=(a);i--) #define all(a) (a).begin(),(a).end() typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int, int> P; typedef tuple<int, int, int> TUPLE; typedef vector<int> V; typedef vector<V> VV; typedef vector<VV> VVV; int n, k; set<string> st; string a[10]; bool done[10]; void dfs(string s, int c) { if (c == k) { st.insert(s); return; } rep(i, n) { if (!done[i]) { done[i] = true; dfs(s + a[i], c + 1); done[i] = false; } } } signed main() { std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); std::cin.tie(0); while (cin >> n >> k, n) { rep(i, n) cin >> a[i]; st.clear(); fill(done, done + 10, false); dfs("", 0); cout << st.size() << endl; } }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <math.h> #include <map> #include <queue> #define rep(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (n); ++i) using namespace std; using ll = long long; using P = pair<int, int>; const int MOD = 1000000007; const int iINF = 1001001001; const long long llINF = 1LL << 60; map<int, int> mp; int main() { int n, k; cin >> n >> k; vector<int> x(n); rep(i, n) cin >> x[i]; int lower, upper; lower = 0; upper = k - 1; int ans = iINF, tmpans = iINF; while (upper < n) { tmpans = iINF; if (x[lower] <= 0 && x[upper] <= 0) tmpans = abs(x[lower]); else if (0 <= x[lower] && 0 <= x[upper]) tmpans = x[upper]; else { tmpans = 2 * min(abs(x[lower]), abs(x[upper])); tmpans += max(abs(x[lower]), abs(x[upper])); } if (tmpans < ans) ans = tmpans; lower++; upper++; } cout << ans << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ll = long long; using ld = long double; using P = pair<ll,ll>; #define rep(i,n) for(int (i)=0;(i)<(n);(i)++) #define rep2(i,m,n) for(int (i)=(m);(i)<(n);(i)++) #define ALL(obj) (obj).begin(), (obj).end() #define rALL(obj) (obj).rbegin(), (obj).rend() const ll INF = 1LL<<60; const ll MOD = 1e9+7; int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); int n,k;cin>>n>>k; vector<ll> x(n);rep(i,n)cin>>x[i]; ll ans = INF; for(int i=0; i+k-1<n; i++){ ll l = x[i], r = x[i+k-1]; ll a; if(r<0)a=-l; else if(l<0)a=min(r-2*l, 2*r-l); else a=r; ans = min(ans, a); } cout<<ans<<endl; return 0; }
/** DufauX-XuafuD **/ #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int, int> pii; typedef pair<long long, long long> pll; #define ff first #define ss second #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end() #define FastIO ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); #define reset(x) memset(x,-1,sizeof(x)) #define CheckBit(a,b) (a&(1ll<<b)) #define SetBit(a,b) a=(a|(1ll<<b)) #define UnSetBit(a,b) a=(a&(~(1ll<<b))) #define maxx 10000006 #define PI 2*acos(0.0) const long long INF = 2000000000000000000LL; // 2e18 const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f; // 1061109567 const long double EPS = 1e-9; //bitset<maxx/2>vis; //bitset<maxx>pr; //int mobi[maxx+10]; //vector<ll>prime; //void sieve(){ // ll x=maxx/2, y=sqrt(maxx)/2; // for(ll i=1;i<=y;i++){ // if(vis[i]==0){ // for(ll j=(i*(i+1)*2);j<x;j+=(2*i)+1) // vis[j]=1; // } // } // prime.push_back(2); // for(ll i=3;i<maxx;i+=2) // if(vis[i/2]==0) // prime.push_back(i); //} //void generate_mobius() //{ // for(int i=0;i<maxx;i++)mobi[i]=1; // for(int i=2;i<maxx;i++){ // if(!pr[i]){ // mobi[i]*=-1; // for(int j=i+i;j<maxx;j+=i){ // pr[j]=1; // mobi[j]*=(j%(i*i)?-1:0); // } // } // } //} //bool isprime(ll a) //{ // if(a==1)return false; // if(a==2)return true; // if(a%2==0)return false; // for(ll i=0;i<prime.size() && prime[i]*prime[i]<=a;i++) // if(a%prime[i]==0)return false; // return true; //} /*Used path compression technique*/ /*-------------------------------------*/ //ll finds(ll a) //{ // vector<ll>vec; // while(parent[a]>0){ // vec.pb(a); // a=parent[a]; // } // for(int i=0;i<vec.size();i++)parent[vec[i]]=a; // return a; //} //void unions(ll a,ll b) //{ // parent[a]+=parent[b]; // parent[b]=a; //} /*------------------------------*/ /* Calculate ( a*b ) %c */ inline ll mulmod(ll a, ll b, ll c) { ll ret = 0 , cur = a % c ; while(b) { if(b%2) ret=(ret+cur)%c; cur=(cur<<1)%c; b=b>>1; } return ret%c; } //Calculate (b^p)%m || modular inverse: b^-1 = bigmod(b, m-2, m) inline ll bigmod(ll b, ll p, ll m){ ll ret = 1, cur = b % m; while(p) { if(p&1) ret=(ret*cur)%m; cur=(cur*cur)%m; p=p>>1; } return ret; } inline ll modulo(ll a,ll b,ll c) { //Same as big mod, use for numbers over 1e10 ll ret = 1 , cur = a%c ; while(b) { if(b%2) ret=mulmod(ret,cur,c); cur=mulmod(cur,cur,c); b=b>>1; } return ret%c ; } inline ll power(ll b, ll p){ ll ret = 1, cur = b; while(p) { if(p&1) ret=(ret*cur); cur=(cur*cur); p=p>>1; } return ret; } ll lcm(ll a,ll b) { return (a/__gcd(a,b))*b; } ll gcd(ll a,ll b) { return __gcd(a,b); } ll arr[100]; void Dufaux() { ll n,k,sum=0; cin>>n>>k; for(int i=0;i<n;i++)cin>>arr[i]; sort(arr,arr+n,greater<ll>()); for(int i=0;i<k;i++)sum+=arr[i]; cout<<sum<<endl; } int main() { FastIO; ///sieve(); ///generate_mobius(); int test=1; while(test--){ Dufaux(); } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() {int N, K; cin >> N >> K; int L[N]; for (int &l : L) cin >> l; sort(L, L + N); cout << accumulate(L + N - K, L + N, 0);}
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const long long MOD = 1e9 + 7; const long long MX = 1e10 + 10;; unsigned long long fac[200001]; #include <math.h> #define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950L long long gcd(long long a, long long b) { if (a == 0) return b; return gcd(b % a, a); } long long lcm(long long a, long long b) { return (a * b) / gcd(a, b); } long long digits(long long m) { long long cnt = 0; while (m) { cnt++; m /= 10; } return cnt; } unsigned long long power(unsigned long long x, unsigned long long y){ unsigned long long res = 1; x = x % MOD; while (y > 0) { // If y is odd, multiply x with result if (y & 1) res = (res * x) % MOD; // y must be even now y = y >> 1; // y = y/2 x = (x * x) % MOD; } return res; } unsigned long long modInverse(unsigned long long n) { return power(n, MOD - 2); } long long nCr(long long n, long long r) { if (r > n) return 0; return (fac[n] * modInverse(fac[r]) % MOD * modInverse(fac[n - r]) % MOD) % MOD; } long long bfs(vector<int> g, queue<int> q) { return 1ll; } int main() { int n, l; cin >> n >> l; vector<int> a(n); long long sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { a[i] = l + i; sum += a[i]; } int mn = 999999; int pos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (abs(a[i]) < mn) { mn = abs(a[i]); pos = i; } } sum -= a[pos]; cout << sum; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp> #include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp> using namespace __gnu_pbds; #define ordered_set tree<int, null_type,less<int>, rb_tree_tag,tree_order_statistics_node_update> #define FS ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); #define ll long long int #define ld long double #define pb push_back #define bp __builtin_popcount #define sz size() #define ff first #define ss second #define vll vector<ll> #define vbool vector<bool> #define vpll vector<pair<ll,ll>> #define pll pair<ll,ll> #define vllv vector<vector<ll>> #define setpri(x) cout<<setprecision(x)<<fixed; #define all(v) v.begin(),v.end() #define allr(v) v.rbegin(),v.rend() #define yesr {cout<<"YES"<<endl;return;} #define nor {cout<<"NO"<<endl;return;} // getline (std::cin,name); ll MOD=1e9+7; ll ceil1(ll n,ll x){return (n-1)/x+(n>0);} ll gcd(ll a,ll b){return __gcd(a,b);} ll lcm(ll a,ll b){return (max(a,b)/gcd(a,b))*min(a,b);} ll pow1(ll n,ll m ,ll mod=MOD ); ll pow2(ll n,ll k); ll modinv(ll n,ll mod=MOD){ return pow1(n,mod-2,mod);} bool func(pair<ll,ll> &a,pair<ll,ll> &b ){ if(a.ff != b.ff)return a.ff < b.ff; return >; } ll const N=(ll)3e2+11; ll const LG=(ll)log2(N)+1; void solve(){ ll i,j,k,l,n,m,x,y,z,r; cin>>n>>l; ll tt=0; for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ tt+=l+i-1; } if(n==1){ cout<<0<<endl; return; } ll ans=-100000; for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ ll t1=tt-l+1-i; if(abs(t1-tt)<abs(tt-ans)){ ans=t1; } } cout<<ans<<endl; } int main(){ FS; ll i,j,k,n,m,x,y,z,q; q=1; // cin>>q; while(q--){ solve(); } return 0; } ll pow1(ll n,ll m,ll mod){ if(m==0)return 1; if(m%2==0)return pow1((n*n)%mod,m/2,mod); return (pow1((n*n)%mod,m/2,mod)*n)%mod; } ll pow2(ll n,ll k){ ll ans=1; while(k>0){ if(k%2==1)ans=ans*n; n=n*n; k/=2; } return ans; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define REP(i, n) for (long long i = 0; i < (long long)n; i++) //#define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG using namespace std; using ll = long long; using Pi = pair<int, int>; using Pl = pair<ll, ll>; using Vl = vector<ll>; using vi = vector<int>; using Graph = vector<vi>; int main() { cin.tie(0); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); // std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(15); //"for float-base // problem" string s, t; int N; cin >> N >> s >> t; REP(i, N) { if (s.substr(i, N - i) == t.substr(0, N - i)) { cout << 2 * N - (N - i) << endl; return 0; } } cout << 2 * N << endl; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> int k, t; int a[100]; int main() { scanf("%d%d", &k, &t); for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) { scanf("%d", a + i); } std::sort(a, a + t); k = k - a[t - 1]; k = a[t - 1] - k - 1; if (k < 0)k = 0; printf("%d\n", k); }
#include <iostream> #include <set> using namespace std; int main() { long long N, L[2]{}; cin >> N; set<int> S; while (cin >> N) { if (!S.insert(N).second) { S.erase(N); if (N > L[0]) L[1] = L[0], L[0] = N; else if (N > L[1]) L[1] = N; } } cout << L[0] * L[1] << endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define int long long #define endl "\n" #define pii pair<int, int> const int mod = 1e9+7; const int MAXN = 1e5+5; const int N = 1e5+5; int fac[N]; int spf[MAXN]; void pre(int p) { fac[0] = 1; for(int i=1; i<N; i++) { fac[i] = (fac[i-1] * i) % p; } } void sieve() { spf[1] = 1; for (int i=2; i<MAXN; i++) spf[i] = i; for (int i=4; i<MAXN; i+=2) spf[i] = 2; for (int i=3; i*i<MAXN; i++) { if (spf[i] == i) { for (int j=i*i; j<MAXN; j+=i) if (spf[j]==j) spf[j] = i; } } } vector<int> getFactorization(int x) { vector<int> ret; while (x != 1) { ret.push_back(spf[x]); x = x / spf[x]; } return ret; } unsigned long long power(unsigned long long x, int y, int p) { unsigned long long res = 1; // Initialize result x = x % p; // Update x if it is more than or // equal to p while (y > 0) { // If y is odd, multiply x with result if (y & 1) res = (res * x) % p; // y must be even now y = y >> 1; // y = y/2 x = (x * x) % p; } return res; } // Returns n^(-1) mod p unsigned long long modInverse(unsigned long long n, int p) { return power(n, p - 2, p); } // Returns nCr % p using Fermat's little // theorem. unsigned long long nCr(unsigned long long n, int r, int p) { // Base case if (r == 0) return 1; return (fac[n] * modInverse(fac[r], p) % p * modInverse(fac[n - r], p) % p) % p; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void solve(int TC) { int n; cin >> n; map<int, int> cnt; for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { int x; cin >> x; cnt[x]++; } vector<int> a; for(auto it : cnt) { if(it.second >= 2) { int times = it.second / 2; for(int i=0; i<times; i++) { a.push_back(it.first); } } } sort(a.rbegin(), a.rend()); if((int)a.size() < 2) { cout << 0; return; } int ans = a[0]*a[1]; cout << ans; } signed main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); cout << fixed << setprecision(12); int T = 1; //cin >> T; for(int i=1; i<=T; i++) { solve(i); } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ALL(a) (a).begin(),(a).end() using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int, int> P; typedef pair<long long, long long> Pll; typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<vector<int>> vvi; typedef vector<long long> vll; typedef vector<vector<long long>> vvll; template <typename T> inline bool chmax(T& a, T b) { if (a < b) { a = b; return 1; } return 0; } template <typename T> inline bool chmin(T& a, T b) { if (a > b) { a = b; return 1; } return 0; } const long long INF = 1LL << 60; const int INT_INF = 1 << 30; #define MOD 1000000007LL int main(){ ll H, W, K; cin >> H >> W >> K; vll count1(W-1, 0); //に線があるとき vll count2(W, 0); //番目の左右に線がないとき(i-1~i, i~i+1) for(int tmp = 0; tmp < (1 << (W-1)); tmp++){ //1が隣あってないか bool ok = true; for(int i = 0; i < W-2; i++){ if((tmp >> i) & (tmp >> (i+1))){ ok = false; break; } } if(!ok) continue; for(int i = 0; i < W-1; i++){ if((tmp >> i) & 1); } for(int i = 0; i < W; i++){ bool flag = true; if(i > 0){ if((tmp >> (i-1)) & 1) flag = false; } if(i < W-1){ if((tmp >> i) & 1) flag = false; } if(flag); } } vvll dp(H+2, vll(W, 0)); = 1; for(int i = 2; i < H+2; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < W; j++){ if(j > 0) += * % MOD; %= MOD; += * % MOD; %= MOD; if(j < W-1) += * % MOD; %= MOD; } } cout << << endl; }
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <algorithm> #include <queue> #include <list> #include <numeric> #include <stack> #include <unordered_map> #include <map> #include <set> using namespace std; #define sz(a) int((a).size()) #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end() #define pb push_back #define endl '\n' #define watch(x) cout << #x << " : " << x << endl; #define FastIO ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0); typedef long long ll; typedef vector< int > vi; typedef vector< vi > vvi; typedef pair< int,int > ii; typedef vector<ii> vii; const int N = int(2e5)+10; const int K = 10005; // const int MOD = int(1e9)+7; const int INF = int(1e9)+5; const ll INF64 = 1e18; const ll MOD = 998244353; inline ll add(ll a, ll b, ll m) { return (((a % m + b % m) % m + m) % m); } inline ll mul(ll a, ll b, ll m) { return (((a % m * b % m) % m + m) % m); } ll inv[N],fact[N],ifact[N]; //! Modular Exponentiation. ll modpow (ll x,ll n) { if (n == 0ll) return 1ll; ll u = modpow(x,n/2); u = mul(u,u,MOD); if (n % 2 == 1) u = mul(u,x,MOD); return u; } void pre () { inv[1] = fact[0] = fact[1] = ifact[0] = ifact[1] = 1; for (int i=2;i<N;i++) { inv[i] = mul(MOD - MOD / i, inv[MOD % i], MOD); fact[i] = mul(i * 1ll, fact[i - 1], MOD); ifact[i] = mul(inv[i], ifact[i - 1], MOD); } return; } ll nCr (ll n,ll r) { if (n >= 0 && r >= 0 && n >= r) { return mul(fact[n],mul(ifact[r],ifact[n-r],MOD),MOD); } return 0; } void solve () { pre(); ll n,m,k;cin>>n>>m>>k; ll ans = 0; // k1 are same as left. for (int k1=0;k1<=k;k1++) { // n-1Ck1 * m * (m-1) ^ (n-1-k1). ll temp = nCr(n-1,k1); temp = mul(temp,m,MOD); temp = mul(temp,modpow(m-1,n-1-k1),MOD); ans = add(ans,temp,MOD); } cout<<ans<<endl; } int main () { FastIO // #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE // freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); // freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout); // #endif int t; // cin>>t; t = 1; while (t--) { solve(); } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int64_t MOD = 1000000007; typedef int64_t ll; typedef uint64_t ull; #define FOR(i, start, end) for(uint64_t i=start; i<end; i++) #define REP(i, n) FOR(i, 0, n) // 最大公約数gcd // 最小公倍数lcm=m*n/gcd uint64_t gcd(uint64_t m, uint64_t n) { uint64_t temp; while (m % n != 0){ temp = n; n = m % n; m = temp; } return n; } uint64_t lcm(uint64_t m, uint64_t n) { return (m*n)/gcd(m,n); } // vector<vector<uint64_t> > v(n+1, vector<uint64_t>(n+1, 0)) // v[n][k]に組み合わせ数が入る。 void comb(vector<vector <uint64_t> > &v){ for(uint64_t i = 0;i <v.size(); i++){ v[i][0]=1; v[i][i]=1; } for(uint64_t k = 1;k <v.size();k++){ for(uint64_t j = 1;j<k;j++){ v[k][j]=(v[k-1][j-1]+v[k-1][j]); } } } // 掛け算オーバーフロー判定 bool is_product_overflow(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { uint64_t prod = a * b; return (prod / b != a); } //素因数分解 void primeFactorization(uint64_t a, list<uint64_t> &factors){ //素因数分解を出力するプログラム long i,sq; if(a%2==0){ //偶数の場合 factors.push_back(2); primeFactorization(a/2,factors); //2で割った値で再帰 return; } sq = sqrt(a); for(i=3;i<=sq;i+=2){ //3以上√a以下の奇数の場合 if(a%i==0){ factors.push_back(i); primeFactorization(a/i,factors); //割れた値で再帰 return; } } //偶数でも3以上√a以下の奇数の場合でも割り切れない場合 if(a!=1){ //aが1でないなら、a自身は素数 factors.push_back(a); } } // フェルマーの小定理 // mod. m での a の逆元 a^{-1} を計算する // (a/b)%m = a*movinv(b,m)%m int64_t modinv(int64_t a, int64_t m) { int64_t b = m, u = 1, v = 0; while (b) { int64_t t = a / b; a -= t * b; swap(a, b); u -= t * v; swap(u, v); } u %= m; if (u < 0) u += m; return u; } // 円周率 // M_PI // #include <iomanip> // setprecisionを使用するのに必要 // cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(15) << y << endl; // 昇順 // priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int> > queue; ll pCount(int x){ if(x==0) return 1; return pCount(x-1)*2 + 1; } ll allCount(int x){ if(x==0) return 1; return allCount(x-1)*2 + 3; } signed main() { ull n,m; cin >> n >> m; ll ans = 1; for(ll i=1;i*i<=m;i++){ if(m%i!=0)continue; ll j = m/i; if(i*n<=m) ans = max(ans,i); if(j*n<=m) ans = max(ans,j); } cout << ans << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { vector<int> v; int x; cin >> x; v.push_back(x); cin >> x; v.push_back(x); cin >> x; v.push_back(x); sort(v.begin(), v.end()); cout<<v[0] +v[1]; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define endl "\n" using namespace std; #define ll long long #define ld long double #define rep(i,n) for(int i = 0; i < (int)(n); i++) #define repo(i,n) for(int i = 1; i < (int)(n); i++) #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define np next_permutation #define fi first #define se second #define all(x) (x).begin(),(x).end() #define uniq(v) v.erase(unique(v.begin(),v.end()),v.end()) #define lb(v,x) (lower_bound(v.begin(),v.end(),x)-v.begin()) #define ub(v,x) (upper_bound(v.begin(),v.end(),x)-v.begin()) using Pair = pair<ll,pair<int,int>>; #define pq priority_queue<Pair, vector<Pair>, greater<Pair>> const ll mod=1000000007; //const ll mod=998244353; const ld pi=acos(-1.0); const ll INF = 1LL<<61; template<class T>bool chmax(T &a, const T &b) { if (a<b) { a=b; return 1; } return 0; } template<class T>bool chmin(T &a, const T &b) { if (b<a) { a=b; return 1; } return 0; } ll gcd(ll x, ll y) { return y ? gcd(y, x % y) : x; } ll lcm(ll x, ll y) { return x / gcd(x, y) * y; } //intの最大値2147483647 ≒ 2×10^9 //long longの最大値9223372036854775807 ≒ 9×10^18 //'大文字'+=32; で小文字に // cout << fixed << setprecision (20); 小数点以下20桁まで //実行時間制約2秒では2×10^8回くらいまで計算できる int main(){ cin.tie(0); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int n,m; cin>>n>>m; vector<pair<ll,pair<ll,ll>>> p; rep(i,n){ ll s,t,x; cin>>s>>t>>x; p.pb({s-x,{-1,x}}); p.pb({t-x,{0,x}}); } rep(i,m){ ll d; cin>>d; p.pb({d,{1,i}}); } sort(all(p)); vector<ll> ans(m); multiset<ll> se; for(auto w : p){ ll; ll; ll; if(y==-1) se.insert(z); else if(y==0) se.erase(se.lower_bound(z)); else { if(se.empty()) ans[z]=-1; else ans[z]=*se.begin(); } } rep(i,m){ cout << ans[i] << endl; } }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ii pair<int,int> #define pb push_back #define lb lower_bound #define ub upper_bound #define vii vector<ii> #define all(X) (X).begin(),(X).end() #define xx first #define yy second #define FOR(i,l,r) for( int i = l-(l>r); i != r-(l>r); i += 1-2*(l>r) ) int main() { int n,q; cin>>n>>q; vector<pair<int,ii>> v; FOR(i,0,n) { int s,t,x; cin>>s>>t>>x; v.pb({x,{s-x,t-1-x}}); } sort(all(v)); set<ii> s; FOR(i,0,q) { int u; cin>>u; s.insert({u,i}); } int ans[q]; memset(ans,-1,sizeof(ans)); for( auto e : v ) { if( !s.size() ) break; auto i1 ={e.yy.xx,-1}); auto i2 = s.ub({e.yy.yy,n+5}); auto i = i1; vii temp; while( i != i2 ) { temp.pb(*i); i++; } for( auto ee : temp ) { s.erase(ee); ans[ee.yy] = e.xx; } } for( auto e : ans ) cout<<e<<"\n"; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ll = long long; using ld = long double; //#define int long long //signed main(){ int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); string s; cin >> s; vector<int> cnt(26,0); for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { cnt[s[i]-'a']++; } if(s.size()==26) { int idx=25; while(idx>0 && s[idx-1]>s[idx]) idx--; if(idx==0) { cout << "-1" << "\n"; return 0; } char e='z'+1; for(int i = idx; i < s.size(); i++) if(s[idx-1]<s[i]) e=min(e,s[i]); for(int i = 0; i < idx-1; i++) cout << s[i]; cout << e << "\n"; } else{ cout << s; int idx=0; while(cnt[idx]!=0) idx++; cout << char('a'+idx) << "\n"; } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #include<iomanip> #include<math.h> #include<complex> #include<queue> #include<deque> #include<stack> #include<map> #include<set> #include<bitset> #include<functional> #include<assert.h> #include<numeric> using namespace std; #define REP(i,m,n) for(int i=(int)(m) ; i < (int) (n) ; ++i ) #define rep(i,n) REP(i,0,n) using ll = long long; const int inf=1e9+7; const ll longinf=1LL<<60 ; const ll mod=1e9+7 ; #define PI 3.141592653589793 int main(){ string S; cin >> S; int N = S.size(); bool acan=true, bcan=true; if(N%2==1){ cout << "No" << endl; return 0; } rep(i, N){ if(i%2==1 && S[i]!='h') acan=false; if(i%2==0 && S[i]!='i') acan=false; } rep(i, N){ if(i%2==0 && S[i]!='h') bcan=false; if(i%2==1 && S[i]!