import asyncio |
import logging |
import os |
import socket |
import sys |
import warnings |
from argparse import ArgumentParser |
from collections.abc import Iterable |
from importlib import import_module |
from typing import ( |
Any, |
Awaitable, |
Callable, |
Iterable as TypingIterable, |
List, |
Optional, |
Set, |
Type, |
Union, |
cast, |
) |
from .abc import AbstractAccessLogger |
from .helpers import AppKey as AppKey |
from .log import access_logger |
from .typedefs import PathLike |
from .web_app import Application as Application, CleanupError as CleanupError |
from .web_exceptions import ( |
HTTPAccepted as HTTPAccepted, |
HTTPBadGateway as HTTPBadGateway, |
HTTPBadRequest as HTTPBadRequest, |
HTTPClientError as HTTPClientError, |
HTTPConflict as HTTPConflict, |
HTTPCreated as HTTPCreated, |
HTTPError as HTTPError, |
HTTPException as HTTPException, |
HTTPExpectationFailed as HTTPExpectationFailed, |
HTTPFailedDependency as HTTPFailedDependency, |
HTTPForbidden as HTTPForbidden, |
HTTPFound as HTTPFound, |
HTTPGatewayTimeout as HTTPGatewayTimeout, |
HTTPGone as HTTPGone, |
HTTPInsufficientStorage as HTTPInsufficientStorage, |
HTTPInternalServerError as HTTPInternalServerError, |
HTTPLengthRequired as HTTPLengthRequired, |
HTTPMethodNotAllowed as HTTPMethodNotAllowed, |
HTTPMisdirectedRequest as HTTPMisdirectedRequest, |
HTTPMove as HTTPMove, |
HTTPMovedPermanently as HTTPMovedPermanently, |
HTTPMultipleChoices as HTTPMultipleChoices, |
HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired as HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired, |
HTTPNoContent as HTTPNoContent, |
HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation as HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation, |
HTTPNotAcceptable as HTTPNotAcceptable, |
HTTPNotExtended as HTTPNotExtended, |
HTTPNotFound as HTTPNotFound, |
HTTPNotImplemented as HTTPNotImplemented, |
HTTPNotModified as HTTPNotModified, |
HTTPPartialContent as HTTPPartialContent, |
HTTPPaymentRequired as HTTPPaymentRequired, |
HTTPPermanentRedirect as HTTPPermanentRedirect, |
HTTPPreconditionFailed as HTTPPreconditionFailed, |
HTTPPreconditionRequired as HTTPPreconditionRequired, |
HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired as HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired, |
HTTPRedirection as HTTPRedirection, |
HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge as HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge, |
HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge as HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, |
HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable as HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable, |
HTTPRequestTimeout as HTTPRequestTimeout, |
HTTPRequestURITooLong as HTTPRequestURITooLong, |
HTTPResetContent as HTTPResetContent, |
HTTPSeeOther as HTTPSeeOther, |
HTTPServerError as HTTPServerError, |
HTTPServiceUnavailable as HTTPServiceUnavailable, |
HTTPSuccessful as HTTPSuccessful, |
HTTPTemporaryRedirect as HTTPTemporaryRedirect, |
HTTPTooManyRequests as HTTPTooManyRequests, |
HTTPUnauthorized as HTTPUnauthorized, |
HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons as HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons, |
HTTPUnprocessableEntity as HTTPUnprocessableEntity, |
HTTPUnsupportedMediaType as HTTPUnsupportedMediaType, |
HTTPUpgradeRequired as HTTPUpgradeRequired, |
HTTPUseProxy as HTTPUseProxy, |
HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates as HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates, |
HTTPVersionNotSupported as HTTPVersionNotSupported, |
NotAppKeyWarning as NotAppKeyWarning, |
) |
from .web_fileresponse import FileResponse as FileResponse |
from .web_log import AccessLogger |
from .web_middlewares import ( |
middleware as middleware, |
normalize_path_middleware as normalize_path_middleware, |
