import collections.abc |
import sys |
import unittest |
import pytest |
from exceptiongroup import BaseExceptionGroup, ExceptionGroup |
class TestExceptionGroupTypeHierarchy(unittest.TestCase): |
def test_exception_group_types(self): |
self.assertTrue(issubclass(ExceptionGroup, Exception)) |
self.assertTrue(issubclass(ExceptionGroup, BaseExceptionGroup)) |
self.assertTrue(issubclass(BaseExceptionGroup, BaseException)) |
def test_exception_group_is_generic_type(self): |
E = OSError |
self.assertEqual(ExceptionGroup[E].__origin__, ExceptionGroup) |
self.assertEqual(BaseExceptionGroup[E].__origin__, BaseExceptionGroup) |
class BadConstructorArgs(unittest.TestCase): |
def test_bad_EG_construction__too_few_args(self): |
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): |
MSG = ( |
r"BaseExceptionGroup.__new__\(\) takes exactly 2 arguments \(1 given\)" |
) |
else: |
MSG = ( |
r"__new__\(\) missing 1 required positional argument: " |
r"'_ExceptionGroup__exceptions'" |
) |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, MSG): |
ExceptionGroup("no errors") |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, MSG): |
ExceptionGroup([ValueError("no msg")]) |
def test_bad_EG_construction__too_many_args(self): |
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): |
MSG = ( |
r"BaseExceptionGroup.__new__\(\) takes exactly 2 arguments \(3 given\)" |
) |
else: |
MSG = r"__new__\(\) takes 3 positional arguments but 4 were given" |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, MSG): |
ExceptionGroup("eg", [ValueError("too")], [TypeError("many")]) |
def test_bad_EG_construction__bad_message(self): |
MSG = "argument 1 must be str, not " |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, MSG): |
ExceptionGroup(ValueError(12), SyntaxError("bad syntax")) |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, MSG): |
ExceptionGroup(None, [ValueError(12)]) |
def test_bad_EG_construction__bad_excs_sequence(self): |
MSG = r"second argument \(exceptions\) must be a sequence" |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, MSG): |
ExceptionGroup("errors not sequence", {ValueError(42)}) |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, MSG): |
ExceptionGroup("eg", None) |
MSG = r"second argument \(exceptions\) must be a non-empty sequence" |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, MSG): |
ExceptionGroup("eg", []) |
def test_bad_EG_construction__nested_non_exceptions(self): |
MSG = r"Item [0-9]+ of second argument \(exceptions\) is not an exception" |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, MSG): |
ExceptionGroup("expect instance, not type", [OSError]) |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, MSG): |
ExceptionGroup("bad error", ["not an exception"]) |
class InstanceCreation(unittest.TestCase): |
def test_EG_wraps_Exceptions__creates_EG(self): |
excs = [ValueError(1), TypeError(2)] |
self.assertIs(type(ExceptionGroup("eg", excs)), ExceptionGroup) |
def test_BEG_wraps_Exceptions__creates_EG(self): |
excs = [ValueError(1), TypeError(2)] |
self.assertIs(type(BaseExceptionGroup("beg", excs)), ExceptionGroup) |
def test_EG_wraps_BaseException__raises_TypeError(self): |
MSG = "Cannot nest BaseExceptions in an ExceptionGroup" |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, MSG): |
ExceptionGroup("eg", [ValueError(1), KeyboardInterrupt(2)]) |
def test_BEG_wraps_BaseException__creates_BEG(self): |
beg = BaseExceptionGroup("beg", [ValueError(1), KeyboardInterrupt(2)]) |
self.assertIs(type(beg), BaseExceptionGroup) |
def test_EG_subclass_wraps_non_base_exceptions(self): |
class MyEG(ExceptionGroup): |
pass |
self.assertIs(type(MyEG("eg", [ValueError(12), TypeError(42)])), MyEG) |