='i') bcan=false; } if(acan || bcan) cout << "Yes" << endl; else cout << "No" << endl; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int k; string s; string kq; cin >> k; cin >> s; int dodai = s.length(); if (k < 1 || k > 100) return 0; if (dodai < 1 || dodai > 100) return 0; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { if (k > dodai) { cout << s; return 0; } if (s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'z') kq += s[i]; else return 0; } if (k < dodai) kq += "..."; cout << kq; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //#define int long long using ll = long long; #define all(v) (v).begin(), (v).end() #define rep(i,n) for(ll i=0;i<n;i++) #define reps(i,n) for(ll i=0;i<=n;i++) ll MOD = 1000000007; const long long L_INF = 1LL << 60; const int INF = 2147483647; // 2^31-1 const double PI = acos(-1); const ll dx[8] = {1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1}; const ll dy[8] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1}; int main(){ ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); ll k; string s; cin >> k >> s; if(s.size()<=k){ cout << s << endl; }else{ for(int i=0;i<k;i++){ cout << s[i]; } cout << "..." << endl; } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath> using namespace std; const long long MOD = (long long)1e9 + 7; int main(){ int n, m; cin >> n >> m; vector<long long> x(n), y(m); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ cin >> x[i]; } for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){ cin >> y[i]; } long long a = 0, b = 0; for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){ a += i * x[i] - (n - i) * x[i - 1]; if(a < 0){ a += MOD * (long long)((abs(a) + MOD - 1) / MOD); } a %= MOD; } for(int i = 1; i < m; i++){ b += i * y[i] - (m - i) * y[i - 1]; if(b < 0){ b += MOD * (long long)((abs(b) + MOD - 1) / MOD); } b %= MOD; } cout << (a * b) % MOD << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; #define _overload3(_1,_2,_3,name,...) name #define _rep(i,n) repi(i,0,n) #define repi(i,a,b) for(int i=int(a);i<int(b);++i) #define rep(...) _overload3(__VA_ARGS__,repi,_rep,)(__VA_ARGS__) #define inf (ll)1e9 #define mod (ll)(1e9+7) #define d(x) cerr<<#x<<"="<<x<<endl; #define p(x) cout<<x<<endl #define pfix(d,x) cout << fixed << setprecision(d) << x << endl; #define pb push_back #define all(v) (v).begin(), (v).end() #define minel(v) *min_element(all(v)) #define minind(v) distance((v).begin(), min_element(all(v))) #define maxel(v) *max_element(all(v)) #define maxind(v) distance((v).begin(), max_element(all(v))) typedef vector<int> vi; ll n,m,x[100001],y[100001]; ll xsum,ysum; int main(void){ cin>>n>>m; rep(i,n)cin>>x[i]; rep(i,m)cin>>y[i]; rep(i,n){xsum=(xsum+i*x[i]-(n-1-i)*x[i])%mod;d(xsum)} rep(i,m){ysum=(ysum+i*y[i]-(m-1-i)*y[i])%mod;d(ysum)} p((xsum*ysum)%mod); return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define mod 1000000007 using namespace std; int dy[4]={1,0,-1,0}; int dx[4]={0,1,0,-1}; vector<vector<int>> graph; bool sort_sec(const pair<int,int> &a,const pair<int,int> &b){ if(a.second<b.second){ return true; } return false; } void swap(int *a,int *b){ int temp=*a; *a=*b; *b=temp; } int gcd(int a,int b){ if(a%b==0) return b; return gcd(b,a%b); } int digit(int num){ int cnt=0; while(num!=0){ cnt+=num%10; num=num/10; } return cnt; } int main(void){ int N; cin>>N; long long x; cin>>x; vector<long long> a(N); for(int i=0;i<N;i++){ cin>>a[i]; } sort(a.begin(),a.end()); long long sum=0; int ans=0; for(int i=0;i<N;i++){ sum+=a[i]; if(sum<=x) ans++; else break; } if(sum<x) ans--; cout<<ans<<endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (int)(n); i++) using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int main() { int N, K, ans = 1; cin >> N >> K; rep(i, N) { if (ans < K) ans += ans; else ans += K; } cout << ans << "\n"; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int main() { int d, g; cin >> d >> g; vector<pair<int,int>>pc(d); for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)cin >> >>; int ans = 1e10; for (int bit = 0; bit < (1 << d); bit++) { vector<pair<int, int>>pcc = pc; vector<int> l(0); for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) if (bit & (1 << i))l.push_back(i); int res = 0; int point = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { point +=; res +=; point += * ( + 1) * 100; = 0; } int ct = d - 1; while (true) { if (ct == -1)break; if (point >= g)break; if ( == 0) { ct--; } else {; res++; point += (ct + 1) * 100; } } ans = min(ans, res); } cout << ans << endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG #define rep(i, from, to) for (int i = from; i < (to); ++i) #define mp(x,y) make_pair(x,y) #define all(x) (x).begin(),(x).end() #define sz(x) (int)(x).size() #define pb push_back using ll = long long; using vin=vector<int>; using vll=vector<ll>; using vst=vector<string>; using P = pair<ll,ll>; const int inf=1e9+7; const ll INF=9e18; template <typename T> bool chmin(T &a, const T& b){if(a > b){a = b;return true;}return false;} template <typename T> bool chmax(T &a, const T& b){if(a < b){a = b;return true;}return false;} template<class T> inline void Yes(T condition){ if(condition) cout << "Yes" << endl; else cout << "No" << endl; } template<class T> inline void YES(T condition){ if(condition) cout << "YES" << endl; else cout << "NO" << endl; } const int dx[4] = { 1, 0, -1, 0 }; const int dy[4] = { 0, 1, 0, -1 }; int d,g; vin p,c; bool check(int y){ bool ans=false; vin order(d); rep(i,0,d)order[i]=i; do{ int x=y; int rest=g; rep(i,0,d){ int now=order[i]; if(x>=p[now]){ rest-=p[now]*(now+1)*100; rest-=c[now]; x-=p[now]; } else{ rest-=x*(now+1)*100; x=0; break; } } if(rest<=0)ans=1; }while(next_permutation(all(order))); return ans; } int main(){cout<<fixed<<setprecision(20); //二分探索かな? //順列探索かな? //O(10^6*log1000)*10 cin>>d>>g; p.resize(d);c.resize(d); rep(i,0,d)cin>>p[i]>>c[i]; int ng=0,ok=1000; while(ok-ng>1){ int mid=(ok+ng)/2; if(check(mid))ok=mid; else ng=mid; } cout<<ok<<endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; #define rep(i,n) for (int i = 0; i < (n); i++) int main(){ int n; cin >> n; int a[n]; double ave = 0; rep(i,n) { cin >> a[i]; ave += a[i]; } ave /= n; double d = 1e5; int ans = 0; rep(i,n){ if(d > abs(ave-a[i])){ ans = i; d = abs(ave-a[i]); } } cout << ans << endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int dp[34]; int main(){ int N,x; cin >> x; dp[0] = 1; for(int i = 0; i < 31; i++){ dp[i+1] += dp[i]; dp[i+2] += dp[i]; dp[i+3] += dp[i]; } while(x != 0){ cout << dp[x]/3650 + 1 << endl;; cin >> x; } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define REP(i, n) for(int i = 0;i < n;i++) #define SORT(v, n) sort(v, v+n); #define VSORT(v) sort(v.begin(), v.end()) #define VRSORT(v) sort(v.rbegin(), v.rend()) #define ll long long #define pb(a) push_back(a) #define INF 1000000000 #define LINF 1e18 #define MOD 1000000007 using namespace std; typedef pair<int, int> P; typedef pair<ll, ll> LP; typedef pair<int, P> PP; typedef pair<ll, LP> LPP; typedef vector<unsigned int>vec; typedef vector<vec> mat; template<class T> inline bool chmax(T& a, T b) { if (a < b) { a = b; return true; } return false; } template<class T> inline bool chmin(T& a, T b) { if (a > b) { a = b; return true; } return false; } template<class T> inline void add(T &a, T b){a = ((a+b) % MOD + MOD) % MOD;}; const int dx[8] = {1, 0, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1}; const int dy[8] = {0, 1, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1}; const double PI = acos(-1.0); const double EPS = 1e-10; int main(){ cin.tie(0); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int N; string S; cin>>N>>S; string mae,ushi; mae = S.substr(0,N); ushi = S.substr(N,N); map<pair<string,string>,ll> mp; //後ろ半分の文字列(反転させる) for(int i=0;i<(1<<N);i++){ string a="",b=""; for(int j=0;j<N;j++){ if(i>>j & 1) a += ushi[j]; else b += ushi[j]; } reverse(a.begin(),a.end()); reverse(b.begin(),b.end()); auto p = make_pair(a,b); ++mp[p]; } ll res = 0; for(int i=0;i<(1<<N);i++){ string a="",b=""; for(int j=0;j<N;j++){ if(i>>j & 1) a += mae[j]; else b += mae[j]; } auto p = make_pair(a,b); res += mp[p]; } cout<<res<<endl; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <map> #include <set> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const int MAXN = 18; int n; int LOG[1 << MAXN]; ll ans; ll f[2][1 << MAXN][MAXN + 1]; ll g[2][1 << MAXN][MAXN + 1]; string S,s,t; int popcount(int v) { return v ? popcount(v - (v & -v)) + 1 : 0; } int main() { cin >> n >> S; LOG[0] = -1; for (int i = 1;i < (1 << n);i++) LOG[i] = LOG[i >> 1] + 1; s = S.substr(0,n); reverse(S.begin(),S.end()); t = S.substr(0,n); f[0][0][0] = 1; for (int j = 0;j <= n;j++) { memset(f[~j & 1],0,sizeof(f[~j & 1])); memset(g[~j & 1],0,sizeof(g[~j & 1])); for (int i = 0,I = 0;i < (1 << n);I = popcount(++i)) { if (j > I) continue; for (int k = 0;k < n;k++) { if (f[j & 1][i][k]) { for (int l = LOG[i] + 1;l < n;l++) if (t[l] == s[I]) f[~j & 1][i | (1 << l)][k + (l == k)] += f[j & 1][i][k]; if (k == LOG[i] + 1) { for (int l = k + 1;l < n;l++) if (t[l] == s[I]) g[j & 1][i | (1 << l)][k + (l == k)] += f[j & 1][i][k]; } if (t[k] == s[I]) { int K = k + 1; while (K < n && (i >> K & 1)) K++; int el = LOG[i] + 1 + (LOG[i] + 1 == k); if (K > el) g[j & 1][i | (1 << k)][el] += f[j & 1][i][k]; else f[j & 1][i | (1 << k)][K] += f[j & 1][i][k]; } } if (g[j & 1][i][k]) { for (int l = LOG[i] + 1;l < n;l++) if (t[l] == s[I]) g[j & 1][i | (1 << l)][k] += g[j & 1][i][k]; if (t[k] == s[I]) { int K = k + 1; while (K < n && (i >> K & 1)) K++; int el = LOG[i] + 1 + (LOG[i] + 1 == k); if (K >= el) f[~j & 1][i | (1 << k)][el] += g[j & 1][i][k]; else g[~j & 1][i | (1 << k)][K] += g[j & 1][i][k]; } } } } ans += f[j & 1][(1 << n) - 1][n]; } cout << ans << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); ll n; cin >> n; string res; while (n>0){ int i = (n-1) % 26; char c = 'a' + i; res = c + res; n = (n-1) / 26; }cout << res; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define all(v) v.begin(), v.end() #define rall(v) v.rbegin(), v.rend() #define rep(i,n) for (int i=0;i<(int)(n);i++) #define codefor int test;scanf("%d",&test);while(test--) #define INT(...) int __VA_ARGS__;in(__VA_ARGS__) #define LL(...) ll __VA_ARGS__;in(__VA_ARGS__) #define yn(ans) if(ans)printf("Yes\n");else printf("No\n") #define YN(ans) if(ans)printf("YES\n");else printf("NO\n") #define vector2d(type,name,h,...) vector<vector<type>>name(h,vector<type>(__VA_ARGS__)) #define umap unordered_map #define uset unordered_set using namespace std; using ll = long long; const int MOD=1000000007; //入力系 void scan(int& a){scanf("%d",&a);} void scan(long long& a){scanf("%lld",&a);} template<class T> void scan(T& a){cin>>a;} template<class T> void scan(vector<T>& vec){for(auto&& it:vec)scan(it);} void in(){} template <class Head, class... Tail> void in(Head& head, Tail&... tail){scan(head);in(tail...);} //出力系 void print(const int& a){printf("%d",a);} void print(const long long& a){printf("%lld",a);} void print(const double& a){printf("%.15lf",a);} template<class T> void print(const T& a){cout<<a;} template<class T> void print(const vector<T>& vec){if(vec.empty())return;print(vec[0]);for(auto it=vec.begin();++it!= vec.end();){putchar(' ');print(*it);}} void out(){putchar('\n');} template<class T> void out(const T& t){print(t);putchar('\n');} template <class Head, class... Tail> void out(const Head& head,const Tail&... tail){print(head);putchar(' ');out(tail...);} //デバッグ系 template<class T> void dprint(const T& a){cerr<<a;} template<class T> void dprint(const vector<T>& vec){if(vec.empty())return;cerr<<vec[0];for(auto it=vec.begin();++it!= vec.end();){cerr<<" "<<*it;}} void debug(){cerr<<endl;} template<class T> void debug(const T& t){dprint(t);cerr<<endl;} template <class Head, class... Tail> void debug(const Head& head, const Tail&... tail){dprint(head);cerr<<" ";debug(tail...);} ll intpow(ll a, ll b){ ll ans = 1; while(b){ if(b & 1) ans *= a; a *= a; b /= 2; } return ans; } ll modpow(ll a, ll b, ll p){ ll ans = 1; while(b){ if(b & 1) (ans *= a) %= p; (a *= a) %= p; b /= 2; } return ans; } int main(){ INT(n); vector<ll> vec(n),vec2(n); int zero=0,minus=0; ll sum=0; rep(i,n){ in(vec[i]); if(vec[i]==0)zero=1; else if(vec[i]<0){ minus++; } sum+=abs(vec[i]); vec2[i]=abs(vec[i]); } if(minus%2==0||zero==1){ out(sum); }else{ sort(all(vec2)); out(sum-2*vec2[0]); } }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <cmath> using ll = long long; #define rep(i, n) for(ll i = 0; i < n; i++) #define repr(i, n) for(ll i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) using namespace std; int main(){ ll n, m; cin >> n >> m; ll mx = m / n; ll ans; repr(i, mx+1){ if (m % i == 0){ ans = i; break; } } cout << ans << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) #define rrep(i, n) for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) using namespace std; #define INF ((1<<30)-1) #define LINF (1LL<<60) #define EPS (1e-10) typedef long long ll; typedef pair<ll, ll> P; const int MOD = 1000000007; const int MOD2 = 998244353; // 約数列挙 vector<ll> divisor(ll n) { vector<ll> ret; for(ll i = 1; i * i <= n; i++) { if(n % i == 0) { ret.push_back(i); if(i * i != n) ret.push_back(n / i); } } sort(begin(ret), end(ret)); return (ret); } int main(){ ll n, m; cin >> n >> m; vector<ll> div = divisor(m); ll ans = 1; for(auto v : div){ ll k = m / v; if (k >= n) ans = max(ans, v); } cout << ans << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0; i<n; i++) #define REP(i,m,n) for(ll i=(ll)(m);i<(ll)(n);i++) #define fi first #define se second long long mo = 1000000007; typedef long long ll; typedef long double ld; typedef pair<int,int> Pii; typedef pair<ll,ll> Pll; typedef pair<ll,Pll> PlP; template<class T, class S> void cmin(T &a, const S &b) { if (a > b)a = b; } template<class T, class S> void cmax(T &a, const S &b) { if (a < b)a = b; } template<class A>void PR(A a,ll n){rep(i,n){if(i)cout<<' ';cout<<a[i];}cout << "\n";} ld PI=3.14159265358979323846; int main(){ ll N; cin >> N; vector<ll> a(N), b(N), c(N), d(N); vector<Pll> p(N), q(N); rep(i,N){ cin >> a[i] >> b[i]; p[i] = Pll(a[i],b[i]); } rep(i,N){ cin >> c[i] >> d[i]; q[i] = Pll(c[i],d[i]); } sort(p.begin(),p.end()); sort(q.begin(),q.end()); vector<ll> memo(N); ll ans = 0; rep(i,N){ ll Mb = -1; ll id = -1; rep(j,N){ if(q[i].fi > p[j].fi && q[i].se > p[j].se && memo[j] == 0){ if(Mb < p[j].se){ Mb = p[j].se; id = j; } } } if(Mb != -1){ memo[id] = 1; ans++; } } cout << ans << endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define rep(i, n) for(long long i=0;i<(long long)(n);i++) #define REP(i,k,n) for(long long i=k;i<(long long)(n);i++) #define all(a) a.begin(),a.end() #define pb push_back #define eb emplace_back #define lb(v,k) (lower_bound(all(v),k)-v.begin()) #define ub(v,k) (upper_bound(all(v),k)-v.begin()) #define fi first #define se second #define pi M_PI #define PQ(T) priority_queue<T> #define SPQ(T) priority_queue<T,vector<T>,greater<T>> #define dame(a) {out(a);return 0;} #define decimal cout<<fixed<<setprecision(15); typedef long long ll; typedef pair<ll,ll> P; typedef tuple<ll,ll,ll> PP; typedef tuple<ll,ll,ll,ll> PPP; typedef multiset<ll> S; using vi=vector<ll>; using vvi=vector<vi>; using vvvi=vector<vvi>; using vp=vector<P>; using vvp=vector<vp>; using vb=vector<bool>; using vvb=vector<vb>; const ll inf=1001001001001001; const int INF=1001001001; const int mod=1000000007; const double eps=1e-10; template<class T> bool chmin(T&a,T b){if(a>b){a=b;return true;}return false;} template<class T> bool chmax(T&a,T b){if(a<b){a=b;return true;}return false;} template<class T> void out(T a){cout<<a<<'\n';} template<class T> void outp(T a){cout<<'('<<<<','<<<<')'<<'\n';} template<class T> void outvp(T v){rep(i,v.size())cout<<'('<<v[i].fi<<','<<v[i].se<<')';cout<<'\n';} template<class T> void outvvp(T v){rep(i,v.size())outvp(v[i]);} template<class T> void outv(T v){rep(i,v.size()){if(i)cout<<' ';cout<<v[i];}cout<<'\n';} template<class T> void outvv(T v){rep(i,v.size())outv(v[i]);} template<class T> bool isin(T x,T l,T r){return (l)<=(x)&&(x)<=(r);} template<class T> void yesno(T b){if(b)out("yes");else out("no");} template<class T> void YesNo(T b){if(b)out("Yes");else out("No");} template<class T> void YESNO(T b){if(b)out("YES");else out("NO");} template<class T> void noyes(T b){if(b)out("no");else out("yes");} template<class T> void NoYes(T b){if(b)out("No");else out("Yes");} template<class T> void NOYES(T b){if(b)out("NO");else out("YES");} void outs(ll a,ll b){if(a>=inf-100)out(b);else out(a);} ll gcd(ll a,ll b){if(b==0)return a;return gcd(b,a%b);} ll modpow(ll a,ll b){a%=mod;if(b==0)return 1;if(b&1)return a*modpow(a,b-1)%mod;ll k=modpow(a,b/2);return k*k%mod;} vi level,memo; vvi v; ll n; void bfs(ll s){ level=vi(n,inf); queue<P> q; q.push(P(s,0)); level[s]=0; while(!q.empty()){ auto t=q.front();q.pop(); rep(i,n)if(v[][i]){ if(chmin(level[i],,; } } } ll dfs(ll i,ll t,ll f){ if(i==t)return f; REP(j,memo[i],n){ memo[i]++; if(v[i][j]==0||level[i]>=level[j])continue; ll d=dfs(j,t,min(f,v[i][j])); if(d>0){ v[i][j]-=d; v[j][i]+=d; return d; } } return 0; } ll max_flow(ll s,ll t){ ll flow=0; while(true){ bfs(s); if(level[t]==inf)return flow; memo=vi(n); while(true){ ll f=dfs(s,t,inf); if(f==0)break; flow+=f; } } return flow; } int main(){ cin>>n; v=vvi(n*2+2,vi(n*2+2)); vp point(2*n); rep(i,2*n)cin>>point[i].fi>>point[i].se; rep(i,n)rep(j,n)if(point[i].fi<=point[j+n].fi&&point[i].se<=point[j+n].se){ v[i+1][j+n+1]++; } rep(i,n)v[0][i+1]++; rep(i,n)v[i+n+1][n*2+1]++; n=n*2+2; outs(max_flow(0,n-1),-1); }
/* {{{ Shinobu kawaii */ /* ______ __ _ __ .' ____ \ [ | (_) [ | | (___ \_| | |--. __ _ .--. .--. | |.--. __ _ _.____`. | .-. | [ | [ `.-. |/ .'`\ \| '/'`\ \[ | | | | \____) | | | | | | | | | | || \__. || \__/ | | \_/ |, \______.'[___]|__][___][___||__]'.__.'[__;.__.' '.__.'_/ */ /* }}} */ #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // #define int long long struct Fast {Fast(){std::cin.tie(0);ios::sync_with_stdio(false);}} fast; /* cpp template {{{ */ /* short */ #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define Fi first #define Se second #define ALL(v) (v).begin(), (v).end() #define X real() #define Y imag() /* REPmacro */ #define REPS(i, a, n) for (int i = (a); i < (n); ++i) #define REP(i, n) REPS(i, 0, n) #define RREP(i, n) REPS(i, 1, n + 1) #define DEPS(i, a, n) for (int i = (a); i >= n; --i) #define DEP(i, n) DEPS(i, n, 0) /* debug */ #define debug(x) cerr << x << " " << "(L:" << __LINE__ << ")" << '\n'; /* alias */ using ll = long long; using ull = unsigned long long; using vi = vector<int>; using vvi = vector<vi>; using vvvi = vector<vvi>; using pii = pair<int, int>; using D = double; using P = complex<D>; /* const */ const int INF = 1001001001; const ll LINF = 1001001001001001001ll; const int MOD = 1e9 + 7; const D EPS = 1e-9; const int dx[] = {0, 1, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1}, dy[] = {1, 0, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1}; /* func */ inline bool inside(int y, int x, int H, int W) {return y >= 0 && x >= 0 && y < H && x < W;} inline int in() {int x; std::cin >> x; return x;} template <typename T> void print(T x) {std::cout << x << '\n';} template <typename T> void print(std::vector<T>& v, std::string s = " ") { REP(i, v.size()) { if (i != 0) std::cout << s; std::cout << v[i]; } std::cout << '\n'; } /* }}} */ int n, m; void warshall_floyd(vvi& d) { REP(k, m) REP(i, m) REP(j, m) { d[i][j] = min(d[i][j], d[i][k] + d[k][j]); } } signed main() { while (cin >> n >> m, n || m) { vvi dc, dt; dc = dt = vvi(m, vi(m, INF)); REP(i, n) { int a = in() - 1, b = in() - 1; dc[a][b] = dc[b][a] = in(); dt[a][b] = dt[b][a] = in(); } warshall_floyd(dc); warshall_floyd(dt); int k = in(); REP(i, k) { int a = in() - 1, b = in() - 1, r = in(); print(r ? dt[a][b] : dc[a][b]); } } return 0; }
#include <cstdio> #include <map> using namespace std; typedef pair<int, int> pii; int c[101][101] = { { 0 } }; int t[101][101] = { { 0 } }; int n, m; int calculate(int mat[101][101], int from, int to){ multimap<int, int> locations; for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++){ if(mat[from][i] != 0){ locations.insert(pii(mat[from][i], i)); } } while(!locations.empty()){ multimap<int, int>::iterator it = locations.begin(); int d = (*it).first, f = (*it).second; if(f == to){ break; } for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++){ if(mat[f][i] != 0 && (d + mat[f][i] < mat[from][i] || mat[from][i] == 0)){ int dist = d + mat[f][i]; mat[from][i] = mat[i][from] = dist; locations.insert(pii(dist, i)); } } locations.erase(it); } return mat[from][to]; } int main(){ while(true){ scanf("%d%d", &n, &m); if(n == 0 || m == 0){ break; } for(int i = 0; i <= m; i++){ for(int j = 0; j <= m; j++){ c[i][j] = t[i][j] = 0; } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ int a, b, cost, time; scanf("%d%d%d%d", &a, &b, &cost, &time); if(c[a][b] == 0 || c[a][b] > cost){ c[a][b] = c[b][a] = cost; } if(t[a][b] == 0 || t[a][b] > time){ t[a][b] = t[b][a] = time; } } int k; scanf("%d", &k); while(k--){ int p, q, r; scanf("%d%d%d", &p, &q, &r); printf("%d\n", calculate((r == 0) ? c : t, p, q)); } } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int main() { int n; cin >> n; int p = n + 5; vector<ll> num(p, 0); ll initial; ll maximumValue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ll d; cin >> d; num[d]++; maximumValue = max(maximumValue, d); if (i == 0) initial = d; } if (initial != 0 || 2 <= num[0]) { cout << 0 << endl; return 0; } const ll mod = 998244353; ll ans = 1; for (int i = 2; i <= maximumValue; i++) { int tmpCnt = num[i]; while (tmpCnt--) { ans *= num[i - 1]; ans %= mod; } } cout << ans << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ll = long long; const int MOD = 998244353; ll Ep(int x, int y){ if(y == 1) return x; ll r = Ep(x,y/2); if(y%2 == 1) return r *r%MOD *x%MOD; else return r *r%MOD; } int main(){ int n, x; cin >> n; cin >> x; if(x != 0){ cout << 0 << endl; return 0; } map<int, int> mp; for(int i=1; i<n; ++i){ cin >> x; if(x == 0){ cout << 0 << endl; return 0; } ++mp[x]; } ll ans = 1; for(auto p: mp){ if(p.first == 1) continue; ans *= Ep(mp[p.first-1], p.second); ans %= MOD; } cout << ans << endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <ctime> #define rep(i,a,b) for(int i =a;i<b;i++) using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long ll; inline int cine() {int a; return scanf("%d", &a) ? a : 1e9;} void solve() { int train, bus, mine = 1e9, sum = 0 ; rep(i, 0, 2) { cin >> train; mine = min(mine, train); } sum += mine; mine = 1e9; rep(i, 0, 2) { cin >> bus; mine = min(mine, bus); } sum += mine; cout << sum; } int main() { #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("i.txt", "r", stdin); freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout); #endif solve(); #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE cout << "\nTime Elapsed :" << 0.1 * clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s\n"; #endif }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline void ci(void){ return; } template <typename First, typename... Rest> void ci(First& first, Rest&... rest){ cin >> first; ci(rest...); return; } inline void co(void){ cout << "\n"; return; } template <typename First, typename... Rest> void co(First first, Rest... rest){ cout << first << " "; co(rest...); return; } #define ll long long #define ld long double #define st string #define dl double #define wh while #define mp make_pair #define mt make_tuple #define pb push_back #define tp tuple #define ft first #define sc second #define ve vector #define tos to_string #define len length #define rt return 0 #define br break #define con continue #define lcm(n, m) (n * m / gcd(n, m)) #define np next_permutation #define repi(i, m, n) for(int i=(int)(m);i<(int)(n);i++) #define rep(i, n) repi(i, 0, n) #define repill(i, m, n) for(ll i=(ll)(m);i<(ll)(n);i++) #define repll(i, n) repill(i, 0, n) #define revi(i, m, n) for(int i=(int)(m);i>(int)(n);i--) #define rev(i, n) revi(i, 0, n) #define revill(i, m, n) for(ll i=(ll)(m);i>(ll)(n);i--) #define revll(i, n) revill(i, 0, n) #define sz(v) ((int)(v).size()) #define each(i, n) for(auto&& i: n) #define all(n) (n.begin(), n.end()) #define sp(n) cout << fixed << setprecision(n) // sqrt ルート, int 2*10^9, gcd 最大公約数 // __builtin_popcount bitの個数 int main() { int A, B, C, D; ci(A, B, C, D); int a, b; a = min(A, B); b = min(C, D); co(a + b); }
