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# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier ( and contributors
# This module is part of GitPython and is released under the
# 3-Clause BSD License:
import gc
import os
import os.path
import sys
import pytest
from test.lib import TestBase
from test.lib.helper import with_rw_directory
class Tutorials(TestBase):
def tearDown(self):
# ACTUALLY skipped by git.util.rmtree (in local onerror function), from the last
# call to it via git.objects.submodule.base.Submodule.remove
# (at "handle separate bare repository"), line 1062.
# "FIXME: helper.wrapper fails with: PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: "
# "'C:\\Users\\appveyor\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\1\\test_work_tree_unsupportedryfa60di\\master_repo\\.git\\objects\\pack\\pack-bc9e0787aef9f69e1591ef38ea0a6f566ec66fe3.idx") # noqa: E501
def test_init_repo_object(self, rw_dir):
# [1-test_init_repo_object]
from git import Repo
# rorepo is a Repo instance pointing to the git-python repository.
# For all you know, the first argument to Repo is a path to the repository you
# want to work with.
repo = Repo(self.rorepo.working_tree_dir)
assert not repo.bare
# ![1-test_init_repo_object]
# [2-test_init_repo_object]
bare_repo = Repo.init(os.path.join(rw_dir, "bare-repo"), bare=True)
assert bare_repo.bare
# ![2-test_init_repo_object]
# [3-test_init_repo_object]
repo.config_reader() # Get a config reader for read-only access.
with repo.config_writer(): # Get a config writer to change configuration.
pass # Call release() to be sure changes are written and locks are released.
# ![3-test_init_repo_object]
# [4-test_init_repo_object]
assert not bare_repo.is_dirty() # Check the dirty state.
repo.untracked_files # Retrieve a list of untracked files.
# ['my_untracked_file']
# ![4-test_init_repo_object]
# [5-test_init_repo_object]
cloned_repo = repo.clone(os.path.join(rw_dir, "to/this/path"))
assert cloned_repo.__class__ is Repo # Clone an existing repository.
assert Repo.init(os.path.join(rw_dir, "path/for/new/repo")).__class__ is Repo
# ![5-test_init_repo_object]
# [6-test_init_repo_object]
with open(os.path.join(rw_dir, "repo.tar"), "wb") as fp:
# ![6-test_init_repo_object]
# repository paths
# [7-test_init_repo_object]
assert os.path.isdir(cloned_repo.working_tree_dir) # Directory with your work files.
assert cloned_repo.git_dir.startswith(cloned_repo.working_tree_dir) # Directory containing the git repository.
assert bare_repo.working_tree_dir is None # Bare repositories have no working tree.
# ![7-test_init_repo_object]
# heads, tags and references
# heads are branches in git-speak
# [8-test_init_repo_object]
repo.heads.master, # head is a sym-ref pointing to master.
"It's ok if TC not running from `master`.",
self.assertEqual(repo.tags["0.3.5"], repo.tag("refs/tags/0.3.5")) # You can access tags in various ways too.
self.assertEqual(repo.refs.master, repo.heads["master"]) # .refs provides all refs, i.e. heads...
if "TRAVIS" not in os.environ:
self.assertEqual(repo.refs["origin/master"], repo.remotes.origin.refs.master) # ... remotes ...
self.assertEqual(repo.refs["0.3.5"], repo.tags["0.3.5"]) # ... and tags.
# ![8-test_init_repo_object]
# Create a new head/branch.
# [9-test_init_repo_object]
new_branch = cloned_repo.create_head("feature") # Create a new branch ...
assert cloned_repo.active_branch != new_branch # which wasn't checked out yet ...
self.assertEqual(new_branch.commit, cloned_repo.active_branch.commit) # pointing to the checked-out commit.
