$Language = "python" | |
$LanguageDisplayName = "Python" | |
$PackageRepository = "PyPI" | |
$packagePattern = "*.tar.gz" | |
$MetadataUri = "" | |
$GithubUri = "" | |
$PackageRepositoryUri = "" | |
."$PSScriptRoot/docs/Docs-ToC.ps1" | |
."$PSScriptRoot/docs/Docs-Onboarding.ps1" | |
function Get-AllPackageInfoFromRepo ($serviceDirectory) | |
{ | |
$allPackageProps = @() | |
$searchPath = "sdk" | |
if ($serviceDirectory) | |
{ | |
$searchPath = Join-Path sdk ${serviceDirectory} | |
} | |
$allPkgPropLines = $null | |
try | |
{ | |
Push-Location $RepoRoot | |
$null = python -m pip install "./tools/azure-sdk-tools[build]" -q -I | |
$allPkgPropLines = python (Join-path eng scripts -s $searchPath | |
} | |
catch | |
{ | |
# This is soft error and failure is expected for python metapackages | |
LogError "Failed to get all package properties" | |
} | |
finally | |
{ | |
Pop-Location | |
} | |
foreach ($line in $allPkgPropLines) | |
{ | |
$pkgInfo = ($line -Split " ") | |
$packageName = $pkgInfo[0] | |
$packageVersion = $pkgInfo[1] | |
$isNewSdk = ($pkgInfo[2] -eq "True") | |
$pkgDirectoryPath = $pkgInfo[3] | |
$serviceDirectoryName = Split-Path (Split-Path -Path $pkgDirectoryPath -Parent) -Leaf | |
if ($packageName -match "mgmt") | |
{ | |
$sdkType = "mgmt" | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$sdkType = "client" | |
} | |
$pkgProp = [PackageProps]::new($packageName, $packageVersion, $pkgDirectoryPath, $serviceDirectoryName) | |
$pkgProp.IsNewSdk = $isNewSdk | |
$pkgProp.SdkType = $sdkType | |
$pkgProp.ArtifactName = $packageName | |
$allPackageProps += $pkgProp | |
} | |
return $allPackageProps | |
} | |
# Returns the pypi publish status of a package id and version. | |
function IsPythonPackageVersionPublished($pkgId, $pkgVersion) | |
{ | |
try | |
{ | |
$existingVersion = (Invoke-RestMethod -MaximumRetryCount 3 -RetryIntervalSec 10 -Method "Get" -uri "$pkgId/$pkgVersion/json").info.version | |
# if existingVersion exists, then it's already been published | |
return $True | |
} | |
catch | |
{ | |
$statusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ | |
$statusDescription = $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription | |
# if this is 404ing, then this pkg has never been published before | |
if ($statusCode -eq 404) | |
{ | |
return $False | |
} | |
Write-Host "PyPI Invocation failed:" | |
Write-Host "StatusCode:" $statusCode | |
Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $statusDescription | |
exit(1) | |
} | |
} | |
# Parse out package publishing information given a python sdist of tar.gz format. | |
function Get-python-PackageInfoFromPackageFile ($pkg, $workingDirectory) | |
{ | |
$pkg.Basename -match $SDIST_PACKAGE_REGEX | Out-Null | |
$pkgId = $matches["package"] | |
$pkgId = $pkgId.Replace("_","-") | |
$docsReadMeName = $pkgId -replace "^azure-" , "" | |
$pkgVersion = $matches["versionstring"] | |
$workFolder = "$workingDirectory$($pkg.Basename)" | |
$origFolder = Get-Location | |
$releaseNotes = "" | |
$readmeContent = "" | |
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $workFolder | |
Write-Host "tar -zxvf $pkg -C $workFolder" | |
tar -zxvf $pkg -C $workFolder | |
$changeLogLoc = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $workFolder -Recurse -Include "")[0] | |
if ($changeLogLoc) { | |
$releaseNotes = Get-ChangeLogEntryAsString -ChangeLogLocation $changeLogLoc -VersionString $pkgVersion | |
} | |
$readmeContentLoc = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $workFolder -Recurse -Include "") | Select-Object -Last 1 | |
if ($readmeContentLoc) { | |
$readmeContent = Get-Content -Raw $readmeContentLoc | |
} | |
Remove-Item $workFolder -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | |
return New-Object PSObject -Property @{ | |
PackageId = $pkgId | |
PackageVersion = $pkgVersion | |
ReleaseTag = "$($pkgId)_$($pkgVersion)" | |
Deployable = $forceCreate -or !(IsPythonPackageVersionPublished -pkgId $pkgId -pkgVersion $pkgVersion) | |
