File size: 1,960 Bytes
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# Some simple testing tasks (sorry, UNIX only).
.PHONY: all build test vtest cov clean doc
PYXS = $(wildcard multidict/*.pyx)
SRC = multidict tests
all: test
.install-deps: $(shell find requirements -type f)
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
@touch .install-deps
@if ! isort --check $(SRC); then \
echo "Import sort errors, run 'make fmt' to fix them!!!"; \
isort --diff --check $(SRC); \
false; \
@if ! isort --check $(SRC); then \
echo "black errors, run 'make fmt' to fix them!!!"; \
black -t py35 --diff --check $(SRC); \
false; \
lint: black-check isort-check
python -Im pre_commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure
black -t py35 $(SRC)
isort $(SRC)
.develop: .install-deps $(shell find multidict -type f)
pip install -e .
@touch .develop
test: .develop
@pytest -q
vtest: .develop
@pytest -s -v
cov-dev: .develop
@pytest --cov-report=html
@echo "open file://`pwd`/htmlcov/index.html"
cov-ci-run: .develop
@echo "Regular run"
@pytest --cov-report=html
cov-dev-full: cov-ci-run
@echo "open file://`pwd`/htmlcov/index.html"
@make -C docs html SPHINXOPTS="-W -n --keep-going -E"
@echo "open file://`pwd`/docs/_build/html/index.html"
@make -C docs spelling SPHINXOPTS="-W -n --keep-going -E"
@pip install -U 'pip'
@pip install -Ur requirements/dev.txt
install-dev: .develop
rm -rf `find . -name __pycache__`
rm -f `find . -type f -name '*.py[co]' `
rm -f `find . -type f -name '*~' `
rm -f `find . -type f -name '.*~' `
rm -f `find . -type f -name '@*' `
rm -f `find . -type f -name '#*#' `
rm -f `find . -type f -name '*.orig' `
rm -f `find . -type f -name '*.rej' `
rm -f .coverage
rm -rf coverage
rm -rf build
rm -rf cover
rm -rf htmlcov
make -C docs clean SPHINXBUILD=false
python3 clean
rm -f multidict/*.html
rm -f multidict/*.so
rm -f multidict/*.pyd
rm -rf .tox