@pytest.mark.skipif( |
sys.version_info[:3] == (3, 11, 0), |
reason="Behavior was made stricter in 3.11.1", |
) |
def test_EG_subclass_does_not_wrap_base_exceptions(self): |
class MyEG(ExceptionGroup): |
pass |
msg = "Cannot nest BaseExceptions in 'MyEG'" |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg): |
MyEG("eg", [ValueError(12), KeyboardInterrupt(42)]) |
@pytest.mark.skipif( |
sys.version_info[:3] == (3, 11, 0), |
reason="Behavior was made stricter in 3.11.1", |
) |
def test_BEG_and_E_subclass_does_not_wrap_base_exceptions(self): |
class MyEG(BaseExceptionGroup, ValueError): |
pass |
msg = "Cannot nest BaseExceptions in 'MyEG'" |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg): |
MyEG("eg", [ValueError(12), KeyboardInterrupt(42)]) |
def create_simple_eg(): |
excs = [] |
try: |
try: |
raise MemoryError("context and cause for ValueError(1)") |
except MemoryError as e: |
raise ValueError(1) from e |
except ValueError as e: |
excs.append(e) |
try: |
try: |
raise OSError("context for TypeError") |
except OSError: |
raise TypeError(int) |
except TypeError as e: |
excs.append(e) |
try: |
try: |
raise ImportError("context for ValueError(2)") |
except ImportError: |
raise ValueError(2) |
except ValueError as e: |
excs.append(e) |
try: |
raise ExceptionGroup("simple eg", excs) |
except ExceptionGroup as e: |
return e |
class ExceptionGroupFields(unittest.TestCase): |
def test_basics_ExceptionGroup_fields(self): |
eg = create_simple_eg() |
self.assertEqual(eg.message, "simple eg") |
self.assertEqual(eg.args[0], "simple eg") |
self.assertIsInstance(eg.exceptions[0], ValueError) |
self.assertIsInstance(eg.exceptions[0].__cause__, MemoryError) |
self.assertIsInstance(eg.exceptions[0].__context__, MemoryError) |
self.assertIsInstance(eg.exceptions[1], TypeError) |
self.assertIsNone(eg.exceptions[1].__cause__) |
self.assertIsInstance(eg.exceptions[1].__context__, OSError) |
self.assertIsInstance(eg.exceptions[2], ValueError) |
self.assertIsNone(eg.exceptions[2].__cause__) |
self.assertIsInstance(eg.exceptions[2].__context__, ImportError) |
line0 = create_simple_eg.__code__.co_firstlineno |
tb_linenos = [line0 + 27, [line0 + 6, line0 + 14, line0 + 22]] |
self.assertEqual(eg.__traceback__.tb_lineno, tb_linenos[0]) |
self.assertIsNone(eg.__traceback__.tb_next) |
for i in range(3): |
tb = eg.exceptions[i].__traceback__ |
self.assertIsNone(tb.tb_next) |
self.assertEqual(tb.tb_lineno, tb_linenos[1][i]) |
def test_fields_are_readonly(self): |
eg = ExceptionGroup("eg", [TypeError(1), OSError(2)]) |
self.assertEqual(type(eg.exceptions), tuple) |
eg.message |
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): |
eg.message = "new msg" |
eg.exceptions |
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): |
eg.exceptions = [OSError("xyz")] |
def test_notes_is_list_of_strings_if_it_exists(self): |
eg = create_simple_eg() |
note = "This is a happy note for the exception group" |
self.assertFalse(hasattr(eg, "__notes__")) |
eg.add_note(note) |
self.assertEqual(eg.__notes__, [note]) |
def test_derive_doesn_copy_notes(self): |
eg = create_simple_eg() |
eg.add_note("hello") |
assert eg.__notes__ == ["hello"] |
eg2 = eg.derive([ValueError()]) |
assert not hasattr(eg2, "__notes__") |
class ExceptionGroupTestBase(unittest.TestCase): |
def assertMatchesTemplate(self, exc, exc_type, template): |
"""Assert that the exception matches the template |
A template describes the shape of exc. If exc is a |
leaf exception (i.e., not an exception group) then |
template is an exception instance that has the |
expected type and args value of exc. If exc is an |
exception group, then template is a list of the |
templates of its nested exceptions. |