ReleaseNotes = $releaseNotes | |
ReadmeContent = $readmeContent | |
DocsReadMeName = $docsReadMeName | |
} | |
} | |
# This is the GetDocsMsDevLanguageSpecificPackageInfoFn implementation | |
function Get-python-DocsMsDevLanguageSpecificPackageInfo($packageInfo, $packageSourceOverride) { | |
# If the default namespace isn't in the package info then it needs to be added | |
# Can't check if (!$packageInfo.Namespaces) in strict mode because Namespaces won't exist | |
# at all. | |
if (!($packageInfo | Get-Member Namespaces)) { | |
# If the Version is INGORE that means it's a source install and those | |
# ones need to be done by hand | |
if ($packageInfo.Version -ine "IGNORE") { | |
$version = $packageInfo.Version | |
# If the dev version is set, use that | |
if ($packageInfo.DevVersion) { | |
$version = $packageInfo.DevVersion | |
} | |
$namespaces = Get-NamespacesFromWhlFile $packageInfo.Name $version $packageSourceOverride | |
if ($namespaces.Count -gt 0) { | |
$packageInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "Namespaces" -Value $namespaces | |
} else { | |
LogWarning "Unable to find namespaces for $($packageInfo.Name):$version, using the package name." | |
$tempNamespaces = @() | |
$tempNamespaces += $packageInfo.Name | |
$packageInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "Namespaces" -Value $tempNamespaces | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return $packageInfo | |
} | |
# Stage and Upload Docs to blob Storage | |
function Publish-python-GithubIODocs ($DocLocation, $PublicArtifactLocation) | |
{ | |
$PublishedDocs = Get-ChildItem "$DocLocation" | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name.EndsWith(".tar.gz")} | |
foreach ($Item in $PublishedDocs) | |
{ | |
$PkgName = $Item.BaseName.Replace(".tar", "") | |
$ZippedDocumentationPath = Join-Path -Path $DocLocation -ChildPath $Item.Name | |
$UnzippedDocumentationPath = Join-Path -Path $DocLocation -ChildPath $PkgName | |
$VersionFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $UnzippedDocumentationPath -ChildPath "version.txt" | |
if (!(Test-Path $UnzippedDocumentationPath)) { | |
New-Item -Path $UnzippedDocumentationPath -ItemType Directory | |
} | |
Write-Host "tar -zxvf $ZippedDocumentationPath -C $UnzippedDocumentationPath" | |
tar -zxvf $ZippedDocumentationPath -C $UnzippedDocumentationPath | |
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { | |
Write-Error "tar failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE." | |
} | |
$Version = $(Get-Content $VersionFileLocation).Trim() | |
Write-Host "Discovered Package Name: $PkgName" | |
Write-Host "Discovered Package Version: $Version" | |
Write-Host "Directory for Upload: $UnzippedDocumentationPath" | |
$releaseTag = RetrieveReleaseTag $PublicArtifactLocation | |
Upload-Blobs -DocDir $UnzippedDocumentationPath -PkgName $PkgName -DocVersion $Version -ReleaseTag $releaseTag | |
} | |
} | |
function Get-python-GithubIoDocIndex() | |
{ | |
# Update the main.js and docfx.json language content | |
UpdateDocIndexFiles -appTitleLang Python | |
# Fetch out all package metadata from csv file. | |
$metadata = Get-CSVMetadata -MetadataUri $MetadataUri | |
# Get the artifacts name from blob storage | |
$artifacts = Get-BlobStorage-Artifacts ` | |
-blobDirectoryRegex "^python/(.*)/$" ` | |
-blobArtifactsReplacement '$1' ` | |
-storageAccountName 'azuresdkdocs' ` | |
-storageContainerName '$web' ` | |
-storagePrefix 'python/' | |
# Build up the artifact to service name mapping for GithubIo toc. | |
$tocContent = Get-TocMapping -metadata $metadata -artifacts $artifacts | |
# Generate yml/md toc files and build site. | |
GenerateDocfxTocContent -tocContent $tocContent -lang "Python" -campaignId "UA-62780441-36" | |
} | |
function ValidatePackage | |
{ | |
Param( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] | |
[string]$packageName, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] | |
