Asib27's picture
try 1
065fee7 verified
history blame
5.55 kB
requires = [
# NOTE: The following build dependencies are necessary for initial
# NOTE: provisioning of the in-tree build backend located under
# NOTE: `packaging/pep517_backend/`.
"setuptools >= 47", # Minimum required for `version = attr:`
"tomli; python_version < '3.11'",
backend-path = ["packaging"] # requires `pip >= 20` or `pep517 >= 0.6.0`
build-backend = "pep517_backend.hooks" # wraps `setuptools.build_meta`
# This attr can contain multiple globs
src = ["frozenlist/*.pyx"]
# Env vars provisioned during cythonize call
# This section can contain the following booleans:
# * annotate β€” generate annotated HTML page for source files
# * build β€” build extension modules using distutils
# * inplace β€” build extension modules in place using distutils (implies -b)
# * force β€” force recompilation
# * quiet β€” be less verbose during compilation
# * lenient β€” increase Python compat by ignoring some compile time errors
# * keep-going β€” compile as much as possible, ignore compilation failures
annotate = false
build = false
inplace = true
force = true
quiet = false
lenient = false
keep-going = false
# This section can contain args that have values:
# * exclude=PATTERN exclude certain file patterns from the compilation
# * parallel=N run builds in N parallel jobs (default: calculated per system)
# exclude = "**.py"
# parallel = 12
# This section can contain compiler directives. Ref:
embedsignature = "True"
emit_code_comments = "True"
linetrace = "True" # Implies `profile=True`
# This section can contain compile time env vars
# This section can contain cythonize options
# Ref:
#docstrings = "True"
#embed_pos_in_docstring = "True"
#warning_errors = "True"
#error_on_unknown_names = "True"
#error_on_uninitialized = "True"
package = "frozenlist"
filename = "CHANGES.rst"
directory = "CHANGES/"
title_format = "{version} ({project_date})"
template = "CHANGES/.TEMPLATE.rst"
issue_format = ":issue:`{issue}`"
# NOTE: The types are declared because:
# NOTE: - there is no mechanism to override just the value of
# NOTE: `tool.towncrier.type.misc.showcontent`;
# NOTE: - and, we want to declare extra non-default types for
# NOTE: clarity and flexibility.
path = ""
# Something we deemed an improper undesired behavior that got corrected
# in the release to match pre-agreed expectations.
directory = "bugfix"
name = "Bug fixes"
showcontent = true
# New behaviors, public APIs. That sort of stuff.
directory = "feature"
name = "Features"
showcontent = true
# Declarations of future API removals and breaking changes in behavior.
directory = "deprecation"
name = "Deprecations (removal in next major release)"
showcontent = true
# When something public gets removed in a breaking way. Could be
# deprecated in an earlier release.
directory = "breaking"
name = "Removals and backward incompatible breaking changes"
showcontent = true
# Notable updates to the documentation structure or build process.
directory = "doc"
name = "Improved documentation"
showcontent = true
# Notes for downstreams about unobvious side effects and tooling. Changes
# in the test invocation considerations and runtime assumptions.
directory = "packaging"
name = "Packaging updates and notes for downstreams"
showcontent = true
# Stuff that affects the contributor experience. e.g. Running tests,
# building the docs, setting up the development environment.
directory = "contrib"
name = "Contributor-facing changes"
showcontent = true
# Changes that are hard to assign to any of the above categories.
directory = "misc"
name = "Miscellaneous internal changes"
showcontent = true
build-frontend = "build"
before-test = [
# NOTE: Attempt to have pip pre-compile PyYAML wheel with our build
# NOTE: constraints unset. The hope is that pip will cache that wheel
# NOTE: and the test env provisioning stage will pick up PyYAML from
# NOTE: said cache rather than attempting to build it with a conflicting.
# NOTE: Version of Cython.
# Ref:
"PIP_CONSTRAINT= pip install PyYAML",
# test-requires = "-r requirements/ci-wheel.txt"
# test-command = "pytest -v --no-cov {project}/tests"
# don't build PyPy wheels, install from source instead
skip = "pp*"
COLOR = "yes"
# PIP_CONSTRAINT = "requirements/cython.txt"
pure-python = "false"
before-test = [] # Windows cmd has different syntax and pip chooses wheels