""" |
if exc_type is not None: |
self.assertIs(type(exc), exc_type) |
if isinstance(exc, BaseExceptionGroup): |
self.assertIsInstance(template, collections.abc.Sequence) |
self.assertEqual(len(exc.exceptions), len(template)) |
for e, t in zip(exc.exceptions, template): |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(e, None, t) |
else: |
self.assertIsInstance(template, BaseException) |
self.assertEqual(type(exc), type(template)) |
self.assertEqual(exc.args, template.args) |
class ExceptionGroupSubgroupTests(ExceptionGroupTestBase): |
def setUp(self): |
self.eg = create_simple_eg() |
self.eg_template = [ValueError(1), TypeError(int), ValueError(2)] |
def test_basics_subgroup_split__bad_arg_type(self): |
bad_args = [ |
"bad arg", |
OSError("instance not type"), |
[OSError, TypeError], |
(OSError, 42), |
] |
for arg in bad_args: |
with self.assertRaises(TypeError): |
self.eg.subgroup(arg) |
with self.assertRaises(TypeError): |
self.eg.split(arg) |
def test_basics_subgroup_by_type__passthrough(self): |
eg = self.eg |
self.assertIs(eg, eg.subgroup(BaseExceptionGroup)) |
self.assertIs(eg, eg.subgroup(ExceptionGroup)) |
def test_basics_subgroup_by_type__no_match(self): |
self.assertIsNone(self.eg.subgroup(OSError)) |
def test_basics_subgroup_by_type__match(self): |
eg = self.eg |
testcases = [ |
(ValueError, [ValueError(1), ValueError(2)]), |
(TypeError, [TypeError(int)]), |
((ValueError, TypeError), self.eg_template), |
] |
for match_type, template in testcases: |
with self.subTest(match=match_type): |
subeg = eg.subgroup(match_type) |
self.assertEqual(subeg.message, eg.message) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(subeg, ExceptionGroup, template) |
def test_basics_subgroup_by_predicate__passthrough(self): |
self.assertIs(self.eg, self.eg.subgroup(lambda e: True)) |
def test_basics_subgroup_by_predicate__no_match(self): |
self.assertIsNone(self.eg.subgroup(lambda e: False)) |
def test_basics_subgroup_by_predicate__match(self): |
eg = self.eg |
testcases = [ |
(ValueError, [ValueError(1), ValueError(2)]), |
(TypeError, [TypeError(int)]), |
((ValueError, TypeError), self.eg_template), |
] |
for match_type, template in testcases: |
subeg = eg.subgroup(lambda e: isinstance(e, match_type)) |
self.assertEqual(subeg.message, eg.message) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(subeg, ExceptionGroup, template) |
class ExceptionGroupSplitTests(ExceptionGroupTestBase): |
def setUp(self): |
self.eg = create_simple_eg() |
self.eg_template = [ValueError(1), TypeError(int), ValueError(2)] |
def test_basics_split_by_type__passthrough(self): |
for E in [BaseException, Exception, BaseExceptionGroup, ExceptionGroup]: |
match, rest = self.eg.split(E) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, ExceptionGroup, self.eg_template) |
self.assertIsNone(rest) |
def test_basics_split_by_type__no_match(self): |
match, rest = self.eg.split(OSError) |
self.assertIsNone(match) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, ExceptionGroup, self.eg_template) |
def test_basics_split_by_type__match(self): |
eg = self.eg |
VE = ValueError |
TE = TypeError |
testcases = [ |
(VE, [VE(1), VE(2)], [TE(int)]), |
(TE, [TE(int)], [VE(1), VE(2)]), |
((VE, TE), self.eg_template, None), |
((OSError, VE), [VE(1), VE(2)], [TE(int)]), |
] |
for match_type, match_template, rest_template in testcases: |
match, rest = eg.split(match_type) |
self.assertEqual(match.message, eg.message) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, ExceptionGroup, match_template) |
if rest_template is not None: |
self.assertEqual(rest.message, eg.message) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, ExceptionGroup, rest_template) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(rest) |