# It's easy to let a branch point to the previous commit, without affecting anything else.
# Each reference provides access to the git object it points to, usually commits.
assert new_branch.set_commit("HEAD~1").commit == cloned_repo.active_branch.commit.parents[0]
# ![9-test_init_repo_object]
# Create a new tag reference.
# [10-test_init_repo_object]
past = cloned_repo.create_tag(
message="This is a tag-object pointing to %s" %,
self.assertEqual(past.commit, new_branch.commit) # The tag points to the specified commit
assert past.tag.message.startswith("This is") # and its object carries the message provided.
now = cloned_repo.create_tag("now") # This is a tag-reference. It may not carry meta-data.
assert now.tag is None
# ![10-test_init_repo_object]
# Object handling
# [11-test_init_repo_object]
assert now.commit.message != past.commit.message
# You can read objects directly through binary streams, no working tree required.
assert (now.commit.tree / "VERSION")"ascii").startswith("3")
# You can traverse trees as well to handle all contained files of a particular commit.
file_count = 0
tree_count = 0
tree = past.commit.tree
for item in tree.traverse():
file_count += item.type == "blob"
tree_count += item.type == "tree"
assert file_count and tree_count # We have accumulated all directories and files.
self.assertEqual(len(tree.blobs) + len(tree.trees), len(tree)) # A tree is iterable on its children.
# ![11-test_init_repo_object]
# Remotes allow handling push, pull and fetch operations.
# [12-test_init_repo_object]
from git import RemoteProgress
class MyProgressPrinter(RemoteProgress):
def update(self, op_code, cur_count, max_count=None, message=""):
cur_count / (max_count or 100.0),
message or "NO MESSAGE",
self.assertEqual(len(cloned_repo.remotes), 1) # We have been cloned, so should be one remote.
self.assertEqual(len(bare_repo.remotes), 0) # This one was just initialized.
origin = bare_repo.create_remote("origin", url=cloned_repo.working_tree_dir)
assert origin.exists()
for fetch_info in origin.fetch(progress=MyProgressPrinter()):
print("Updated %s to %s" % (fetch_info.ref, fetch_info.commit))
# Create a local branch at the latest fetched master. We specify the name
# statically, but you have all information to do it programmatically as well.
bare_master = bare_repo.create_head("master", origin.refs.master)
assert not bare_repo.delete_remote(origin).exists()
# push and pull behave very similarly.
# ![12-test_init_repo_object]
# index
# [13-test_init_repo_object]
self.assertEqual(new_branch.checkout(), cloned_repo.active_branch) # Checking out branch adjusts the wtree.
self.assertEqual(new_branch.commit, past.commit) # Now the past is checked out.
new_file_path = os.path.join(cloned_repo.working_tree_dir, "my-new-file")
open(new_file_path, "wb").close() # Create new file in working tree.
cloned_repo.index.add([new_file_path]) # Add it to the index.
# Commit the changes to deviate masters history.
cloned_repo.index.commit("Added a new file in the past - for later merge")
# Prepare a merge.
master = cloned_repo.heads.master # Right-hand side is ahead of us, in the future.
merge_base = cloned_repo.merge_base(new_branch, master) # Allows for a three-way merge.
cloned_repo.index.merge_tree(master, base=merge_base) # Write the merge result into index.
"Merged past and now into future ;)",
parent_commits=(new_branch.commit, master.commit),
# Now new_branch is ahead of master, which probably should be checked out and reset softly.
# Note that all these operations didn't touch the working tree, as we managed it ourselves.
# This definitely requires you to know what you are doing! :)
assert os.path.basename(new_file_path) in new_branch.commit.tree # New file is now in tree.
master.commit = new_branch.commit # Let master point to most recent commit.
cloned_repo.head.reference = master # We adjusted just the reference, not the working tree or index.
# ![13-test_init_repo_object]
# submodules
# [14-test_init_repo_object]
# Create a new submodule and check it out on the spot, setup to track master
# branch of `bare_repo`. As our GitPython repository has submodules already that
# point to GitHub, make sure we don't interact with them.
for sm in cloned_repo.submodules:
assert not sm.remove().exists() # after removal, the sm doesn't exist anymore
sm = cloned_repo.create_submodule("mysubrepo", "path/to/subrepo", url=bare_repo.git_dir, branch="master")
# .gitmodules was written and added to the index, which is now being committed.
cloned_repo.index.commit("Added submodule")
assert sm.exists() and sm.module_exists() # This submodule is definitely available.
sm.remove(module=True, configuration=False) # Remove the working tree.
assert sm.exists() and not sm.module_exists() # The submodule itself is still available.
