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# Release History
## 10.3.0 (2023-11-20)
### Features Added
- Model Registry has a new parameter metadata_search
- Model RegistryUpdateParameters has a new parameter metadata_search
## 10.2.0 (2023-09-21)
### Features Added
- Added operation group ArchiveVersionsOperations
- Added operation group ArchivesOperations
## 10.1.0 (2023-02-15)
### Features Added
- Added operation group CacheRulesOperations
- Added operation group CredentialSetsOperations
## 10.0.0 (2022-05-26)
- Model Policies has a new parameter azure_ad_authentication_as_arm_policy
- Model Policies has a new parameter soft_delete_policy
**Breaking changes**
- Model NetworkRuleSet no longer has parameter virtual_network_rules
## 9.1.0 (2022-03-03)
- Added operation RegistriesOperations.begin_generate_credentials
- Model NetworkRuleSet has a new parameter virtual_network_rules
- Model Registry has a new parameter anonymous_pull_enabled
- Model RegistryUpdateParameters has a new parameter anonymous_pull_enabled
## 9.0.0 (2022-01-19)
- Added operation RegistriesOperations.get_private_link_resource
**Breaking changes**
- Model NetworkRuleSet no longer has parameter virtual_network_rules
- Model Registry no longer has parameter anonymous_pull_enabled
- Model RegistryUpdateParameters no longer has parameter anonymous_pull_enabled
- Removed operation RegistriesOperations.begin_generate_credentials
## 8.2.0 (2021-10-26)
- Model ConnectedRegistryUpdateParameters has a new parameter notifications_list
- Model ConnectedRegistry has a new parameter notifications_list
## 8.1.0 (2021-07-22)
- Model Policies has a new parameter export_policy
- Model OperationDefinition has a new parameter is_data_action
## 8.0.0 (2021-05-25)
- Model PipelineRun has a new parameter system_data
- Model TaskRunRequest has a new parameter log_template
- Model TaskUpdateParameters has a new parameter log_template
- Model Token has a new parameter system_data
- Model EncodedTaskRunRequest has a new parameter log_template
- Model ScopeMap has a new parameter system_data
- Model AgentPool has a new parameter system_data
- Model RegistryUpdateParameters has a new parameter anonymous_pull_enabled
- Model RegistryUpdateParameters has a new parameter network_rule_bypass_options
- Model ExportPipeline has a new parameter system_data
- Model KeyVaultProperties has a new parameter key_rotation_enabled
- Model KeyVaultProperties has a new parameter last_key_rotation_timestamp
- Model Run has a new parameter log_artifact
- Model Run has a new parameter system_data
- Model FileTaskRunRequest has a new parameter log_template
- Model RunRequest has a new parameter log_template
- Model OperationServiceSpecificationDefinition has a new parameter log_specifications
- Model Webhook has a new parameter system_data
- Model ProxyResource has a new parameter system_data
- Model TaskRun has a new parameter system_data
- Model DockerBuildRequest has a new parameter log_template
- Model Task has a new parameter is_system_task
- Model Task has a new parameter system_data
- Model Task has a new parameter log_template
- Model Registry has a new parameter zone_redundancy
- Model Registry has a new parameter anonymous_pull_enabled
- Model Registry has a new parameter system_data
- Model Registry has a new parameter network_rule_bypass_options
- Model ImportPipeline has a new parameter system_data
- Model Resource has a new parameter system_data
- Model PrivateEndpointConnection has a new parameter system_data
- Model Replication has a new parameter zone_redundancy
- Model Replication has a new parameter system_data
- Added operation group ConnectedRegistriesOperations
**Breaking changes**
- Parameter type of model QuickBuildRequest is now required
- Parameter type of model BuildStepProperties is now required
- Parameter type of model BuildStepPropertiesUpdateParameters is now required
- Parameter type of model QueueBuildRequest is now required
- Parameter type of model BuildTaskBuildRequest is now required
- Model TokenCredentialsProperties no longer has parameter active_directory_object
- Model Registry no longer has parameter storage_account
- Removed operation RegistriesOperations.get_build_source_upload_url
- Removed operation RegistriesOperations.begin_schedule_run
## 8.0.0b1 (2020-10-12)
This is beta preview version.