def test_basics_split_by_predicate__passthrough(self): |
match, rest = self.eg.split(lambda e: True) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, ExceptionGroup, self.eg_template) |
self.assertIsNone(rest) |
def test_basics_split_by_predicate__no_match(self): |
match, rest = self.eg.split(lambda e: False) |
self.assertIsNone(match) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, ExceptionGroup, self.eg_template) |
def test_basics_split_by_predicate__match(self): |
eg = self.eg |
VE = ValueError |
TE = TypeError |
testcases = [ |
(VE, [VE(1), VE(2)], [TE(int)]), |
(TE, [TE(int)], [VE(1), VE(2)]), |
((VE, TE), self.eg_template, None), |
] |
for match_type, match_template, rest_template in testcases: |
match, rest = eg.split(lambda e: isinstance(e, match_type)) |
self.assertEqual(match.message, eg.message) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, ExceptionGroup, match_template) |
if rest_template is not None: |
self.assertEqual(rest.message, eg.message) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, ExceptionGroup, rest_template) |
class DeepRecursionInSplitAndSubgroup(unittest.TestCase): |
def make_deep_eg(self): |
e = TypeError(1) |
for _ in range(10000): |
e = ExceptionGroup("eg", [e]) |
return e |
def test_deep_split(self): |
e = self.make_deep_eg() |
with self.assertRaises(RecursionError): |
e.split(TypeError) |
def test_deep_subgroup(self): |
e = self.make_deep_eg() |
with self.assertRaises(RecursionError): |
e.subgroup(TypeError) |
def leaf_generator(exc, tbs=None): |
if tbs is None: |
tbs = [] |
tbs.append(exc.__traceback__) |
if isinstance(exc, BaseExceptionGroup): |
for e in exc.exceptions: |
yield from leaf_generator(e, tbs) |
else: |
yield exc, tbs |
tbs.pop() |
class LeafGeneratorTest(unittest.TestCase): |
def test_leaf_generator(self): |
eg = create_simple_eg() |
self.assertSequenceEqual([e for e, _ in leaf_generator(eg)], eg.exceptions) |
for e, tbs in leaf_generator(eg): |
self.assertSequenceEqual(tbs, [eg.__traceback__, e.__traceback__]) |
def create_nested_eg(): |
excs = [] |
try: |
try: |
raise TypeError(bytes) |
except TypeError as e: |
raise ExceptionGroup("nested", [e]) |
except ExceptionGroup as e: |
excs.append(e) |
try: |
try: |
raise MemoryError("out of memory") |
except MemoryError as e: |
raise ValueError(1) from e |
except ValueError as e: |
excs.append(e) |
try: |
raise ExceptionGroup("root", excs) |
except ExceptionGroup as eg: |
return eg |
class NestedExceptionGroupBasicsTest(ExceptionGroupTestBase): |
def test_nested_group_matches_template(self): |
eg = create_nested_eg() |
self.assertMatchesTemplate( |
eg, ExceptionGroup, [[TypeError(bytes)], ValueError(1)] |
) |
def test_nested_group_chaining(self): |
eg = create_nested_eg() |
self.assertIsInstance(eg.exceptions[1].__context__, MemoryError) |
self.assertIsInstance(eg.exceptions[1].__cause__, MemoryError) |
self.assertIsInstance(eg.exceptions[0].__context__, TypeError) |
def test_nested_exception_group_tracebacks(self): |
eg = create_nested_eg() |
line0 = create_nested_eg.__code__.co_firstlineno |
for tb, expected in [ |
(eg.__traceback__, line0 + 19), |
(eg.exceptions[0].__traceback__, line0 + 6), |
(eg.exceptions[1].__traceback__, line0 + 14), |
(eg.exceptions[0].exceptions[0].__traceback__, line0 + 4), |
]: |
self.assertEqual(tb.tb_lineno, expected) |
self.assertIsNone(tb.tb_next) |
def test_iteration_full_tracebacks(self): |
eg = create_nested_eg() |
self.assertEqual(len(list(leaf_generator(eg))), 2) |
line0 = create_nested_eg.__code__.co_firstlineno |
expected_tbs = [[line0 + 19, line0 + 6, line0 + 4], [line0 + 19, line0 + 14]] |