#include<iostream> #include<queue> #include<limits> // #include<bits/stdc++.h> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #include<cmath> #include<math.h> #include<iomanip> #include<deque> #include<stack> #include<string> #include<string.h> #include<map> #include<set> #include<unordered_map> #include<utility> #define ll long long #define tc(t) while(t--) #define V vector #define Vp vector< pair<int,int> > #define pb push_back #define UM unordered_map #define IT iterator #define F first #define S second #define forn(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < int(n); i++) #define PQ priority_queue #define _FI ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); cout.tie(NULL); using namespace std; char ar[140000]; vector<ll> SieveOfEratosthenes(ll n) { vector<ll> result; bool prime[n+1]; memset(prime, true, sizeof(prime)); int count=1; for (ll p=2; p*p<=n; p++) { if (prime[p] == true) { for (ll i=p*p; i<=n; i += p) { prime[i] = false; } count++; } } for (ll p=2; p<=n; p++) if (prime[p]) { result.push_back(p); } return result; } vector<ll> Divisors (ll n) { vector<ll> res; for(ll i=1;i<=sqrt(n);i++) { if(n%i==0) { if(n/i==i) { res.pb(i); } else { res.pb(i); res.pb(n/i); } } } return res; } ll Div(ll n) { for(ll i=2;i<=sqrt(n);i++) { if(n%i==0) return i; } return n; } int a[4][2]={ {1,0}, {1,-1}, {1,1}, {2,0} } ; bool validPoint(int x,int y, int N) { return (x>=0 && x<N && y>=0 && y<N); } int main() { _FI ll n; cin>>n; V<ll> arr(n); map<ll,ll> mp; forn(i,n) { cin>>arr[i]; mp[arr[i]]++; } if(mp.size()==n) { cout<<"YES"; } else { cout<<"NO"; } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int main(){ int n; cin >> n; vector<long long> A(n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) cin >>; vector<long long> sa(n+1,0); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) = +; long long ans = 10000000000000000; for(int i=1;i<n-1;i++){ long long left =; long long right = -; int lsplit = min(int(upper_bound(sa.begin(),sa.end(),left/2) - sa.begin() - 2),i-1); int rsplit = min(int(upper_bound(sa.begin(),sa.end(),right/2 + left) - sa.begin() - 2),n-2); // cout << "rsplit = " << rsplit << endl; long long lM = min(max( + 1), - + 1)),max( + 2), - + 2))); long long rM = min(max( + 1), ,max(, -; // cout << "rM = " << rM << endl; long long M = max(lM,rM); long long m = min( - lM, - - rM); // cout << i << ":" << M-m << " M = "<< M << " m = " << m << endl; ans = min(ans, M-m); } cout << ans << endl; }
#include<iostream> #include<sstream> #include<vector> #include<set> #include<map> #include<queue> #include<algorithm> #include<numeric> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<cassert> #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++) #define all(c) (c).begin(),(c).end() #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define rp(i,c) rep(i,(c).size()) #define fr(i,c) for(__typeof((c).begin()) i=(c).begin();i!=(c).end();i++) #define dbg(x) cerr<<#x<<" = "<<(x)<<endl using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef vector<int> vi; typedef pair<int,int> pi; const int inf=1<<28; const double INF=1e12,EPS=1e-9; int n,s[10],t; int main() { while(scanf("%d",&n),n) { rep(i,10)s[i]=0; rep(i,n)scanf("%d",&t),s[t]++; rep(i,10) { if(s[i]==0)putchar('-'); rep(j,s[i]+1)putchar(j==s[i]?'\n':'*'); } } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<cstdlib> #include<math.h> #include<algorithm> #include<string> #include<vector> #include<list> #include<queue> #include<stack> #include<set> #include<map> #define REP(i, N) for(ll i = 0; i < N; ++i) #define ALL(a) (a).begin(),(a).end() #define pb push_back #define INF 1000000000 #define MOD 1000000007 using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef pair<ll, ll> P; int dx[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0}; int dy[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1}; int qx[8] = {1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1}; int qy[8] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1}; int main(void) { int n; cin>>n; REP(i, n) { int out = 0; int score = 0; vector<bool> rui(3, false); while(out < 3) { string hoge; cin>>hoge; if(hoge == "HIT") { if(rui[2]) { ++score; } for(int j = 1; j >= 0; --j) { rui[j + 1] = rui[j]; } rui[0] = true; } else if (hoge == "OUT") { ++out; } else if(hoge == "HOMERUN") { score++; REP(j, 3) { if(rui[j]) ++score; rui[j] = false; } } } cout<<score<<endl; } }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef complex<double> P; vector<P> cal(vector<P> &v,double a,double b){ vector<P> res; for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++){ double l=v[i].real(),r=v[i].imag(); if(l<=a&&b<=r)res.push_back(P(l,a)),res.push_back(P(b,r)); else if(l<=a&&a<=r)res.push_back(P(l,a)); else if(l<=b&&b<=r)res.push_back(P(b,r)); else if(a>l||r>b)res.push_back(v[i]); } return res; } int main(){ int n; cin>>n; double x,y; P p[100]; for(int i=0;i<n;i++)cin>>x>>y,p[i]=P(x,y); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ vector<P> v; v.push_back(P(-M_PI,M_PI)); for(int j=0;j<n;j++){ if(i==j)continue; P a=P(0,-1)*(p[j]-p[i]); double d=arg(a); if(d>0)v=cal(v,d,M_PI),v=cal(v,-M_PI,d-M_PI); else v=cal(v,d,d+M_PI); } double ans=0; for(int j=0;j<(int)v.size();j++)ans+=v[j].imag()-v[j].real(); cout<<ans/2/M_PI<<endl; } return 0; }
/*First observation is that little numbers should be summed up to go to above 3 * any number above 3 is better multiplied * also given a set of numbers to add, the best pairs to pick are least with most since we will multiply them next * also if the number of numbers we are going to add is N * then the numbers we will add are the first N numbers given that the array is sorted * so we just bruteforce on N * */ #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <complex> using namespace std; typedef long long int ll; const double PI = acos(-1); const int N = 2e6, MOD = 1e6 + 3, LOG = 21; ll k, mvup, toAdd; bool chn = false; vector<ll> v; int main() { //freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); scanf("%lld", &k); while (k % 50 != 0) { k++; mvup++; } ll N = 50; ll base = N - 1; ll needed = k / N; printf("%lld\n", N); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { v.push_back(base + needed); } toAdd = mvup; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (mvup) { v[i] -= N; mvup--; v[i] += (toAdd - 1); } else { v[i] += toAdd; } } for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { printf("%lld ", v[i]); } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <utility> #include <map> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <queue> #include <math.h> #include <stack> #include <set> #include <deque> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; ll mod = 1e9+7; #define rep(i,n) for(int i = 0; i < (n); ++i) int main(){ string s; cin >> s; rep(i, (int)(s.length())-1) { if ( s[i] == 'A' && s[i+1] == 'C' ) { cout << "Yes" << endl; return 0; } } cout << "No" << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i,n) for (int i = 0; i < (n); i++) using namespace std; using ll = long long; using P = pair<int, int>; const int MAX = 1000; const int INF = 1e9; const int dx[] = {-1,0,1,0}; const int dy[] = {0,-1,0,1}; #define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950L //setprecision(15) int main() { ll N; cin >> N; set<ll> st; rep(i, N) { ll tmp; cin >> tmp; st.insert(tmp); } if (st.size() == N) cout << "YES" << endl; else cout << "NO" << endl; }
#include <map> #include <iostream> using namespace std; /** Problem0039 : Roman Figure **/ int main() { char num[110]; int now, old, ans; map<char, int> list; list.insert(map<char, int>::value_type('I', 1)); list.insert(map<char, int>::value_type('V', 5)); list.insert(map<char, int>::value_type('X', 10)); list.insert(map<char, int>::value_type('L', 50)); list.insert(map<char, int>::value_type('C', 100)); list.insert(map<char, int>::value_type('D', 500)); list.insert(map<char, int>::value_type('M', 1000)); while (cin >> num) { ans = 0; old = list[num[0]]; for (int i=1; i<110 && num[i]!='\0'; i++) { now = list[num[i]]; if (old == 0) { old = now; } else if (old<now) { ans += (now-old); old = 0; } else { ans += old; old = now; } } ans += old; cout << ans << endl; } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <time.h> #include <math.h> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <map> #include <set> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <bitset> using namespace std; #define FOR(I,F,N) for(int I = F; I < (int)(N); I++) #define rep(i, n) FOR(i, 0, n) #define FIN(V) cout<<V<<endl #define pb push_back #define INF (1 << 30) typedef pair<int, int> P; typedef long long ll; typedef priority_queue<int> pq; int StrToInt(string); string IntToStr(int); int dx[4] = {1, -1, 0, 0}; int dy[4] = {0, 0, 1, -1}; int main(void){ int n; //d[0] = 1patern d[1] = 1paten d[2] = 2patern int dp[41] = {1, 1, 2}; for(int i = 3; i <= 31; i++){ dp[i] = dp[i-3] + dp[i-2] + dp[i-1]; } while(cin >> n, n) FIN(dp[n]/3650 + 1); return 0; }
#include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <set> #include <map> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> #include <cassert> #include <bitset> using namespace std; typedef pair<int, int> P; #define rep(i, n) for (int i=0; i<(n); i++) #define all(c) (c).begin(), (c).end() #define uniq(c) c.erase(unique(all(c)), (c).end()) #define index(xs, x) (int)(lower_bound(all(xs), x) - xs.begin()) #define _1 first #define _2 second #define pb push_back #define INF 1145141919 #define MOD 1000000007 inline void chmax(int &x, int v) { if (x < v) x = v; } int H, W; int EX, EY; char A[100][100]; int tate[100][100]; int yoko[100][100]; vector<vector<vector<vector<int> > > > dp; inline int f_tate(int x, int l, int r) { l = max(l, 0); r = min(r, H-1); if (x<0||x>=W||l>r) return 0; return tate[x][r]-(l>0?tate[x][l-1]:0); } inline int f_yoko(int y, int l, int r) { l = max(l, 0); r = min(r, W-1); if (y<0||y>=H||l>r) return 0; return yoko[r][y]-(l>0?yoko[l-1][y]:0); } signed main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cin >> H >> W; rep(i, H) rep(j, W) cin >> A[j][i]; rep(x, W) rep(y, H) if (A[x][y] == 'E') EX = x, EY = y; rep(x, W) rep(y, H) tate[x][y] = yoko[x][y] = A[x][y] == 'o'; rep(x, W-1) rep(y, H) yoko[x+1][y] += yoko[x][y]; rep(x, W) rep(y, H-1) tate[x][y+1] += tate[x][y]; dp.resize(W+1); rep(l, W+1) { dp[l].resize(W+1-l); rep(r, W+1-l) { dp[l][r].resize(H+1); rep(u, H+1) dp[l][r][u].resize(H+1-u, -INF); } } dp[0][0][0][0] = 0; rep(l, W) { rep(r, W-l) { rep(u, H) { rep(d, H-u) { if (dp[l][r][u][d] == -INF) continue; chmax(dp[l+1][r][u][d], dp[l][r][u][d] + ((EX-(l+1)<r)?0:f_tate(EX-(l+1), max(EY-u, d), min(EY+d, H-1-u)))); chmax(dp[l][r+1][u][d], dp[l][r][u][d] + ((EX+(r+1)>=W-l)?0:f_tate(EX+(r+1), max(EY-u, d), min(EY+d, H-1-u)))); chmax(dp[l][r][u+1][d], dp[l][r][u][d] + ((EY-(u+1)<d)?0:f_yoko(EY-(u+1), max(EX-l, r), min(EX+r, W-1-l)))); chmax(dp[l][r][u][d+1], dp[l][r][u][d] + ((EY+(d+1)>=H-u)?0:f_yoko(EY+(d+1), max(EX-l, r), min(EX+r, W-1-l)))); } } } } int m = 0; rep(l, W+1) rep(r, W+1-l) rep(u, H+1) rep(d, H+1-u) chmax(m, dp[l][r][u][d]); cout << m << "\n"; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N=110; int h,w,px,py,f[N][N][N][N],col[N][N],row[N][N]; bool mp[N][N]; void Init() { scanf("%d%d",&h,&w); for (int i=1;i<=h;++i) for (int j=1;j<=w;++j) { char ch=getchar(); while (ch!='o' && ch!='.' && ch!='E') ch=getchar(); if (ch=='E') px=i,py=j; if (ch=='o') mp[i][j]=1; else mp[i][j]=0; } } int Col(int r,int l,int x) { if (l>r) return 0; return col[r][x]-col[l][x]; } int Row(int r,int l,int x) { if (l>r) return 0; return row[x][r]-row[x][l]; } void Solve() { for (int i=1;i<=h;++i) for (int j=1;j<=w;++j) { col[i][j]=col[i-1][j]+mp[i][j]; row[i][j]=row[i][j-1]+mp[i][j]; } int ans=0; for (int a=px;a>0;--a) for (int b=px;b<=h;++b) for (int c=py;c>0;--c) for (int d=py;d<=w;++d) f[a][b][c][d]=-1e9; f[px][px][py][py]=0; for (int a=px;a>0;--a) for (int b=px;b<=h;++b) for (int c=py;c>0;--c) for (int d=py;d<=w;++d) { if (a>1 && a-1>b-px) f[a-1][b][c][d]=max(f[a-1][b][c][d],f[a][b][c][d]+Row(min(w-(py-c),d),max(c-1,d-py),a-1)); if (b<h && h-b>px-a) f[a][b+1][c][d]=max(f[a][b+1][c][d],f[a][b][c][d]+Row(min(w-(py-c),d),max(c-1,d-py),b+1)); if (c>1 && c-1>d-py) f[a][b][c-1][d]=max(f[a][b][c-1][d],f[a][b][c][d]+Col(min(h-(px-a),b),max(a-1,b-px),c-1)); if (d<w && w-d>py-c) f[a][b][c][d+1]=max(f[a][b][c][d+1],f[a][b][c][d]+Col(min(h-(px-a),b),max(a-1,b-px),d+1)); ans=max(ans,f[a][b][c][d]); } printf("%d\n",ans); } int main() { Init(); Solve(); return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long using namespace std; int main(){ int k,t; cin>>k>>t; if(t==1){ cout<<k-1<<endl; return 0; } int vec[t]; for(int i=0;i<t;i++){ cin>>vec[i]; } sort(vec,vec+t); if(vec[t-1]<=(k+1)/2){ cout<<0<<endl; return 0; } int ans=(vec[t-1]-(k+1)/2)*2; if(k%2==0){ ans--; } cout<<ans<<endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ll = long long; using vi = vector<int>; #define pb push_back #define rsz resize #define all(x) begin(x), end(x) #define sz(x) (int)(x).size() using pi = pair<int,int>; #define f first #define s second #define mp make_pair const int dx[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0}, dy[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1}; void setIO(string name = "c") { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); freopen((name+".in").c_str(), "r", stdin); freopen((name+".out").c_str(), "w", stdout); } int main() { //setIO(); ll n, m; cin >> n >> m; vector <ll> v (n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> v[i]; } ll ans = max(v[0], m) - m; v[0] -= max(v[0], m) - m; for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { ans += max(v[i] + v[i + 1], m) - m; v[i + 1] -= max(v[i] + v[i + 1], m) - m; } cout << ans << "\n"; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <utility> #include <tuple> #include <cstdint> #include <cstdio> #include <map> #include <queue> #include <set> #include <stack> #include <deque> #include <unordered_map> #include <unordered_set> #include <bitset> #include <cctype> #include <functional> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> #include <limits> #include <numeric> #include <type_traits> #include <iomanip> #include <float.h> #include <math.h> using namespace std; using ll = long long; unsigned euclidean_gcd(unsigned a, unsigned b) { if (a < b) return euclidean_gcd(b, a); unsigned r; while ((r = a % b)) { a = b; b = r; } return b; } ll ll_gcd(ll a, ll b) { if (a < b) return ll_gcd(b, a); ll r; while ((r = a % b)) { a = b; b = r; } return b; } class UnionFind { public: vector <ll> par; vector <ll> siz; UnionFind(ll sz_) : par(sz_), siz(sz_, 1LL) { for (ll i = 0; i < sz_; ++i) par[i] = i; } void init(ll sz_) { par.resize(sz_); siz.assign(sz_, 1LL); for (ll i = 0; i < sz_; ++i) par[i] = i; } ll root(ll x) { while (par[x] != x) { x = par[x] = par[par[x]]; } return x; } bool merge(ll x, ll y) { x = root(x); y = root(y); if (x == y) return false; if (siz[x] < siz[y]) swap(x, y); siz[x] += siz[y]; par[y] = x; return true; } bool issame(ll x, ll y) { return root(x) == root(y); } ll size(ll x) { return siz[root(x)]; } }; long long modpow(long long a, long long n, long long mod) { long long res = 1; while (n > 0) { if (n & 1) res = res * a % mod; a = a * a % mod; n >>= 1; } return res; } long long modinv(long long a, long long mod) { return modpow(a, mod - 2, mod); } vector<int> tpsort(vector<vector<int>>& G) { int V = G.size(); vector<int> sorted_vertices; queue<int> que; vector<int> indegree(V); for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < G[i].size(); j++) { indegree[G[i][j]]++; } } for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) { if (indegree[i] == 0) { que.push(i); } } while (que.empty() == false) { int v = que.front(); que.pop(); for (int i = 0; i < G[v].size(); i++) { int u = G[v][i]; indegree[u] -= 1; if (indegree[u] == 0) que.push(u); } sorted_vertices.push_back(v); } return sorted_vertices; } struct Point { double x; double y; }; struct LineSegment { Point start; Point end; }; double tenkyori(const LineSegment& line, const Point& point) { double x0 = point.x, y0 = point.y; double x1 = line.start.x, y1 = line.start.y; double x2 = line.end.x, y2 = line.end.y; double a = x2 - x1; double b = y2 - y1; double a2 = a * a; double b2 = b * b; double r2 = a2 + b2; double tt = -(a * (x1 - x0) + b * (y1 - y0)); if (tt < 0) return sqrt((x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0) * (y1 - y0)); else if (tt > r2) return sqrt((x2 - x0) * (x2 - x0) + (y2 - y0) * (y2 - y0)); double f1 = a * (y1 - y0) - b * (x1 - x0); return sqrt((f1 * f1) / r2); } int main() { ll m; cin >> m; ll dig = 0; ll sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { ll a, b; cin >> a >> b; dig += b; sum += a * b; } cout << dig - 1 + (sum-1) / 9 << endl; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; static const int MAX = 101; static const int INFTY = (1<<21); static const int WHITE = 0; static const int GRAY = 1; static const int BLACK = 2; int n, M[MAX][MAX]; int prim() { int u, mincost; int d[MAX], p[MAX], color[MAX]; for(int i=0; i<MAX; i++) { color[i] = WHITE; d[i] = INFTY; p[i] = -1; } d[0] = 0; while(1) { mincost = INFTY; for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { if(color[i] != BLACK && d[i] < mincost) { mincost = d[i]; u = i; } } if(mincost == INFTY) break; color[u] = BLACK; for(int v=0; v<n; v++) { if(color[v] != BLACK && M[u][v] != -1) { if(M[u][v] < d[v]) { d[v] = M[u][v]; p[v] = u; color[v] = GRAY; } } } } int sum = 0; for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { if(p[i] != -1) sum += M[i][p[i]]; } return sum; } int main() { cin >> n; int e; for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { for(int j=0; j<n; j++) { cin >> e; if(e == -1) M[i][j] = INFTY; else M[i][j] = e; } } cout << prim() << endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int n,a; int max = -10000000,min = 10000000; long sum=0; cin >> n; for(int i=0;i<n;++i){ cin >> a; if(max<a){ max = a; } if(min>a){ min = a; } sum += a; } cout << min << " " << max << " " << sum << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define PB push_back #define F first #define S second #define MP make_pair #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end() #define watch(x) cout<<#x<<" : "<<x<<endl #define tr(container, it) for(typeof(container.begin()) it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); it++) #define testCases int tt;cin>>tt; while(tt--) #define fastio ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0) typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int, int> pii; typedef pair<int, pii> piii; typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<vector<int>> vvi; typedef vector<pair<int, int>> vpii; typedef vector<string> vs; int main() { fastio; int n; cin >> n; set<int> s; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int temp; cin >> temp; s.insert(temp); } if (s.size() == n) { cout << "YES" << endl; } else { cout << "NO" << endl; } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (int)(n); i++) using namespace std; struct point{int x;int y;}; int i,j,k,count1=0,count2=0; int main(){ int n; string a,b,c; cin>>n>>a>>b>>c; int ans=0; rep(i,n){ if(a[i]==b[i]&&a[i]==c[i])continue; if(a[i]==b[i]||a[i]==c[i]||b[i]==c[i])ans++; else ans+=2; } cout<<ans<<endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int a, b, c; cin >> a >> b >> c; if (a==b && b!=c){ std::cout << "Yes" << std::endl; } else if (a==c && b!=c){ std::cout << "Yes" << std::endl; } else if (b==c && b!=a){ std::cout << "Yes" << std::endl; } else{std::cout << "No" << std::endl;} }
#include<iostream> #include<climits> using namespace std; // 完成版。 int tree[(1 << 18)]; void Update(int s, int t, int m, int left = 0, int right = (1 << 17), int key = 0){ if(t < left || right <= s) return; if(s <= left && right - 1 <= t){ tree[key] = max(tree[key], m); return; } Update(s, t, m, left, (left + right) / 2, 2 * key + 1); Update(s, t, m, (left + right) / 2, right, 2 * key + 2); } int Find(int i){ i += (1 << 17) - 1; int m = tree[i]; while(i){ i = (i - 1) / 2; m = max(tree[i], m); }; return m; } int main(){ int i; for(i = 0; i < (1 << 18); i++) tree[i] = 0; int n, q; int x[100000]; for(i = 0; i < 100000; i++) x[i] = INT_MAX; int s, t, value, m; m = 1; cin >> n >> q; int query; while(q){ q--; cin >> query; if(query){ cin >> i; cout << x[Find(i)] << endl; }else{ cin >> s >> t >> value; x[m] = value; Update(s, t, m); m++; } }; return 0; }
#include<stdio.h> int x; int d[11]; int i,j; int main(){ while(scanf("%d,",&x)!=EOF){ d[0]=0; d[1]=d[0]+x; for(i=0;i<9;i++){ scanf("%d,",&x); d[i+2]=d[i+1]+x; } int v1,v2; scanf("%d,%d",&v1,&v2); double p; int ans; p=(double)(d[10]*v1)/(v1+v2); for(i=0;i<10;i++){ if(p>d[i]&&p<=d[i+1]){ ans=i; break; } } printf("%d\n",ans+1); } }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i,N) for(int i=0;i<N;i++) #define rep2(i,N) for(int i=1;i<=N;i++) using namespace std; long long INF=1e18; long long mod=1e9+7; //status unsolved int main(){ int n; cin>>n; long long a[n+1]; rep2(i,n){ cin>>a[i]; } a[0]=-1; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ if(a[i]>a[i-1]+1){ cout<<"-1"<<endl; return 0; } } long long ans=0; for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){ if(a[i-1]+1==a[i]){ ans++; //cout<<"?"; } else{ ans+=a[i]; //cout<<"!"; } } cout<<ans<<endl; return 0; } /* */