[string]$packageVersion, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] | |
[string]$PackageSourceOverride, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] | |
[string]$DocValidationImageId | |
) | |
$installValidationFolder = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) "validation" | |
if (!(Test-Path $installValidationFolder)) { | |
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $installValidationFolder | Out-Null | |
} | |
# Add more validation by replicating as much of the docs CI process as | |
# possible | |
# | |
$result = $true | |
if (!$DocValidationImageId) { | |
Write-Host "Validating using pip command directly on $packageName." | |
$result = FallbackValidation -packageName "$packageName" -packageVersion "$packageVersion" -workingDirectory $installValidationFolder -PackageSourceOverride $PackageSourceOverride | |
} else { | |
Write-Host "Validating using $DocValidationImageId on $packageName." | |
$result = DockerValidation -packageName "$packageName" -packageVersion "$packageVersion" ` | |
-PackageSourceOverride $PackageSourceOverride -DocValidationImageId $DocValidationImageId -workingDirectory $installValidationFolder | |
} | |
return $result | |
} | |
function DockerValidation{ | |
Param( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] | |
[string]$packageName, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] | |
[string]$packageVersion, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] | |
[string]$PackageSourceOverride, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] | |
[string]$DocValidationImageId, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] | |
[string]$workingDirectory | |
) | |
if ($PackageSourceOverride) { | |
Write-Host "docker run -v ${workingDirectory}:/workdir/out -e TARGET_PACKAGE=$packageName -e TARGET_VERSION=$packageVersion -e EXTRA_INDEX_URL=$PackageSourceOverride -t $DocValidationImageId" | |
$commandLine = docker run -v "${workingDirectory}:/workdir/out" -e TARGET_PACKAGE=$packageName -e TARGET_VERSION=$packageVersion ` | |
-e EXTRA_INDEX_URL=$PackageSourceOverride -t $DocValidationImageId 2>&1 | |
} | |
else { | |
Write-Host "docker run -v ${workingDirectory}:/workdir/out -e TARGET_PACKAGE=$packageName -e TARGET_VERSION=$packageVersion -t $DocValidationImageId" | |
$commandLine = docker run -v "${workingDirectory}:/workdir/out" ` | |
-e TARGET_PACKAGE=$packageName -e TARGET_VERSION=$packageVersion -t $DocValidationImageId 2>&1 | |
} | |
# The docker exit codes: | |
# If the docker failed because of docker itself instead of the application, | |
# we should skip the validation and keep the packages. | |
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 125 -Or $LASTEXITCODE -eq 126 -Or $LASTEXITCODE -eq 127) { | |
$commandLine | ForEach-Object { Write-Debug $_ } | |
LogWarning "The `docker` command does not work with exit code $LASTEXITCODE. Fall back to npm install $packageName directly." | |
FallbackValidation -packageName "$packageName" -packageVersion "$packageVersion" -workingDirectory $workingDirectory -PackageSourceOverride $PackageSourceOverride | |
} | |
elseif ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { | |
$commandLine | ForEach-Object { Write-Debug $_ } | |
LogWarning "Package $packageName ref docs validation failed." | |
return $false | |
} | |
return $true | |
} | |
function FallbackValidation | |
{ | |
Param( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] | |
[string]$packageName, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] | |
[string]$packageVersion, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] | |
[string]$workingDirectory, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] | |
[string]$PackageSourceOverride | |
) | |
$installTargetFolder = Join-Path $workingDirectory $packageName | |
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $installTargetFolder | Out-Null | |
$packageExpression = "$packageName$packageVersion" | |
try { | |