for i, (_, tbs) in enumerate(leaf_generator(eg)): |
self.assertSequenceEqual([tb.tb_lineno for tb in tbs], expected_tbs[i]) |
class ExceptionGroupSplitTestBase(ExceptionGroupTestBase): |
def split_exception_group(self, eg, types): |
"""Split an EG and do some sanity checks on the result""" |
self.assertIsInstance(eg, BaseExceptionGroup) |
match, rest = eg.split(types) |
sg = eg.subgroup(types) |
if match is not None: |
self.assertIsInstance(match, BaseExceptionGroup) |
for e, _ in leaf_generator(match): |
self.assertIsInstance(e, types) |
self.assertIsNotNone(sg) |
self.assertIsInstance(sg, BaseExceptionGroup) |
for e, _ in leaf_generator(sg): |
self.assertIsInstance(e, types) |
if rest is not None: |
self.assertIsInstance(rest, BaseExceptionGroup) |
def leaves(exc): |
return [] if exc is None else [e for e, _ in leaf_generator(exc)] |
self.assertSequenceEqual(leaves(match), leaves(sg)) |
match_leaves = leaves(match) |
rest_leaves = leaves(rest) |
self.assertEqual(len(leaves(eg)), len(leaves(match)) + len(leaves(rest))) |
for e in leaves(eg): |
self.assertNotEqual(match and e in match_leaves, rest and e in rest_leaves) |
for part in [match, rest, sg]: |
if part is not None: |
self.assertEqual(eg.message, part.message) |
self.assertIs(eg.__cause__, part.__cause__) |
self.assertIs(eg.__context__, part.__context__) |
self.assertIs(eg.__traceback__, part.__traceback__) |
self.assertEqual( |
getattr(eg, "__notes__", None), |
getattr(part, "__notes__", None), |
) |
def tbs_for_leaf(leaf, eg): |
for e, tbs in leaf_generator(eg): |
if e is leaf: |
return tbs |
def tb_linenos(tbs): |
return [tb.tb_lineno for tb in tbs if tb] |
for part in [match, rest, sg]: |
for e in leaves(part): |
self.assertSequenceEqual( |
tb_linenos(tbs_for_leaf(e, eg)), tb_linenos(tbs_for_leaf(e, part)) |
) |
return match, rest |
class NestedExceptionGroupSplitTest(ExceptionGroupSplitTestBase): |
def test_split_by_type(self): |
class MyExceptionGroup(ExceptionGroup): |
pass |
def raiseVE(v): |
raise ValueError(v) |
def raiseTE(t): |
raise TypeError(t) |
def nested_group(): |
def level1(i): |
excs = [] |
for f, arg in [(raiseVE, i), (raiseTE, int), (raiseVE, i + 1)]: |
try: |
f(arg) |
except Exception as e: |
excs.append(e) |
raise ExceptionGroup("msg1", excs) |
def level2(i): |
excs = [] |
for f, arg in [(level1, i), (level1, i + 1), (raiseVE, i + 2)]: |
try: |
f(arg) |
except Exception as e: |
excs.append(e) |
raise MyExceptionGroup("msg2", excs) |
def level3(i): |
excs = [] |
for f, arg in [(level2, i + 1), (raiseVE, i + 2)]: |
try: |
f(arg) |
except Exception as e: |
excs.append(e) |
raise ExceptionGroup("msg3", excs) |
level3(5) |
try: |
nested_group() |
except ExceptionGroup as e: |
e.add_note(f"the note: {id(e)}") |
eg = e |
eg_template = [ |
[ |
[ValueError(6), TypeError(int), ValueError(7)], |
[ValueError(7), TypeError(int), ValueError(8)], |
ValueError(8), |
], |
ValueError(7), |
] |
valueErrors_template = [ |
[ |
[ValueError(6), ValueError(7)], |
[ValueError(7), ValueError(8)], |
ValueError(8), |
], |
ValueError(7), |
] |
typeErrors_template = [[[TypeError(int)], [TypeError(int)]]] |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(eg, ExceptionGroup, eg_template) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, SyntaxError) |
self.assertIsNone(match) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, ExceptionGroup, eg_template) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, BaseException) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, ExceptionGroup, eg_template) |
self.assertIsNone(rest) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, (ValueError, TypeError)) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, ExceptionGroup, eg_template) |