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; const int MAX = 1000000; //flagを用いたバブルソート int bubbleSort(int A[], int N){ int sw = 0; bool flag = 1; for(int i = 0; flag; i++){ flag = 0; for(int j = N - 1; j >= i + 1; j--){ if(A[j] < A[j - 1]){ //隣接要素を交換する swap(A[j], A[j - 1]); flag = 1; sw++; } } } return sw; } int main(){ int A[100], N, sw; cin >> N; for(int i = 0;i < N; i++) cin >> A[i]; sw = bubbleSort(A, N); for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){ if(i) cout << " "; cout << A[i]; } cout << endl; cout << sw << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ll = long long; constexpr ll MOD = 1000000007; #define REP(i, n) for (ll i = 0; i < (n); i++) #define REP2(i, x, n) for (ll i = x; i < (n); i++) #define PR(x) cout << (x) << "\n" #define PS(x) cout << (x) << " " const long long INF = numeric_limits<long long>::max(); int main() { ll N; cin >> N; ll sum = 0; for (ll i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { if (i % 3 == 0) continue; if (i % 5 == 0) continue; sum += i; } PR(sum); return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long int ll; typedef pair<int, int> P; int main() { string s; cin >> s; if(s[0] != 'A' || isupper(s[1]) || isupper(s[s.size() - 1])){ cout << "WA" << endl; return 0; } bool isFoundC = false; for(int i = 2; i < s.size() - 1; i++){ if(!isFoundC && s[i] == 'C') isFoundC = true; else if(s[i] == 'C'){ cout << "WA" << endl; return 0; }else if(isupper(s[i])){ cout << "WA" << endl; return 0; } } cout << (isFoundC ? "AC" : "WA") << endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b,c=0,d=0,e=0; cin >> a >> b; c += a+b; d += a-b; e += a*b; cout << max(c,max(d,e)) << endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int A, B; cin >> A >> B; int S = A + B; int T = A - B; int U = A * B; if (S >= T && S >= U) { cout << S << endl; } else if (T >= S && T >= U) { cout << T << endl; } else { cout << U << endl; } }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <string.h> #include <vector> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; vector<string> split(const string &str, char delim){ vector<string> res; size_t current = 0, found; while((found = str.find_first_of(delim, current)) != string::npos){ res.push_back(string(str, current, found - current)); current = found + 1; } res.push_back(string(str, current, str.size() - current)); return res; } int main() { string s; while(cin >> s) { vector<string> _s = split(s,','); int *values = new int[11]; double *v = new double[2]; for(int i=0;i<11;i++) { if(i == 0) { values[i] = 0; } else { values[i] = std::atoi(_s[i-1].c_str()) + values[i-1]; } } for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { v[i] = std::atoi(_s[i+10].c_str()); } double temp = v[0] / (v[0]+v[1]); temp *= values[10]; bool flag = true; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { if(values[i] <= temp && temp <= values[i+1] && flag) { cout << i+1 << endl; flag = false; } } } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define fi first #define se second #define rep(i, s, n) for (int i = (s); i < (n); ++i) #define rrep(i, n, g) for (int i = (n)-1; i >= (g); --i) #define all(a) a.begin(), a.end() #define rall(a) a.rbegin(), a.rend() #define len(x) (int)(x).size() #define dup(x, y) (((x) + (y)-1) / (y)) #define pb push_back #define Field(T) vector<vector<T>> using namespace std; using ll = long long; using P = pair<int, int>; int main() { int n; cin >> n; cout << n / 3 << endl; }
#include <iostream> // cout, endl, cin #include <string> // string, to_string, stoi #include <vector> // vector #include <algorithm> // min, max, swap, sort, reverse, lower_bound, upper_bound #include <utility> // pair, make_pair #include <tuple> // tuple, make_tuple #include <cstdint> // int64_t, int*_t #include <cstdio> // printf #include <map> // map #include <queue> // queue, priority_queue #include <set> // set #include <stack> // stack #include <deque> // deque #include <unordered_map> // unordered_map #include <unordered_set> // unordered_set #include <bitset> // bitset #include <cctype> // isupper, islower, isdigit, toupper, tolower #include <cmath> #include <math.h> // sqrt() #include <iomanip> #define rep(i , n) for (int i = 1; i <= (int)(n); i++) #define repz(i , n) for (int i = 0; i < (int) n; i++) #define repi(i , r, n) for (int i = r; i <= (int)(n); i++) #define repd(i , r, n) for (int i = r; i >= (int)(n); i--) using namespace std; int main(){ int n; cin >> n; int64_t A[n]; int64_t B[n]; int64_t C[n]; repz( i , n) cin >> A[i]; repz( i , n) cin >> B[i]; repz( i , n) cin >> C[i]; sort(A, A + n); sort(C, C + n); int64_t ans = 0; int64_t a = 0; int64_t c = 0; for ( int64_t i : B){ a = lower_bound(A, A + n, i ) - A ; c = upper_bound(C, C + n , i) - C; ans += a * (n - c); } cout << ans << endl; }
// Problem : C - Snuke Festival // Contest : AtCoder - AtCoder Beginner Contest 077 // URL : // Memory Limit : 256 MB // Time Limit : 2000 ms // Powered by CP Editor ( //#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") //#pragma GCC optimize ("unroll-loops") //#pragma GCC target("avx,avx2,fma") #include<bits/stdc++.h> #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp> #include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp> #define eb emplace_back #define pb push_back #define size(s) (int)s.size() #define int long long #define vi vector<int> #define vs vector<string> #define vv vector<vector<int>> #define pii pair<int,int> #define m_p(x,y) make_pair(x,y) #define vp vector<pair<int,int>> #define setbits(x) __builtin_popcountll(x) #define f first #define se second #define inc(v,n,x) v.assign(n,x) #define incd(v,n) v.resize(n) #define iniz(n) memset(n,0,sizeof(n)) #define inin(n) memset(n,-1,sizeof(n)) #define inimi(n) memset(n,0xc0,sizeof(n)) #define inima(n) memset(n,0x3f,sizeof(n)) #define all(v) (v).begin(),(v).end() using namespace std; template<typename T1,typename T2>istream &operator>>(istream &is, vector<pair<T1,T2>> &v) { for (pair<T1,T2> &t : v) is >> t.f>>; return is; } template<typename T>istream &operator>>(istream &is, vector<T> &v) { for (T &t : v) is >> t; return is; } template<typename T>ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const vector<T> &v) { for (const T &t : v) {os << t <<" ";} os << '\n'; return os; } const int N=200001; double pi=acos(-1.0); int md=1e9+7; const int INF=1e15; int dx1[]={0,0,-1,1}; int dy1[]={1,-1,0,0}; template<class T> T abst(T a) {return a<0?-a:a;} template<class T> T max2(T a,T b){return a>b?a:b;} template<class T> T min2(T a,T b){return a<b?a:b;} void solve() { int n;cin>>n; vi a(n),b(n),c(n);cin>>a>>b>>c; sort(all(a)); sort(all(b)); sort(all(c)); int ans=0; int suff[n]; for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { int ind=upper_bound(all(c),b[i])-c.begin(); if(i==n-1) { suff[n-1]=n-ind; } else { suff[i]=n-ind; suff[i]+=suff[i+1]; } } for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { int ind=upper_bound(all(b),a[i])-b.begin(); if(ind<n) ans+=suff[ind]; } cout<<ans; } int32_t main(){ ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(NULL);cout.tie(NULL); int t=1; //cin>>t; for(int i=1;i<=t;i++) { solve(); } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int dx[]={1,0,0,-1,1,-1,-1,1,2,0,-2,0}; const int dy[]={0,1,-1,0,1,1,-1,-1,0,2,0,-2}; const int INF = 1<<30; const double EPS = 1e-8; #define PB push_back #define mk make_pair #define fr first #define sc second #define reps(i,j,k) for(int i = (j); i < (k); ++i) #define rep(i,j) reps(i,0,j) #define MOD 1000000007 #define lengthof(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*(x))) typedef pair<int,int> Pii; typedef pair<int,Pii > P; typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<vi> vvi; typedef long long ll; int main(){ int e; while(scanf("%d",&e),e){ int ans = INF; rep(y,1001){ rep(z,101){ int Y = y*y; int Z = z*z*z; if(Y+Z > e)continue; ans = min(ans,e-Y-Z+y+z); } } printf("%d\n",ans); } return 0; }
#include <algorithm> #include <bitset> #include <complex> #include <deque> #include <exception> #include <fstream> #include <functional> #include <iomanip> #include <ios> #include <iosfwd> #include <iostream> #include <istream> #include <iterator> #include <limits> #include <list> #include <locale> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <new> #include <numeric> #include <ostream> #include <queue> #include <set> #include <sstream> #include <stack> #include <stdexcept> #include <streambuf> #include <string> #include <typeinfo> #include <utility> #include <valarray> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstring> #define rep(i, m, n) for(int i=int(m);i<int(n);i++) #define all(c) begin(c),end(c) template<typename T1, typename T2> inline void chmin(T1 &a, T2 b) { if (a > b) a = b; } template<typename T1, typename T2> inline void chmax(T1 &a, T2 b) { if (a < b) a = b; } //改造 typedef long long int ll; using namespace std; #define INF (1 << 30) - 1 #define INFl (ll)5e15 #define DEBUG 0 //デバッグする時1にしてね #define dump(x) cerr << #x << " = " << (x) << endl #define MOD 1000000007 //ここから編集する class Solve { public: void input() { } void solve() { input(); int e; cin >> e; if (e == 0) return; int m = INF; for (int y = 0; y * y <= e; ++y) { for(int z = 0; z * z * z <= e; ++z){ int x = e - y * y - z * z * z; if(x >= 0 && m > x + y + z) m = x + y + z; } } cout << m << endl; solve(); } }; int main() { cin.tie(0); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cout << fixed << setprecision(10); Solve().solve(); return 0; }
// #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<vector> #include<string> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath> #include<set> #include<map> #include<queue> #define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++) #define exf(x) for(auto&& tmp : x) { cout << tmp << endl; } // 拡張for #define testP cout << "------------------ test ------------------" << endl; // 動作確認テスト #define testX(x) cout << "testout : " << x << endl; // テストアウト typedef long long ll; using namespace std; const int MOD{ int(1e9 + 7) }; // = 1000000007 const int inf{ 2100000000 }; // = 2100000000 (MAX:2147483647) // ------------------ ベクター表示 ------------------ // void printVec(vector<int>& vec) { cout << ""; for (auto it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); it++) cout << *it << " "; cout << endl; } // ------------------ ベクター合計 ------------------ // int sumVec(vector<int> v) { int sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) sum += v[i]; return sum; } // -------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------ ここから本編 ------------------ // // -------------------------------------------------- // int main(void) { int H, W; cin >> H >> W; queue<pair<int, int>> que; pair<int, int> end_pair; static char maze[1000][1000]; fill(maze[0], maze[1000], '-'); rep(y, H) { rep(x, W) { cin >> maze[y][x]; if (maze[y][x] == '#') { que.push(make_pair(y, x)); end_pair = que.back(); } } } // ---------- int dx[4] = { 1,0,-1,0 }, dy[4] = { 0,1,0,-1 }; int ans = 0; while (!que.empty()) { pair<int,int> tmp = que.front(); que.pop(); rep(i, 4) { int nextY = tmp.first + dy[i], nextX = tmp.second + dx[i]; if (nextY < 0 || nextY >= H || nextX < 0 || nextX >= W) continue; if (maze[nextY][nextX] == '#') continue; maze[nextY][nextX] = '#'; que.push(make_pair(nextY, nextX)); } if (tmp == end_pair) { ans++; if (!que.empty()) end_pair = que.back(); } } cout << ans - 1 << endl; return 0; }
#include "bits/stdc++.h" #define rep(i,n) for (int i=0; i<(n); ++i) using namespace std; using ll =long long; using P =pair<int,int>; int main(){ int h,w; cin >> h >> w; vector <vector <int>> m(h, vector <int> (w,3000)); queue <vector <int>> q; int ans=0; string s,s2; vector <int> s3(3,0); rep(i,h){ cin >> s; rep(j,w){ s2=s[j]; if(s2=="#"){ s3[0]=i; s3[1]=j; q.push(s3); m[i][j]=0; } } } int x,y,z; vector <int> xyz,pu(3); while(q.size()!=0){ xyz=q.front(); q.pop(); ans=max(ans,xyz[2]); m[xyz[0]][xyz[1]]=xyz[2]; if(xyz[0]!=0){ if(m[xyz[0]-1][xyz[1]]>xyz[2]+1){ pu[0]=xyz[0]-1; pu[1]=xyz[1]; pu[2]=xyz[2]+1; q.push(pu); m[xyz[0]-1][xyz[1]]=pu[2]; } } if(xyz[0]!=h-1){ if(m[xyz[0]+1][xyz[1]]>xyz[2]+1){ pu[0]=xyz[0]+1; pu[1]=xyz[1]; pu[2]=xyz[2]+1; q.push(pu); m[xyz[0]+1][xyz[1]]=pu[2]; } } if(xyz[1]!=0){ if(m[xyz[0]][xyz[1]-1]>xyz[2]+1){ pu[0]=xyz[0]; pu[1]=xyz[1]-1; pu[2]=xyz[2]+1; q.push(pu); m[xyz[0]][xyz[1]-1]=pu[2]; } } if(xyz[1]!=w-1){ if(m[xyz[0]][xyz[1]+1]>xyz[2]+1){ pu[0]=xyz[0]; pu[1]=xyz[1]+1; pu[2]=xyz[2]+1; q.push(pu); m[xyz[0]][xyz[1]+1]=pu[2]; } } } cout << ans << endl; return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #include<stack> #include<map> #include<set> #include<queue> #include<cstdio> #include<climits> #include<cmath> #include<cstring> #include<string> #include<sstream> #include<numeric> #include<cassert> #define f first #define s second #define mp make_pair #define REP(i,n) for(int i=0; i<(int)(n); i++) #define rep(i,s,n) for(int i=(s); i<(int)(n); i++) #define FOR(i,c) for(__typeof((c).begin()) i=(c).begin(); i!=(c).end(); i++) #define ALL(c) (c).begin(), (c).end() #define IN(x,s,g) ((x) >= (s) && (x) < (g)) #define ISIN(x,y,w,h) (IN((x),0,(w)) && IN((y),0,(h))) #define print(x) printf("%d\n",x) using namespace std; typedef unsigned int uint; typedef long long ll; const int _dx[] = {0,1,0,-1}; const int _dy[] = {-1,0,1,0}; int getInt(){ int ret = 0,c; c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); while(isdigit(c)){ ret *= 10; ret += c - '0'; c = getchar(); } return ret; } int main(){ int n, m; while((n = getInt()) + (m = getInt())){ vector<int> v(n); int ans = 0; REP(i,n) v[i] = getInt(); sort(v.rbegin(), v.rend()); REP(i,n) if(i % m != (m - 1)) ans += v[i]; print(ans); } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ll=long long; using ull=unsigned long long; using pii=pair<int,int>; #define INF LONG_MAX #define MOD 1000000007 #define rng(a) a.begin(),a.end() #define rrng(a) a.end(),a.begin() #define endl "\n" int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); int N,K; cin>>N>>K; vector<int>A(N); for(int i=0;i<N;i++)cin>>A[i]; for(int i=0;i<K;i++){ vector<int>B(N,0); for(int j=0;j<N;j++){ int l=max(0,j-A[j]); int r=min(N,j+A[j]+1); B[l]++; if(r<N)B[r]--; } for(int i=0;i<N-1;i++)B[i+1]+=B[i]; A=B; bool ok=true; for(auto it:A)if(it!=N)ok=false; if(ok)break; } for(auto it:A)cout<<it<<" "; cout<<endl; return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define MAX_V 100 #define MAX_E 10000 #define INF 2000000001 struct edge{int from,to,cost;}; edge es[MAX_E]; //辺 int ds[MAX_V]; //最短距離 int V,E; //頂点数、辺数 int d[MAX_V][MAX_V]; //d[u][v]はe=(u,v)のコスト(存在しなければINF、d[i][i]は0) void warshall_floyd(){ for(int k=0;k<V;k++) for(int i=0;i<V;i++) for(int j=0;j<V;j++){ if(d[i][k]!=INF&&d[k][j]!=INF) d[i][j]=min(d[i][j],d[i][k]+d[k][j]); } } bool find_negative_loop(){ memset(ds,0,sizeof(ds)); for(int i=0;i<V;i++){ for(int j=0;j<E;j++){ edge e=es[j]; if(ds[]>ds[e.from]+e.cost){ ds[]=ds[e.from]+e.cost; if(i==V-1)return true; } } } return false; } int main(){ cin>>V>>E; for(int i=0;i<V;i++) for(int j=0;j<V;j++){ if(i==j)d[i][j]=0; else d[i][j]=INF; } for(int i=0;i<E;i++){ cin>>es[i].from>>es[i].to>>es[i].cost; d[es[i].from][es[i].to]=es[i].cost; } if(find_negative_loop())cout<<"NEGATIVE CYCLE"<<endl; else { warshall_floyd(); for(int i=0;i<V;i++){ for(int j=0;j<V;j++){ if(j)cout<<" "; if(d[i][j]==INF)cout<<"INF"; else cout<<d[i][j]; } cout<<endl; } } return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define int long long const int mxn=2e5+3,du=1e9+7; int m,n; signed main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); cin>>m>>n; map<int,int> mp; multiset<int> s; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) mp[i]=i,s.insert(0); for (int i=1;i<=m;i++) { int l,r; cin>>l>>r; auto it=mp.lower_bound(l); int mx=0; while(it!=mp.end()&&it->first<=r) { mx=max(mx,it->second); int dis=(it->first)-(it->second); s.erase(s.find(dis)); mp.erase(it++); } if (mx!=0&&r<n&&mp.find(r+1)==mp.end()) { mp[r+1]=mx; s.insert(r+1-mx); } // cout<<"DM"; if (s.size()) cout<<(*s.begin())+i<<"\n"; else cout<<-1<<"\n"; } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define REP(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (n); i++) using namespace std; const int a[3] = {0, 1, 2}; const int b[3] = {1, 2, 0}; const int c[3] = {2, 0, 1}; int main() { cin.tie(0)->sync_with_stdio(false); int n; cin >> n; vector<vector<char> > s(3, vector<char>(n)); REP(i, 3) REP(j, n) cin >> s[i][j]; int cnt = 0; REP(j, n) { REP(i, 3) if (s[a[i]][j] == s[b[i]][j] && s[b[i]][j] != s[c[i]][j]) cnt++; if (s[0][j] != s[1][j] && s[0][j] != s[2][j] && s[1][j] != s[2][j]) cnt += 2; } cout << cnt << '\n'; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int n; string a,b,c; cin >> n >> a >> b >> c; int cnt = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(a[i] == b[i] && b[i] != c[i]){ cnt++; }else if(a[i] == c[i] && b[i] != c[i]){ cnt++; }else if(c[i] == b[i] && a[i] != c[i]){ cnt++; }else if(a[i] != b[i] && b[i] != c[i] && c[i] != a[i]){ cnt += 2; } } cout << cnt << endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <queue> using namespace std; int main(){ int N; cin >> N; vector<queue<int>> Q(N + 1); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < N - 1; j++){ int A; cin >> A; A--; Q[i].push(A); } Q[i].push(N); } Q[N].push(N); int ans = 0; int cnt = N * (N - 1); bool ok = true; vector<int> upd; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){ upd.push_back(i); } while (cnt > 0){ ans++; vector<int> upd2; for (int i : upd){ if (Q[Q[i].front()].front() == i && Q[i].front() > i){ upd2.push_back(i); upd2.push_back(Q[i].front()); } } for (int i : upd2){ Q[i].pop(); cnt--; } if (upd2.empty()){ ok = false; break; } } if (!ok){ cout << -1 << endl; } else { cout << ans << endl; } }
#include<iostream> #include<vector> using namespace std; int main(){ int n; cin>>n; vector<vector<pair<int,int>>> v(n,vector<pair<int,int>>()); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ int a; cin>>a; for(int j=0;j<a;j++){ int x,y; cin>>x>>y; x--; v[i].push_back(make_pair(x,y)); } } int ans=0; for(int i=0;i<(1<<n);i++){ int c=0; vector<bool> f(n,false); for(int j=0;j<n;j++){ if(i&(1<<j)){ f[j]=true; c++; } } bool ok=true; for(int j=0;j<n;j++){ if(f[j]){ for(auto p : v[j]){ if(p.second==1 && !f[p.first]) ok=false; if(p.second==0 && f[p.first]) ok=false; } } } if(ok) ans=max(ans,c); } cout<<ans<<endl; }
#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int V; vector<int>G[10000],rG[10000],vs; bool used[10000]; int cmp[10000]; void add_edge(int from,int to){ G[from].push_back(to); rG[to].push_back(from); } void dfs(int v){ used[v]=true; for(int i=0;i<G[v].size();i++){ if(!used[G[v][i]])dfs(G[v][i]); } vs.push_back(v); } void rdfs(int v,int k){ used[v]=true; cmp[v]=k; for(int i=0;i<rG[v].size();i++){ if(!used[rG[v][i]])rdfs(rG[v][i],k); } } int scc(void){ fill(used,used+V,0); vs.clear(); for(int v=0;v<V;v++)if(!used[v])dfs(v); fill(used,used+V,0); int k=0; for(int i=vs.size()-1;i>=0;i--){ if(!used[vs[i]])rdfs(vs[i],k++); } return k; } int main(void){ int m,q,a,b; cin >> V >> m; for(int i=0;i<m;i++){ cin >> a >> b; add_edge(a,b); } scc(); cin >> q; for(int i=0;i<q;i++){ cin >> a >> b; cout << (cmp[a]==cmp[b]) << endl; } return 0; }
#include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <utility> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; typedef pair<int, int> P; const int INF = 1000000000; int main() { int n, m; int d[512]; vector<int> f[512]; while (scanf("%d %d", &n, &m), n != 0){ for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) f[i].clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){ int a, b; scanf("%d %d", &a, &b); f[a].push_back(b); f[b].push_back(a); } fill(d + 1, d + n + 1, INF); priority_queue<P, vector<P>, greater<P> > q; q.push(P(0, 1)); d[1] = 0; while (!q.empty()){ P p =; q.pop(); if (d[p.second] < p.first) continue; for (int i = 0; i < f[p.second].size(); i++){ int v = f[p.second][i]; if (d[v] > d[p.second] + 1){ d[v] = d[p.second] + 1; q.push(P(d[v], v)); } } } int cnt = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){ cnt += (d[i] == 1 || d[i] == 2); } printf("%d\n", cnt); } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; cin >> a >> b; int mn = max(-1000000,b-a+1); int mx = min(1000000,b+a-1); cout << mn; for(int i = mn+1;i<mx+1;i++) cout << " " << i ; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i,x,y) for(int i=x,i##end=y;i<=i##end;++i) #define _rep(i,x,y) for(int i=x,i##end=y;i>=i##end;--i) #define N 4005 int n,k,c[N][N],pw[N]; const int mod=998244353; inline void reduce(int&x){x-=mod,x+=x>>31&mod;} inline int upd(int x){return reduce(x),x;} inline void init(int n=4000){ pw[0]=c[0][0]=1; rep(i,1,n){ c[i][0]=c[i][i]=1; rep(j,1,i-1) c[i][j]=upd(c[i-1][j]+c[i-1][j-1]); } rep(i,1,n) pw[i]=upd(pw[i-1]<<1); } inline int solve(int A,int B,int C,int ret=0){ if(B<0) return 0; rep(i,std::max(0,1-B),std::min(A,C)) (ret+=1ll*c[A][i]*pw[i]%mod*c[B+C-1][B+i-1]%mod)%=mod; return ret; } int main(){ std::cin>>k>>n; init(); rep(i,2,k<<1){ int l=std::max(i-k,1),r=std::min(i-1,k); int now=r-l+1,ret=0; if(now<0) now=0; if(i&1) ret=solve(now>>1,k-now,n); else ret=upd(solve(now-1>>1,k-now,n)+solve(now-1>>1,k-now,n-1)); std::cout<<ret<<'\n'; } return 0; }