) |
from .web_protocol import ( |
PayloadAccessError as PayloadAccessError, |
RequestHandler as RequestHandler, |
RequestPayloadError as RequestPayloadError, |
) |
from .web_request import ( |
BaseRequest as BaseRequest, |
FileField as FileField, |
Request as Request, |
) |
from .web_response import ( |
ContentCoding as ContentCoding, |
Response as Response, |
StreamResponse as StreamResponse, |
json_response as json_response, |
) |
from .web_routedef import ( |
AbstractRouteDef as AbstractRouteDef, |
RouteDef as RouteDef, |
RouteTableDef as RouteTableDef, |
StaticDef as StaticDef, |
delete as delete, |
get as get, |
head as head, |
options as options, |
patch as patch, |
post as post, |
put as put, |
route as route, |
static as static, |
view as view, |
) |
from .web_runner import ( |
AppRunner as AppRunner, |
BaseRunner as BaseRunner, |
BaseSite as BaseSite, |
GracefulExit as GracefulExit, |
NamedPipeSite as NamedPipeSite, |
ServerRunner as ServerRunner, |
SockSite as SockSite, |
TCPSite as TCPSite, |
UnixSite as UnixSite, |
) |
from .web_server import Server as Server |
from .web_urldispatcher import ( |
AbstractResource as AbstractResource, |
AbstractRoute as AbstractRoute, |
DynamicResource as DynamicResource, |
PlainResource as PlainResource, |
PrefixedSubAppResource as PrefixedSubAppResource, |
Resource as Resource, |
ResourceRoute as ResourceRoute, |
StaticResource as StaticResource, |
UrlDispatcher as UrlDispatcher, |
UrlMappingMatchInfo as UrlMappingMatchInfo, |
View as View, |
) |
from .web_ws import ( |
WebSocketReady as WebSocketReady, |
WebSocketResponse as WebSocketResponse, |
WSMsgType as WSMsgType, |
) |
__all__ = ( |
"AppKey", |
"Application", |
"CleanupError", |
"NotAppKeyWarning", |
"HTTPAccepted", |
"HTTPBadGateway", |
"HTTPBadRequest", |
"HTTPClientError", |
"HTTPConflict", |
"HTTPCreated", |
"HTTPError", |
"HTTPException", |
"HTTPExpectationFailed", |
"HTTPFailedDependency", |
"HTTPForbidden", |
"HTTPFound", |
"HTTPGatewayTimeout", |
"HTTPGone", |
"HTTPInsufficientStorage", |
"HTTPInternalServerError", |
"HTTPLengthRequired", |
"HTTPMethodNotAllowed", |
"HTTPMisdirectedRequest", |
"HTTPMove", |
"HTTPMovedPermanently", |
"HTTPMultipleChoices", |
"HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired", |
"HTTPNoContent", |
"HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation", |
"HTTPNotAcceptable", |
"HTTPNotExtended", |
"HTTPNotFound", |
"HTTPNotImplemented", |
"HTTPNotModified", |
"HTTPOk", |
"HTTPPartialContent", |
"HTTPPaymentRequired", |
"HTTPPermanentRedirect", |
"HTTPPreconditionFailed", |
"HTTPPreconditionRequired", |
"HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired", |
"HTTPRedirection", |
"HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge", |
"HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge", |
"HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable", |
"HTTPRequestTimeout", |
"HTTPRequestURITooLong", |
"HTTPResetContent", |
"HTTPSeeOther", |
"HTTPServerError", |
"HTTPServiceUnavailable", |
"HTTPSuccessful", |
"HTTPTemporaryRedirect", |
"HTTPTooManyRequests", |
"HTTPUnauthorized", |
"HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons", |
"HTTPUnprocessableEntity", |
"HTTPUnsupportedMediaType", |
"HTTPUpgradeRequired", |
"HTTPUseProxy", |
"HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates", |
"HTTPVersionNotSupported", |
"FileResponse", |
"middleware", |
"normalize_path_middleware", |
"PayloadAccessError", |
"RequestHandler", |
"RequestPayloadError", |
"BaseRequest", |
"FileField", |
"Request", |
"ContentCoding", |
"Response", |
"StreamResponse", |
"json_response", |
"AbstractRouteDef", |
"RouteDef", |
"RouteTableDef", |
"StaticDef", |
"delete", |
"get", |
"head", |
"options", |
"patch", |
"post", |
"put", |
"route", |
"static", |
"view", |
"AppRunner", |
"BaseRunner", |
"BaseSite", |
"GracefulExit", |
"ServerRunner", |
