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requires = tox>=4
env_list = py{37,38,39,310,311,312}, ruff, format, mypy, html, misc
description = Run unit tests
package = wheel
extras = test
pass_env = SSH_*
commands = pytest --color=yes {posargs}
description = Lint with Ruff
base_python = py{39,310,311,312,38,37}
deps = ruff
set_env =
CLICOLOR_FORCE = 1 # Set NO_COLOR to override this.
commands = ruff check .
description = Check formatting with Ruff
base_python = py{39,310,311,312,38,37}
deps = ruff
set_env =
CLICOLOR_FORCE = 1 # Set NO_COLOR to override this.
commands = ruff format --check .
description = Typecheck with mypy
base_python = py{39,310,311,312,38,37}
set_env =
commands = mypy
ignore_outcome = true
description = Build HTML documentation
base_python = py{39,310,311,312,38,37}
extras = doc
allowlist_externals = make
commands =
make BUILDDIR={env_tmp_dir}/doc/build -C doc clean
make BUILDDIR={env_tmp_dir}/doc/build -C doc html
description = Run other checks via pre-commit
base_python = py{39,310,311,312,38,37}
set_env =
SKIP = ruff-format,ruff
commands = pre-commit run --all-files