/* HARD WORK FOREVER PAYS */ #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define f first #define s second #define turbo(){ \ ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); \ cin.tie(NULL); \ } using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int,int> PII; typedef unsigned long long int ull; vector<ull> allPrimes; void sieve(int n) { vector<bool> prime(n+1, true); for (int p=2; p*p<=n; p++) { if (prime[p] == true) { for (int i=p*2; i<=n; i += p) prime[i] = false; } } for (int p=2; p<=n; p++) if (prime[p]) allPrimes.push_back(p); } ull factorialDivisors(ull n) { sieve(n); ull result = 1; for (int i=0; i < allPrimes.size(); i++) { ull p = allPrimes[i]; ull exp = 0; while (p <= n) { exp = exp + (n/p); p = p*allPrimes[i]; } result = result*(exp+1)%1000000007; } return result; } int main() { int n; cin>>n; cout << factorialDivisors(n)<<endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <complex> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <numeric> #include <cstring> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> #include <set> #include <map> #include <unordered_map> #include <unordered_set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <bitset> #include <cassert> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <deque> #include <random> #include <iomanip> #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++) using namespace std; typedef long long int ll; typedef long double ld; typedef pair<ll,ll> P; typedef pair<P,P> PP; const ll MOD=1000000007; const ll MAX_N=500010; const ll INF=4999999996000000001; int main(){ int n; cin>>n; map<int,ll> mp; for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){ int m=i; for(int j=2;j*j<=m;j++){ while(m%j==0){ mp[j]++; m/=j; } } if(m>1) mp[m]++; } ll ans=1; for(auto p:mp){ ans*=p.second+1; ans%=MOD; } cout<<ans<<endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(void){ int a, b, c, d, in; cin >> in; a = in / 1000; b = in % 1000 / 100; c = in % 1000 % 100 / 10; d = in % 1000 % 100 % 10; vector<char> op(3); if (a + b + c + d == 7) { op[0] = '+'; op[1] = '+'; op[2] = '+'; } else if (a + b + c - d == 7) { op[0] = '+'; op[1] = '+'; op[2] = '-'; } else if (a + b - c + d == 7) { op[0] = '+'; op[1] = '-'; op[2] = '+'; } else if (a - b + c + d == 7) { op[0] = '-'; op[1] = '+'; op[2] = '+'; } else if (a + b - c - d == 7) { op[0] = '+'; op[1] = '-'; op[2] = '-'; } else if (a - b + c - d == 7) { op[0] = '-'; op[1] = '+'; op[2] = '-'; } else if (a - b - c + d == 7) { op[0] = '-'; op[1] = '-'; op[2] = '+'; } else if (a - b - c - d == 7) { op[0] = '-'; op[1] = '-'; op[2] = '-'; } cout << a << op[0] << b << op[1] << c << op[2] << d << "=7\n"; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define pi 3.14159 using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const LL MOD = 1e9 + 7; const int N = 1e5 + 7, M = 1e7, OO = 0x3f3f3f3f; #define AC ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0); cin.sync_with_stdio(0); int main() { LL n,i,maxi,mini=OO; scanf("%lld",&n); for(i=1;i*i<=n;++i){ if(n%i==0){ LL num1=i,num2=n/i,counter1=0,counter2=0; while(num1){ num1/=10; counter1++; } while(num2){ num2/=10; counter2++; } maxi=max(counter1,counter2); mini=min(mini,maxi); } } printf("%lld",mini); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <deque> #include <algorithm> #include <set> #include <map> #include <bitset> #include <cmath> #include <functional> #include <iomanip> #define vll vector<ll> #define vvvl vector<vvl> #define vvl vector<vector<ll>> #define VV(a, b, c, d) vector<vector<d> >(a, vector<d>(b, c)) #define VVV(a, b, c, d) vector<vvl>(a, vvl(b, vll (c, d))); #define re(c, b) for(ll c=0;c<b;c++) #define all(obj) (obj).begin(), (obj).end() typedef long long int ll; typedef long double ld; using namespace std; ll solve(ll d, string s){ ll ans = 0; ll m = s.size(); vll t(18, 1); for(int i=1;i<18;i++) t[i] = (t[i-1]*10); //std::cout << s << '\n'; for(int i=0;i<(1<<(m/2));i++){ ll num = 0, cnt = 1; //bitset<5> b(i); //std::cout << b << '\n'; for(int j=0;j<m/2;j++){ ll l = m - 1 - j, r = j; string tmp = to_string(num); ll x = (tmp.size()<=j?0:tmp[tmp.size()-1-j] - '0'); ll y = (s.size()<=j?0:s[s.size()-1-j] - '0'); if((i>>j)&1){ //加算 ll z = (y - x + 10)%10, ad; if(z==0){ ad = 0; cnt *= 10-(j==0); }else{ ll L = 10 - z; ad = L * t[l] - L*t[r]; cnt *= (10 - L) - (j==0); num += ad; } }else{ //減算 ll z = (y-x+10)%10, sb; if(z==0){ sb = 0; cnt *= 0; }else{ ll L = z; sb = L*t[l] - L*t[r]; cnt *= (10 - L) - (j==0); num -= sb; } } //std::cout << num << " " << cnt << '\n'; } if(num==d) ans += cnt; } if(m%2) ans *= 10; return ans; } int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { ll d;std::cin >> d; string k = to_string(d); ll ret = 0; for(int i=0;i+k.size()<=18;i++){ string ad(i, '0'); ret += solve(d, ad + k); } std::cout << ret << '\n'; return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i, l, r) for(int i = (l), i##end = (r);i <= i##end;++i) using std::cin; using std::cout; const int maxn = 200200; typedef long long ll; const int mod = 998244353; inline ll pow(ll a,int b,int ans = 1) { for(;b;b >>= 1,a = a * a % mod) if(b & 1) ans = ans * a % mod; return ans; } inline ll inverse(int x){ return pow(x, mod - 2); } int n, d; ll pw[maxn], t; std::unordered_map<ll, ll> map[100]; inline ll dfs(int high,int can,ll rem) { if(high <= 0) return !rem * (high == 0 ? 10 : 1); if(!can && map[high].count(rem)) return map[high][rem]; ll & ans = can ? t = 0 : map[high][rem]; for(int i = can;i < 10;++i) { for(int j = 0;j < 10;++j) { ll v = rem + (pw[high] - 1) / 9 * (j - i); ans += v % 10 ? 0 : dfs(high - 2, 0, v / 10); } } return ans; } int main() { rep(i, 1, 20) map[i].rehash(1e5 + 7); *pw = 1; for(int i = 1;i < 19;++i) pw[i] = pw[i - 1] * 10; cin >> d; if(d % 9) { cout << 0 << '\n'; return 0; } ll ans = 0; for(n = 1;n < 19;++n) { ans += dfs(n, 1, -d / 9); } cout << ans << '\n'; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using pii = pair<int, int>; int main(){ long long int n, m; cin >> n >> m; vector<int> d(n, 0); vector<vector<int>> E(n); for(int i=0;i<m;i++){ int a, b; cin >> a >> b; a--;b--; E[a].emplace_back(b); E[b].emplace_back(a); } vector<bool> visited(n, false); function<void(int)> dfs = [&](int cur){ visited[cur] = true; for(auto&& to:E[cur]){ if (!visited[to]){ d[to] = d[cur] + 1; dfs(to); } } }; dfs(0); bool is_digraph = true; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ for(auto&& t:E[i]){ if(!((d[i]^d[t])&1)){ is_digraph = false; } } } // cerr << is_digraph << endl; // for(auto&& r:d)cerr << r << " "; // cerr << endl; if(is_digraph){ long long int even = 0; for(auto&& r:d)even += (r % 2 == 0); cout << even * (n - even) - m << endl; }else{ cout << n * (n - 1) / 2 - m << endl; } }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG using namespace std; using ll = long long; using vec = vector<ll>; using vect = vector<double>; using Graph = vector<vector<ll>>; #define loop(i, n) for (ll i = 0; i < n; i++) #define Loop(i, m, n) for (ll i = m; i < n; i++) #define pool(i, n) for (ll i = n; i >= 0; i--) #define Pool(i, m, n) for (ll i = n; i >= m; i--) #define mod 1000000007ll //#define mod 998244353ll #define flagcount __builtin_popcount #define flag(x) (1ll << x) #define flagadd(bit, x) bit |= flag(x) #define flagpop(bit, x) bit &= ~flag(x) #define flagon(bit, i) bit &flag(i) #define flagoff(bit, i) !(bit & (1ll << i)) #define all(v) v.begin(), v.end() #define low2way(v, x) lower_bound(all(v), x) #define high2way(v, x) upper_bound(all(v), x) #define idx_lower(v, x) (distance(v.begin(), low2way(v, x))) //配列vでx未満の要素数を返す #define idx_upper(v, x) (distance(v.begin(), high2way(v, x))) //配列vでx以下の要素数を返す #define idx_lower2(v, x) (v.size() - idx_lower(v, x)) //配列vでx以上の要素数を返す #define idx_upper2(v, x) (v.size() - idx_upper(v, x)) //配列vでxより大きい要素の数を返す #define putout(a) cout << a << endl #define Gput(a, b) G[a].push_back(b) #define Sum(v) accumulate(all(v), 0ll) #define gcd(x, y) __gcd(x, y) ll ctoi(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return c - '0'; } return 0; } template <typename T> T lcm(T x, T y) { T z = gcd(x, y); return x * y / z; } template <typename T> bool primejudge(T n) { if (n < 2) return false; else if (n == 2) return true; else if (n % 2 == 0) return false; double sqrtn = sqrt(n); for (T i = 3; i < sqrtn + 1; i++) { if (n % i == 0) { return false; } i++; } return true; } //場合によって使い分ける //const ll dx[4]={1,0,-1,0}; //const ll dy[4]={0,1,0,-1}; const ll dx[8] = {1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1}; const ll dy[8] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1}; //2次元配列の宣言 //vector<vector<ll>> field(h, vector<ll>(w)); Graph G; //始点sからS回以内の移動でたどりつける町を探索 void bfs(vec &dist, ll s) { queue<ll> que; dist[s] = 0; que.push(s); while (!que.empty()) { ll v = que.front(); que.pop(); for (auto next_v : G[v]) { if (dist[next_v] != -1) continue; dist[next_v] = dist[v] + 1; que.push(next_v); } } } int main() { cout << fixed << setprecision(30); ll N; ll x, y; cin >> N >> x >> y; x--; y--; G.resize(N); loop(i, N - 1) { ll a, b; cin >> a >> b; a--; b--; G[a].push_back(b); G[b].push_back(a); } if (G[x].size() == 1 && G[x][0] == y) { putout(0); return 0; } vector<ll> distT(N, -1), distA(N, -1); bfs(distT, x); bfs(distA, y); ll ans = 0; loop(i, N) { if (distT[i] < distA[i]) ans = max(ans, distA[i] - 1); } putout(ans); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include <vector> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <deque> #include <set> #include <map> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <tuple> #include <iomanip> #include <numeric> #include <unordered_map> #include <sstream> #include<limits.h> #include<float.h> #include<list> #include <array> #include <complex> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include <bitset> using namespace std; #define int long long #define I32_MAX 2147483647 #define I64_MAX 9223372036854775807LL #define I64_MAX2 1223372036854775807LL #define INF I64_MAX2 #define MOD 1000000007 #define MEM_SIZE 10000 #define DEBUG_OUT true #define ALL(x) (x).begin(), (x).end() template<typename T> void DEBUG(T e){if(DEBUG_OUT == false)return; std::cout << e <<" ";} template<typename T> void DEBUG(const std::vector<T>& v){if(DEBUG_OUT == false)return;for(const auto& e : v){std::cout<< e << " "; } std::cout << std::endl;} template<typename T> void DEBUG(const std::vector<std::vector<T> >& vv){if(DEBUG_OUT == false)return;for(const auto& v : vv){ DEBUG(v); } } template<class T,class... Ts> void DEBUG(T d, Ts... e){if(DEBUG_OUT == false)return;DEBUG(d);DEBUG(e...);} template <class T> void corner(bool flg, T hoge) {if (flg) {cout << hoge << endl; abort();}} template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline bool chmax(T1 &a, T2 b) { return a < b && (a = b, true); } template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline bool chmin(T1 &a, T2 b) { return a > b && (a = b, true); } //SOLVE //-----CODE------// void DFS(int V,vector<vector<int> > &GRAPH,vector<int> & visited,vector<vector<char> > & mat,int & nB,int &nW,int WIDTH) { if(mat[V/WIDTH][V%WIDTH] == '.')nW++; else nB++; visited[V] = 1; for (auto &&nV : GRAPH[V]) { if(visited[nV] == 1)continue; DFS(nV,GRAPH,visited,mat,nB,nW,WIDTH); } return; } //-----CODE------// void solve(void) { int H,W; cin>>H; cin>>W; vector<vector<char> > mat (H,vector<char>(W,0)); for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) { cin>>mat[i][j]; } } int N = H*W; vector<vector<int> > GRAPH (H*W); for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) { if(i != 0) { if(mat[i][j] != mat[i-1][j]) { int V = i*W + j; int nV = (i-1)*W+j; GRAPH[V].emplace_back(nV); GRAPH[nV].emplace_back(V); } } if(i != H - 1) { if(mat[i][j] != mat[i+1][j]) { int V = i*W + j; int nV = (i+1)*W+j; GRAPH[V].emplace_back(nV); GRAPH[nV].emplace_back(V); } } if(j != 0) { if(mat[i][j] != mat[i][j-1]) { int V = i*W + j; int nV = (i)*W+j-1; GRAPH[V].emplace_back(nV); GRAPH[nV].emplace_back(V); } } if(j != W -1) { if(mat[i][j] != mat[i][j+1]) { int V = i*W + j; int nV = (i)*W+j+1; GRAPH[V].emplace_back(nV); GRAPH[nV].emplace_back(V); } } } } vector<int> visited (H*W,-1); int ANS = 0; for (int i = 0; i < H*W; i++) { int V = i; int nB = 0; int nW = 0; DFS(V,GRAPH,visited,mat,nB,nW,W); ANS += nB * nW; } cout<<ANS<<endl; return; } int32_t main(int32_t argc, const char *argv[]) { std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); std::cin.tie(0); std::cout << std::fixed; std::cout << std::setprecision(9); solve(); return 0; }
#include <string> #include <vector> #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <map> #include <list> #include <set> #include <numeric> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <cctype> #include <cstring> #include <climits> #include <cfloat> #include <ctime> #include <complex> #include <cassert> #include <array> #include <bitset> #include <unordered_map> #include <random> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; typedef double T; typedef pair<T,T> P; double pi; // difference P operator-(const P& lhs, const P& rhs) { return P(lhs.first-rhs.first,lhs.second-rhs.second); } P operator+(const P& lhs, const P& rhs) { return P(lhs.first+rhs.first, lhs.second+rhs.second); } P full(0,1); P one(1,1); P f(P a, P b) { if(a==full){ return b; } if(a.first+0.5<b.first){ b=b-one; } if(b.first+0.5<a.first){ a=a-one; } P r=P(max(a.first,b.first),min(a.second,b.second)); if(r.first<0){ r=r+one; } return r; } P ps[100]; int main(){ pi=atan2(0,-1); long long N; scanf("%lld",&N); for(int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++){ double x,y; scanf("%lf",&x); scanf("%lf",&y); ps[i]=P(x,y); } for(int i=0;i<N;i++){ P r=full; bool zero=false; for(int j=0;j<N;j++){ if(i==j)continue; auto v=ps[j]-ps[i]; auto c=atan2(v.second,v.first)/(2*pi); P p(c-0.25,c+0.25); while(p.first<0){ p=p+one; } r=f(r,p); //cerr << i << ", " << j << ": " << p.first << ", " << p.second << ": " << r.first << ", " << r.second << ": " << v.first << ", " << v.second << ": " << c << endl; //cerr << atan2(v.second,v.first) << ", " << pi << endl; if(r.first>=r.second){ zero=true; break; } } if(zero){ cout << 0 << endl; } else{ cout << r.second-r.first << endl; } } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define rep2(i, m, n) for(int i=int(m); i<int(n); ++i) #define rep(i, n) rep2(i, 0, n) using ll = long long; using V = vector<int>; char s[1000000]; ll t[3][1000001]; int main() { int n, q; scanf("%d%s%d", &n, s, &q); V D, C; rep(i, n) { rep(j, 3) t[j][i+1] = t[j][i]; switch(s[i]){ case 'D': ++t[0][i+1]; D.push_back(i+1); break; case 'M': ++t[1][i+1]; break; case 'C': ++t[2][i+1]; C.push_back(i); break; } } ll sa1 = 0, sc1 = 0; for (auto &a : D) sa1 += t[1][a] * t[2][a]; for (auto &c : C) sc1 += t[1][c] * t[0][c]; rep(_, q) { int k; scanf("%d", &k); ll ans = sa1 + sc1; ll sa2 = 0, sc2 = 0; for (auto &a : D) { if (a+k-1 < n) ans -= t[1][a] * t[2][a+k-1]; else sa2 += t[1][a]; } for (auto &c : C) { if (c-k+1 > 0) ans -= t[1][c] * t[0][c-k+1]; else sc2 += t[1][c]; } ans -= sa2 * t[2][n] + sc2 * t[0][0]; printf("%lld\n", ans); } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; /* typedef */ typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int, int> pii; /* constant */ const int INF = 1 << 30; const ll LINF = 1LL << 50; const int NIL = -1; const int MAX = 10000; const int mod = 1000000007; const double pi = 3.141592653589; /* global variables */ /* function */ /* main */ int main(){ int N, Q; string S; cin >> N >> S >> Q; vector<int> K(Q); for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) cin >> K[i]; vector<int> sum(N+1); for (int k : K) { ll D = 0, M = 0, ans = 0; ll cntDM = 0; for (int i = 0; i < S.size(); i++) { if (S[i] == 'D') D++; else if (S[i] == 'M') { M++; cntDM += D; } else if (S[i] == 'C') { int l = max(i - k, 0), r = i + 1; ans += cntDM; } if (i >= k - 1) { if (S[i - (k - 1)] == 'D') { D--; cntDM -= M; } else if (S[i - (k - 1)] == 'M') M--; } } cout << ans << '\n'; } }
#include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> #include<algorithm> #include<string.h> using namespace std; int main() { std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(NULL); int n; cin >> n; for (int i = 1; ; i++){ if (i * i == n) { cout << i * i << endl; break; } if (i * i > n) { i--; cout << i * i << endl; break; } } return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int n; cin>>n; int a; for(int i=0;i*i<=n;i++) a=i*i; cout<<a<<endl; }
#include<iostream> #include<unordered_map> #include<bitset> #include<math.h> #include<vector> #include<set> #include<algorithm> #include<ctype.h> #include<unordered_set> #include<string> #include<iomanip> #include<queue> #include<limits> #include<map> #include<stack> #include<iterator> #include<cstring> #include<deque> #define pi 3.141592653589793238 #include<chrono> #pragma GCC target ("avx2") #pragma GCC optimization ("O3") #pragma GCC optimization ("unroll-loops") #define MOD 1000000007 #define INF 999999999999999999 #define pb push_back #define ff first #define ss second #define mt make_tuple #define ll long long #define fast ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); cout.tie(NULL); using namespace std; #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp> using namespace __gnu_pbds; typedef tree<ll, null_type, less_equal<ll>, rb_tree_tag, tree_order_statistics_node_update> indexed_set; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main() { //freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); //freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout); fast; ll T = 1, i, j; //cin >> T; while (T--) { string s; cin >> s; bool flag = true; ll cnt = 0; for(i = 0; i < s.size() ; i += 2){ if(s[i] != 'h') { flag = false; } cnt++; } for(i = 1; i < s.size() ; i += 2){ if(s[i] != 'i'){ flag = false; } cnt--; } if(!flag || cnt != 0){ cout << "No"; } else{ cout << "Yes"; } } return 0; }
#include"bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std; #define rep(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (int)(n); i++) #define REP(i, n) for (int i = 1; i <= (int)(n); i++) #define all(v) v.begin(), v.end() using ll = long long; using pi = pair<int, int>; using pl = pair<ll, ll>; using vi = vector<int>; using vii = vector<vi>; using vl = vector<ll>; using vll = vector<vl>; int main() { string s; bool hi = true; cin >> s; if(s.size() % 2 == 1)hi = false; else { for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i += 2) { if (s.substr(i, 2) != "hi") hi = false; } } if (hi) { cout << "Yes" << endl; } else { cout << "No" << endl; } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; string s; void ans(int a, int64_t b) { //cout << "a:" << a << " b:" << b << " num:" << int64_t(pow(26,a-1)) << endl; if(a==1) s.push_back(96+b); else { int64_t num = pow(26,a-1); if(b%num!=0) ans(a-1, b%num); else ans(a-1, num); if(b/num!=26 && b%num==0) s.push_back(96+b/num); else if(b/num!=26) s.push_back(97+b/num); else s.push_back('z'); } } int main() { int64_t n; cin >> n; int digit = 0; int64_t sum = 0; for(int i=1;;i++) { int64_t num = pow(26,i); if((n-sum)/num==0) { if((n-sum)%num==0) { digit = i-1; sum -= pow(26,i-1); } else digit = i; } if(digit!=0) break; sum += num; } ans(digit, n-sum); reverse(s.begin(), s.end()); cout << s << endl; return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define REP(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++) #define RREP(i,n) for(int i=n;i>=0;i--) #define FOR(i,m,n) for(int i=m;i<n;i++) #define ALL(v) v.begin(), v.end() #define RALL(v) v.rbegin(), v.rend() using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int main(void){ ll n; cin >> n; char c[26+1]="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; vector<char> v; while(n){ v.push_back(c[(--n)%26]); n/=26; } RREP(i,(int)v.size()-1) cout << v[i]; cout << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i,n) for (int i = 0; i < (n); ++i) using namespace std; using ll = long long; using P = pair<int,int>; vector<bool> dislike(10, false); bool isOK(int p) { while (p) { int d = p % 10; if (dislike[d]) return false; p /= 10; } return true; } int main() { int n, k; cin >> n >> k; rep(i, k) { int d; cin >> d; dislike[d] = true; } int pay = n; while (!isOK(pay)) pay++; cout << pay << endl; return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; cin>>a>>b; if(a>8) { cout<<":("; } else if(b>8){ cout<<":("; } else {cout<<"Yay!"; }}
#include<bits/stdc++.h> int main(){ using namespace std; unsigned long N, K; cin >> N >> K; unsigned long mx{0}, g{0}; for(unsigned long i{0}, A; i < N; ++i){ cin >> A; mx = max(mx, A); g = __gcd(g, A); if(mx >= K && K % g == 0)return 0 & puts("POSSIBLE"); } puts("IMPOSSIBLE"); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <numeric> using namespace std; const string YES = "POSSIBLE"; const string NO = "IMPOSSIBLE"; int main() { int N, K, M{}, D{}, A; cin >> N >> K; while (cin >> A) { M = max(M, A); if (D) D = gcd(D, A); else D = A; } cout << (K <= M && (M - K) % D == 0 ? YES : NO) << endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define rep(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (int)(n); i++) #define all(a) (a).begin(), (a).end() using ll = long long; using P = pair<int, int>; int main() { int n, m; cin >> n >> m; int maxL, minR; maxL = -1e9; minR = 1e9; rep(i, m) { int l, r; cin >> l >> r; minR = min(minR, r); maxL = max(maxL, l); // printf("%d %d\n", minR, maxL); } cout << max(0, minR - maxL + 1) << endl; return 0; }
//Mahir Ratanpara (DA-IICT) #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define Ff(i,a,n) for(i=a;i<n;i++) #define Fr(i,a,n) for(i=a;i>n;i--) #define ll long long #define FAST ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false),cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0); #define pb push_back #define ff first #define ss second #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end() #define clr(x) memset(x, 0, sizeof(x)) #define sortall(x) sort(all(x)) #define tr(it, a) for(auto it = a.begin(); it != a.end(); it++) typedef pair<ll, ll> pa; typedef vector<ll> vc; typedef vector<pa> vp; typedef vector<vc> vvc; int mpow(int base, int exp); void ipgraph(ll n,ll m); void dfs(int u, int par); const int mod = 1000000007; const int N = 3e5, M = N; //======================= vc g[N]; int main() { FAST; ll t, i, j, k, p, q, r, x, y, u, v, n, m; cin>>n>>x>>t; y=n/x; if(n%x>0) y++; cout<<y*t; return 0; } int mpow(int base, int exp) { base %= mod; int result = 1; while (exp > 0) { if (exp & 1) result = ((ll)result * base) % mod; base = ((ll)base * base) % mod; exp >>= 1; } return result; } void ipgraph(ll n, ll m){ int i, u, v; while(m--){ cin>>u>>v; g[u-1].pb(v-1); g[v-1].pb(u-1); } } void dfs(int u, int par){ for(int v:g[u]){ if (v == par) continue; dfs(v, u); } }
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <complex> #include <vector> #include <list> #include <queue> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <map> #include <set> #include <iomanip> #include <limits> using namespace std; // 素因数分解 typedef pair<long long, long long> P; vector<P> prime_factorize(long long n) { vector<P> res; for (long long p = 2; p * p <= n; ++p) { if (n % p != 0) continue; int num = 0; while (n % p == 0) { ++num; n /= p; } res.push_back(make_pair(p, num)); } if (n != 1) res.push_back(make_pair(n, 1)); return res; } // 因数分解 long long gcd(long long x, long long y) { if (y == 0) { return x; } else { return gcd(y, x % y); } } const int MOD = 1000000007; typedef long long int ll; #define EPS (1e-7) #define INF (1e9) #define PI (acos(-1)) #define rep(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (n); i++) int main() { string s, t; cin >> s >> t; cout << t + s << endl; return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> int main() { char x[105], y[105]; scanf("%s %s", x, y); printf("%s%s\n", y,x); return 0; }
