<# | |
Saves package properties from source into JSON files | |
Saves package properties in source of a given service directory to JSON files. | |
JSON files are named in the form <package name>.json or <artifact name>.json if | |
an artifact name property is available in the package properties. | |
Can optionally add a dev version property which can be used logic for daily | |
builds. | |
In cases of collisions where track 2 packages (IsNewSdk = true) have the same | |
filename as track 1 packages (e.g. same artifact name or package name), the | |
track 2 package properties will be written. | |
.PARAMETER serviceDirectory | |
Service directory in which to search for packages. | |
.PARAMETER prDiff | |
A file path leading to a file generated from Generate-PR-Diff.json. This parameter takes precedence over serviceDirectory, do not provide both. | |
.PARAMETER outDirectory | |
Output location (generally a package artifact directory in DevOps) for JSON | |
files | |
.PARAMETER addDevVersion | |
Reads the version out of the source and adds a DevVersion property to the | |
package properties JSON file. If the package properties JSON file already | |
exists, read the Version property from the existing package properties JSON file | |
and set that as the Version property for the new output. This has the effect of | |
"adding" a DevVersion property to the file which could be different from the | |
Verison property in that file. | |
#> | |
[CmdletBinding()] | |
Param ( | |
[string] $serviceDirectory, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] | |
[string] $outDirectory, | |
[string] $prDiff, | |
[switch] $addDevVersion | |
) | |
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot common.ps1) | |
function SetOutput($outputPath, $incomingPackageSpec) { | |
# If there is an exsiting package info json file read that and set that as output object which gets properties updated here. | |
if (Test-Path $outputPath) | |
{ | |
Write-Host "Found existing package info json." | |
$outputObject = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content $outputPath -Raw) | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$outputObject = $incomingPackageSpec | |
} | |
if ($addDevVersion) | |
{ | |
# Use the "Version" property which was provided by the incoming package spec | |
# as the DevVersion. This may be overridden later. | |
$outputObject.DevVersion = $incomingPackageSpec.Version | |
} | |
# Set file paths to relative paths | |
$outputObject.DirectoryPath = GetRelativePath $outputObject.DirectoryPath | |
$outputObject.ReadMePath = GetRelativePath $outputObject.ReadMePath | |
$outputObject.ChangeLogPath = GetRelativePath $outputObject.ChangeLogPath | |
Set-Content ` | |
-Path $outputPath ` | |
-Value (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $outputObject -Depth 100) | |
} | |
function GetRelativePath($path) { | |
# If the path is empty return an empty string | |
if (!$path) { | |
return '' | |
} | |
# If the path is already relative return the path. Calling `GetRelativePath` | |
# on a relative path converts the relative path to an absolute path based on | |
# the current working directory which can result in unexpected outputs. | |
if (![IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($path)) { | |
return $path | |
} | |
$relativeTo = Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot/../../../ | |
# Replace "\" with "/" so the path is valid across other platforms and tools | |
$relativePath = [IO.Path]::GetRelativePath($relativeTo, $path) -replace "\\", '/' | |
return $relativePath | |
} | |
$exportedPaths = @{} | |
$allPackageProperties = @() | |
if ($prDiff) { | |
Write-Host "Getting package properties for PR diff file: $prDiff" | |
$allPackageProperties = Get-PrPkgProperties $prDiff | |
if (!$allPackageProperties) { | |
Write-Host "No packages found matching PR diff file $prDiff" | |
Write-Host "Setting NoPackagesChanged variable to true" | |
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=NoPackagesChanged]true" | |
exit 0 | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
Write-Host "Getting package properties for service directory: $serviceDirectory" | |
$allPackageProperties = Get-AllPkgProperties $serviceDirectory | |
if (!$allPackageProperties) { | |
Write-Error "Package properties are not available for service directory $serviceDirectory" | |
exit 1 | |
} | |
} | |
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $outDirectory)) | |
{ | |
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $outDirectory | Out-Null | |
} | |
foreach($pkg in $allPackageProperties) | |
{ | |
if ($pkg.Name) { | |
Write-Host "Package Name: $($pkg.Name)" | |
Write-Host "Package Version: $($pkg.Version)" | |
Write-Host "Package SDK Type: $($pkg.SdkType)" | |
Write-Host "Artifact Name: $($pkg.ArtifactName)" | |
Write-Host "Release date: $($pkg.ReleaseStatus)" | |
$configFilePrefix = $pkg.Name | |
if ($pkg.ArtifactName) | |
{ | |
$configFilePrefix = $pkg.ArtifactName | |
} | |
$outputPath = Join-Path -Path $outDirectory "$configFilePrefix.json" | |
Write-Host "Output path of json file: $outputPath" | |
$outDir = Split-Path $outputPath -parent | |
if (-not (Test-Path -path $outDir)) | |
{ | |
Write-Host "Creating directory $($outDir) for json property file" | |
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $outDir | Out-Null | |
} | |
# If package properties for a track 2 (IsNewSdk = true) package has | |
# already been written, skip writing to that same path. | |
if ($exportedPaths.ContainsKey($outputPath) -and $exportedPaths[$outputPath].IsNewSdk -eq $true) { | |
Write-Host "Track 2 package info with file name $($outputPath) already exported. Skipping export." | |
continue | |
} | |
$exportedPaths[$outputPath] = $pkg | |
SetOutput $outputPath $pkg | |
} | |
} | |
Get-ChildItem -Path $outDirectory | |