This version uses a next-generation code generator that introduces important breaking changes, but also important new features (like unified authentication and async programming).
**General breaking changes**
- Credential system has been completly revamped:
- `azure.common.credentials` or `msrestazure.azure_active_directory` instances are no longer supported, use the `azure-identity` classes instead:
- `credentials` parameter has been renamed `credential`
- The `config` attribute no longer exists on a client, configuration should be passed as kwarg. Example: `MyClient(credential, subscription_id, enable_logging=True)`. For a complete set of
supported options, see the [parameters accept in init documentation of azure-core](
- You can't import a `version` module anymore, use `__version__` instead
- Operations that used to return a `msrest.polling.LROPoller` now returns a `azure.core.polling.LROPoller` and are prefixed with `begin_`.
- Exceptions tree have been simplified and most exceptions are now `azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` (`CloudError` has been removed).
- Most of the operation kwarg have changed. Some of the most noticeable:
- `raw` has been removed. Equivalent feature can be found using `cls`, a callback that will give access to internal HTTP response for advanced user
- For a complete set of
supported options, see the [parameters accept in Request documentation of azure-core](
**General new features**
- Type annotations support using `typing`. SDKs are mypy ready.
- This client has now stable and official support for async. Check the `aio` namespace of your package to find the async client.
- This client now support natively tracing library like OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry. See this [tracing quickstart]( for an overview.
## 3.0.0rc15(2020-9-16)
- Model FileTaskRunRequest has a new parameter log_template
- Model Run has a new parameter log_artifact
- Model EncodedTaskRunRequest has a new parameter log_template
- Model ImportPipeline has a new parameter location
- Model TaskRunRequest has a new parameter log_template
- Model Task has a new parameter log_template
- Model Task has a new parameter is_system_task
- Model RunRequest has a new parameter log_template
- Model ExportPipeline has a new parameter location
- Model TaskUpdateParameters has a new parameter log_template
- Model TaskRunUpdateParameters has a new parameter location
- Model DockerBuildRequest has a new parameter log_template
**Breaking changes**
- Model TaskRun no longer has parameter tags
## 3.0.0rc14(2020-06-15)
- Model RunGetLogResult has a new parameter log_artifact_link
## 3.0.0rc13 (2020-05-15)
- Model Replication has a new parameter region_endpoint_enabled
- Model ReplicationUpdateParameters has a new parameter region_endpoint_enabled
**Breaking changes**
- Operation ReplicationsOperations.create has a new signature
- Operation ReplicationsOperations.update has a new signature
- Operation ReplicationsOperations.create has a new signature
## 3.0.0rc12(2020-05-06)
- Model Registry has a new parameter public_network_access
- Model ErrorResponseBody has a new parameter details
- Model ErrorResponseBody has a new parameter target
- Model RegistryUpdateParameters has a new parameter public_network_access
- Added operation group PipelineRunsOperations
- Added operation group ImportPipelinesOperations
- Added operation group ExportPipelinesOperations
## 3.0.0rc11 (2020-03-25)
**Breaking changes**
- Operation PrivateEndpointConnectionsOperations.create_or_update has a new signature
- Operation PrivateEndpointConnectionsOperations.create_or_update has a new signature
## 3.0.0rc10 (2020-03-11)
- Model FileTaskRunRequest has a new parameter agent_pool_name
- Model RunRequest has a new parameter agent_pool_name
- Model RunFilter has a new parameter agent_pool_name
- Model DockerBuildRequest has a new parameter agent_pool_name
- Model TaskRunRequest has a new parameter agent_pool_name
- Model EncodedTaskRunRequest has a new parameter agent_pool_name
- Model TaskUpdateParameters has a new parameter agent_pool_name
- Model Run has a new parameter agent_pool_name
- Model Task has a new parameter agent_pool_name
- Added operation TaskRunsOperations.get_details
- Added operation group AgentPoolsOperations
## 3.0.0rc9 (2020-03-02)
- Model Registry has a new parameter encryption
- Model Registry has a new parameter data_endpoint_host_names
- Model Registry has a new parameter private_endpoint_connections
- Model Registry has a new parameter identity
- Model Registry has a new parameter data_endpoint_enabled
- Model TokenCredentialsProperties has a new parameter active_directory_object
- Model RegistryUpdateParameters has a new parameter identity
- Model RegistryUpdateParameters has a new parameter data_endpoint_enabled