# Update all submodules, non-recursively to save time. This method is very powerful, go have a look.
assert sm.module_exists() # The submodule's working tree was checked out by update.
# ![14-test_init_repo_object]
def test_references_and_objects(self, rw_dir):
# [1-test_references_and_objects]
import git
repo = git.Repo.clone_from(self._small_repo_url(), os.path.join(rw_dir, "repo"), branch="master")
heads = repo.heads
master = heads.master # Lists can be accessed by name for convenience.
master.commit # the commit pointed to by head called master.
master.rename("new_name") # Rename heads.
# ![1-test_references_and_objects]
# [2-test_references_and_objects]
tags = repo.tags
tagref = tags[0]
tagref.tag # Tags may have tag objects carrying additional information
tagref.commit # but they always point to commits.
repo.delete_tag(tagref) # Delete or
repo.create_tag("my_tag") # create tags using the repo for convenience.
# ![2-test_references_and_objects]
# [3-test_references_and_objects]
head = repo.head # The head points to the active branch/ref.
master = head.reference # Retrieve the reference the head points to.
master.commit # From here you use it as any other reference.
# ![3-test_references_and_objects]
# [4-test_references_and_objects]
log = master.log()
log[0] # first (i.e. oldest) reflog entry
log[-1] # last (i.e. most recent) reflog entry
# ![4-test_references_and_objects]
# [5-test_references_and_objects]
new_branch = repo.create_head("new") # Create a new one.
new_branch.commit = "HEAD~10" # Set branch to another commit without changing index or working trees.
repo.delete_head(new_branch) # Delete an existing head - only works if it is not checked out.
# ![5-test_references_and_objects]
# [6-test_references_and_objects]
new_tag = repo.create_tag("my_new_tag", message="my message")
# You cannot change the commit a tag points to. Tags need to be re-created.
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, new_tag, "commit", repo.commit("HEAD~1"))
# ![6-test_references_and_objects]
# [7-test_references_and_objects]
new_branch = repo.create_head("another-branch")
repo.head.reference = new_branch
# ![7-test_references_and_objects]
# [8-test_references_and_objects]
hc = repo.head.commit
hct = hc.tree
assert hc != hct
assert hc != repo.tags[0]
assert hc == repo.head.reference.commit
# ![8-test_references_and_objects]
# [9-test_references_and_objects]
self.assertEqual(hct.type, "tree") # Preset string type, being a class attribute.
assert hct.size > 0 # size in bytes
assert len(hct.hexsha) == 40
assert len(hct.binsha) == 20
# ![9-test_references_and_objects]
# [10-test_references_and_objects]
self.assertEqual(hct.path, "") # Root tree has no path.
assert hct.trees[0].path != "" # The first contained item has one though.
self.assertEqual(hct.mode, 0o40000) # Trees have the mode of a Linux directory.
self.assertEqual(hct.blobs[0].mode, 0o100644) # Blobs have specific mode, comparable to a standard Linux fs.
# ![10-test_references_and_objects]
# [11-test_references_and_objects]
hct.blobs[0] # Stream object to read data from.
hct.blobs[0].stream_data(open(os.path.join(rw_dir, "blob_data"), "wb")) # Write data to a given stream.
# ![11-test_references_and_objects]
# [12-test_references_and_objects]
# ![12-test_references_and_objects]
# [13-test_references_and_objects]
fifty_first_commits = list(repo.iter_commits("master", max_count=50))