$pipInstallOutput = "" | |
if ($PackageSourceOverride) { | |
Write-Host "python -m pip install $packageExpression --no-cache-dir --target $installTargetFolder --extra-index-url=$PackageSourceOverride" | |
$pipInstallOutput = python -m pip ` | |
install ` | |
$packageExpression ` | |
--no-cache-dir ` | |
--target $installTargetFolder ` | |
--extra-index-url=$PackageSourceOverride 2>&1 | |
} | |
else { | |
Write-Host "python -m pip install $packageExpression --no-cache-dir --target $installTargetFolder" | |
$pipInstallOutput = python -m pip ` | |
install ` | |
$packageExpression ` | |
--no-cache-dir ` | |
--target $installTargetFolder 2>&1 | |
} | |
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { | |
LogWarning "python -m pip install failed for $packageExpression" | |
Write-Host $pipInstallOutput | |
return $false | |
} | |
} catch { | |
LogWarning "python -m pip install failed for $packageExpression with exception" | |
LogWarning $_.Exception | |
LogWarning $_.Exception.StackTrace | |
return $false | |
} | |
return $true | |
} | |
$PackageExclusions = @{ | |
'azure-mgmt-videoanalyzer' = 'Unsupported doc directives:'; | |
'azure-mgmt-quota' = 'Unsupported doc directives:'; | |
'azure-mgmt-apimanagement' = 'Unsupported doc directives'; | |
'azure-mgmt-reservations' = 'Unsupported doc directives'; | |
'azure-mgmt-signalr' = 'Unsupported doc directives'; | |
'azure-mgmt-mixedreality' = 'Missing version info'; | |
'azure-mgmt-network' = 'Manual process used to build'; | |
'azureml-fsspec' = 'Build issues related to Python requirements:'; | |
'mltable' = 'Build issues related to Python requirements:'; | |
'azure-mgmt-compute' = 'Latest package requires Python >= 3.7 and this breaks docs build.'; | |
'azure-mgmt-consumption' = 'Latest package requires Python >= 3.7 and this breaks docs build.'; | |
'azure-mgmt-notificationhubs' = 'Latest package requires Python >= 3.7 and this breaks docs build.'; | |
'azure-servicebus' = 'Latest package requires Python >= 3.7 and this breaks docs build.'; | |
'azure-mgmt-web' = 'Latest package requires Python >= 3.7 and this breaks docs build.'; | |
'azure-mgmt-netapp' = 'Latest package requires Python >= 3.7 and this breaks docs build.'; | |
'azure-synapse-artifacts' = 'Latest package requires Python >= 3.7 and this breaks docs build.'; | |
'azure-mgmt-streamanalytics' = 'Latest package requires Python >= 3.7 and this breaks docs build.'; | |
'azure-ai-ml' = 'Docs CI build issues'; | |
'azure-keyvault' = 'Metapackages should not be documented'; | |
} | |
function Update-python-DocsMsPackages($DocsRepoLocation, $DocsMetadata, $PackageSourceOverride, $DocValidationImageId) { | |
Write-Host "Excluded packages:" | |
foreach ($excludedPackage in $PackageExclusions.Keys) { | |
Write-Host " $excludedPackage - $($PackageExclusions[$excludedPackage])" | |
} | |
$FilteredMetadata = $DocsMetadata.Where({ !($PackageExclusions.ContainsKey($_.Package)) }) | |
UpdateDocsMsPackages ` | |
(Join-Path $DocsRepoLocation 'ci-configs/packages-preview.json') ` | |
'preview' ` | |
$FilteredMetadata ` | |
$PackageSourceOverride ` | |
$DocValidationImageId | |
UpdateDocsMsPackages ` | |
(Join-Path $DocsRepoLocation 'ci-configs/packages-latest.json') ` | |
'latest' ` | |
$FilteredMetadata ` | |
$PackageSourceOverride ` | |
$DocValidationImageId | |
} | |
function UpdateDocsMsPackages($DocConfigFile, $Mode, $DocsMetadata, $PackageSourceOverride, $DocValidationImageId) { | |
Write-Host "Updating configuration: $DocConfigFile with mode: $Mode" | |
$packageConfig = Get-Content $DocConfigFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json | |
$outputPackages = @() | |
foreach ($package in $packageConfig.packages) { | |
$packageName = $ | |
if (!$packageName) { | |
Write-Host "Keeping package with no name: $($package.package_info)" | |
$outputPackages += $package | |
continue | |
} | |
if ($package.package_info.install_type -ne 'pypi') { | |
Write-Host "Keeping package with install_type not 'pypi': $($" | |