"SockSite", |
"TCPSite", |
"UnixSite", |
"NamedPipeSite", |
"Server", |
"AbstractResource", |
"AbstractRoute", |
"DynamicResource", |
"PlainResource", |
"PrefixedSubAppResource", |
"Resource", |
"ResourceRoute", |
"StaticResource", |
"UrlDispatcher", |
"UrlMappingMatchInfo", |
"View", |
"WebSocketReady", |
"WebSocketResponse", |
"WSMsgType", |
"run_app", |
) |
try: |
from ssl import SSLContext |
except ImportError: |
SSLContext = Any |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=NotAppKeyWarning, append=True) |
HostSequence = TypingIterable[str] |
async def _run_app( |
app: Union[Application, Awaitable[Application]], |
*, |
host: Optional[Union[str, HostSequence]] = None, |
port: Optional[int] = None, |
path: Union[PathLike, TypingIterable[PathLike], None] = None, |
sock: Optional[Union[socket.socket, TypingIterable[socket.socket]]] = None, |
shutdown_timeout: float = 60.0, |
keepalive_timeout: float = 75.0, |
ssl_context: Optional[SSLContext] = None, |
print: Optional[Callable[..., None]] = print, |
backlog: int = 128, |
access_log_class: Type[AbstractAccessLogger] = AccessLogger, |
access_log_format: str = AccessLogger.LOG_FORMAT, |
access_log: Optional[logging.Logger] = access_logger, |
handle_signals: bool = True, |
reuse_address: Optional[bool] = None, |
reuse_port: Optional[bool] = None, |
handler_cancellation: bool = False, |
) -> None: |
if asyncio.iscoroutine(app): |
app = await app |
app = cast(Application, app) |
runner = AppRunner( |
app, |
handle_signals=handle_signals, |
access_log_class=access_log_class, |
access_log_format=access_log_format, |
access_log=access_log, |
keepalive_timeout=keepalive_timeout, |
shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, |
handler_cancellation=handler_cancellation, |
) |
await runner.setup() |
sites: List[BaseSite] = [] |
try: |
if host is not None: |
if isinstance(host, (str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview)): |
sites.append( |
TCPSite( |
runner, |
host, |
port, |
ssl_context=ssl_context, |
backlog=backlog, |
reuse_address=reuse_address, |
reuse_port=reuse_port, |
) |
) |
else: |
for h in host: |
sites.append( |
TCPSite( |
runner, |
h, |
port, |
ssl_context=ssl_context, |
backlog=backlog, |
reuse_address=reuse_address, |
reuse_port=reuse_port, |
) |
) |
elif path is None and sock is None or port is not None: |
sites.append( |
TCPSite( |
runner, |
port=port, |
ssl_context=ssl_context, |
backlog=backlog, |
reuse_address=reuse_address, |
reuse_port=reuse_port, |
) |
) |
if path is not None: |
if isinstance(path, (str, os.PathLike)): |
sites.append( |
UnixSite( |
runner, |
path, |
ssl_context=ssl_context, |
backlog=backlog, |
) |
) |
else: |
for p in path: |
sites.append( |
UnixSite( |
runner, |
p, |
ssl_context=ssl_context, |
backlog=backlog, |
) |
) |
if sock is not None: |
if not isinstance(sock, Iterable): |
sites.append( |
SockSite( |
runner, |
sock, |
ssl_context=ssl_context, |
backlog=backlog, |
) |
) |
else: |
for s in sock: |
sites.append( |
SockSite( |
runner, |
s, |
ssl_context=ssl_context, |
backlog=backlog, |
) |
) |
for site in sites: |
await site.start() |
if print: |
names = sorted(str(s.name) for s in runner.sites) |
print( |
"======== Running on {} ========\n" |
"(Press CTRL+C to quit)".format(", ".join(names)) |
) |
while True: |
await asyncio.sleep(3600) |
finally: |
await runner.cleanup() |
def _cancel_tasks( |
to_cancel: Set["asyncio.Task[Any]"], loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop |
) -> None: |
if not to_cancel: |
return |
for task in to_cancel: |
task.cancel() |
loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*to_cancel, return_exceptions=True)) |
for task in to_cancel: |
if task.cancelled(): |
continue |
if task.exception() is not None: |
loop.call_exception_handler( |
{ |
"message": "unhandled exception during asyncio.run() shutdown", |
"exception": task.exception(), |