assert len(fifty_first_commits) == 50
# This will return commits 21-30 from the commit list as traversed backwards master.
ten_commits_past_twenty = list(repo.iter_commits("master", max_count=10, skip=20))
assert len(ten_commits_past_twenty) == 10
assert fifty_first_commits[20:30] == ten_commits_past_twenty
# ![13-test_references_and_objects]
# [14-test_references_and_objects]
headcommit = repo.head.commit
assert len(headcommit.hexsha) == 40
assert len(headcommit.parents) > 0
assert headcommit.tree.type == "tree"
assert len( != 0
assert isinstance(headcommit.authored_date, int)
assert len( != 0
assert isinstance(headcommit.committed_date, int)
assert headcommit.message != ""
# ![14-test_references_and_objects]
# [15-test_references_and_objects]
import time
time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M", time.gmtime(headcommit.committed_date))
# ![15-test_references_and_objects]
# [16-test_references_and_objects]
assert headcommit.parents[0].parents[0].parents[0] == repo.commit("master^^^")
# ![16-test_references_and_objects]
# [17-test_references_and_objects]
tree = repo.heads.master.commit.tree
assert len(tree.hexsha) == 40
# ![17-test_references_and_objects]
# [18-test_references_and_objects]
assert len(tree.trees) > 0 # Trees are subdirectories.
assert len(tree.blobs) > 0 # Blobs are files.
assert len(tree.blobs) + len(tree.trees) == len(tree)
# ![18-test_references_and_objects]
# [19-test_references_and_objects]
self.assertEqual(tree["smmap"], tree / "smmap") # Access by index and by sub-path.
for entry in tree: # Intuitive iteration of tree members.
blob = tree.trees[1].blobs[0] # Let's get a blob in a sub-tree.
assert len(blob.path) < len(blob.abspath)
self.assertEqual(tree.trees[1].name + "/" +, blob.path) # This is how relative blob path generated.
self.assertEqual(tree[blob.path], blob) # You can use paths like 'dir/file' in tree,
# ![19-test_references_and_objects]
# [20-test_references_and_objects]
assert tree / "smmap" == tree["smmap"]
assert tree / blob.path == tree[blob.path]
# ![20-test_references_and_objects]
# [21-test_references_and_objects]
# This example shows the various types of allowed ref-specs.
assert repo.tree() == repo.head.commit.tree
past = repo.commit("HEAD~5")
assert repo.tree(past) == repo.tree(past.hexsha)
self.assertEqual(repo.tree("v0.8.1").type, "tree") # Yes, you can provide any refspec - works everywhere.
# ![21-test_references_and_objects]
# [22-test_references_and_objects]
assert len(tree) < len(list(tree.traverse()))
# ![22-test_references_and_objects]
# [23-test_references_and_objects]
index = repo.index
# The index contains all blobs in a flat list.
assert len(list(index.iter_blobs())) == len([o for o in repo.head.commit.tree.traverse() if o.type == "blob"])
# Access blob objects.
for (_path, _stage), _entry in index.entries.items():
new_file_path = os.path.join(repo.working_tree_dir, "new-file-name")
open(new_file_path, "w").close()
index.add([new_file_path]) # Add a new file to the index.
index.remove(["LICENSE"]) # Remove an existing one.
assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(repo.working_tree_dir, "LICENSE")) # Working tree is untouched.
self.assertEqual(index.commit("my commit message").type, "commit") # Commit changed index.
repo.active_branch.commit = repo.commit("HEAD~1") # Forget last commit.
from git import Actor
author = Actor("An author", "")
committer = Actor("A committer", "")
# Commit with a commit message, author, and committer.
index.commit("my commit message", author=author, committer=committer)
# ![23-test_references_and_objects]
# [24-test_references_and_objects]
from git import IndexFile
# Load a tree into a temporary index, which exists just in memory.
IndexFile.from_tree(repo, "HEAD~1")
# Merge two trees three-way into memory...
merge_index = IndexFile.from_tree(repo, "HEAD~10", "HEAD", repo.merge_base("HEAD~10", "HEAD"))
# ...and persist it.
merge_index.write(os.path.join(rw_dir, "merged_index"))
# ![24-test_references_and_objects]
# [25-test_references_and_objects]
empty_repo = git.Repo.init(os.path.join(rw_dir, "empty"))
origin = empty_repo.create_remote("origin", repo.remotes.origin.url)
assert origin.exists()
assert origin == empty_repo.remotes.origin == empty_repo.remotes["origin"]
origin.fetch() # Ensure we actually have data. fetch() returns useful information.
