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Activates a virtual environment for a CI machine. Any further usages of "python" will utilize this virtual environment.
When activating a virtual environment, only a few things are actually functionally changed on the machine.
# 1. PATH = path to the bin directory of the virtual env. "Scripts" on windows machines
# 2. VIRTUAL_ENV = path to root of the virtual env
# 3. VIRTUAL_ENV_PROMPT = the prompt that is displayed next to the CLI cursor when the virtual env is active
# within a CI machine, we only need the PATH and VIRTUAL_ENV variables to be set.
# 4. (optional and inconsistently) _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH = the PATH before the virtual env was activated. This is not set in this script.
The name of the virtual environment to activate.
The root of the repository.
param (
[string]$RepoRoot # mandatory here, but $(Build.SourcesDirectory) will be passed in the template yaml
Set-StrictMode -Version 4
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$venvPath = Join-Path $RepoRoot $VenvName
$venvBinPath = Join-Path $venvPath "bin"
$env:VIRTUAL_ENV = $venvPath
if (-not (Test-Path $venvPath)) {
Write-Error "Virtual environment '$venvPath' does not exist at $venvPath"
exit 1
if ($IsWindows) {
$venvBinPath = Join-Path $venvPath "Scripts"
$env:PATH = "$venvBinPath;$($env:PATH)"
else {
$env:PATH = "$venvBinPath`:$($env:PATH)"
Write-Host "Activating virtual environment '$VenvName' at $venvPath via AzDO to the value '$($env:PATH)'"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=VIRTUAL_ENV]$($env:VIRTUAL_ENV)"
Write-Host "##vso[task.prependpath]$($env:PATH)"