"task": task, |
} |
) |
def run_app( |
app: Union[Application, Awaitable[Application]], |
*, |
host: Optional[Union[str, HostSequence]] = None, |
port: Optional[int] = None, |
path: Union[PathLike, TypingIterable[PathLike], None] = None, |
sock: Optional[Union[socket.socket, TypingIterable[socket.socket]]] = None, |
shutdown_timeout: float = 60.0, |
keepalive_timeout: float = 75.0, |
ssl_context: Optional[SSLContext] = None, |
print: Optional[Callable[..., None]] = print, |
backlog: int = 128, |
access_log_class: Type[AbstractAccessLogger] = AccessLogger, |
access_log_format: str = AccessLogger.LOG_FORMAT, |
access_log: Optional[logging.Logger] = access_logger, |
handle_signals: bool = True, |
reuse_address: Optional[bool] = None, |
reuse_port: Optional[bool] = None, |
handler_cancellation: bool = False, |
loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, |
) -> None: |
"""Run an app locally""" |
if loop is None: |
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() |
if loop.get_debug() and access_log and access_log.name == "aiohttp.access": |
if access_log.level == logging.NOTSET: |
access_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) |
if not access_log.hasHandlers(): |
access_log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) |
main_task = loop.create_task( |
_run_app( |
app, |
host=host, |
port=port, |
path=path, |
sock=sock, |
shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, |
keepalive_timeout=keepalive_timeout, |
ssl_context=ssl_context, |
print=print, |
backlog=backlog, |
access_log_class=access_log_class, |
access_log_format=access_log_format, |
access_log=access_log, |
handle_signals=handle_signals, |
reuse_address=reuse_address, |
reuse_port=reuse_port, |
handler_cancellation=handler_cancellation, |
) |
) |
try: |
asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) |
loop.run_until_complete(main_task) |
except (GracefulExit, KeyboardInterrupt): |
pass |
finally: |
_cancel_tasks({main_task}, loop) |
_cancel_tasks(asyncio.all_tasks(loop), loop) |
loop.run_until_complete(loop.shutdown_asyncgens()) |
loop.close() |
def main(argv: List[str]) -> None: |
arg_parser = ArgumentParser( |
description="aiohttp.web Application server", prog="aiohttp.web" |
) |
arg_parser.add_argument( |
"entry_func", |
help=( |
"Callable returning the `aiohttp.web.Application` instance to " |
"run. Should be specified in the 'module:function' syntax." |
), |
metavar="entry-func", |
) |
arg_parser.add_argument( |
"-H", |
"--hostname", |
help="TCP/IP hostname to serve on (default: %(default)r)", |
default="localhost", |
) |
arg_parser.add_argument( |
"-P", |
"--port", |
help="TCP/IP port to serve on (default: %(default)r)", |
type=int, |
default="8080", |
) |
arg_parser.add_argument( |
"-U", |
"--path", |
help="Unix file system path to serve on. Specifying a path will cause " |
"hostname and port arguments to be ignored.", |
) |
args, extra_argv = arg_parser.parse_known_args(argv) |
mod_str, _, func_str = args.entry_func.partition(":") |
if not func_str or not mod_str: |
arg_parser.error("'entry-func' not in 'module:function' syntax") |
if mod_str.startswith("."): |
arg_parser.error("relative module names not supported") |
try: |
module = import_module(mod_str) |
except ImportError as ex: |
arg_parser.error(f"unable to import {mod_str}: {ex}") |
try: |
func = getattr(module, func_str) |
except AttributeError: |
arg_parser.error(f"module {mod_str!r} has no attribute {func_str!r}") |
if args.path is not None and not hasattr(socket, "AF_UNIX"): |
arg_parser.error( |
"file system paths not supported by your operating" " environment" |
) |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) |
app = func(extra_argv) |
run_app(app, host=args.hostname, port=args.port, path=args.path) |
arg_parser.exit(message="Stopped\n") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main(sys.argv[1:]) |