self.assertIsNone(rest) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, ValueError) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, ExceptionGroup, valueErrors_template) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, ExceptionGroup, typeErrors_template) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, (TypeError, SyntaxError)) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, ExceptionGroup, typeErrors_template) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, ExceptionGroup, valueErrors_template) |
match, rest = eg.split(ExceptionGroup) |
self.assertIs(match, eg) |
self.assertIsNone(rest) |
match, rest = eg.split(MyExceptionGroup) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, ExceptionGroup, [eg_template[0]]) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, ExceptionGroup, [eg_template[1]]) |
def test_split_BaseExceptionGroup(self): |
def exc(ex): |
try: |
raise ex |
except BaseException as e: |
return e |
try: |
raise BaseExceptionGroup( |
"beg", [exc(ValueError(1)), exc(KeyboardInterrupt(2))] |
) |
except BaseExceptionGroup as e: |
beg = e |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(beg, TypeError) |
self.assertIsNone(match) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate( |
rest, BaseExceptionGroup, [ValueError(1), KeyboardInterrupt(2)] |
) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(beg, (ValueError, KeyboardInterrupt)) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate( |
match, BaseExceptionGroup, [ValueError(1), KeyboardInterrupt(2)] |
) |
self.assertIsNone(rest) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(beg, ValueError) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, ExceptionGroup, [ValueError(1)]) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, BaseExceptionGroup, [KeyboardInterrupt(2)]) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(beg, KeyboardInterrupt) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, BaseExceptionGroup, [KeyboardInterrupt(2)]) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, ExceptionGroup, [ValueError(1)]) |
class NestedExceptionGroupSubclassSplitTest(ExceptionGroupSplitTestBase): |
def test_split_ExceptionGroup_subclass_no_derive_no_new_override(self): |
class EG(ExceptionGroup): |
pass |
try: |
try: |
try: |
raise TypeError(2) |
except TypeError as te: |
raise EG("nested", [te]) |
except EG as nested: |
try: |
raise ValueError(1) |
except ValueError as ve: |
raise EG("eg", [ve, nested]) |
except EG as e: |
eg = e |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(eg, EG, [ValueError(1), [TypeError(2)]]) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, OSError) |
self.assertIsNone(match) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate( |
rest, ExceptionGroup, [ValueError(1), [TypeError(2)]] |
) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, (ValueError, TypeError)) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate( |
match, ExceptionGroup, [ValueError(1), [TypeError(2)]] |
) |
self.assertIsNone(rest) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, ValueError) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, ExceptionGroup, [ValueError(1)]) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, ExceptionGroup, [[TypeError(2)]]) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, TypeError) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, ExceptionGroup, [[TypeError(2)]]) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, ExceptionGroup, [ValueError(1)]) |
def test_split_BaseExceptionGroup_subclass_no_derive_new_override(self): |
class EG(BaseExceptionGroup): |
def __new__(cls, message, excs, unused): |