# Set up a local tracking branch of a remote branch.
empty_repo.create_head("master", origin.refs.master) # Create local branch "master" from remote "master".
empty_repo.heads.master.set_tracking_branch(origin.refs.master) # Set local "master" to track remote "master.
empty_repo.heads.master.checkout() # Check out local "master" to working tree.
# Three above commands in one:
empty_repo.create_head("master", origin.refs.master).set_tracking_branch(origin.refs.master).checkout()
# Rename remotes.
# Push and pull behaves similarly to `git push|pull`.
origin.push() # Attempt push, ignore errors.
origin.push().raise_if_error() # Push and raise error if it fails.
# assert not empty_repo.delete_remote(origin).exists() # Create and delete remotes.
# ![25-test_references_and_objects]
# [26-test_references_and_objects]
assert origin.url == repo.remotes.origin.url
with origin.config_writer as cw:
cw.set("pushurl", "other_url")
# Please note that in Python 2, writing origin.config_writer.set(...) is totally
# safe. In py3 __del__ calls can be delayed, thus not writing changes in time.
# ![26-test_references_and_objects]
# [27-test_references_and_objects]
hcommit = repo.head.commit
hcommit.diff() # diff tree against index.
hcommit.diff("HEAD~1") # diff tree against previous tree.
hcommit.diff(None) # diff tree against working tree.
index = repo.index
index.diff() # diff index against itself yielding empty diff.
index.diff(None) # diff index against working copy.
index.diff("HEAD") # diff index against current HEAD tree.
# ![27-test_references_and_objects]
# [28-test_references_and_objects]
# Traverse added Diff objects only
for diff_added in hcommit.diff("HEAD~1").iter_change_type("A"):
# ![28-test_references_and_objects]
# [29-test_references_and_objects]
# Reset our working tree 10 commits into the past.
past_branch = repo.create_head("past_branch", "HEAD~10")
repo.head.reference = past_branch
assert not repo.head.is_detached
# Reset the index and working tree to match the pointed-to commit.
repo.head.reset(index=True, working_tree=True)
# To detach your head, you have to point to a commit directly.
repo.head.reference = repo.commit("HEAD~5")
assert repo.head.is_detached
# Now our head points 15 commits into the past, whereas the working tree
# and index are 10 commits in the past.
# ![29-test_references_and_objects]
# [30-test_references_and_objects]
# Check out the branch using git-checkout.
# It will fail as the working tree appears dirty.
self.assertRaises(git.GitCommandError, repo.heads.master.checkout)
# ![30-test_references_and_objects]
# [31-test_references_and_objects]
git = repo.git
git.checkout("HEAD", b="my_new_branch") # Create a new branch.
git.branch("-D", "another-new-one") # Pass strings for full control over argument order.
git.for_each_ref() # '-' becomes '_' when calling it.
# ![31-test_references_and_objects]
sys.platform == "cygwin",
reason="Cygwin GitPython can't find SHA for submodule",
def test_submodules(self):
# [1-test_submodules]
repo = self.rorepo
sms = repo.submodules
assert len(sms) == 1
sm = sms[0]
self.assertEqual(, "gitdb") # GitPython has gitdb as its one and only (direct) submodule...
self.assertEqual(sm.children()[0].name, "smmap") # ...which has smmap as its one and only submodule.
# The module is the repository referenced by the submodule.
assert sm.module_exists() # The module is available, which doesn't have to be the case.
assert sm.module().working_tree_dir.endswith("gitdb")
# The submodule's absolute path is the module's path.
assert sm.abspath == sm.module().working_tree_dir
self.assertEqual(len(sm.hexsha), 40) # Its sha defines the commit to check out.
assert sm.exists() # Yes, this submodule is valid and exists.
# Read its configuration conveniently.
assert sm.config_reader().get_value("path") == sm.path
self.assertEqual(len(sm.children()), 1) # Query the submodule hierarchy.
# ![1-test_submodules]
def test_add_file_and_commit(self, rw_dir):
import git
repo_dir = os.path.join(rw_dir, "my-new-repo")
file_name = os.path.join(repo_dir, "new-file")
r = git.Repo.init(repo_dir)
# This function just creates an empty file.
open(file_name, "wb").close()
r.index.commit("initial commit")
# ![test_add_file_and_commit]