#include <iostream> int main() { int64_t x; std::cin >> x; // 5と6を交互に出す // どちらから始めてもいいので、最後を6にできる const auto r = x % 11; std::cout << x / 11 * 2 + (r + 5) / 6 << std::endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp> // increment #define rep_n(_1, _2, _3, NAME, ...) NAME #define rep_2(i, n) for (int(i) = 0; (i) < (int)(n); ++(i)) #define rep_3(i, initial, n) for (int(i) = (int)(initial); (i) < (int)(n); ++(i)) #define rep(...) rep_n(__VA_ARGS__, rep_3, rep_2, rep_1)(__VA_ARGS__) // decrement #define rep_r_n(_1, _2, _3, NAME, ...) NAME #define rep_r_2(i, n) for (int(i) = (int)(n); (i) > 0; (i)--) #define rep_r_3(i, initial, n) for (int(i) = (int)(initial); (i) > (int)(n); (i)--) #define rep_r(...) rep_r_n(__VA_ARGS__, rep_r_3, rep_r_2)(__VA_ARGS__) // define type definition using namespace std; typedef long long ll; using mpint = boost::multiprecision::cpp_int; // 多倍長整数(任意精度) typedef pair<int, int> P; // define construct variable const double EPS = numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(); // 10^9 + 7 const ll MOD = ll(1e9)+7; const ll INF = ll(1e10); const string ALPHABET = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; // define methods // 最大公約数 ll gcd(const ll a, const ll b) { return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a; } // 最小公倍数 ll lcm(const ll a, const ll b) { return a / gcd(a, b) * b; } // char -> int int ctoi(char c) { return (int)(c - '0'); } // 素因数分解 vector< pair<ll, ll> > prime_factorize(ll n) { vector< pair<ll, ll> > p; for (ll i = 2; i * i <= n; i++) { if ((n % i) != 0) continue; p.push_back(make_pair(i, 0)); while ((n % i) == 0) { n /= i; p[i].second += 1; } p.push_back(make_pair(n, 0)); } if (n != 1) p.push_back(make_pair(n, 1)); return p; } // 組み合わせの整合性を保つ(後ほど解析する) ll modinv(ll a) { ll b = MOD, u = 1, v = 0; while (b) { ll t = a / b; a -= t * b; swap(a, b); u -= t * v; swap(u, v); } u %= MOD; if (u < 0) { u += MOD; } return u; } // 順列 ll permutation(const ll n, const ll m) { ll result = 1; for (ll i = n; i > n - m; i--) { result = (result * i) % MOD; } return result; } // 繰り返し n 乗法 ll repeat_square(const ll n, const ll x) { if (x == 0) return 1; ll res = repeat_square(n, x/2); res = res * res % MOD; if ((x % 2) == 1) res = res * n % MOD; return res; } // 組み合わせ ll combination(const ll n, const ll a) { ll x = 1, y = 1; for(ll i = 0; i < a; i++){ x = x * (n-i) % MOD; y = y * (i+1) % MOD; } return x * repeat_square(y, MOD-2) % MOD; } int main() { ll x; cin >> x; ll n = x / 11; // (5,6) or (6,5) のペア数でわる ll m = x % 11; // 残りの数 ll result = n*2; int min = 1000000; rep(i, 2) { // 1, 6 始まりとそれ以外でパターンを分ける int count = 0, temp = m; bool flag = true; while (temp > 0) { if (i == 0) { // 1, 6 始まり temp -= flag ? 5 : 6; } else { // それ以外 temp -= flag ? 6 : 5; } count++; flag = !flag; } if (min > count) min = count; } cout << (result + min) << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> const int N = 108; int n; int a[N], b[N]; int main() { int i, mid; scanf("%*d%d", &n); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) scanf("%d", a + i); if (n == 1) return *a == 1 ? puts("1\n1\n1") : printf("%d\n2\n1 %d\n", *a, *a - 1), 0; mid = std::partition(a, a + n, [] (const int x) -> bool {return x % 2;}) - a; if (mid > 2) return puts("Impossible"), 0; a[n] = *a; for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) printf("%d%c", a[i], i == n ? 10 : 32); memcpy(b + 1, a + 1, n << 2), ++b[1], --b[n], n -= !b[n]; printf("%d\n", n); for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) printf("%d%c", b[i], i == n ? 10 : 32); return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef unsigned long long ull; #define sqr(x) ((x)*(x)) #define mp make_pair #define uint unsigned #define PI pair<int,int> inline char gc(){ static char buf[100000],*p1=buf,*p2=buf; return p1==p2&&(p2=(p1=buf)+fread(buf,1,100000,stdin),p1==p2)?EOF:*p1++; } #define gc getchar inline ll read(){ ll x = 0; char ch = gc(); bool positive = 1; for (; !isdigit(ch); ch = gc()) if (ch == '-') positive = 0; for (; isdigit(ch); ch = gc()) x = x * 10 + ch - '0'; return positive ? x : -x; } inline void write(ll a){ if(a<0){ a=-a; putchar('-'); } if(a>=10)write(a/10); putchar('0'+a%10); } inline void writeln(ll a){write(a); puts("");} inline void wri(ll a){write(a); putchar(' ');} inline ull rnd(){ return ((ull)rand()<<30^rand())<<4|rand()%4; } int n,m,a[105],tot; vector<int> ans; signed main(){ n=read(); m=read(); for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){a[i]=read(); if(a[i]&1)tot++;} if(m==1){ if(a[1]==1)cout<<1<<endl<<1<<endl<<1<<endl; else if(a[1]&1)cout<<a[1]<<endl<<2<<endl<<a[1]/2<<" "<<a[1]/2+1<<endl; else if(a[1]==2)cout<<a[1]<<endl<<2<<endl<<1<<" "<<1<<endl; else cout<<a[1]<<endl<<2<<endl<<a[1]/2-1<<" "<<a[1]/2+1<<endl; return 0; } if(tot>2){ puts("Impossible"); return 0; } for(int i=2;i<m;i++)if(a[i]&1){ if(a[1]&1)swap(a[i],a[m]); else swap(a[1],a[i]); } for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)cout<<a[i]<<" "; puts(""); a[1]++; a[m]--; for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)if(a[i])ans.push_back(a[i]); cout<<ans.size()<<endl; for(auto i:ans)cout<<i<<" "; }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> using namespace std; using ll = long long; int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); int n; cin >> n; vector<ll> a(n); ll s = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> a[i]; s ^= a[i]; } ll r = 0; int i0 = 0; for (int k = 60 - 1; k >= 0; k--) { ll l = 1LL << k; if (s & l) continue; for (int i = i0; i < n; i++) { if (a[i] & l) { ll t = a[i]; for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { if (a[j] & l) { a[j] ^= t; } } swap(a[i0++], a[i]); if (!(r & l)) r ^= t; break; } } } r &= ~s; r *= 2; r += s; cout << r << endl; return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef uint64_t ull; typedef int64_t sll; static const ull MOD = 1000000007LL; int n; int k; int q; ull a[200019]; ull umin (ull a, ull b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } ull umax (ull a, ull b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } ull solve () { sll i, j, ki; ull res = 0; ull allxor = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { allxor ^= a[i]; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { a[i] &= ~allxor; } ull rank = 0; for (i = 59; i >= 0; i--) { for (j = rank; j < n; j++) { if (a[j] & (1LL << i)) break; } if (j == n) { continue; } if (j > rank) a[rank] ^= a[j]; for (j = rank + 1; j < n; j++) { a[j] = umin(a[j], a[j] ^ a[rank]); } rank++; } ull x = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = umax(x, x ^ a[i]); } res = (x * 2) + allxor; return res; } int main(void){ scanf("%d", &n, &k); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf("%lld", &a[i]); } printf("%lld\n", solve()); return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define eprintf(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__) #define rep(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (int)(n); ++ i) const int mxn = 2e5 + 5; const ll inf = 1e18; int n, v[mxn]; map <int, ll> dp[mxn]; int main() { scanf("%d", &n); rep(i, n) scanf("%d", &v[i]); dp[0][0] = 0; rep(i, n) { for (int j = max(0, i / 2 - 5); j <= i / 2 + 5; ++ j) { dp[i + 1][j] = dp[i].find(j) == dp[i].end() ? -inf : dp[i][j]; if (j) { ll old = dp[max(0, i - 1)].find(j - 1) == dp[max(0, i - 1)].end() ? -inf : dp[max(0, i - 1)][j - 1]; dp[i + 1][j] = max(dp[i + 1][j], old + v[i]); } } } printf("%lld\n", dp[n][n / 2]); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include <cstring> using namespace std; #define MAX 100 struct in { int c; int d; pair<int, int> p; }; int dx[] = { 1, 0, -1, 0 }; int dy[] = { 0, 1, 0, -1 }; int w, h, n; pair<int, int> st, gl; int map[MAX+2][MAX+2];//map[X][Y] vector<in> info; bool f; bool dfs(int x, int y, int c) { if (map[x][y] != c) return false; map[x][y] = -1; if (x==gl.first&&y==gl.second) return true; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (x+dx[i]<0 || y+dy[i]<0 || x+dx[i]>=w+2 || y+dy[i]>=h+2) continue; if (dfs(x+dx[i], y+dy[i], c)) return true; } return false; } int main() { while (cin >> w >> h, w||h) { cin >> st.first >> st.second >> gl.first >> gl.second >> n; info.clear(); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { in t; cin >> t.c >> t.d >> t.p.first >> t.p.second; info.push_back(t); } memset(map, 0, sizeof(map)); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { int W=4, H=2; if (info[i].d) { int t=W; W=H; H=t; } for (int x=0; x<W; x++) for (int y=0; y<H; y++) map[info[i].p.first+x][info[i].p.second+y] = info[i].c; } cout << ((dfs(st.first, st.second, map[st.first][st.second])) ? "OK" : "NG") << endl; } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define REP(i, n) for(int i = 0; i < (n); i++) #define REP1(i, n) for(int i = 1; i <= (n); i++) #define REPD(i,a,b) for (int i=(a);i<=(b);i++) #define ALL(v) (v).begin(), (v).end() using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef vector<string> vs; typedef vector<bool> vb; typedef vector<vb> vvb; typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<vi> vvi; typedef set<int> si; typedef vector<si> vsi; typedef vector<ll> vll; typedef vector<vll> vvll; typedef pair<int, int> pi; typedef queue<int> qi; typedef queue<pi> qpi; typedef pair<ll, ll> pll; typedef queue<pll> qpll; typedef vector<pi> vpi; typedef vector<pll> vpll; const int mod = 1000000007; const int INF = 1001001001; // 小数点 << fixed << setprecision(0) << // sort降順 sort(ALL(),greater<int>()); // 円周率 M_PI // 文字判定 isupper islower // 文字変換  // 順列 do {} while(next_permutation(ALL(X))); // 最大値 LLONG_MAX // a内でx以上 auto iter = lower_bound(ALL(a), x); // a内でxより大きい auto iter = upper_bound(ALL(a), x); int dx[8] = {1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1}; int dy[8] = {0, 1, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1}; struct edge { int from; //出発点 int to; //到達点 int cost; //移動コスト }; typedef struct edge se; typedef vector<edge> ve; unsigned Euclidean_gcd(unsigned a, unsigned b) { if(a < b) return Euclidean_gcd(b, a); unsigned r; while ((r=a%b)) { a = b; b = r; } return b; } int digit_sum(int n) { int sum=n%10; while(n!=0) { n/=10; sum+=n%10; } return sum; } vpll PrimeFactorization(ll n) { vpll res; for (ll i=2; i*i<=n; i++) { if(n%i!=0) continue; ll ex=0; while(n%i==0) { ex++; n/=i; } res.push_back(pll(i,ex)); } if(n!=1) res.push_back(pll(n,1)); return res; } int main() { char s[100001]; cin >> s; int n=strlen(s); vi check(26,0); REP(i,n) { int x=s[i]-'a'; check[x]++; } int ans=-1; REP(i,26) { if(ans==-1&&check[i]==0) ans=i; } if(ans!=-1) { char a='a'+ans; cout << a << endl; } else { cout << "None" << endl; } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i,n) for (int i = 0; i < (n); ++i) using namespace std; using ll = long long; using P = pair<int,int>; int main() { string s; cin >> s; char cbuff='a'; rep(i,26) { cbuff='a'+i; string::size_type pos=s.find(cbuff); if (pos==string::npos) { cout << cbuff << endl; return 0; } } cout << "None" << endl; return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define SPEED ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0) #define MP make_pair #define pb push_back #define ff first #define ss second #define sz(x) x.size() #define all(c) c.begin(),c.end() #define int long long #define fr(i,j,x) for(int i=j;i<x;i++) #define rep(i,j,x) for(int i=j;i<=x;i++) #define mem(x,val) memset(x,val,sizeof(x)) //#define endl '\n' #define vi vector<int> #define pii pair<int,int> #define piii pair<int,pii> const int mod=1e9+7; const int N=1e5+10; const int MAXN=2e6+10; const int INF=1e18; string to_string(string s) { return '"' + s + '"';} string to_string(char s) { return string(1, s);} string to_string(const char* s) { return to_string((string) s);} string to_string(bool b) { return (b ? "true" : "false");} template <typename A> string to_string(A); template <typename A, typename B>string to_string(pair<A, B> p) {return "(" + to_string(p.first) + ", " + to_string(p.second) + ")";} template <typename A> string to_string(A v) {bool f = 1; string r = "{"; for (const auto &x : v) {if (!f)r += ", "; f = 0; r += to_string(x);} return r + "}";} void debug_out() { cerr << endl; } template <typename Head, typename... Tail> void debug_out(Head H, Tail... T) {cerr << " " << to_string(H); debug_out(T...);} #define pr(...) cerr << "[" << #__VA_ARGS__ << "]:", debug_out(__VA_ARGS__) int a[N]; string getbase(int x,int b){ string ans; int d; while(x){ d=x%b; ans=char('0'+d)+ans; x/=b; } return ans; } string L,R; int d,dp[10010][2][2][101]; int rec(int ind,int tlo,int thi,int rem){ if(ind>=L.length()){ if(rem==0){ return 1; } return 0; } if(dp[ind][tlo][thi][rem]==-1){ int blo=0; int bhi=9; if(tlo){ blo=L[ind]-'0'; } if(thi){ bhi=R[ind]-'0'; } int ans=0; for(int i=blo;i<=bhi;i++){ int ntlo=tlo; int nthi=thi; if(i>L[ind]-'0'){ ntlo=0; } if(i<R[ind]-'0'){ nthi=0; } ans+=rec(ind+1,ntlo,nthi,(rem+i)%d); ans%=mod; } dp[ind][tlo][thi][rem]=ans; } return dp[ind][tlo][thi][rem]; } void solve(){ string l,r; l="1"; cin>>r>>d; L=l; R=r; reverse(all(L)); reverse(all(R)); while(L.length()<R.length()){ L+='0'; } while(L.length()>R.length()){ R+='0'; } reverse(all(L)); reverse(all(R)); mem(dp,-1); cout<<rec(0,1,1,0)<<endl; } int32_t main() { // #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE // freopen("", "r", stdin); // //freopen("", "w", stdout); // #endif SPEED; int T=1; //cin>>T; int t1=1; while(true) { //cout<<"Case #"<<t1<<": "; solve(); t1++; if(t1>T) break; } }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int mod = 1e9 + 7; #define ll long long void add_self(ll& a, ll b) { a += b; if(a >= mod) { a -= mod; } } int main() { string k; cin >> k; int d; cin >> d; vector<vector<ll>> dp(d,vector<ll>(2)); int n = k.size(); dp[0][0] = 1; for(int i = 0;i < n;i++) { auto new_dp = vector<vector<ll>> (d,vector<ll>(2)); for(int sum = 0;sum < d;sum++) { for(bool sm_already : {false,true}) { for(int digit = 0;digit < 10;digit++) { if(digit > k[i]-'0' && !sm_already) break; add_self(new_dp[(sum+digit)%d][sm_already || (digit < k[i]-'0')],dp[sum][sm_already]); } } } dp = new_dp; } auto ans = (dp[0][true] + dp[0][false])%mod; --ans; if(ans == -1) ans = mod-1; cout << ans << endl; return 0; }
#include <cstdio> int a[100010],sum[2],n; bool flag; int gcd(int a,int b) { if (b==0) return a; else return gcd(b,a%b); } int main() { scanf("%d",&n); for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); if (a[i]>1) sum[a[i]&1]++; } if (n==1) { if (a[1]&1) printf("Second\n"); else printf("First\n"); return 0; } flag=false; while (1) { if (!sum[0]&&!sum[1]) { if (!flag) printf("Second\n"); else printf("First\n"); return 0; } if (sum[0]&1) { if (!flag) printf("First\n"); else printf("Second\n"); return 0; } if (sum[1]>1||!sum[1]) { if (!flag) printf("Second\n"); else printf("First\n"); return 0; } int GCD=-1; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) if (a[i]>1) { if (a[i]&1) { a[i]--;break; } } for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) if (GCD==-1) GCD=a[i]; else GCD=gcd(a[i],GCD); sum[0]=sum[1]=0; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { a[i]/=GCD; if (a[i]>1) sum[a[i]&1]++; } flag^=1; } return 0; } //all is 1: who faces even number of even number, lose./odd number of even number, win.
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i, l, r) for(int i = (l), i##end = (r);i <= i##end;++i) using std::cin; using std::cout; const int maxn = 200200; typedef long long ll; const int mod = 998244353; inline ll pow(ll a,int b,int ans = 1) { for(;b;b >>= 1,a = a * a % mod) if(b & 1) ans = ans * a % mod; return ans; } inline ll inverse(int x){ return pow(x, mod - 2); } int n, a[maxn]; inline bool get() { int s = 0, one = 0; rep(i, 1, n) s += a[i] % 2, one = one || a[i] == 1; if(s != 1 || one) return n - s & 1; int gcd = 0; for(int i = 1;i <= n;++i) gcd = std::__gcd(gcd, a[i] -= a[i] % 2); for(int i = 1;i <= n;++i) a[i] /= gcd; return get() ^ 1; } int main() { std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0); cin >> n; rep(i, 1, n) cin >> a[i]; cout << (get() ? "First" : "Second") << '\n'; }
#include<stdio.h> int main(){ int r,n,cnt=0; scanf("%d",&n); while(n>0){ r=n%10; if(r==7){ printf("Yes"); cnt++; break; } n=n/10; } if(cnt==0){ printf("No"); } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ll = long long; int main(){ string h; cin >> h; if(h == "hi" || h == "hihi" || h == "hihihi" || h == "hihihihi" || h == "hihihihihi"){ cout << "Yes" << endl; return 0; } cout << "No" << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const ll mod = 1e9+7; const long long INF = 1e15; int main(){ ll n; cin >> n; ll ans = mod; for(ll i = 1; i*i <= n; i++){ if(n%i == 0){ ll a = to_string(n/i).size(); ll b = to_string(i).size(); ans = min(ans,max(a,b)); } } cout << ans << endl; return 0; }
/** * code generated by JHelper * More info: * @author Kein Yukiyoshi */ #include "bits/stdc++.h" #define int long long #define rep(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (int)(n); i++) #define REP(i, a, b) for (int i = (int)(a); i < (int)(b); i++) #define FOR(i, a) for (auto &i : a) #define ALL(obj) begin(obj), end(obj) #define MAX(x) *max_element(ALL(x)) #define MIN(x) *min_element(ALL(x)) #define SUM(x) accumulate(ALL(x), 0LL) #define LOWER_BOUND(A, key) distance(A.begin(), lower_bound(ALL(A), key)) #define UPPER_BOUND(A, key) distance(A.begin(), upper_bound(ALL(A), key)) using namespace std; const int MOD = (int)(1e9 + 7); const int INF = (int)(1e13 + 7); const double EPS = 1e-14; const double PI = acos(-1); int CEIL(int a, int b) { return (a >= 0 ? (a + (b - 1)) / b : (a - (b - 1)) / b); } //ceil() for int int mod(int a, int b) { return a >= 0 ? a % b : a - (b * CEIL(a, b)); } //always return positive num int bpm(int a, int b) { //return x^y in order(log(y)) int res = 1; for (a %= MOD; b; a = a * a % MOD, b >>= 1) if (b & 1) res = res * a % MOD; return res; } class CDigitsInMultiplication { public: static void solve(istream &cin, ostream &cout) { int N; cin >> N; int ans = INF; REP(i, 1, bpm(10, 5) + 1) { if (N % i == 0) { ans = min(ans, (int)max(log10(i) / 1 + 1, log10(N / i) / 1 + 1)); } } cout << ans << endl; } }; signed main() { cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cout<<fixed<<setprecision(15); CDigitsInMultiplication solver; std::istream& in(std::cin); std::ostream& out(std::cout); solver.solve(in, out); return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ll = long long; using pii = pair<int, int>; #define vt vector #define sz(x) (int)(x).size() #define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end() #define rall(x) (x).rbegin(), (x).rend() #define fi first #define se second const int maxn = 80, maxk = 1 << 14, init = 1 << 13; bool dp[maxn][maxn][maxk]; int a[maxn][maxn]; signed main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0); int n, m; cin >> n >> m; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { cin >> a[i][j]; } } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { int t; cin >> t; a[i][j] = abs(t - a[i][j]); } } dp[0][0][init - **a] = dp[0][0][init + **a] = true; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { int &d = a[i][j]; for (int k = d; k < maxk - d; k++) { bool &cur = dp[i][j][k]; if (i) { auto &p = dp[i - 1][j]; if (p[k - d] || p[k + d]) cur = true; } if (j) { auto &p = dp[i][j - 1]; if (p[k - d] || p[k + d]) cur = true; } } } } int ans = 1 << 30; for (int i = 0; i < maxk; i++) { if (dp[n - 1][m - 1][i]) ans = min(ans, abs(i - init)); } cout << ans; }
#include <cstdio> typedef long long ll; ll pos[100005], cnt[100005], ans; void work(int l, int r, int s) { if (pos[r] < s) ans += s - pos[l]; else if (pos[l] > s) ans += pos[r] - s; else { ans += pos[r] - pos[l]; if (cnt[l] >= cnt[r]) { while (l < r && cnt[l] >= cnt[r]) cnt[l] += cnt[r--]; } else { while (l < r && cnt[l] < cnt[r]) cnt[r] += cnt[l++]; } work(l, r, s); } } int main() { // freopen("", "r", stdin); int n, s; scanf("%d%d", &n, &s); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) scanf("%lld%lld", pos + i, cnt + i); work(0, n - 1, s); printf("%lld\n", ans); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <map> using namespace std; typedef pair<int, int> P; int main() { int n; cin >> n; map<int, int> odd, even; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { int v; cin >> v; if (i % 2) odd[v]++; else even[v]++; } int o1 = 0, o2 = 0, odd_v; for (auto ite = odd.begin(); ite != odd.end(); ite++) { if (o1 < ite->second) { o2 = o1; o1 = ite->second; odd_v = ite->first; } else { if (o2 < ite->second) o2 = ite->second; } } int e1 = 0, e2 = 0, even_v; for (auto ite = even.begin(); ite != even.end(); ite++) { if (e1 < ite->second) { e2 = e1; e1 = ite->second; even_v = ite->first; } else { if (e2 < ite->second) e2 = ite->second; } } int ans; if (odd_v == even_v) { ans = min(n - o1 - e2, n - o2 - e1); } else { ans = n - o1 - e1; } cout << ans << endl; }