return super().__new__(cls, message, excs) |
try: |
raise EG("eg", [ValueError(1), KeyboardInterrupt(2)], "unused") |
except EG as e: |
eg = e |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(eg, EG, [ValueError(1), KeyboardInterrupt(2)]) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, OSError) |
self.assertIsNone(match) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate( |
rest, BaseExceptionGroup, [ValueError(1), KeyboardInterrupt(2)] |
) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, (ValueError, KeyboardInterrupt)) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate( |
match, BaseExceptionGroup, [ValueError(1), KeyboardInterrupt(2)] |
) |
self.assertIsNone(rest) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, ValueError) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, ExceptionGroup, [ValueError(1)]) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, BaseExceptionGroup, [KeyboardInterrupt(2)]) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, KeyboardInterrupt) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, BaseExceptionGroup, [KeyboardInterrupt(2)]) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, ExceptionGroup, [ValueError(1)]) |
def test_split_ExceptionGroup_subclass_derive_and_new_overrides(self): |
class EG(ExceptionGroup): |
def __new__(cls, message, excs, code): |
obj = super().__new__(cls, message, excs) |
obj.code = code |
return obj |
def derive(self, excs): |
return EG(self.message, excs, self.code) |
try: |
try: |
try: |
raise TypeError(2) |
except TypeError as te: |
raise EG("nested", [te], 101) |
except EG as nested: |
try: |
raise ValueError(1) |
except ValueError as ve: |
raise EG("eg", [ve, nested], 42) |
except EG as e: |
e.add_note("hello") |
eg = e |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(eg, EG, [ValueError(1), [TypeError(2)]]) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, OSError) |
self.assertIsNone(match) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, EG, [ValueError(1), [TypeError(2)]]) |
self.assertEqual(rest.code, 42) |
self.assertEqual(rest.exceptions[1].code, 101) |
self.assertEqual(rest.__notes__, ["hello"]) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, (ValueError, TypeError)) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, EG, [ValueError(1), [TypeError(2)]]) |
self.assertEqual(match.code, 42) |
self.assertEqual(match.exceptions[1].code, 101) |
self.assertEqual(match.__notes__, ["hello"]) |
self.assertIsNone(rest) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, ValueError) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, EG, [ValueError(1)]) |
self.assertEqual(match.code, 42) |
self.assertEqual(match.__notes__, ["hello"]) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, EG, [[TypeError(2)]]) |
self.assertEqual(rest.code, 42) |
self.assertEqual(rest.exceptions[0].code, 101) |
self.assertEqual(rest.__notes__, ["hello"]) |
match, rest = self.split_exception_group(eg, TypeError) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(match, EG, [[TypeError(2)]]) |
self.assertEqual(match.code, 42) |
self.assertEqual(match.exceptions[0].code, 101) |
self.assertEqual(match.__notes__, ["hello"]) |
self.assertMatchesTemplate(rest, EG, [ValueError(1)]) |
self.assertEqual(rest.code, 42) |
self.assertEqual(rest.__notes__, ["hello"]) |
def test_repr(): |
group = BaseExceptionGroup("foo", [ValueError(1), KeyboardInterrupt()]) |
assert repr(group) == ( |
"BaseExceptionGroup('foo', [ValueError(1), KeyboardInterrupt()])" |
) |
group = ExceptionGroup("foo", [ValueError(1), RuntimeError("bar")]) |
assert repr(group) == "ExceptionGroup('foo', [ValueError(1), RuntimeError('bar')])" |