$outputPackages += $package | |
continue | |
} | |
if ($"-nspkg")) { | |
Write-Host "Skipping $($ because it's a namespace package." | |
continue | |
} | |
# Do not filter by GA/Preview status because we want differentiate between | |
# tracked and non-tracked packages | |
$matchingPublishedPackageArray = $DocsMetadata.Where( { $_.Package -eq $packageName }) | |
# If this package does not match any published packages keep it in the list. | |
# This handles packages which are not tracked in metadata but still need to | |
# be built in Docs CI. | |
if ($matchingPublishedPackageArray.Count -eq 0) { | |
Write-Host "Keep non-tracked package: $packageName" | |
$outputPackages += $package | |
continue | |
} | |
if ($matchingPublishedPackageArray.Count -gt 1) { | |
LogWarning "Found more than one matching published package in metadata for $packageName; only updating first entry" | |
} | |
$matchingPublishedPackage = $matchingPublishedPackageArray[0] | |
if ($Mode -eq 'preview' -and !$matchingPublishedPackage.VersionPreview.Trim()) { | |
# If we are in preview mode and the package does not have a superseding | |
# preview version, remove the package from the list. | |
Write-Host "Remove superseded preview package: $packageName" | |
continue | |
} | |
if ($Mode -eq 'latest' -and !$matchingPublishedPackage.VersionGA.Trim()) { | |
LogWarning "Metadata is missing GA version for GA package $packageName. Keeping existing package." | |
$outputPackages += $package | |
continue | |
} | |
$packageVersion = "==$($matchingPublishedPackage.VersionGA)" | |
if ($Mode -eq 'preview') { | |
if (!$matchingPublishedPackage.VersionPreview.Trim()) { | |
LogWarning "Metadata is missing preview version for preview package $packageName. Keeping existing package." | |
$outputPackages += $package | |
continue | |
} | |
$packageVersion = "==$($matchingPublishedPackage.VersionPreview)" | |
} | |
# If upgrading the package, run basic sanity checks against the package | |
if ($package.package_info.version -ne $packageVersion) { | |
Write-Host "New version detected for $packageName ($packageVersion)" | |
if (!(ValidatePackage -packageName $packageName -packageVersion $packageVersion -PackageSourceOverride $PackageSourceOverride -DocValidationImageId $DocValidationImageId)) { | |
LogWarning "Package is not valid: $packageName. Keeping old version." | |
$outputPackages += $package | |
continue | |
} | |
$package.package_info = Add-Member ` | |
-InputObject $package.package_info ` | |
-MemberType NoteProperty ` | |
-Name 'version' ` | |
-Value $packageVersion ` | |
-PassThru ` | |
-Force | |
if ($PackageSourceOverride) { | |
$package.package_info = Add-Member ` | |
-InputObject $package.package_info ` | |
-MemberType NoteProperty ` | |
-Name 'extra_index_url' ` | |
-Value $PackageSourceOverride ` | |
-PassThru ` | |
-Force | |
} | |
} | |
Write-Host "Keeping tracked package: $packageName." | |
$outputPackages += $package | |
} | |
$outputPackagesHash = @{} | |
foreach ($package in $outputPackages) { | |
# In some cases there is no $, only hash if the | |
# name is set. | |
if ($ { | |
$outputPackagesHash[$] = $true | |
} | |
} | |
$remainingPackages = @() | |
if ($Mode -eq 'preview') { | |
$remainingPackages = $DocsMetadata.Where({ | |
$_.VersionPreview.Trim() ` | |
-and !$outputPackagesHash.ContainsKey($_.Package) ` | |
-and !$_.Package.EndsWith("-nspkg") | |
}) | |
} else { | |
$remainingPackages = $DocsMetadata.Where({ | |
$_.VersionGA.Trim() ` | |
-and !$outputPackagesHash.ContainsKey($_.Package) ` | |
-and !$_.Package.EndsWith("-nspkg") | |
}) | |
} | |
# Add packages that exist in the metadata but are not onboarded in docs config | |
foreach ($package in $remainingPackages) { | |
$packageName = $package.Package | |
$packageVersion = "==$($package.VersionGA)" | |
if ($Mode -eq 'preview') { | |
$packageVersion = "==$($package.VersionPreview)" | |
} | |