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <ios> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <set> #include <cmath> #include <bitset> #include <map> #define rep(i,n) for(int (i)=0;(i)<(n);(i)++) #define rep1(i,n) for(int i=1;i<=(int)(n);i++) #define sz(c) ((int)(c).size()) using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<ll> vll; const int MOD=998244353; int adm(int x,int y){ return (x+y)%MOD; } int mim(int x,int y){ return (x-y+MOD)%MOD; } int t3m(int x){ int y=(x+x)%MOD; return (x+y)%MOD; } //i番目まで使って和がjのものの個数 int dp[305][100000]; int dpx[305][100000]; int main(){ int N; cin>>N; int a[301]; int sum[301]; sum[0]=0; rep1(i,N){ cin>>a[i]; sum[i]=sum[i-1]+a[i]; } dp[0][0]=1; rep(i,N){ rep(j,sum[i]+1){ dp[i+1][j]=adm(dp[i+1][j],dp[i][j]); dp[i+1][j]=adm(dp[i+1][j],dp[i][j]); dp[i+1][j+a[i+1]]=adm(dp[i+1][j+a[i+1]],dp[i][j]); } } // rep(j,sum[N]+1)cout<<dp[N][j]<<" "; // cout<<endl; dpx[0][0]=1; rep(i,N){ rep(j,sum[i]+1){ dpx[i+1][j]=adm(dpx[i+1][j],dpx[i][j]); dpx[i+1][j+a[i+1]]=adm(dpx[i+1][j+a[i+1]],dpx[i][j]); } } // rep(j,sum[N]+1)cout<<dpx[N][j]<<" "; // cout<<endl; int al=1; rep(i,N){ al=t3m(al); } int ans=al; int h=sum[N]/2; if(sum[N]%2==1){ int ng=0; for(int i=h+1;i<=sum[N];i++){ ng=adm(ng,dp[N][i]); } ng=t3m(ng); ans=mim(ans,ng); } else{ int ng=0; for(int i=h;i<=sum[N];i++){ ng=adm(ng,dp[N][i]); } ng=t3m(ng); int cv=t3m(dpx[N][h]); ans=adm(ans,cv); ans=mim(ans,ng); } cout<<ans<<endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ALL(v) v.begin(), v.end() #define V vector #define P pair using ll = long long; int main() { int n, h, w; cin >> n >> h >> w; int a = n - h; int b = n - w; if(a < 0 || b < 0) { cout << 0 << endl; return 0; } a++; b++; cout << a * b << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define sz(x) (int)x.size() #define all(x) begin(x), end(x) #define debug(x) cerr << #x << " " << x << '\n' using namespace std; using ll = long long; using pii = pair<int,int>; using pli = pair<ll,int>; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f, N = 2e5 + 5; const ll LINF = 1e18 + 5; int n, h, w; int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cin >> n >> h >> w; int cnt = 0; for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) for(int j=1; j<=n; j++) if(i+h-1<=n && j+w-1<=n) cnt++; cout << cnt; return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long int int main(){ char s[3]; cin>>s[0]>>s[1]>>s[2]; int max=0, locmax=0; for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ if(s[i] == 'R'){ locmax++; } else{ locmax=0; } if(locmax>max){ max=locmax; } } cout<<max; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 2e5 + 5 , MOD = 1e9 + 7; long long fact[N] , fact_inv[N]; int mul(long long a , long long b) { return a * b % MOD; } long long power(long long a , long long b) { if (!b) return 1; long long r = power(a , b / 2); r = mul(r , r); if (b&1) return mul(r , a); return r; } long long mod_inv(long long x) { return power(x , MOD - 2); } long long nCr(long long n , long long r){ if (!n) return !r; if(r>n) return 0; return mul(fact[n] , mul(fact_inv[n - r] , fact_inv[r])); } void pre() { fact[0] = fact_inv[0] = 1; for(int i = 1 ; i < N ;i++) { fact[i] = mul(fact[i - 1] , i); fact_inv[i] = mod_inv(fact[i]); } } int add (int a , int b) { a += b; while (a >= MOD) a -= MOD; while (a < 0) a += MOD; return a; } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(0) , cin.tie(0) , cout.tie(0); int n , m , k; cin >> n >> m >> k; pre(); int ans = 0; for (int i = 1 ;i <= n ;i++) { int ways = n - i + 1; ways = mul(ways , mul(m , m - (i == 1))); ways = mul(ways , nCr(n * 1ll * m - 2 , k - 2)); ans = add(ans , mul(ways , i - 1)); } for (int i = 1 ;i <= m ;i++) { int ways = m - i + 1; ways = mul(ways , mul(n , n - (i == 1))); ways = mul(ways , nCr(n * 1ll * m - 2 , k - 2)); ans = add(ans , mul(ways , i - 1)); } cout << ans; }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <list> #include <algorithm> #include <set> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <map> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #define rep(i, n) for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++) #define COUNT(i, n) for(int i = 1; i <= n; i ++) #define ITER(c) __typeof((c).begin()) #define each(c, it) for(ITER(c) it =(c).begin(); it!=(c).end(); it++) #define ALL(c) c.begin(), c.end() #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define MEMSET(v, h) memset((v), h, sizeof(v)) using namespace std; typedef pair<int, int> pii; typedef long long ll; typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<string> vs; const int INF = 1 << 24; int main(void){ for(int n, m, s; s = 0, cin >> n >> m, n; cout << s << endl){ priority_queue<int> p; rep(i, n){ int in; cin >> in; p.push(in); } COUNT(i, n){ if(i % m) s +=; p.pop(); } } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <sstream> #include <iterator> int main(){ int n,m,x; while(std::cin >> n >> m){ if(n == 0 && m == 0) break; int flag = 0; int num = 0; std::vector<int> v; std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line); if(std::getline(std::cin, line)){ std::istringstream ss(line); while(ss >> x){ v.push_back(x); } } sort(v.rbegin(),v.rend()); for(int y = 0;y < n;++y){ ++flag; if(flag != m){ num += v[y]; } else flag = 0; } std::cout << num << std::endl; } }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int n; cin >> n; string a,b; cin >> a >> b; int len=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ bool ok=true; for(int j=0;j<n-i;j++) if(! ok=false; if(ok) len=max(n-i,len); } cout << n*2-len << endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> #define Maxn 4010 #define Maxm 4010 using namespace std; int read() { int x = 0,f = 1; char c = getchar(); while(c < '0' || c > '9') { if(c == '-') f = -1; c = getchar(); } while('0' <= c && c <= '9') { x = x * 10 + c - '0'; c = getchar(); } return x * f; } int N,M,Q; int mp[Maxn][Maxm],sum1[Maxn][Maxm],sum2[Maxn][Maxm]; int main() { N = read(); M = read(); Q = read(); char ch; for(int i = 1;i <= N; i++) for(int j = 1;j <= M; j++) { int x = i * 2 - 1,y = j * 2 - 1; ch = getchar(); while(ch != '0' && ch != '1') ch = getchar(); if(ch == '1') mp[x][y] = 1; } for(int i = 1;i <= N; i++) for(int j = 1;j <= M; j++) { int x = i * 2 - 1,y = j * 2 - 1; if(mp[x][y]) { if(mp[x - 2][y]) mp[x - 1][y] = 2; if(mp[x + 2][y]) mp[x + 1][y] = 2; if(mp[x][y + 2]) mp[x][y + 1] = 2; if(mp[x][y - 2]) mp[x][y - 1] = 2; } } for(int i = 1;i < N * 2; i++) for(int j = 1;j < M * 2; j++) { if(mp[i][j] == 1) sum1[i][j] = sum1[i - 1][j] + sum1[i][j - 1] - sum1[i - 1][j - 1] + 1; else sum1[i][j] = sum1[i - 1][j] + sum1[i][j - 1] - sum1[i - 1][j - 1]; if(mp[i][j] == 2) sum2[i][j] = sum2[i - 1][j] + sum2[i][j - 1] - sum2[i - 1][j - 1] + 1; else sum2[i][j] = sum2[i - 1][j] + sum2[i][j - 1] - sum2[i - 1][j - 1]; } int i_1,j_1,i_2,j_2,x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2; for(int k = 1;k <= Q; k++) { i_1 = read(); j_1 = read(); i_2 = read(); j_2 = read(); x_1 = i_1 * 2 - 1; y_1 = j_1 * 2 - 1; x_2 = i_2 * 2 - 1; y_2 = j_2 * 2 - 1; int ans1 = sum1[x_2][y_2] + sum1[x_1 - 1][y_1 - 1] - sum1[x_2][y_1 - 1] - sum1[x_1 - 1][y_2]; int ans2 = sum2[x_2][y_2] + sum2[x_1 - 1][y_1 - 1] - sum2[x_2][y_1 - 1] - sum2[x_1 - 1][y_2]; printf("%d\n",ans1 - ans2); } return 0; }
#include<map> #include<ctime> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #define mp make_pair using namespace std; map<pair<int,int>,int> m; struct dsu { int fa[200010],rank[200010]; void init(int n) { for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { fa[i]=i; } } int find(int x) { if(fa[x]==x) { return x; } return fa[x]=find(fa[x]); } void union_(int x,int y) { int fx=find(x); int fy=find(y); if(fx==fy) { return ; } if(rank[fx]<rank[fy]) { fa[fx]=fy; } else { fa[fy]=fx; if(rank[fx]==rank[fy]) { rank[x]++; } } } int same(int x,int y) { return find(x)==find(y); } }a,b; int main() { //give the fucking vjudge a flying fucking int n,x,y; scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&x,&y); a.init(n); b.init(n); int from,to; for(int i=1;i<=x;i++) { scanf("%d%d",&from,&to); a.union_(from,to); } for(int i=1;i<=y;i++) { scanf("%d%d",&from,&to); b.union_(from,to); } for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { m[mp(a.find(i),b.find(i))]++; } for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("%d ",m[mp(a.find(i),b.find(i))]); } }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void pri(string s,int a,int b){ cout << s.substr(a,b-a+1) << endl; } string rep(string s,int a, int b, string r){ for(int i=a; i<=b; i++){ s[i] = r[i-a]; } return s; } string rev(string s, int a, int b){ string tmp = s; for(int i=a; i<=b; i++){ s[i] = tmp[b+a-i]; } return s; } int main(){ int n; string s; cin >> s >> n; for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ string ope,tar; cin >> ope; int a,b; // cout << ope <<endl; if(ope == "replace"){ cin >> a >> b >> tar; s = rep(s,a,b,tar); } if(ope == "print"){ cin >> a >> b; pri(s,a,b); } if(ope == "reverse"){ cin >> a >> b; s = rev(s,a,b); } } }
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") #pragma GCC target("sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4,popcnt,abm,mmx,avx,tune=native") #pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops") #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp> #include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int,int> P; typedef pair<int,P> P1; typedef pair<P,P> P2; #define pu push #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define eps 1e-7 #define INF 1000000000 #define mod 1000000007 #define fi first #define sc second #define rep(i,x) for(int i=0;i<x;i++) #define repn(i,x) for(int i=1;i<=x;i++) #define SORT(x) sort(x.begin(),x.end()) #define ERASE(x) x.erase(unique(x.begin(),x.end()),x.end()) #define POSL(x,v) (lower_bound(x.begin(),x.end(),v)-x.begin()) #define POSU(x,v) (upper_bound(x.begin(),x.end(),v)-x.begin()) int n; char a[3][3]; char b[4][4]; string c[5]; int main(){ a[0][0] = 'a'; a[0][1] = 'a'; a[0][2] = 'c'; a[1][0] = 'b'; a[1][1] = '.'; a[1][2] = 'c'; a[2][0] = 'b'; a[2][1] = 'd'; a[2][2] = 'd'; b[0][0] = 'a'; b[0][1] = 'a'; b[0][2] = 'c'; b[0][3] = 'd'; b[1][0] = 'b'; b[1][1] = 'b'; b[1][2] = 'c'; b[1][3] = 'd'; b[2][0] = 'c'; b[2][1] = 'd'; b[2][2] = 'a'; b[2][3] = 'a'; b[3][0] = 'c'; b[3][1] = 'd'; b[3][2] = 'b'; b[3][3] = 'b'; c[0] = "a.eef"; c[1] = "ab..f"; c[2] = ".bggi"; c[3] = "cch.i"; c[4] = "ddhjj"; int n; cin >> n; if(n<=2) puts("-1"); else if(n == 7){ cout << "aa...bc" << endl << "....dbc" << endl << "eeffd.." << endl << ".abbcc." << endl << ".a..edd" << endl << "g...e.f" << endl << "g.hh..f" << endl; } else if(n == 11){ cout << "aa.......bc" << endl << "........dbc" << endl << "aabb....d.." << endl << "c...ddee..." << endl << "c......aabb" << endl << ".cde......." << endl << ".cde......." << endl << "" << endl << "" << endl << "" << endl << "" << endl; } else if(n%3 == 0){ string ans[1005]; rep(i,n) rep(j,n) ans[i].pb('.'); rep(i,n/3){ int x = i*3, y = i*3; rep(aa,3)rep(b,3){ ans[x+aa][y+b] = a[aa][b]; } } rep(i,n) cout << ans[i] << endl; } else{ string ans[1005]; rep(i,n) rep(j,n) ans[i].pb('.'); rep(aaa,n) rep(bbb,n){ if(4*aaa+5*bbb == n){ int cur = 0; rep(i,aaa){ rep(aa,4)rep(bb,4) ans[cur+aa][cur+bb] = b[aa][bb]; cur += 4; } rep(i,bbb){ rep(aa,5)rep(bb,5) ans[cur+aa][cur+bb] = c[aa][bb]; cur += 5; } rep(i,n) cout << ans[i] << endl;return 0; } } } }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int num; int tmpCnt1,tmpCnt2; int Max1 = 0, Max2 = 0; string str1, str2; cin >> num >> str1 >> str2; if(str1 == str2){ cout << num; return 0; } for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){ tmpCnt1 = 0; if( =={ for(int j = 0; j < num - i; j++){ if( == tmpCnt1++; else break; } Max1 = max(Max1, tmpCnt1); } } for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){ tmpCnt2 = 0; if( =={ for(int j = 0; j < num - i; j++){ if( == tmpCnt2++; else break; } Max2 = max(Max2, tmpCnt2); } } if(Max1 == 0 && Max2 == 0){ cout << num * 2; }else if(Max1 >= Max2){ cout << num + (num - Max1); }else{ cout << num + (num - Max2); } }
#include<cstdio> long double sqrt(double); int main(void){ long double d; double x1,y1,x2,y2,D; scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); D=(x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2); sqrt(D); d=sqrt(D); printf("% 8.8Lf\n",d); return 0; } long double sqrt(double a){ int i; long double b=3; for(i=0;i<256;i++){ b=(b/2)+(a/(2*b)); } return b; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const int INF = 1e9; int main() { double x1, y1, x2, y2; fscanf(stdin, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); fprintf(stdout, "%.9f\n", hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2)); return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long int ll; int main(){ ll N, X; cin >> N >> X; vector<ll> A(N); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){ cin >>; } sort(A.begin(), A.end()); ll ans = 0; while (true){ if (X >={ X -=; ans++; if (ans == N){ if (X > 0){ ans--; } break; } } else{ break; } } cout << ans << endl; }
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <set> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> using namespace std; typedef vector<int> VI; typedef vector<VI> VVI; typedef vector<string> VS; typedef pair<int, int> PII; typedef long long LL; #define ALL(a) (a).begin(),(a).end() #define REP(i,n) for(int i=0;i<(n);++i) const double EPS = 1e-10; const double PI = acos(-1.0); #define dump(x) cerr << " (L" << __LINE__ << ") " << #x << " = " << (x) << endl; #define dumpv(x) cerr << " (L" << __LINE__ << ") " << #x << " = "; REP(q,(x).size()) cerr << (x)[q] << " "; cerr << endl; template<typename T1, typename T2> ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const pair<T1, T2>& d) {return s << "(" << d.first << "," << d.second << ")";} int main() { string s; while (getline(cin, s)) { string orig; for (int i = 0; i <= 'z'-'a'; i++) { orig = s; for (int j = 0; j < orig.size(); j++) { if (orig[j] >= 'a' && orig[j] <= 'z') { orig[j] = 'a' + ((orig[j]-'a') + i) % ('z'-'a'+1); } } if (orig.find("the") != string::npos || orig.find("this") != string::npos || orig.find("that") != string::npos) { break; } } cout << orig << endl; } }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0; i<n;i++) using pii = pair<int,int>; using piii = pair<pii,int>; using ll = long long; #define int ll signed main(){ int v,e; cin>>v>>e; vector<piii>edge; rep(i,e){ int a,b,c; cin>>a>>b>>c; edge.push_back(piii(pii(a,b),c)); } vector<string>ans; rep(s,v){ vector<int>d(v,LLONG_MAX/1000); d[s]=0; rep(i,v){ bool update=false; rep(j,e){ int to,from,cost; to=edge[j].first.second; from=edge[j].first.first; cost=edge[j].second; if(d[from]==LLONG_MAX/1000)continue; if(d[to]>d[from]+cost){ d[to]=d[from]+cost; update=true; } } if(i==v-1&&update==true) return puts("NEGATIVE CYCLE")*0; } string temp; rep(i,v){ if(i)temp+=" "; if(d[i]==LLONG_MAX/1000)temp+="INF"; else temp+=(to_string(d[i])); } ans.push_back(temp); } rep(i,v)cout<<ans[i]<<endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define FOR(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<(b);++i) #define rep(i,n) FOR(i,0,n) #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int,int> pint; int d[101][101]; int inf=INT_MAX; int v; int warshall_floyd(){ rep(k,v)rep(i,v)rep(j,v){ if(d[i][k]==inf||d[k][j]==inf)continue; d[i][j]=min(d[i][j],d[i][k]+d[k][j]); } } int main(){ int e,r,s,t,ds; cin>>v>>e; rep(i,v)rep(j,v) d[i][j]=inf; rep(i,v) d[i][i]=0; rep(i,e){ cin>>s>>t>>ds; d[s][t]=ds; } warshall_floyd(); rep(i,v){ if(d[i][i]<0){ cout<<"NEGATIVE CYCLE"<<endl; break; } else if(i==v-1){ rep(j,v){ rep(k,v){ if(d[j][k]<inf) cout<<d[j][k]; else cout<<"INF"; if(k==v-1) cout<<endl; else cout<<" "; } } } } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> using namespace std; #define ref goto refrain class dice{ public: int o,u,s,e,n,w;//over,under,south,east,north,west void change(char a); }; void dice::change(char a){ int tem=o; if(a=='S'){ o=n; n=u; u=s; s=tem; } else if(a=='E'){ o=w; w=u; u=e; e=tem; } else if(a=='N'){ o=s; s=u; u=n; n=tem; } else if(a=='W'){ o=e; e=u; u=w; w=tem; } else{ cout<<"Error!"<<endl; exit(0); } } int main(){ dice a; cin>>a.o>>a.s>>a.e>>a.w>>a.n>>a.u; char com[100]; cin>>com; int m=strlen(com); for(int i=0;i<m;i++){ a.change(com[i]); } cout<<a.o<<endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long using namespace std; const int N = 2e5+5, MOD = 998244353; int n, m, k, p[N]; int mul(int x, int y) { ll tmp = 1LL * x * y; return tmp % MOD; } int add(int x, int y) { ll tmp = 1LL*x + 1LL*y; return tmp % MOD; } int pow(int x, int e) { int res = 1; for(; e; e>>=1) { if(e&1) res = mul(res, x); x = mul(x, x); } return res; } int inv(int x) { return pow(x, MOD-2); } int C(int x, int y) { int det = mul(p[x], p[y-x]); return mul(p[y], inv(det)); } void preprocess() { p[0] = 1; for(int i=1; i<N; i++) p[i] = mul(p[i-1], i); } int main() { preprocess(); cin >> n >> m >> k; int ans = 0; for(int t=n-k; t<=n; t++) { int tmp = mul(m, pow(m-1, t-1)); tmp = mul(tmp, C(n-t, n-1)); ans = add(ans, tmp); } cout << ans; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define sz(c) int(c.size()) #define rep(i,a,b) for (int i=a; i<(b); ++i) #define per(i,a,b) for (int i=(b)-1; i>=(a); --i) using namespace std; using ll = long long; int const MAXN=2.2e6; int const MD=998244353; int madd(int x,int y) { if (x+y<MD) return x+y; else return x+y-MD; } int msub(int x,int y) { if (x-y>=0) return x-y; else return x-y+MD; } int mmul(int x,int y) { return int(ll(x)*y % MD); } int mpow(int x,int p) { int res=1; while (p>0) { if (p%2) res=mmul(res,x); x=mmul(x,x); p/=2; } return res; } int minv(int x) { return mpow(x,MD-2); } int mdiv(int x,int y) { return mmul(x,mpow(y,MD-2)); } struct mod_fact { vector<int> f,rf; mod_fact(int n):f(n),rf(n) { f[0]=rf[0]=1; rep(i,1,n) { f[i]=mmul(f[i-1],i); rf[i]=minv(f[i]); } } } mfact(MAXN); int comb(int n,int k) { if (n<k) return 0; return mmul(mfact.f[n],mmul(mfact.rf[n-k],mfact.rf[k])); } int distr(int n,int k) { return comb(n+k-1,k-1); } int main() { cin.tie(0); ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cout<<fixed<<setprecision(10); int N,M; cin>>N>>M; int res=0; rep(i,0,min(N,M)+1) if ((3*M-i)%2==0) { int add=mmul(comb(N,i),distr((3*M-i)/2,N)); res=madd(res,add); } rep(i,0,min(N,M)+1) if ((M-i)%2==0) { int sub=mmul(comb(N,i),distr((M-i)/2,N)); res=msub(res,mmul(sub,N)); } rep(i,0,min(N,M)+1) if ((M-i)%2==0) { int add=mmul(comb(N-1,i),distr((M-i)/2,N-1)); res=madd(res,mmul(add,N)); } cout<<res<<'\n'; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <unistd.h> using namespace std; #define DEBUG(x) cerr<<#x<<": "<<x<<endl; #define DEBUG_VEC(v) cerr<<#v<<":";for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++) cerr<<" "<<v[i]; cerr<<endl #define DEBUG_MAT(v) cerr<<#v<<endl;for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++){for(int j=0;j<v[i].size();j++) {cerr<<v[i][j]<<" ";}cerr<<endl;} typedef long long ll; #define vi vector<int> #define vl vector<ll> #define vii vector< vector<int> > #define vll vector< vector<ll> > #define vs vector<string> #define pii pair<int,int> #define pis pair<int,string> #define psi pair<string,int> #define pll pair<ll,ll> template<class S, class T> pair<S, T> operator+(const pair<S, T> &s, const pair<S, T> &t) { return pair<S, T>(s.first + t.first, s.second + t.second); } template<class S, class T> pair<S, T> operator-(const pair<S, T> &s, const pair<S, T> &t) { return pair<S, T>(s.first - t.first, s.second - t.second); } template<class S, class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, pair<S, T> p) { os << "(" << p.first << ", " << p.second << ")"; return os; } #define X first #define Y second #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<(n);i++) #define rep1(i,n) for(int i=1;i<=(n);i++) #define rrep(i,n) for(int i=(n)-1;i>=0;i--) #define rrep1(i,n) for(int i=(n);i>0;i--) #define REP(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<b;i++) #define in(x, a, b) (a <= x && x < b) #define all(c) c.begin(),c.end() template<class T> bool chmax(T &a, const T &b) { if (a<b) { a = b; return 1; } return 0; } template<class T> bool chmin(T &a, const T &b) { if (a>b) { a = b; return 1; } return 0; } #define UNIQUE(v) v.erase(std::unique(v.begin(), v.end()), v.end()); const ll inf = 1000000001; const ll INF = (ll)1e18 + 1; //const ll MOD = 1000000007; const ll MOD = 998244353; const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846; #define Sp(p) cout<<setprecision(15)<< fixed<<p<<endl; int dx[4] = { -1,0, 1,0 }, dy[4] = { 0,1,0,-1 }; int dx2[8] = { 1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1 }, dy2[8] = { 0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1 }; #define fio() cin.tie(0); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); // #define mp make_pair //#define endl '\n' const int MAXN = 2522222; ll fact[2522222]; ll rfact[2522222]; ll mod_pow(ll x, ll p, ll M = MOD) { ll a = 1; while (p) { if (p % 2) a = a*x%M; x = x*x%M; p /= 2; } return a; } ll mod_inverse(ll a, ll M = MOD) { return mod_pow(a, M - 2, M); } void set_fact(ll n, ll M = MOD) { fact[0] = fact[1] = rfact[0] = rfact[1] = 1; for (ll i = 2; i <= n; i++) { fact[i] = i * fact[i - 1] % M; rfact[i] = mod_inverse(fact[i], M); } } // //nが大きくfactが計算できないときのほかの計算方法について書いてある ll nCr(ll n, ll r, ll M = MOD) { if (r > n) return 0; ll ret = fact[n]; ret = (ret*rfact[r]) % M; ret = (ret*rfact[n - r]) % M; return ret; } ll nHr(ll n, ll r) { return nCr(n+r-1, r); } ll guchoku(ll n, ll m) { vll dp(n + 1, vl(3*m + 1)); dp[0][0] = 1; rep (i, n) { rep (j, 3*m + 1) { for (int add = 0; add <= 2*m; add++) { if (j + add > 3*m) break; (dp[i + 1][j + add] += dp[i][j]) %= MOD; } } } return dp[n][3*m]; } int main() { ll n, m; cin >> n >> m; set_fact(2522221); ll zen = nHr(3*m + 1, n - 1); for (int x = 0; x < m; x++) { ll sub = nHr(x + 1, n - 1); if (3*m - 2*x > n) { sub = 0; } else { sub *= nCr(n, 3*m - 2*x); sub %= MOD; } zen -= sub; } for (int x = 2*m + 1; x <= 3*m; x++) { ll sub = n; ll m2 = 3*m - x; sub = sub * nHr(m2 + 1, (n - 1) - 1) % MOD; (zen -= sub) %= MOD; } zen = (zen + MOD) % MOD; cout << zen << endl; //DEBUG(guchoku(n, m)); }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <utility> using namespace std; int main(void){ while(true){ int n; cin >> n; if(n == 0){ break; } vector<pair<double, string> > moonlight; string l; int p, a, b, c, d, e, f, s, m; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ cin >> l >> p >> a >> b >> c >> d >> e >> f >> s >> m; int income = f * m * s - p; int time = a + b + c + (d + e) * m; moonlight.push_back(make_pair(-income/(double)time, l)); } sort(moonlight.begin(), moonlight.end()); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ cout << moonlight[i].second << endl; } cout << "#" << endl; } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #include<cmath> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; struct Data{ long double x; long double y; }; int main(){ int N; cin>>N; vector<Data>data(N); double countmax=1; for(double i=0;i<=N-1;i++){ cin>>data[i].x>>data[i].y; countmax*=i+1; } double x; double x2; double y; double y2; vector<double>P(N); for(int i=0;i<=N-1;i++)P[i]=i+1; double ave=0; do{ for(int i=0;i<=N-2;i++){ x=data[P[i]-1].x; x2=data[P[i+1]-1].x; y=data[P[i]-1].y; y2=data[P[i+1]-1].y; ave+=sqrt((x-x2)*(x-x2)+(y-y2)*(y-y2)); } }while(next_permutation(P.begin(),P.end())); ave/=countmax; cout<< fixed << setprecision(15)<<ave; return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(void){ string s; cin >> s; cout << "2018/"; for (int i=0; i<s.size(); i++) { if (i > 4) cout <<; } cout << endl; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n; int i; cin >> n; for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ if(i%3==0) cout << ' ' << i; else if(i%10==3) cout << ' ' << i; else if((i/10)%10==3) cout << ' ' << i; else if((i/100)%10==3) cout << ' ' << i; else if((i/1000)%10==3) cout << ' ' << i; } cout << endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { string s; cin>>s; int sum=0; int count=0; for(int i=0;i<s.size();i++) { if(s[i]=='R') sum++; else sum=0; if(sum>count) count=sum; } cout<<count<<endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i,n) for(int (i)=0;(i)<(int)(n);(i)++) #define REP(i,n) for(int (i)=0;(i)<=(int)(n);(i)++) #define rep1(i,x,n) for(int (i)=(x);(i)<(int)(n);(i)++) #define REP1(i,x,n) for(int (i)=(x);(i)<=(int)(n);(i)++) #define rrep(i,x) for(int i=((int)(x)-1);i>=0;i--) using namespace std; using ll = long long; using ull = unsigned long long; using Int = long long; //INT_MAX = 2147483647; //LLONG_MAX = 9223372036854775807; //ULLONG_MAX = 18446744073709551615; const int MOD = 1000000007; const ll INF = numeric_limits<ll>::max(); const int inf = 1e8; typedef pair<int,int> P; typedef std::priority_queue<int> IntPrioQueue; typedef std::priority_queue<int, std::vector<int>, std::greater<int> > IntReversePrioQueue; //少数点表示 //cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(14) << 値 int main(){ cin.tie( 0 ); ios::sync_with_stdio( false ); string s; cin >> s; int cnt; if(s[0]=='R' && s[1]=='R' && s[2]=='R') cnt = 3; else if((s[0]=='R' && s[1]=='R' ) || (s[1]=='R' && s[2]=='R')) cnt = 2; else if(s[0]=='R' || s[1]=='R' || s[2]=='R') cnt = 1; else cnt = 0; cout << cnt <<endl; return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<vector> #include<map> #include<set> #include<stack> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<utility> #include<numeric> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath> #include<climits> using namespace std; using ll = long long; class Stream{ public: Stream(){ } //配列以外の入力を受け取る void read(){ } template<typename First, typename... Rest> void read(First& first, Rest&... rest){ cin >> first; read(rest...); } //配列を区切って出力する template<typename T> void write_vec(vector<T>& v, char divider){ for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++){ cout << v[i] << divider; } } }; int main(){ Stream io; string S;; string ans = "AC"; if(S[0] != 'A') ans = "WA"; int c = 0; for(int i = 1; i < S.size(); i++){ if(!