#Requires -Version 6.0 | |
<# | |
This script will do the necessary book keeping work needed to release a package. | |
This script will do a number of things when ran: | |
- It will read the current version from the project and will have you confirm if that is the version you want to ship | |
- It will take the package metadata and version and update the DevOps release tracking items with that information. | |
- If there is existing release work item it will update it and if not it will create one. | |
- It will validate that the changelog has a entry for the package version that you want to release as well as a timestamp. | |
For more information see | |
.PARAMETER PackageName | |
The full package name of the package you want to prepare for release. (i.e Azure.Core, azure-core, @azure/core-https) | |
.PARAMETER ServiceDirectory | |
Optional: Provide a service directory to scope the search of the entire repo to speed-up the project search. This should be the directory | |
name under the 'sdk' folder (i.e for the core package which lives under 'sdk\core' the value to pass would be 'core'). | |
.PARAMETER ReleaseDate | |
Optional: Provide a specific date for when you plan to release the package. Should be the date (MM/dd/yyyy) that the given package is going to ship. | |
If one isn't provided, then it will compute the next ship date or today's date if past the ship date for the month as the planned date. | |
.PARAMETER ReleaseTrackingOnly | |
Optional: If this switch is passed then the script will only update the release work items and not update the versions in the local repo or validate the changelog. | |
PS> ./eng/common/scripts/Prepare-Release.ps1 <PackageName> | |
The most common usage is to call the script passing the package name. Once the script is finished then you will have modified project and change log files. | |
You should make any additional changes to the change log to capture the changes and then submit the PR for the final changes before you do a release. | |
PS> ./eng/common/scripts/Prepare-Release.ps1 <PackageName> -ReleaseTrackingOnly | |
If you aren't ready to do the final versioning changes yet but you want to update release tracking information for shiproom pass in the -ReleaseTrackingOnly. | |
option. This should not modify or validate anything in the repo but will update the DevOps release tracking items. Once you are ready for the verioning changes | |
as well then come back and run the full script again without the -ReleaseTrackingOnly option and give it the same version information you did the first time. | |
#> | |
[CmdletBinding()] | |
param( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] | |
[string]$PackageName, | |
[string]$ServiceDirectory, | |
[string]$ReleaseDate, # Pass Date in the form MM/dd/yyyy" | |
[switch]$ReleaseTrackingOnly = $false | |
) | |
Set-StrictMode -Version 3 | |
. ${PSScriptRoot}\common.ps1 | |
. ${PSScriptRoot}\Helpers\ApiView-Helpers.ps1 | |
function Get-ReleaseDay($baseDate) | |
{ | |
# Find first friday | |
while ($baseDate.DayOfWeek -ne 5) | |
{ | |
$baseDate = $baseDate.AddDays(1) | |
} | |
# Go to Tuesday | |
$baseDate = $baseDate.AddDays(4) | |
return $baseDate; | |
} | |
$ErrorPreference = 'Stop' | |
$packageProperties = $null | |
$packageProperties = Get-PkgProperties -PackageName $PackageName -ServiceDirectory $ServiceDirectory | |
if (!$packageProperties) | |
{ | |
Write-Error "Could not find a package with name [ $packageName ], please verify the package name matches the exact name." | |
exit 1 | |
} | |
Write-Host "Package Name [ $($packageProperties.Name) ]" | |
Write-Host "Source directory [ $($packageProperties.ServiceDirectory) ]" | |
if (!$ReleaseDate) | |
{ | |
$currentDate = Get-Date | |
$thisMonthReleaseDate = Get-ReleaseDay((Get-Date -Day 1)); | |
$nextMonthReleaseDate = Get-ReleaseDay((Get-Date -Day 1).AddMonths(1)); | |
if ($thisMonthReleaseDate -ge $currentDate) | |
{ | |
# On track for this month release | |
$ParsedReleaseDate = $thisMonthReleaseDate | |
} | |
elseif ($currentDate.Day -lt 15) | |
{ | |
# Catching up to this month release | |
$ParsedReleaseDate = $currentDate | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
# Next month release | |
$ParsedReleaseDate = $nextMonthReleaseDate | |
} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$ParsedReleaseDate = [datetime]$ReleaseDate | |
} | |
# Use InvariantCulture so that the date format is consistent on all machines | |
$releaseDateString = $ParsedReleaseDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy", [CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture) | |