if (!(ValidatePackage -packageName $packageName -packageVersion $packageVersion -PackageSourceOverride $PackageSourceOverride -DocValidationImageId $DocValidationImageId)) { | |
LogWarning "Package is not valid: $packageName. Cannot onboard." | |
continue | |
} | |
Write-Host "Add new package from metadata: $packageName" | |
if ($PackageSourceOverride) { | |
$package = [ordered]@{ | |
package_info = [ordered]@{ | |
name = $packageName; | |
install_type = 'pypi'; | |
prefer_source_distribution = 'true'; | |
version = $packageVersion; | |
extra_index_url = $PackageSourceOverride | |
}; | |
exclude_path = @("test*","example*","sample*","doc*"); | |
} | |
} else { | |
$package = [ordered]@{ | |
package_info = [ordered]@{ | |
name = $packageName; | |
install_type = 'pypi'; | |
prefer_source_distribution = 'true'; | |
version = $packageVersion; | |
}; | |
exclude_path = @("test*","example*","sample*","doc*"); | |
} | |
} | |
$outputPackages += $package | |
} | |
$packageConfig.packages = $outputPackages | |
$packageConfig | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Set-Content $DocConfigFile | |
Write-Host "Onboarding configuration written to: $DocConfigFile" | |
} | |
# function is used to auto generate API View | |
function Find-python-Artifacts-For-Apireview($artifactDir, $artifactName) | |
{ | |
# Find wheel file in given artifact directory | |
# Make sure to pick only package with given artifact name | |
# Skip auto API review creation for management packages | |
if ($artifactName -match "mgmt") | |
{ | |
Write-Host "Skipping automatic API review for management artifact $($artifactName)" | |
return $null | |
} | |
$packageName = $artifactName.Replace("_","-") | |
$whlDirectory = (Join-Path -Path $artifactDir -ChildPath $packageName) | |
Write-Host "Searching for $($artifactName) wheel in artifact path $($whlDirectory)" | |
$files = @(Get-ChildItem $whlDirectory | ? {$_.Name.EndsWith(".whl")}) | |
if (!$files) | |
{ | |
Write-Host "$whlDirectory does not have wheel package for $($artifactName)" | |
return $null | |
} | |
elseif($files.Count -ne 1) | |
{ | |
Write-Host "$whlDirectory should contain only one published wheel package for $($artifactName)" | |
Write-Host "No of Packages $($files.Count)" | |
return $null | |
} | |
# Python requires pregenerated token file in addition to wheel to generate API review. | |
# Make sure that token file exists in same path as wheel file. | |
$tokenFile = Join-Path -Path $whlDirectory -ChildPath "${packageName}_${Language}.json" | |
if (!(Test-Path $tokenFile)) | |
{ | |
Write-Host "API review token file for $($tokenFile) does not exist in path $($whlDirectory). Skipping API review for $packageName" | |
return $null | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
Write-Host "Found API review token file for $($tokenFile)" | |
} | |
$packages = @{ | |
$files[0].Name = $files[0].FullName | |
} | |
return $packages | |
} | |
function SetPackageVersion ($PackageName, $Version, $ServiceDirectory, $ReleaseDate, $ReplaceLatestEntryTitle=$True) | |
{ | |
if($null -eq $ReleaseDate) | |
{ | |
$ReleaseDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd" | |
} | |
python -m pip install "$RepoRoot/tools/azure-sdk-tools[build]" -q -I | |
sdk_set_version --package-name $PackageName --new-version $Version ` | |
--service $ServiceDirectory --release-date $ReleaseDate --replace-latest-entry-title $ReplaceLatestEntryTitle | |
} | |
function GetExistingPackageVersions ($PackageName, $GroupId=$null) | |
{ | |
try | |
{ | |
$existingVersion = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "${PackageName}/json" | |
return ($existingVersion.releases | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name | |
} | |
catch | |
{ | |
if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -ne 404) | |
{ | |
LogError "Failed to retrieve package versions for ${PackageName}. $($_.Exception.Message)" | |
} | |
return $null | |
} | |
} | |