(S[i] <= 'z' && S[i] >= 'a')){ if(i <= S.size() - 2 && i >= 2){ c++; } else ans = "WA"; } } if(c != 1) ans = "WA"; cout << ans; return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i, n) for(int i = 0; i < (int)n; i++) #define repa(i, s, n) for(int i = s; i < (int)n; i++) using namespace std; using ll = long long; typedef vector<int> vi; int main(){ string s; cin >> s; bool OK_A = false; bool OK_C = false; bool OK_lower = true; int cnum; if(s[0] == 'A') OK_A = true; rep(i, s.size()-1){ if(i != 1){ if(s[i] == 'C'){ cnum = i; if(OK_C == false) OK_C = true; else OK_C = false; } } } rep(i, s.size()){ if(i != 0 && i != cnum){ if(isupper(s[i])) OK_lower = false; } } if(OK_A && OK_C && OK_lower) cout << "AC" << endl; else cout << "WA" << endl; return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> int main(){ using namespace std; constexpr unsigned long MOD = 1000000007; auto f = [&MOD](auto& a, auto k){(a.second += (a.first += a.second * k) %= MOD) %= MOD; return a.first;}; unsigned long N; cin >> N; vector<pair<pair<unsigned long, unsigned long>, unsigned long>> tapi(1048576, {{1, 0}, 0}); unsigned long ans{0}, t{500000004}, a{0}, z{0}; for(unsigned long i = 1, A; i <= N; ++i){ cin >> A; if(a ^= A){ ans += f(tapi[a].first, z - tapi[a].second); tapi[a].second = z; }else ++z, (t *= 2) %= MOD; } cout << (a ? tapi[a].first.first : (ans + t) % MOD) << endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp> #include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp> #define int long long #define ull unsigned long long #define ld long double #define rep(a) rep1(i,a) #define rep1(i,a) rep2(i,0,a) #define rep2(i,b,a) for(int i=(b); i<((int)(a)); i++) #define rep3(i,b,a) for(int i=(b); i>=((int)(a)); i--) #define all(a) a.begin(),a.end() #define pii pair<int,int> #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define eps 1e-9 #define sz(a) ((int)a.size()) #define pow2(x) (1ll<<(x)) #define ceiling(a,b) (((a)+(b)-1)/(b)) #define print0(a) cout << (a) << ' ' #define print1(a) cout << (a) << '\n' #define print2(a,b) cout << (a) << ' ',print1(b) #define print3(a,b,c) cout << (a) << ' ',print2(b,c) #define print4(a,b,c,d) cout << (a) << ' ',print3(b,c,d) #ifdef i_am_noob #define debug(a) print2(#a,a) #else #define debug(a) #endif #define ordered_set tree<int,null_type,less<int>,rb_tree_tag,tree_order_statistics_node_update> using namespace std; using namespace __gnu_pbds; const int Mod=1000000007,Mod2=998244353; const int MOD=Mod; inline int add(int a, int b){return (a+b>=MOD?a+b-MOD:a+b);} inline int sub(int a, int b){return (a+MOD-b>=MOD?a-b:a+MOD-b);} int Pow(int a, int b){ if(!b) return 1; int tmp=Pow(a*a%MOD,b>>1); return (b&1?tmp*a%MOD:tmp); } inline int inverse(int n){return Pow(n,MOD-2);} const int maxn=100005; //i_am_noob int n,goal,a[10][2],cnt,x,ans=4e18; bool flag; signed main(){ ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0),cin.tie(0); cin >> n >> goal; rep(n) rep1(j,2) cin >> a[i][j]; rep(pow2(n)){ cnt=x=0; rep1(j,n) if(i&pow2(j)){ x+=a[j][0]; cnt+=a[j][0]*(j+1)*100+a[j][1]; } if(cnt>=goal){ ans=min(ans,x); continue; } flag=false; rep3(j,n-1,0) if((i&pow2(j))==0){ rep1(k,a[j][0]){ x++; cnt+=(j+1)*100; if(cnt>=goal){ ans=min(ans,x); flag=true; break; } } if(flag) break; } } print1(ans); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int hour[3]; cin >> hour[0] >> hour[1] >> hour[2]; int ans = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 3; j++) { ans = min(ans, hour[i] + hour[j]); } } cout << ans << endl; return 0; }
/* @uthor: Amit Kumar user -->GitHub: drviruses ; CodeChef: dr_virus_ ; Codeforces,AtCoder,Hackerearth,Hakerrank: dr_virus; */ #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <chrono> using namespace std; using namespace std::chrono; //#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp> //namespace mp = boost::multiprecision; //#define ln mp::cpp_int; #define ll long long #define ld long double #define ull unsigned long long #define endl "\n" ll google_itr = 1; #define google(x) cout<<"Case #"<<x<<":" #define pi 3.14159265358979323846264338327950L const ll mod = 1e9+7; const ll inf = 1e18; ll popcount(ll num){ num = num - ((num >> 1) & 0x55555555); num = (num & 0x33333333) + ((num >> 2) & 0x33333333); return ((num + (num >> 4) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >> 24; } vector<pair<ll,ll>> factor_arr; void myfactor(ll num){ ll count = 0; while (!(num % 2)) { num >>= 1; count++; } if (count) factor_arr.push_back({2,count}); for (auto i = 3; i <= sqrt(num); i += 2) { count = 0; while (num % i == 0) { count++; num /= i; } if (count) factor_arr.push_back({i,count}); } if (num > 2) factor_arr.push_back({num,1}); } void virus(){ ll a,b,c; cin>>a>>b>>c; cout<<min({a+b,b+c,a+c}); } int32_t main(){ ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); /*#ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("input.txt","r",stdin); freopen("output.txt","w",stdout); #endif*/ ll t=1; //cin>>t; while(t--){ auto start = high_resolution_clock::now(); virus(); auto stop = high_resolution_clock::now(); auto duration = duration_cast<seconds>(stop - start); //cout << "Time: "<<duration.count()<<endl; //your code goes here } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long #define ld long double #define f(a, b) for (ll i = a; i <= b; i++) #define pb push_back #define pf push_front #define mp make_pair using namespace std; #define N 200005 const ll INF = 1000000000000000001; const ll MOD = 1000000000; //vector< vector<ll> > g(N); //vector< pair<ll, pair< ll, ll > > > g(N); //ll vis[N] = {0}, par[N] = {0}, child[N] = {0},cnt = 0; void solve(){ ll n; cin >> n; ll ans =0; ll a[n] ; f(0, n-1) cin >> a[i]; f(1, n-1){ if(a[i] < a[i-1]) ans += a[i-1]-a[i], a[i] += (a[i-1]-a[i]); } cout << ans << "\n"; } int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); cout.tie(NULL); #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("input.txt","r",stdin); freopen("out.txt","w",stdout); #endif //ll t;cin >> t;for(ll index=1; index<=t; index++){ //cout << "Case #" << index << ": " ; solve(); //} return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define int long long int #define mod 998244353 #define IOS ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); using namespace std; int32_t main() { #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("input.txt","r",stdin); freopen("output1.txt","w", stdout); #endif int n; cin>>n; int a[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { cin>>a[i]; } int ans=0,s; s=a[0]; for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { s=max(s,a[i]); ans+=(s-a[i]); } cout<<ans; #ifndef LOCAL_DEFINE cerr << "Time elapsed: " << 1.0 * clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " s.\n"; #endif return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <set> using namespace std; // enum FACE { TOP, BOTTOM, FRONT, BACK, LEFT, RIGHT }; class dice { public: dice(int top,int front,int right,int left,int back,int bottom) { id[TOP] = top; id[FRONT] = front; id[RIGHT] = right; id[LEFT] = left; id[BACK] = back; id[BOTTOM] = bottom; } int& operator[] (FACE f) { return id[f]; } const int& operator[] (FACE f) const { return id[f]; } bool operator==(const dice &b) const { const dice &a = *this; return a[TOP] == b[TOP] && a[BOTTOM] == b[BOTTOM] && a[FRONT] == b[FRONT] && a[BACK] == b[BACK] && a[LEFT] == b[LEFT] && a[RIGHT] == b[RIGHT]; } void roll_north() { roll(TOP, FRONT, BOTTOM, BACK); } void roll_south() { roll(TOP, BACK, BOTTOM, FRONT); } void roll_east() { roll(TOP, LEFT, BOTTOM, RIGHT); } void roll_west() { roll(TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, LEFT); } void roll_right() { roll(FRONT, LEFT, BACK, RIGHT); } void roll_left() { roll(FRONT, RIGHT, BACK, LEFT); } void all_rolls(set<long long> &s){ for (int k = 0; k < 6; (k&1?roll_east():roll_north()),++k) for (int i = 0; i < 4; roll_right(), ++i) s.insert(((long long)id[TOP]<<40) | ((long long)id[FRONT]<<32) | (id[RIGHT]<<24) | (id[LEFT]<<16) | (id[BACK]<<8) | (id[BOTTOM]<<0)); } private: void roll(FACE a, FACE b, FACE c, FACE d){ int tmp = id[a]; id[a] = id[b]; id[b] = id[c]; id[c] = id[d]; id[d] = tmp; } int id[6]; }; int main(){ int n,d[6]; cin>>n; int i,j; set<long long>s; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ for(j=0;j<6;j++)cin>>d[j]; long long x=((long long)d[0]<<40) | ((long long)d[1]<<32) | (d[2]<<24) | (d[3]<<16) | (d[4]<<8) | (d[5]<<0); if(s.find(x)!=s.end()){ cout<<"No"<<endl; return 0; }else{ dice di(d[0],d[1],d[2],d[3],d[4],d[5]); di.all_rolls(s); } } cout<<"Yes"<<endl; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline char shift(char c, int i) { return char(((c + i) - 'a') % 26 + 'a'); } int main() { string str; while (getline(cin, str)) { int n; for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) { string target; for (char c : str) { if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') target += shift(c, i); else target += c; } for (string key : {"the", "this", "that"}) { size_t pos = target.find(key); if (pos != string::npos) { n = i; str = target; goto found; } } } found: cout << str << endl; } }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ string s; cin >> s; map<char,vector<int>> dist; for(int i=0; i< s.size(); i++){ dist[].push_back(i); } /*ここからアンバランス探しmapにはアルファベットと出現箇所が紐づけ 各アルファベットについて、隣り合ってたらok */ bool seikai = false; for(auto& a: dist ){ if(a.second.size()>1){ for(int i=0; i< a.second.size() - 1; i++ ){ if((a.second[i+1] - a.second[i] ==1) || (a.second[i+1] - a.second[i]==2)){ cout << a.second[i] +1<< " " << a.second[i+1] +1; seikai = true; goto Finish; } } } } Finish: if(!seikai){cout << -1 << " " << -1;} cout << endl; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(){ string s, strCopy; while (getline(cin, s)) { for(int j=0 ; j<26 ; j++){ for(int i=0 ; i<s.size() ; i++){ if(s[i]>='a' && s[i]<='z'){ s[i] = (s[i]=='z')? 'a' : s[i] + 1; } } if( s.find( "the" ) != string::npos || s.find( "this" ) != string::npos || s.find( "that" ) != string::npos){ cout << s << endl; } } } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; struct node{ long long num,p; }a[100010]; int s,n; long long ans; bool cmp(node a,node b) { return a.p<b.p; } int main() { scanf("%d%d",&n,&s); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d%d",&a[i].p,&a[i].num); sort(a+1,a+n+1,cmp); int L=1,R=n; int bef=-1; while(a[L].p<=s && a[R].p>=s) { int now; if(a[L].num>=a[R].num) { now=false; a[L].num+=a[R].num; } else { now=true; a[R].num+=a[L].num; } if(now!=bef) { ans+=a[R].p-a[L].p; bef=now; } if(a[L].num>=a[R].num) R--; else L++; } if(a[L].p<s) ans+=s-a[L].p; else ans+=a[R].p-s; printf("%lld",ans); return 0; }
//by yjz #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define FF first #define SS second #define PB push_back #define MP make_pair #define foreach(it,s) for(__typeof((s).begin()) it=(s).begin();it!=(s).end();it++) #ifndef LOCAL #define cerr if(0)cout #endif typedef long long ll; const int mod=1e9+7; //My i/o stream struct fastio { char s[100000]; int it, len; fastio() {it=len=0;} inline char get() { if (it<len) return s[it++]; it=0; len=fread(s, 1, 100000, stdin); if (len==0) return EOF; else return s[it++]; } bool notend() { char c=get(); while (c==' '||c=='\n') c=get(); if (it>0) it--; return c!=EOF; } }_buff; #define geti(x) x=getnum() #define getii(x,y) geti(x),geti(y) #define getiii(x,y,z) getii(x,y),geti(z) #define puti(x) putnum(x),putchar(' ') #define putii(x,y) puti(x),puti(y) #define putiii(x,y,z) putii(x,y),puti(z) #define putsi(x) putnum(x),putchar('\n') #define putsii(x,y) puti(x),putsi(y) #define putsiii(x,y,z) putii(x,y),putsi(z) inline ll getnum() { ll r=0; bool ng=0; char c; c=_buff.get(); while (c!='-'&&(c<'0'||c>'9')) c=_buff.get(); if (c=='-') ng=1, c=_buff.get(); while (c>='0'&&c<='9') r=r*10+c-'0', c=_buff.get(); return ng?-r:r; } template <class T> inline void putnum(T x) { if (x<0) putchar('-'), x=-x; register short a[20]={}, sz=0; while (x) a[sz++]=x%10, x/=10; if(sz==0) putchar('0'); for (int i=sz-1; i>=0; i--) putchar('0'+a[i]); } inline char getreal() {char c=_buff.get(); while (c<=32) c=_buff.get(); return c;} ll qpow(ll x, ll k) {return k==0? 1: 1ll*qpow(1ll*x*x%mod,k>>1)*(k&1?x:1)%mod;} const int maxn = 100111; int n; ll X[maxn], P[maxn], S; struct movement { ll pos, ans; movement move(ll x) { movement ret; ret.ans = ans+abs(x-pos); ret.pos = x; return ret; } }; movement solve(int l, int r, ll dl, ll dr) { if (S<=X[l]) return movement({X[r], X[r]-S}); if (X[r]<=S) return movement({X[l], S-X[l]}); if (P[l]+dl<P[r]+dr) { return solve(l+1, r, 0, dl+dr+P[l]).move(X[l]); } else { return solve(l, r-1, dl+dr+P[r], 0).move(X[r]); } } int main() { getii(n, S); for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) getii(X[i], P[i]); cout<<solve(1, n, 0, 0).ans<<endl; return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i,N) for(ll (i)=0;(i)<(N);(i)++) #define chmax(x,y) x=max(x,y) #define chmin(x,y) x=min(x,y) using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int,int> P; const int mod = 1000000007; int main() { int h, w; cin >> h >> w; int a, b; cin >> a >> b; int one = 1; int zero = 0; bool yes = true; rep(i, h) { if (i >= b && yes) { swap(zero, one); yes = false; } rep(j, w) { if(j < a) cout << one; else cout << zero; } cout << endl; } }
#include <stdio.h> typedef long long ll; int main(void) { ll i, j, k, h, w, a, b; scanf("%lld%lld%lld%lld", &h, &w, &a, &b); for(i = 0; i < h; ++i) { for(j = 0; j < w; ++j) printf("%d", (i < b) ^ (j < a)); printf("\n"); } return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define gc getchar_unlocked #define fo(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++) #define Fo(i,k,n) for(i=k;k<n?i<n:i>n;k<n?i+=1:i-=1) #define ll long long #define si(x) scanf("%d",&x) #define sl(x) scanf("%lld",&x) #define ss(s) scanf("%s",s) #define pi(x) printf("%d\n",x) #define pl(x) printf("%lld\n",x) #define ps(s) printf("%s\n",s) #define deb(x) cout << #x << "=" << x << endl #define deb2(x, y) cout << #x << "=" << x << "," << #y << "=" << y << endl #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define F first #define S second #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end() #define clr(x) memset(x, 0, sizeof(x)) #define sortall(x) sort(all(x)) #define tr(it, a) for(auto it = a.begin(); it != a.end(); it++) #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626 #define wi(t) int t;cin>>t;while(t--) typedef pair<int, int> pii; typedef pair<ll, ll> pl; typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<ll> vl; typedef vector<pii> vpii; typedef vector<pl> vpl; typedef vector<vi> vvi; typedef vector<vl> vvl; mt19937_64 rang(chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); int rng(int lim) { uniform_int_distribution<int> uid(0,lim-1); return uid(rang); } int mpow(int base, int exp); void ipgraph(int n, int m); void dfs(int u, int par); const int mod = 1000000007; const int N = 3e5, M = N; //======================= vi g[N]; int a[N]; void solve() { string s; cin>>s; string ans; int diff=INT_MAX; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) ans+=s[i]; diff=min(diff,abs(stoi(ans)-753)); for(int i=3;i<s.length();i++) { ans.erase(ans.begin()); ans.pb(s[i]); diff=min(diff,abs(stoi(ans)-753)); } cout<<diff<<endl; } int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0); srand(chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); // wi(t) { solve(); } return 0; } int mpow(int base, int exp) { base %= mod; int result = 1; while (exp > 0) { if (exp & 1) result = ((ll)result * base) % mod; base = ((ll)base * base) % mod; exp >>= 1; } return result; } void ipgraph(int n, int m){ int i, u, v; while(m--){ cin>>u>>v; u--, v--; g[u].pb(v); g[v].pb(u); } } void dfs(int u, int par){ for(int v:g[u]){ if (v == par) continue; dfs(v, u); } }
#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { string s; cin >> s; int mini = 10000; for (int i = 0; i < s.length()-2; i++) { int x = atoi(s.substr(i, 3).c_str()); mini = min(abs(x - 753), mini); } cout << mini << endl; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ long long n; cin >> n; bool ok=false; long long i=1; while(!ok){ if(i*i>n){ cout << (i-1)*(i-1) << endl; ok=true; } i++; } return 0; }
#include<iostream> //#include<CastingInterop.h> #include<string> #include<array> #include<math.h> #include<sstream> using namespace std; int main() { int num1,num3; cin >> num1; num3 = sqrt(num1); if (num3 % 10 != 0) { num3 = sqrt(num1); cout << num3 * num3; } else { cout << num3 * num3; } }
#include <algorithm> #include <bitset> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <map> #include <numeric> #include <queue> #include <set> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #define rep(i,n) for (int i = 0; i < (n); ++i) using namespace std; using ll = long long; using ld = long double; using P = pair<int, int>; using LP = pair<ll, ll>; const double PI = 3.1415926535897932; int main() { string S, T; cin >> S >> T; cout << T + S << endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <functional> #include <limits.h> #include <set> #include <map> #include <tuple> using namespace std; #define ll long long #define ull unsigned long long #define rep(i,N) for (ll i=0;i<N;i++) #define loop(i,N,M) for(ll i=N;i<M;i++) #define MAX(v) *max_element(v.begin(),v.end()) #define MIN(v) *min_element(v.begin(),v.end()) #define SORTL2S(type,v) sort(v.begin(),v.end(),greater<type>()) #define SORTS2L(type,v) sort(v.begin(),v.end()) #define SORTMF(v,func) sort(v.begin(),v.end(),func) #define MP(a,b) make_pair(a,b) ll debugFlag = false; template<typename T> void debug(T&); template<typename T> void debug(T&, bool); template<typename T> void debug(vector<T>&); template<typename T> void debug(vector<T>&, bool); template<typename T, typename U> void debug(pair<T, U>&); template<typename T, typename U> void debug(pair<T, U>&, bool); template<typename T> void debug(T& obj) { debug(obj, true); } template<typename T> void debug(T& obj, bool lnFlag) { if (!debugFlag) return; cout << obj; if (lnFlag) cout << endl; } template<typename T> void debug(vector<T>& obj) { debug(obj, true); } template<typename T> void debug(vector<T>& obj, bool lnFlag) { if (!debugFlag) return; cout << "["; rep(i, obj.size()) { if (i != 0) cout << ","; debug(obj[i], false); } cout << "]"; if (lnFlag) cout << endl; } template<typename T, typename U> void debug(pair<T, U>& obj) { debug(obj, true); } template<typename T, typename U> void debug(pair<T, U>& obj, bool lnFlag) { if (!debugFlag) return; cout << "("; debug(obj.first, false); cout << ","; debug(obj.second, false); cout << ")"; if (lnFlag) cout << endl; } void solve() { string S,T; cin >> S >> T; cout << T << S; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc == 2 && string(argv[1]) == "debug") debugFlag = true; solve(); return 0; }
#pragma GCC optimize ("O3") #pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops") #pragma GCC target("sse4") #include"bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std; typedef long long ll; #define int ll #define sz(x) (int)(x).size(); #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end() #define trav(i,a) for(auto &i:a) const int inf=1e18; inline int in(){int x;scanf("%lld",&x);return x;} #define x first #define y second int32_t main() { int n=in(); vector<vector<pair<int,int>>> g(n); int u,v,w; for(int i=1;i<n;i++) { u=in();v=in();w=in(); u--;v--; g[u].push_back({v,w}); g[v].push_back({u,w}); } int Q=in();int K=in();K--; queue<int> q; q.push(K); vector<int> dis(n,inf); dis[K]=0; while(!q.empty()) { u=q.front(); q.pop(); for(auto v:g[u]) { if(dis[v.x]!=inf)continue; dis[v.x]=min(dis[v.x],dis[u]+v.y); q.push(v.x); } } while(Q--) { u=in();v=in(); cout<<dis[u-1]+dis[v-1]<<"\n"; } }
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include<math.h> #include<list> #include <algorithm> #include<set> #include<vector> #include<math.h> #include<map> #include<string> #include <numeric> #include <queue> #include <sstream> #include <bitset> #include<stack> using namespace std; using ll = long long; using vll = vector<long long>; using sll = set<long long>; template<typename T> T gcd(T a, T b) { return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a; } template<typename T> T lcm(T a, T b) { return a / gcd(a, b) * b; } template<typename T> map<T, T> getPrimeFactor(T n) { map<T, T> res; for (T i = 2; i * i <= n; ++i) { while (n % i == 0) { res[i] ++; n /= i; } } if (n != 1) res[n] = 1; return res; } template<typename T> bool IsPrimeNumber(T num) { if (num <= 2) return true; else if (num % 2 == 0) return false; double sqrtNum = sqrt(num); for (int i = 3; i <= sqrtNum; i += 2) { if (num % i == 0) { return false; } } return true; } long long modinv(long long a, long long m) { long long b = m, u = 1, v = 0; while (b) { long long t = a / b; a -= t * b; swap(a, b); u -= t * v; swap(u, v); } u %= m; if (u < 0) u += m; return u; } #define rep(i,s,e) for(ll i=s;i<e;i++) #define repeq(i,s,e) for(ll i=s;i<=e;i++) int main() { ll N; std::cin >> N; vector<map<ll, ll>> dic(N+1); rep(i, 1, N) { ll a, b, c; std::cin >> a >> b >> c; dic[a][b] = c; dic[b][a] = c; } ll Q, K; std::cin >> Q >> K; vll cost(N+1, 999999999999999); cost[K] = 0; vector<bool> isVisited(N + 1, false); priority_queue<pair<ll, ll>> pq; pq.push({ 0,K }); while (!pq.empty()) { if (!isVisited[]) { isVisited[] = true; ll c =; ll pos =; pq.pop(); for (auto itr = dic[pos].begin(); itr != dic[pos].end(); itr++) { if (c + itr->second < cost[itr->first]) { cost[itr->first] = c + itr->second; pq.push({ cost[itr->first],itr->first }); } } } } rep(i, 0, Q) { ll x, y; std::cin >> x >> y; std::cout << cost[x] + cost[y] << endl; } return 0; }