$month = $ParsedReleaseDate.ToString("MMMM") | |
Write-Host "Assuming release is in $month with release date $releaseDateString" -ForegroundColor Green | |
if (Test-Path "Function:GetExistingPackageVersions") | |
{ | |
$releasedVersions = @(GetExistingPackageVersions -PackageName $packageProperties.Name -GroupId $packageProperties.Group) | |
if ($null -ne $releasedVersions -and $releasedVersions.Count -gt 0) | |
{ | |
$latestReleasedVersion = $releasedVersions[$releasedVersions.Count - 1] | |
Write-Host "Latest released version: ${latestReleasedVersion}" -ForegroundColor Green | |
} | |
} | |
$currentProjectVersion = $packageProperties.Version | |
$newVersion = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the new version, or press Enter to use use current project version '$currentProjectVersion'" | |
if (!$newVersion) | |
{ | |
$newVersion = $currentProjectVersion; | |
} | |
$newVersionParsed = [AzureEngSemanticVersion]::ParseVersionString($newVersion) | |
if ($null -eq $newVersionParsed) | |
{ | |
Write-Error "Invalid version $newVersion. Version must follow standard SemVer rules, see" | |
exit 1 | |
} | |
&$EngCommonScriptsDir/Update-DevOps-Release-WorkItem.ps1 ` | |
-language $LanguageDisplayName ` | |
-packageName $packageProperties.Name ` | |
-version $newVersion ` | |
-plannedDate $releaseDateString ` | |
-packageRepoPath $packageProperties.serviceDirectory ` | |
-packageType $packageProperties.SDKType ` | |
-packageNewLibrary $packageProperties.IsNewSDK | |
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { | |
Write-Error "Updating of the Devops Release WorkItem failed." | |
exit 1 | |
} | |
# Check API status | |
try | |
{ | |
az account show *> $null | |
if (!$?) { | |
Write-Host 'Running az login...' | |
az login *> $null | |
} | |
$url = az keyvault secret show --name "APIURL" --vault-name "AzureSDKPrepRelease-KV" --query "value" --output "tsv" | |
$apiKey = az keyvault secret show --name "APIKEY" --vault-name "AzureSDKPrepRelease-KV" --query "value" --output "tsv" | |
Check-ApiReviewStatus -PackageName $packageProperties.Name -packageVersion $newVersion -Language $LanguageDisplayName -url $url -apiKey $apiKey | |
} | |
catch | |
{ | |
Write-Warning "Failed to get APIView URL and API Key from Keyvault AzureSDKPrepRelease-KV. Please check and ensure you have access to this Keyvault as reader." | |
} | |
if ($releaseTrackingOnly) | |
{ | |
Write-Host | |
Write-Host "Script is running in release tracking only mode so only updating the release tracker and not updating versions locally." | |
Write-Host "You will need to run this script again once you are ready to update the versions to ensure the projects and changelogs contain the correct version." | |
exit 0 | |
} | |
if (Test-Path "Function:SetPackageVersion") | |
{ | |
$replaceLatestEntryTitle = $true | |
$latestVersion = Get-LatestReleaseDateFromChangeLog -ChangeLogLocation $packageProperties.ChangeLogPath | |
if ($latestVersion -and $latestVersion -ne $ParsedReleaseDate) | |
{ | |
$promptMessage = "The latest entry in the already has a release date. Do you want to replace the latest entry title? Please enter (y or n)." | |
while (($readInput = Read-Host -Prompt $promptMessage) -notmatch '^[yn]$'){ } | |
$replaceLatestEntryTitle = ($readInput -eq "y") | |
} | |
SetPackageVersion -PackageName $packageProperties.Name -Version $newVersion ` | |
-ServiceDirectory $packageProperties.ServiceDirectory -ReleaseDate $releaseDateString ` | |
-PackageProperties $packageProperties -ReplaceLatestEntryTitle $replaceLatestEntryTitle | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
LogError "The function 'SetPackageVersion' was not found.` | |
Make sure it is present in eng/scripts/Language-Settings.ps1.` | |
See" | |
exit 1 | |
} | |
$changelogIsValid = Confirm-ChangeLogEntry -ChangeLogLocation $packageProperties.ChangeLogPath -VersionString $newVersion -ForRelease $true -SantizeEntry | |
if (!$changelogIsValid) | |
{ | |
Write-Warning "The changelog [$($packageProperties.ChangeLogPath)] is not valid for release. Please make sure it is valid before queuing release build." | |
} | |
git diff -s --exit-code $packageProperties.DirectoryPath | |
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) | |
{ | |
git status | |
Write-Host "Some changes were made to the repo source" -ForegroundColor Green | |
Write-Host "Submit a pull request with the necessary changes to the repo, including any final changelog entry updates." -ForegroundColor Green | |
} | |