- Model RegistryUpdateParameters has a new parameter encryption
- Added operation RegistriesOperations.list_private_link_resources
- Added operation group PrivateEndpointConnectionsOperations
**Breaking changes**
- Model Token no longer has parameter object_id
## 3.0.0rc8 (2020-01-10)
- Added operation group TaskRunsOperations
## 3.0.0rc7 (2019-10-23)
- Minor fixes in ScopeMaps
## 3.0.0rc6 (2019-10-03)
- Added operation RegistriesOperations.generate_credentials
## 3.0.0rc5 (2019-08-02)
- Reverting API version back to 2019-05-01
## 3.0.0rc4 (2019-07-10)
- Fix incorrect default API version from 2019-05-01 to 2017-10-01
## 3.0.0rc3 (2019-07-01)
New preview API version 2019-06-01-preview contains:
- Model BaseImageTriggerUpdateParameters has a new parameter
- Model BaseImageTriggerUpdateParameters has a new parameter
- Model RegistryUpdateParameters has a new parameter policies
- Model Registry has a new parameter policies
- Model TaskRunRequest has a new parameter
- Model BaseImageTrigger has a new parameter
- Model BaseImageTrigger has a new parameter update_trigger_endpoint
- Model Run has a new parameter update_trigger_token
- Added operation RegistriesOperations.get_build_source_upload_url
- Added operation RegistriesOperations.schedule_run
**Breaking changes**
- Model RegistryUpdateParameters no longer has parameter
- Model TaskRunRequest no longer has parameter task_name
- Model TaskRunRequest no longer has parameter values
- Model TaskRunRequest has a new required parameter task_id
- Removed operation RegistriesOperations.list_policies
- Removed operation RegistriesOperations.generate_credentials
- Removed operation RegistriesOperations.update_policies
## 3.0.0rc2 (2019-06-12)
- Model Run has a new parameter timer_trigger
**General Breaking changes**
This version uses a next-generation code generator that *might*
introduce breaking changes while using imports. In summary, some modules
were incorrectly visible/importable and have been renamed. This fixed
several issues caused by usage of classes that were not supposed to be
used in the first place.
- ContainerRegistryManagementClient cannot be imported from
anymore (import from `azure.mgmt.containerregistry` works like
- ContainerRegistryManagementClientConfiguration import has been moved
to `azure.mgmt.containerregistry`
- ContainerRegistryManagementClient cannot be imported from
anymore (import from `azure.mgmt.containerregistry.v20xx_yy_zz`
works like before)
- ContainerRegistryManagementClientConfiguration import has been moved
to `azure.mgmt.containerregistry.v20xx_yy_zz`
- A model `MyClass` from a "models" sub-module cannot be imported
anymore using
(import from `azure.mgmt.containerregistry.v20xx_yy_zz.models`
works like before)
- An operation class `MyClassOperations` from an `operations`
sub-module cannot be imported anymore using
(import from
`azure.mgmt.containerregistry.v20xx_yy_zz.operations` works like
Last but not least, HTTP connection pooling is now enabled by default.
You should always use a client as a context manager, or call close(), or
use no more than one containerregistry mgmt client per process.
## 3.0.0rc1 (2019-05-24)
- Model Registry has a new parameter policies
- Model RegistryUpdateParameters has a new parameter policies
- Add preview ScopeMaps (2019-05-01-preview API version)
**Breaking changes**
- Model RegistryUpdateParameters no longer has parameter
- Removed operation RegistriesOperations.update_policies
- Removed operation RegistriesOperations.list_policies
## 2.8.0 (2019-04-30)
- Model CustomRegistryCredentials has a new parameter identity
- Model Run has a new parameter run_error_message
- Model Task has a new parameter identity
- Model TaskUpdateParameters has a new parameter identity
- Model Target has a new parameter name
- Model Target has a new parameter version
- Model TriggerProperties has a new parameter timer_triggers
- Model TriggerUpdateParameters has a new parameter timer_triggers
## 2.7.0 (2019-01-25)
- Model Run has a new parameter custom_registries
- Model Run has a new parameter source_registry_auth
- Model DockerBuildStepUpdateParameters has a new parameter target
- Model FileTaskRunRequest has a new parameter credentials
- Model DockerBuildRequest has a new parameter credentials
- Model DockerBuildRequest has a new parameter target
- Model TaskUpdateParameters has a new parameter credentials
- Model Task has a new parameter credentials
- Model EncodedTaskRunRequest has a new parameter credentials
- Model DockerBuildStep has a new parameter target
## 2.6.0 (2019-01-02)
- Add IP rules
- Rename incorrect "id" to "virtual_network_resource_id"
## 2.5.0 (2018-12-10)
- Add network rule set to registry properties
## 2.4.0 (2018-11-05)
- Add context token to task step
## 2.3.0 (2018-10-17)
- Support context path, source location URL, and pull request based
triggers for task/run.
