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// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file contains custom annotations that are used by GAPIC generators to
// handle Long Running Operation methods (LRO) that are NOT compliant with
// These annotations are public for technical
// reasons only. Please DO NOT USE them in your protos.
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
option go_package = ";extendedops";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "ExtendedOperationsProto";
option java_package = "";
option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI";
// FieldOptions to match corresponding fields in the initial request,
// polling request and operation response messages.
// Example:
// In an API-specific operation message:
// message MyOperation {
// string http_error_message = 1 [(operation_field) = ERROR_MESSAGE];
// int32 http_error_status_code = 2 [(operation_field) = ERROR_CODE];
// string id = 3 [(operation_field) = NAME];
// Status status = 4 [(operation_field) = STATUS];
// }
// In a polling request message (the one which is used to poll for an LRO
// status):
// message MyPollingRequest {
// string operation = 1 [(operation_response_field) = "id"];
// string project = 2;
// string region = 3;
// }
// In an initial request message (the one which starts an LRO):
// message MyInitialRequest {
// string my_project = 2 [(operation_request_field) = "project"];
// string my_region = 3 [(operation_request_field) = "region"];
// }
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
// A field annotation that maps fields in an API-specific Operation object to
// their standard counterparts in google.longrunning.Operation. See
// OperationResponseMapping enum definition.
OperationResponseMapping operation_field = 1149;
// A field annotation that maps fields in the initial request message
// (the one which started the LRO) to their counterparts in the polling
// request message. For non-standard LRO, the polling response may be missing
// some of the information needed to make a subsequent polling request. The
// missing information (for example, project or region ID) is contained in the
// fields of the initial request message that this annotation must be applied
// to. The string value of the annotation corresponds to the name of the
// counterpart field in the polling request message that the annotated field's
// value will be copied to.
string operation_request_field = 1150;
// A field annotation that maps fields in the polling request message to their
// counterparts in the initial and/or polling response message. The initial
// and the polling methods return an API-specific Operation object. Some of
// the fields from that response object must be reused in the subsequent
// request (like operation name/ID) to fully identify the polled operation.
// This annotation must be applied to the fields in the polling request
// message, the string value of the annotation must correspond to the name of
// the counterpart field in the Operation response object whose value will be
// copied to the annotated field.
string operation_response_field = 1151;
// MethodOptions to identify the actual service and method used for operation
// status polling.
// Example:
// In a method, which starts an LRO:
// service MyService {
// rpc Foo(MyInitialRequest) returns (MyOperation) {
// option (operation_service) = "MyPollingService";
// }
// }
// In a polling method:
// service MyPollingService {
// rpc Get(MyPollingRequest) returns (MyOperation) {
// option (operation_polling_method) = true;
// }
// }
extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions {
// A method annotation that maps an LRO method (the one which starts an LRO)
// to the service, which will be used to poll for the operation status. The
// annotation must be applied to the method which starts an LRO, the string
// value of the annotation must correspond to the name of the service used to
// poll for the operation status.
string operation_service = 1249;
// A method annotation that marks methods that can be used for polling
// operation status (e.g. the MyPollingService.Get(MyPollingRequest) method).
bool operation_polling_method = 1250;
// An enum to be used to mark the essential (for polling) fields in an
// API-specific Operation object. A custom Operation object may contain many
// different fields, but only few of them are essential to conduct a successful
// polling process.
enum OperationResponseMapping {
// Do not use.
// A field in an API-specific (custom) Operation object which carries the same
// meaning as
NAME = 1;
// A field in an API-specific (custom) Operation object which carries the same
// meaning as google.longrunning.Operation.done. If the annotated field is of
// an enum type, `annotated_field_name == EnumType.DONE` semantics should be
// equivalent to `Operation.done == true`. If the annotated field is of type
// boolean, then it should follow the same semantics as Operation.done.
// Otherwise, a non-empty value should be treated as `Operation.done == true`.
// A field in an API-specific (custom) Operation object which carries the same
// meaning as google.longrunning.Operation.error.code.
// A field in an API-specific (custom) Operation object which carries the same
// meaning as google.longrunning.Operation.error.message.
} |