# Defined in common.ps1 as: | |
# GetDocsMsMetadataForPackageFn = Get-${Language}-DocsMsMetadataForPackage | |
function Get-python-DocsMsMetadataForPackage($PackageInfo) { | |
$readmeName = $PackageInfo.Name.ToLower() | |
Write-Host " Readme name: $($readmeName)" | |
# Readme names (which are used in the URL) should not include redundant terms | |
# when viewed in URL form. For example: | |
# | |
# Note how the end of the URL doesn't look like: | |
# ".../azure/azure-storage-blobs-readme" | |
# This logic eliminates a preceeding "azure." in the readme filename. | |
# "azure-storage-blobs" -> "storage-blobs" | |
if ($readmeName.StartsWith('azure-')) { | |
$readmeName = $readmeName.Substring(6) | |
} | |
New-Object PSObject -Property @{ | |
DocsMsReadMeName = $readmeName | |
LatestReadMeLocation = 'docs-ref-services/latest' | |
PreviewReadMeLocation = 'docs-ref-services/preview' | |
LegacyReadMeLocation = 'docs-ref-services/legacy' | |
Suffix = '' | |
} | |
} | |
function Import-Dev-Cert-python | |
{ | |
Write-Host "Python Trust Methodology" | |
$pathToScript = Resolve-Path (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "../../scripts/devops_tasks/") | |
python -m pip install requests | |
python $pathToScript | |
} | |
# Defined in common.ps1 as: | |
# $ValidateDocsMsPackagesFn = "Validate-${Language}-DocMsPackages" | |
function Validate-Python-DocMsPackages ($PackageInfo, $PackageInfos, $PackageSourceOverride, $DocValidationImageId) | |
{ | |
# While eng/common/scripts/Update-DocsMsMetadata.ps1 is still passing a single packageInfo, process as a batch | |
if (!$PackageInfos) { | |
$PackageInfos = @($PackageInfo) | |
} | |
$allSucceeded = $true | |
foreach ($item in $PackageInfos) { | |
# If the Version is IGNORE that means it's a source install and those aren't run through ValidatePackage | |
if ($item.Version -eq 'IGNORE') { | |
continue | |
} | |
$result = ValidatePackage ` | |
-packageName $item.Name ` | |
-packageVersion "==$($item.Version)" ` | |
-PackageSourceOverride $PackageSourceOverride ` | |
-DocValidationImageId $DocValidationImageId | |
if (!$result) { | |
$allSucceeded = $false | |
} | |
} | |
return $allSucceeded | |
} | |
function Get-python-EmitterName() { | |
return "@azure-tools/typespec-python" | |
} | |
function Get-python-EmitterAdditionalOptions([string]$projectDirectory) { | |
return "--option @azure-tools/typespec-python.emitter-output-dir=$projectDirectory/" | |
} | |
function Get-python-DirectoriesForGeneration () { | |
return Get-ChildItem "$RepoRoot/sdk" -Directory | |
| Get-ChildItem -Directory | |
| Where-Object { $_ -notmatch "-mgmt-" } | |
| Where-Object { (Test-Path "$_/tsp-location.yaml") } | |
# TODO: Reenable swagger generation when tox generate supports arbitrary generator versions | |
# -or (Test-Path "$_/swagger/") | |
} | |
function Update-python-GeneratedSdks([string]$PackageDirectoriesFile) { | |
$packageDirectories = Get-Content $PackageDirectoriesFile | ConvertFrom-Json | |
$directoriesWithErrors = @() | |
foreach ($directory in $packageDirectories) { | |
Push-Location $RepoRoot/sdk/$directory | |
try { | |
Write-Host "`n`n======================================================================" | |
Write-Host "Generating project under directory 'sdk/$directory'" -ForegroundColor Yellow | |
Write-Host "======================================================================`n" | |
$toxConfigPath = Resolve-Path "$RepoRoot/eng/tox/tox.ini" | |
Invoke-LoggedCommand "tox run -e generate -c `"$toxConfigPath`" --root ." | |
} | |
catch { | |
Write-Host "##[error]Error generating project under directory $directory" | |
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message | |
$directoriesWithErrors += $directory | |
} | |
finally { | |
Pop-Location | |
} | |
} | |
if($directoriesWithErrors.Count -gt 0) { | |
Write-Host "##[error]Generation errors found in $($directoriesWithErrors.Count) directories:" | |
foreach ($directory in $directoriesWithErrors) { | |
Write-Host " $directory" | |
} | |
exit 1 | |
} | |
} |