- Allow specifying credentials for source registry on import image.
## 2.2.0 (2018-09-11)
- Added operation RegistriesOperations.get_build_source_upload_url
- Added operation RegistriesOperations.schedule_run
- Added operation group RunsOperations
- Added operation group TasksOperations
Default API version is now 2018-09-01
## 2.1.0 (2018-07-26)
- Model OperationDefinition has a new parameter service_specification
- Model OperationDefinition has a new parameter origin
- Added operation RegistriesOperations.list_policies
- Added operation RegistriesOperations.update_policies
## 2.0.0 (2018-04-30)
- Support for build steps/taks (ApiVersion 2018-02-01-preview)
- Support for Azure Profiles
- Client class can be used as a context manager to keep the underlying
HTTP session open for performance
**General Breaking changes**
This version uses a next-generation code generator that *might*
introduce breaking changes.
- Model signatures now use only keyword-argument syntax. All
positional arguments must be re-written as keyword-arguments. To
keep auto-completion in most cases, models are now generated for
Python 2 and Python 3. Python 3 uses the "*" syntax for
keyword-only arguments.
- Enum types now use the "str" mixin (class AzureEnum(str, Enum)) to
improve the behavior when unrecognized enum values are encountered.
While this is not a breaking change, the distinctions are important,
and are documented here:
<> At a glance:
- "is" should not be used at all.
- "format" will return the string value, where "%s" string
formatting will return `NameOfEnum.stringvalue`. Format syntax
should be prefered.
- New Long Running Operation:
- Return type changes from
`msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller` to
`msrest.polling.LROPoller`. External API is the same.
- Return type is now **always** a `msrest.polling.LROPoller`,
regardless of the optional parameters used.
- The behavior has changed when using `raw=True`. Instead of
returning the initial call result as `ClientRawResponse`,
without polling, now this returns an LROPoller. After polling,
the final resource will be returned as a `ClientRawResponse`.
- New `polling` parameter. The default behavior is
`Polling=True` which will poll using ARM algorithm. When
`Polling=False`, the response of the initial call will be
returned without polling.
- `polling` parameter accepts instances of subclasses of
- `add_done_callback` will no longer raise if called after
polling is finished, but will instead execute the callback right
- Compatibility of the sdist with wheel 0.31.0
## 1.0.1 (2017-10-09)
- Rename Managed_Basic, Managed_Standard, Managed_Premium to Basic,
Standard, Premium.
## 1.0.0 (2017-09-22)
- New default API version 2017-10-01.
- Remove support for API Version 2017-06-01-preview
- New support for managed registries with three Managed SKUs.
- New support for registry webhooks and replications.
- Rename Basic SKU to Classic SKU.
## 0.3.1 (2017-06-30)
- Support for registry SKU update (2017-06-01-preview)
- New listUsages API to get the quota usages for a container registry
## 0.3.0 (2017-06-15)
- This package now supports an additional ApiVersion
## 0.2.1 (2017-04-20)
This wheel package is now built with the azure wheel extension
## 0.2.0 (2017-03-20)
- New ApiVersion 2017-03-01
- Update getCredentials to listCredentials to support multiple login
- Refine regenerateCredential to support regenerate the specified
login credential.
- Add Sku to registry properties as a required property.
- Rename GetProperties to Get.
- Change CreateOrUpdate to Create, add registry create parameters.
## 0.1.1 (2016-12-12)
- Fix random error on Create and Delete operation
## 0.1.0 (2016-11-04)
- Initial Release